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What Love Is For by d&gforever

What Love Is For


Author's note: So was this chapter released fast enough? Just joking. I want to thank my beta, reviewers and readers.

Ms. Stacy Simms


Ginny graciously greeted each member of the Malfoy International staff on her way to Draco's office. The Malfoys where excellent at hiding their anger when needed, except for this redheaded witch. Her attempts lead her to being overly congenial. After smiling their own greeting, some of the employees contemplated faking illness for the remainder of the day. Many eyes watched her as she approached the area of Draco and Lucius' assistants.

The staff directly reporting to Lucius barely concealed their sighs of relief when Ginny merely greeted Ms. Pance and stopped in front of Mandy.

"Lovely afternoon, Mandy. I hope you are feeling well. Is he alone?"

Draco's assistant simply nodded, and Ginny walked into the room. The blond wizard shook slightly at the sound of his door opening. Only family would dare to enter without knocking. Because he hadn't heard the bellowing of his father's voice or the excited screams of his sons, he knew an irate witch was standing in front of him. Before looking up, the wizard inhaled the air and realized it was his wife, not his mother. He had expected to hear from her today, although he had hoped it would have been over a Floo or two-way mirror call.

Without looking up, Draco voiced, "Good afternoon, Love. Have a seat. I need to…"

"You need to stop playing me the fool!" Ginny spat. "Iggy!"

Draco looked up in time to see a Black Hall house elf appear with his weekend case. Ginny placed her hands on Draco's desk and leaned towards him. "Would you like your case here or should he take it to the Manor?"

The wizard held his hands in front of his chest. "Calm down, love. You surely don't want to throw me out of the house."

"Maybe a couple of days on your own will teach you to respect my wishes", she puffed. "Manor or here?"

"Iggy, go home!" Draco ordered. The elf looked up at Ginny but did not move. The wizard sighed. "Ginny, have the elf leave the case and go home. I don't need your servants-"

"Leave the case and go home, Iggy." The witch calmly stated. Once the creature was gone, she turned to her husband. "Scared your mother with learn of your appalling behavior?"

"No." He moved from behind the desk. "I'm hoping to calm you down so my little white lie will only cost me a couple of nights in a guestroom."

Ginny pulled away when he tried to touch her. Draco pointed to the settee. "Have a seat, please, love. I'll send for tea." He sat in a chair across from her. "Sumtin!" he called into the air. The Malfoy Manor house elf appeared. "Bring my wife and me a light tea. Use my mother's best tea, scones and sweets. If your Mistress inquires, inform her that I have upset my wife and need to calm her." The elf bowed and disappeared. "There. Now Mother knows, and she will be in my ear for the next several days. She isn't as forgiving as you." He smirked at his wife, but she snarled back.

The elf returned in moments with a tray full of Ginny's favorite items. He poured a cup of tea for her and served her a plate. The elf then turned to Draco. "Mistress said Master Draco is to be getting no treats. They is hexed against him." The elf handed Draco a cup of tea free of milk and sugar. The frightened elf then disappeared.

The redhead giggled slightly before taking a sip of her tea.

"Yes, my punishment starts", Draco stated with mirth. "I'm guessing this is about Ms. Stacy Simms."

Ginny set her cup on the table. "You tried to trick me into hiring a nanny!"

"A former nanny, love." Draco coolly drank his tea but winched at its bitterness. "She is a former nanny seeking a position as administrative assistant. She has yet to acquire the skills we need at Malfoy International, however I thought her skills were wonderful for you, love. You'd be doing me a favor-"

"Stop it!" Ginny slammed her fist on the table. "You sent her to me because she's a nanny."

"I sent her and three others to you. None of them had the skills needed for the company's current requirements. They will be able to help you with your campaign." He waved his hand dismissively in the air. "Hire all of them or none of them."

"I'll go find my own assistant", she informed him.

His features hardened a little. "Anyone you hire needs to go through our company's employment approval process first, and I must have a chance to-"

"Blimey! You prat!"

Draco looked at her. "Ginny, anyone you hire needs to be checked out. It's for your and the children's safety. Your assistant or assistants will be working at our home. We can't risk a-"

Ginny settled down. "I wasn't thinking. You're right. Spies, thieves and con-artist are always trying to get into our lives. But why do you get a say?"

"Did you not get a say when I hired Mandy?" He raised a brow at her.

His statement was true. Ginny had been allowed to make the final selection when Draco had last hired his administrative assistant. There had been a very thin, dazzling blonde, who hadn't bothered hiding her attraction towards Draco. There had been a black-haired witch who had been the most talented, but she was very snooty to Ginny. And then there was Mandy, who understood that she was employed by Draco, but that she had to always interact successfully with Ginny.

The redhead exhaled and frowned slightly. "So you were correct about a couple of things. But you still tired to trick me into hiring a nanny."

The wizard set his bitter tea on the table. "The idea had crossed my mind. However, you, my love, are too intelligent to trick."

She rolled her eyes. "Explain Ms. Simms. Why were her employee records concerning her nanny duties missing from the files?"

Draco crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. "I removed them. I wanted you to get to know Ms. Simms before her past career clouded your judgment." He paused. "Gin love, if I was trying to trick you, I would have told Ms. Simms not to speak of her past employment or the fact that I had spoken with her."

"She told me you spoke in detail about her position as a nanny and why she left." The witch forcefully tore a piece from a blueberry scone and placed it in her mouth.

"It was an enlightening conversation. I understand your position on nannies now. And you will be delighted to hear I no longer want a live-in-nanny." Draco smiled at his wife. "I'm an outstanding father because you made me one. I wouldn't have the wonderful relationship I have with our children if you had allowed a fulltime nanny."

He leaned forward and met his wife's eyes. "My parents always loved me. However, they did pass me off to my nanny too often. Our relationship became stronger once I entered Hogwarts, and I no longer had a nanny. I see that now. But it would be nice to have a trained individual to watch the children a few hours each week."

"So, you still want a nanny for the boys?" she only partly huffed.

"No, but it would be nice if your personal assistant could watch the children for you from time to time. Mandy and Ms. Pance look after the boys from time to time when they are in the office. Ms. Simms appeared to be a perfect fit for you. She has all the skills you want for your campaign, and her nanny skills are an added bonus."

"You don't plan on her watching the boys all day?"

"No. I see her only watching them when your meetings run long, or watching Leo and Serpens as you collect Thuban and Cam from school." Draco tried the tea again. "I guess any of your assistants could do that."

"You want me to hire Ms. Simms. You tried to sneak her in on me?" Ginny calmly asked.

"I think she is the best witch for your needs. I only intended to hide her past employment from you for a short time. You have done the same to me. How many times have you withheld a person's blood status?"

"That's different!"

Draco shook his head. "It's the same. I planned on giving you her complete file before you hired her." He smiled and she slightly smiled or so he thought. So he pushed his cup to her. "Love, may I have a fresh cup with milk and sugar, please?"

Using her wand, Ginny cleaned his cup and refilled it with the items he requested. She patted the place next to her, inviting him over. He smirked as he stood. "Don't get too cheeky. Your baby is simply lying on my spine, and I need you to rub my back."

"Of course. My children can be problematic at times, while yours are clearly angelic." His hands worked their special magic on her back, causing her to sigh loudly.

"It's about time you learned that little bit." She let her head fall back onto his shoulder, and he kissed her neck. "You should have told me of your plans for Ms. Simms."

"It was only a little white lie, love." He nibbled on her earlobe. "I wanted you to speak with Ms. Simms before I informed you she could also help with the children. It's your decision, Ginny."

She turned and sternly gazed into his eyes. "I like her. If I hire her, she is to do as I say. She'll only watch the children if I ask. You have no say in what she does."

Draco looked into her eyes. "I agree not to interfere, unless you assign her to watch the children. I should have a say in what she does with them."

"As long as you don't try to make her into the children's nanny, we'll have no problems." She moaned. "Merlin, that feels good."

There was a light rapping on the door. Serpens and Leo ran in while Narcissa could be seen from the doorway speaking with Lucius.

Ginny whispered to Draco, "They were at Pansy's. I don't like it when she tracks them down."

"A trained nanny like Ms. Simms wouldn't allow Mother to take the children", he whispered back.

Narcissa stepped into the frame of Draco's office door and beamed. "Serpens. Leo. Darlings, come back to Grandmother, please."

The boys quickly removed a sweet from the tea tray. Fearful that their parents would not allow them to eat the treat, they ran back to their calling grandmother. As they passed, Narcissa stepped inside the room to collect the door handle.

"I see you have atoned for your mistake, Son."

"I don't think I'm completely through with it, Mother."

Narcissa smiled at him. "Well, keep working at it then. Your father and I are taking the boys for lunch. I'll take them to the Manor after."

The couple nodded as the older witch closed the door.


Draco stared at his bathroom's empty vanity. He finally realized how upset his wife had been with him earlier that day. He walked out of his bathroom and into his dressing room. The wizard climbed back into his trousers and shirt from the day and sought out his wife.

He found her lying in front of the fire in Thuban's sitting room. Their sons were circled around her. "All in good time, said Granddragon. All in good time", Ginny said as she closed the book.

"Ignus finally got his fire", Serpens happily stated.

"Daddy!" Leo bellowed upon seeing his father. Draco scooped up the little wizard.

"It appears I missed a good story." The wizard tapped Leo's nose.

"You can read us another one, Dad", Thuban announced.

Draco chuckled, "Nice try, but it's already past your bedtime."

The boys each wrinkled up their faces at the idea of bedtime. Serpens was the first to remove it, replacing it with his sweetest look before cuddling up to his father's leg. "Please, Daddy, one short story."

Thuban, who had his head resting on Ginny's pregnant belly, sat up, glared at the bump and rubbed his cheek. The little wizard giggled as Ginny beamed. The pair turned to Draco. "Your baby kicked or punched me."

His announcement caused six different hands to be placed on Ginny's extended belly.

"I think the baby needs another story to put her to sleep." Cam put his mouth close to Ginny's belly and spoke again. "Lyra, you want Daddy to read us a story, right?"

To the boys' enjoyment the baby kicked. "Baby stowy too", Leo cooed to his father.

"Ah, if the baby wants a story then one must be told, a nice story for a little witch." Draco paused as if to think, and then flicked his wand. A little blue book flew into his hand. A unicorn was on the cover. He lay on the floor next to Ginny, and the boys cuddled around, looking at the pages as he read.

"Does a Unicorn dream of silly things or spend his time in play?
Is his head awhirl from the weight of the world, or does he just have nothing to say?

"What would you say if you knew that his day was the same as yours or mine? What would you think if you saw one blink and he asked you for the time?

"Would you turn him away and tell him to play with someone else for awhile?
Would you ask for a ride and sit there astride with your face alight in a smile?

"Unicorns, you see, are fancy and free and may not stop by today. Ah… but should he stop by, don't be frightened or cry we'd rather not scare him away!" **

Draco kissed Ginny's belly. "Good night, my sweet little girl." He turned to his sons. "Bedtime, you lot." The boys except for Leo scampered off. The wizard assisted his wife off of the floor. They tucked in their children from youngest to oldest before returning to their own chambers. Ginny sat on the settee and ordered them an evening tea.

"You shouldn't be calling the baby a girl. I wish you would stop encouraging the boys to do so also." Ginny sweetly asked as she lovingly rubbed her belly.

He sat next to her and took her hand. "I'll stop." Draco placed a kiss to her cheek. "Gin", he started with a shaky voice. "Is there something more than my small deceit about Ms. Simms?" The wizard paused to better conceal the emotion in his voice. "You were really going to throw me out. I thought my case was empty, but you packed all my toiletries."

"Sweet Merlin, Draco, I was sure you were trying to sneak a nanny into the house."

"So, I was a victim of a mother protecting her young?" he jested.

"You've tired to trick me too many times. I won't have it anymore", Ginny firmly stated. "I mean it, Draco. I know I have your love. I also want and need your respect."

The wizard nodded in agreement. "Point taken. I do respect you, Ginny. I'll make sure that I start showing it." He looked questioningly into her eyes. "Is there anything else I need to do? Any other problems?" Draco's eyes filled with emotion. "I love you."

Ginny kissed his cheek. "Only one other thing", she smiled at him. "Be patient with this fiery, pregnant, hormonally charged witch."

"Only if you send Iggy after my case."

The red haired witch gave him a sheepish gaze. "I don't think that will help you. I broke most of your things before I put them in your case."

He pulled her close. "Well, then I should be thankful that I don't have giant bogeys attacking me."

"Yes, you should."


Draco kissed and hugged his youngest boys good-bye, then did the same with Thuban and Cam, even though he would be the one dropping the older boys off at school. Every parent knows that saying anything more than 'Have a good day' was not cool. The wizard saved his best good-bye for last. He turned to Ginny and kissed her passionately.

He rested his forehead on hers. "I love you. Merlin, I'd like to stay, but work calls."

Cam tapped his foot as his father leaned in for another kiss. "Dad", the boy began, frustration flowing with every breath. "You have to stop or we'll be late again." The boy rolled his eyes. "It's so embarrassing explaining that we're tardy because you wouldn't stop snogging Mum."

"Yep", Thuban added. "It's better when you're tardy because your parents are rowing. The teachers feel sorry for you then."

Ginny pulled away from the kiss. The witch pointed her finger at her husband. "You need to stop kissing me and get the boys to school", she scolded before leaning in to kiss him again.

"You need to stop being so kissable", he jested in return before placing one last cherished kiss on her lips. He placed each boy close to him and removed the portkey. "Now you can say we were rowing." The portkey activated, and the group of three disappeared.

"Let's get you two-" Ginny was stopped by a knock on the door. She looked up at the foyer clock and noticed that it was eight thirty. Her older boys were late for school, and her staff was starting to arrive. The house elf opened the door to a gray haired witch in her eighties.

Clara was always the first. Ginny had known the plump lady all of her life. The old witch was the first person to show up on the Black Hall steps requesting Ginny to run for a seat in the new Parliament. The young witch felt free to confide all her concerns about her ability or inability to perform the duties of the position in the grandmotherly witch. Clara always left Ginny feeling that she was more than capable of performing the job.

The two witches and the boys had only taken a couple of steps, when Amelia was let inside. Amelia was in her fifties, a society witch that was a strong supporter of witches' rights. She knew by heart the percentages of offices in the ministry which were held by witches for the last one hundred years. Ginny had met the vociferous woman a number of times at balls and afternoon teas. Narcissa didn't like the witch because of her unusual behavior. Amelia was not one to be pushed into the gardens to have tea and talk nonsense with the other witches while the wizards were smoking cigars, drinking firewhiskey and discussing business or politics in the parlor.

The group made their way to a room across from the boys' playroom. The room had been converted into a large office bullpen. The walls where covered with charts and graphs. Three desks were aligned against the southern wall. Two more were on the west wall, one on each side of a small window that was charmed to open whenever an owl arrived. This window seemed to remain open most of the day. A number of filing cabinets sat in the center of the room. More graphs sat on a number of stands which were next to a conference table on the north wall. Boys' toys where in a large basket in that corner and a collection of children's books sat by the large picture window.

Ginny looked down at her sons. "Do you want to play in the office or your playroom?"

It wasn't an easy choice for the little boys. Playing in the office meant they were close to their mummy, but they had to be quiet, while they could be as loud as they wanted in the playroom. "Here", Serpens whispered. He and Leo walked right over to the toys.

Amelia turned to Ginny. "You have two more assistants starting today?"

"Yes, they will be here at nine. Emma is blond and Stacy is a brunette. Both will be working eight hours Monday through Friday. I was thinking that you, Amelia, could inform Emma about the areas you are working on. Clara, you can inform Stacy." Ginny paused as the group walked over to the desks on the west wall. "My calendar is free for the day. So, once the new women arrive, we'll have tea and review our accomplishments and tasks."

"Misses, youse new employees be here", Iggy the house elf called.

Ginny walked to the doorway and showed the two witches over to the conference table and ordered a cream tea. The elf returned shortly with tea, scones, jam and cream. The creature served a cup of tea to each witch before leaving the room.

Amelia gazed at Stacy, looking her up and down before smiling. "You're the Hobdays' former nanny." The society witch turned her attention back to Ginny. "What a great find for you, Ginny. She lasted five years with them. Only Merlin knows why those people had children. Likely because that's what our culture calls for. But why they didn't stop after their heir was born, I'll never understand.

Neither of them are the parenting type. They made their nannies do everything for the children and only have the children with them when the social order calls for it."

"They had them for the party invites", Clara added. "It's sad, but the children where all born three or four months after a child or grandchild of someone high in society."

The witches' eyes went to Stacy. "It was a twenty-four hour job. I stayed until their youngest went to Hogwarts."

"But Mrs. Hobday's pregnant again. Due in June I believe", Clara stated.

"Yes, however, I wanted a career change", Stacy replied.

Amelia focused on Ginny. "Hasn't Mr. Hobday been trying to get Lucius to invest in a few of his new business ideas?"

"My employment here has nothing to do with the Hobdays. Both Mr. Malfoys are fully aware of my past employers", Stacy stated.

Ginny touched the witch's hand. "I'm sure it doesn't. Now, let us inform our new co-workers of our research." Ginny stood up and walked to an easel. "We have a chart for each head of department, each social group, each Parliament candidate and the Minister for Magic. They detail their priorities and positions on important issues in the wizarding world. The chart on the eastern wall details the new laws that the ministry is working on."

Leo toddled over to his mother and pulled on the bottom of her dress. "Mummy." He pointed at the scones on the table. "Me, peas!"

"Sure, baby. Serpens, would you like a scone?" Ginny asked.

Clara moved so she had an empty chair on both sides of her. "I'll take care of them, Ginny. Go ahead."

The mother of four nodded. "We need to get a good understanding of all these issues. Right now we are working on the 'Equal Employment Law' and underage magic usage."

"I thought you already addressed underage magic with the stoppage of the 'Binding Law'?" Emma inquired.

"That was merely one part of it", Clara replied as she placed cream on Serpens' scone. "I have this area detailed over at my desk. We're focusing on the different ways to conceal young children's magic from Muggles and the issue of home schooling children. Many wizards believe that children should be allowed to use magic and their wands in their own homes."

"What is Mrs. Malfoy's stand on this?" Emma questioned.

"It's Ginny. And I don't speak of my campaign positions yet. I still haven't decided if I'm running."

"My father helped me with my Charm work over the holidays. I wouldn't have passed the class if it weren't for him. I don't see why it should be illegal", Stacy countered. "Wizards and witches have been doing it for years.

Ginny smiled at the young brunette. "Just because people have been breaking the law for years doesn't mean we should make it legal. It seems simple, but you'll see in time nothing is in the political world." The redhead poured herself more tea. "If we allow parents to train their children at home, will they start when the child is too young? Will the parents allow the child to use the wand unsupervised? We need to evaluate the costs and the benefits."

Serpens climbed out of his chair and walked over to Ginny. "Mummy, I want to play outside."

"Sweetheart, why don't you and Leo go to the playroom? Mummy needs to explain a couple more things to these ladies, and then I'll take you outside." Ginny called Tipsy and Nan. The elves took the boys into the playroom. She turned to her priority chart. "Let's go over this chart."


Thuban and Cam were flying two meters above the lawn. Serpens and Leo's feet were barely off the ground as they flew. While the boys played on their brooms, Ginny handed Stacy Simms a piece of parchment.

"Here is a list of ours rules for the boys. As we discussed before, only a limited amount of your time will be spent as a nanny. I'm not looking for someone to raise my children."

Stacy smiled and nodded. "I understand, Ginny. My job is to merely watch your children when you are away at meetings."

"Not all my meetings. Most of the time, my mother-in-law or my mother will watch the boys, if I'm going to be gone for more than an hour. You will only be needed when they are busy, a meeting runs long, or I need to run a quick errand." Ginny's attention went to Cam. "Put the stick down right this minute, Cygnus. What did your father tell you about jousting?"

The little wizard let go of the stick he had just wrapped his hand around. "Daddy said jousting is dangerous, and someone could get hurt."

"What else did Daddy say about it?" Ginny inquired.

Cam frowned. "You're not allowed to do it." He flew off.

"When it comes to flying and rough play, it's best to remind them that my husband supports or made the rule." Ginny sighed. "It's a wizard thing." She turned to the younger witch. "They will take to getting their way."

"Mr. Malfoy explained that to me." Stacy watched as Thuban flew over to a couple of long sticks. When she noticed that Ginny hadn't seen what her oldest was up to do, she pointed the boy out to his mother.

"Thuban!" Ginny bellowed. The boy dropped the sticks. "If you or your brother try one more thing, you will not see your brooms for a week."

"Sorry, Mummy. We'll be good", Thuban replied.

"Thank you for pointing that out to me and not correcting him yourself." Ginny gratefully stated.

"My job is to only correct them when I am assigned to watch them."

Ginny passed Stacy a cup of tea. "I believe this will work out. I'm sure my husband explained my concerns about having a nanny?"

"Yes, and I understand. Some nannies do overstep and take on too much of the parenting role." Stacy frowned. "I don't want to parent others' children. That is the main reason I left the field."

The witches' heads turned to the patio door when Leo screamed, "Daddy!"

Draco smiled at Ginny and bowed his head to Stacy before being attacked by his two youngest sons. "It's good to see you too, mates. Were you good boys today?" The little wizards nodded, and Ginny confirmed it with a nod of her own. Draco sat the boys at the table and handed a small licorice wand to each.

The wizard looked into the sky for his oldest boys. It was normal for them to continue flying when he returned home from work, but something didn't seem right. They only briefly smiled and waved before flying away. A quick survey of the grounds was all it took before he spotted the reason. "Thuban, Cam, come here please." Draco pointed at the large sticks. "Are those the sticks you were jousting with the other day?"

The boys looked at the ground, then into Draco's eyes when he cleared his throat. "We didn't joust today", Thuban replied.

"Why are they in my yard? I clearly remember having you place them in the woods." The boys looked down again. "Clearly you collected them and were going to joust but were caught." Draco waved his wand at the sticks and they disappeared. "Give Tipsy your brooms and go play. Stay close to the main house." He turned to his littlest sons and saw they had finished their candy. "Go play with your brothers. I'd like to chat with your mummy and Ms. Simms."

As the boys skipped off to the play area close to the house, Draco kissed Ginny's cheek and sat next to her. "Good evening ladies."

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy", Stacy replied.

"It's Draco, Stacy. Unless my parents are present that is."

"Welcome home, sweetheart. Would you like something to drink?" Ginny summoned an elf.

"A butterbeer would be nice." His attention went to their employee. "I see Ginny has supplied you with our rules for the boys. I'd like to add that you are not to let anyone remove the children from your care unless it is pre-arranged. Both of our families have the bad habit of collecting the children when we aren't home."

"Draco, your mother will have a fit. She won't listen to an employee", Ginny replied.

The wizard smirked. "Mother is a socialite, Ginny. She will not listen to a babysitter or our friends when it comes to the children, however she will listen to their nanny."

"That's absurd." Ginny rolled her eyes.

Stacy furrowed her brows. "Do others stop by often to-?"

"Hello, Gin", Fred interrupted. He and his twin sat themselves at the table.

A frazzled house elf appeared right behind them. "Sorry Misses, they would not be stopping."

Ginny waved her hand. "It's alright."

"Malfoy, can we steal Thuban, Cam, and/or Serpens?" George asked.

The blond wizard turned to Stacy and smirked. "Does that answer your question?"


"You must sit at the table while you eat, Serpens", Stacy ordered.

"Ms. Stacy, mummy lets us-"

She gazed at the boy firmly. "Serpens, sit at the table or I will remove your biscuits and juice."

The four year old noticed his godfather standing in the doorway. "Uncle Blaise!" Serpens jumped into the wizard's arms.

Blaise hugged and kissed the boy. "Hello, mate." He patted the little boy's bottom. "You better go sit at the table before you lose your treat."

The little boy moped over to his chair. He and his brothers liked Ms. Stacy. She showed them neat games and things to do, but she was too strict. And for some reason people like their uncles and aunts who used to bend to their will, now made them listen to her.

"Hello, Mr.-" Stacy smiled and stopped when Blaise raised his brow. "Hello, Blaise. Ginny is having a private after school snack with Thuban and Cam. She'll be out in fifteen to twenty minutes. May I help you or get you anything?"

The dark haired wizard sat at the table. "Did Ginny just bake those biscuits?"

Stacy nodded and handed him a plate with a few biscuits. "I need to speak with Ginny, but it can wait until she's had time with the older boys." He took a drink of his tea. "Stacy, do you know any nannies that would be willing to work part time for two different families? Crabbe and I have been thinking about getting our wives some help. Between us it will be a full time job."

"I'll make some floo calls tonight. Are you looking for short term or long term help?"

"Long term would be nice, if you call five to seven years long term. Crabbe has a seven, six and four year old plus a four month old. I have a five and a half month old; another is planned next year and hopefully a third."

"Does Pansy know of your plans?" Ginny interrupted.

The wizard left his chair and was at the witch's side in a flash. He kissed her cheek. "Hello, Ginbug. She's already agreed to a second. I think I can talk her into a third in time." He placed his arm around Ginny's waist and led her out of the room. "I came to speak with you. I overheard something at the Ministry today."

"Is it something for my ears only or may my staff hear, Blaise?"

"I think we should share it them." Blaise looked back at his little godsons, then at Ginny. "How much longer before they're done?"

"No more than ten minutes." Ginny's attention went to Stacy. "When they are done, have Tipsy and Nan watch them in the playroom." The redhead locked arms with her husband's best friend. "Take me for a short walk around the grounds." She lightly elbowed him. "Now, remember to tell Draco that you took me for a good thirty minutes walk. I've been asking the prat to walk with me for the last week, and he always has an excuse."

"I will, if you promise not to tell Pansy of my plans to con her into a third child." She offered the wizard her hand and they shook. "Now, what will you get from my best mate when I tell him this little fib?"

She gave him a sly smile. "You know Draco. He doesn't like to be replaced. He won't deny me a walk for months."


Ginny beamed at her five wizards as they entered through the parlor doorway. Their cheeks were red from the late autumn cold winds. Soon it would be winter and too cold for the children to fly. The witch absentmindedly rubbed her bump.

"Tipsy", Draco ordered. "Bring me the Bluebottle." The elf took the sports brooms from the wizards. Draco touched Leo's back. "Boys, have Nan help you clean up for dinner."

The children scampered off as Tipsy returned with the large family broom. Draco reached a hand out to his wife. "Take a quick flight with me, Ginny."

The couple went outside and was soon in the air. Riding on the slow rowboat-sized broom was nowhere close to the thrill of soaring through the sky on a racing broom, but it would do for now. The witch didn't see a problem with her flying a race broom when she was expecting. She was an outstanding flier and had never fallen. Draco was the reason she didn't fly.

He had demanded that she stop and even had the elves lock up her broom when she was pregnant with their first four. The fiery witch would sneak out for a flight at least once a week until her eighth month. When she became pregnant this time, Draco explained his reason and fear. He asked her not to fly but left her broom available to her. The wizard did play a little dirty and had Molly express her concern about her pregnant daughter flying. In the end, Ginny decided to appease her husband and hadn't flown her broom.

Draco's lips brushed against her ear. "Isn't this better than a walk?"

"It's as slow as walking", she giggled. "You spoke with Blaise this afternoon?"

"I don't need Blaise to floo and brag about his conquests."

"That's right", she jested. "You have a number of spies. What did it cost you? Sugar quills, Licorice Wands, Chocolate Frogs, Chocoballs or did Thuban have time to form a plan, and it cost you a delayed bedtime or a trip to my brothers' shop?"

"So you did take a private walk with Zabini?" he questioned.

She kissed her cheek. "You are so adorable when you're jealous. I'd take you to my chambers and ravish you if we were alone."

"I'm not jealous."

Ginny tried to hide her disbelief. "Whatever you say, sweetheart. Blaise is merely a good friend. He's not the poser I thought he was at school. He's always been there for us, not just you."

"Zabini is a pain in my arse", Draco hissed.

"He's an exceptional mate, who's not afraid to tell you when you're being a prat", Ginny replied.

"He's the prat always flirting with my wife."

She caressed his cheek. "I love you." Ginny kissed him. "Blaise came over to inform me of Mr. Frobisher's plans. He's working on the Equal Employment Law."

Draco smiled. "I know. Father has been trying to get a meeting with him for months. How did you do it?"

"Kingsley arranged it. Frobisher isn't happy about it. I'm to meet him at ten. Blaise heard that he plans on delaying the meeting. Only ten minutes at a time for four hours. The git thinks that will show me my place."

"How do you plan on handling him?" Draco inquired.

"Stacy came up with a wonderful idea. I need some Polyjuice Potion; Snape always has some, doesn't he?"

The blond wizard raised a brow. "Yes."

"Good. After dinner you can contact Snape, and I'll floo Bill." She patted his chest. "We need to get back."

"Are you going to tell me what your plan is?" he asked.

"After the boys are in bed, it's very detailed."


"Ginny Malfoy has a ten o'clock meeting with Mr. Frobisher", the redheaded witch said to the receptionist.

The receptionist checked her book and smiled. "Yes, please have a seat, Mrs. Malfoy. Mr. Frobisher is a little behind at the present time. He will be with you shortly."

The redheaded witch sat down. She removed a book and a quill and started to do some work. The receptionist reassured her every ten or twenty minutes that it wouldn't be much longer. Every fifty minutes the redhead removed a bottle from her purse and took a drink. A little after two o'clock Mr. Frobisher emerged from his office. He approached the witch.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Malfoy. But I'm a busy man."

The wizard stopped his speech when another Ginny walked into the room with Arthur Weasley on her arm. "Thanks for lunch, Dad. We should do that more often."

"What's going on here?" Frobisher bellowed.

The witch that had been in the office since ten a.m. grinned, "I never said I was Mrs. Malfoy." She looked at the real Ginny. "The Polyjuice Potion will last for another thirty or so minutes. I'll go back to my apartment until it wears off. I wouldn't want to confuse your sons."

"The use of Polyjuice Potion is illegal!" Mr. Frobisher spat.

Arthur shook his head. "No, it isn't Jake. Not if the witch or wizard being impersonated authorizes it." He kissed Ginny's cheek. "I'll see you soon, Ginny." The wizard offered his hand to the fake Ginny. "I'll see you out, Ms. Simms."

"Deception is not a good first impression, Mrs. Malfoy", Frobisher huffed.

Ginny nodded her head. "I have to agree, Mr. Frobisher. Making someone wait four hours for a meeting to prove superiority is extremely deceptive. Now, shall we go into your office?"


"Merlin, I love your hair", Draco sighed. The moonlight hit it in a special way and it glowed. The witch enjoyed sitting on their bedchamber's balcony brushing her hair in the evening.

"I've been thinking of cutting it short again. Like when I had Serpens."

The blond wizard crawled on the lounge wrapping his arms around her. "I like it long."

She turned to face him. "Well, Stacy didn't try to get Galleons out of Gringotts or use any of my other shop accounts." Draco raised a brow at her. "My parents didn't raise a fool. We trust others, but we also cut the deck." Ginny smirked. "What did your investigators see?"

"Ms. Simms went straight to the Ministry, then to her apartment. She only emerged after returning to herself", Draco informed her. "You're not upset?"

"Not at all", Ginny replied. "When I learned she used to be employed by the Hobdays, I assumed you were having her followed."

"I will continue to have her watched. I believe she is trustworthy, however some may try to get to the children through her." Draco paused until he saw agreement in her eyes. "Stacy appears to be working out well. The boys like her, although they complain about her strictness."

"The addition of both Stacy and Emma has been very helpful. I'm able to make all my meetings and accomplish numerous tasks. Having Stacy enables me to have moments of one on one time with each boy everyday. Plus your mother doesn't run off with the boys when Stacy has them."

Draco smirked. "My mother and yours thought they were helping by removing the boys from a sitter or our friends' care."

"Your mother made things more difficult. They were rarely at the manor. I disliked tracking them down, and when I did, they'd have new toys. She spoils them."

He rolled his eyes. "And your parents don't spoil them. Letting them run around the Burrow like wild animals, your father catering to their every want, your brothers popping in with fireworks and other things, plus a never ending supply of your mother's biscuits."

"It's grandparents and uncles' jobs to spoil them", Ginny nodded.

"That's why having a part time nanny is appealing", Draco replied.

"Having a part time nanny like Stacy is nice. She knows her place." The witch gave her husband a firm stare. "Don't you mess things up by overusing Stacy. She's to watch the boys no more than seven hours a week."


** Unicorn Dreams - by Everett Eugene Wiginton