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What Love Is For by d&gforever

What Love Is For


Calm Before The Storm?


Ginny handed Thuban a glass as he sat up in his bed. "Drink it all down, sweetheart."

The little wizard made a face. "It tastes bad."

"It will make your belly all better." She kissed his forehead and showed him a second glass. "I've got a little pumpkin juice to chase away the taste."

Thuban drank the first glass and grabbed for the second one quickly. After a sip of the juice, he handed it to Ginny. He crawled back under his covers. "Mummy, will you please lie down with me until I fall asleep?"

The witch cuddled behind her little boy, rubbing his tummy. It didn't take long before he was fast asleep. She gently climbed out of bed and headed for her own chambers. A smile crept across her face at the sight of her husband. He looked so adorable when he was feeling deprived of her attention. A sweet pout sat on his lips while hunger danced in his eyes.

He tried to sound concerned about his heir. "How's Thuban?"

"He's sleeping. I gave him a potion for his upset stomach."

"I checked on the other boys. Everyone's asleep." Draco placed a hand on her back and guided her into their chambers.

Ginny stretched and yawned. "I wish I was asleep." Draco moaned at her announcement. "However, I think a good massage will relax me," she teased. "A full body massage, inside and out."

The wizard gathered her into his arms. "I can do that for you." He leaned in, kissing her. He had just started to deepen their kiss, when he heard a noise.

"Mummy," Thuban whined. "I got sick again."

"I'll take care of him, Gin," Draco said. He knew his wife was tired. If she were to take care of the boy again, she wouldn't have any energy left for him.

"I want Mummy," Thuban whined.

The witch kissed her husband's cheek. "I'll be right back."

"No, Gin. I'll do it." Draco started towards Thuban.

"Want Mummy," the boy whimpered.

Ginny took the little wizard's hand. "I'll be back soon."

"But Gin. You'll be too tired-" Draco started.

"I told you that letting him go to the twins' shop would cause problems. They don't think," she informed him.

"Gin, he's been helping them for months, this is the first time-"

She wrinkled her face in anger. "They were making Fever Fudge, weren't they? I've told them time and time again the vapors upset his stomach."

"They weren't making Fever Fudge. My tummy hurt before I went, Mummy." Thuban gave Ginny a pleading look. "It's not Uncle Fred or George's fault my belly hurts. Make her understand Daddy."


Draco whistled as he finished dressing for work. Ginny exited the bathroom, wearing only a bathrobe, in an equally blissful mood. The wizard wrapped an arm around her hips just under their developing child. He pulled her back flush against his chest before whispering into her ear. "Thank you. I know you were tired last night, but I'm a spoilt prat. You're wonderful for letting me indulge in the pleasures of your body."

She blushed as she looked at their reflection. Her wizard nibbled on her neck. When he looked at their image, his eyes sparkled. Merlin, she was the size of a hippogriff, she had dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and pregnancy hormones had made her face blotchy, yet he still looked at her in that special way. "Thank you. I always look so horrible during the last month of my pregnancies, yet you make me feel beautiful."

"You are beautiful, my love."

Ginny playfully pushed him away and started to dress. "You already had your morning treat. All the charm in the world won't get you another go until tonight."

"You are beautiful- Ginny, tomorrow, when the photographer comes to take Leo's photo, I'd like him to take a couple of you."

"Draco, not like this," Ginny pleaded as she put on her hose. "I'm ugly."

"You're beautiful. I'll keep the photo to myself if you like."

The witch pulled on her slip and dress. Sitting at her makeup table, she brushed her hair. "I don't mind the photos you had taken of me when I was seven months along... but-"

There was a knock on the door. Thuban, still in his pajamas entered the room, hopped on the bed and started merrily bounce in it. "See Mum, I feel fine. Why can't I go to school, today?"

"Thuban, isn't Mummy beautiful?" Draco asked.

"After she makes her face all one color. I don't want to stay in bed all day. I'm fine," Thuban announced.

Ginny exhaled. Draco collected Thuban into his arms. "You'll do as your mother tells you. Now let's tuck you in." He turned to his wife. "I'll get the other boys ready for breakfast."

Some time later, the young mother sauntered down the hallway to the dinning room. She hurried her pace when she heard her brother's voice.

"Stop smirking, Malfoy."

"What's wrong, Weasley? Does it bother you to see a happily married man?" Draco yawned loudly. "Excuse me, mate. I didn't get much sleep last night or this morning."

"Malfoy…" Ron growled.

"Thuban was sick last night," Cam informed his uncle.

"You always were a good actor, Malfoy," Ron stated gleefully.

"I don't need to act, Weasley. Your sister and I are about to have our fifth child."

Ron noticed Ginny at the doorway. "Malfoy, do you think speaking of this part of your relationship with Ginny in front of the boys is appropriate?"

"Weasley, you have a dirty mind," Draco replied.

"Daddy, why is Uncle Ron's mind dirty?" Serpens asked.

Ginny cleared her throat. Draco stood up. The witch kissed her boys' cheeks. Draco helped Ginny into her chair. "Daddy and Uncle Ron were being silly, sweetheart."

"They were teasing each other. They do it all the time when you're not around Mummy," Cam informed her.

"Daddy and Uncle Ron were being bad boys?" Serpens questioned.

"Yes, they were." Ginny eyed her brother. "What brings you here, Ron?"

"Mum. She needs Stacy and Narcissa's help today. Luna's going to watch Thuban and Serpens at our house."

"Ginny, I can take Leo to buy boots before I take him for his haircut," Draco advised.

"I'll take him. I want to get out of the house. Plus I have a meeting with the caterer and the party planner."

"Are you sure, Love? Leo isn't a pushchair fan, and you are in no condition to carry him around Diagon Alley," Draco reminded her.

"You and your father have spoilt him. He'll sit in the pushchair," Ginny countered.

"If you have any problems, mirror me." Draco stood up. "Come on, Cam. If we don't get going, you'll be late." He kissed each of his children good-bye and then kissed Ginny.


Leo stared at the multi-tiered cake with the flying horse on top of it. "My cake! I two!"

"Yes, sweetie, that's what your cake will look like." Ginny turned towards the two wizards across the table. "Everything is in order for Saturday?"

"Yes, Mrs. Malfoy. Lunch at noon for four hundred, a seven course dinner for twenty-five served at seven," replied the caterer.

"Children's games will start at one and go on until three. We have two different puppet shows and four clowns. We'll arrive at Black Hall at seven in the morning to decorate," the second wizard answered.

Ginny looked at the parchment. "Everything seems to be in order. Thank you." The witch took her son's hand. "Please climb back into the pushchair for Mummy, Leo."

"NO!" he replied folding his arms.

"Have it your way," she said. The witch took out her wand, levitated the toddler into the pushchair and clipped him in.

"Carry, please Mummy," Leo sweetly asked.

"No, Leo. You have to stay in the pushchair today."

The toddler fussed as his mother pushed him down the street and into Madame Malkin's robe shop. Ginny wore a displeased expression as she placed a box on the counter. A young witch looked at the box.

"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, these robes arrived today. They were over a week late-" Ginny started.

"Well, you have them now. So there isn't a problem," the witch responded in a nasty tone.

Ginny's temper rose. "I wasn't finished. Is Madame Malkin here?"

"She's busy with an important client and doesn't have time-"

The redhead flared her nostrils. "If you value your job, you will get Madame Malkin now."

"Don't order me around. Who do you think you are?"

A squat witch came from the backroom. "Mrs. Malfoy, is there a problem?"

"Yes, Leo's dress robes finally arrived. Not only are the slacks and jacket different shades, but the slacks appear to be made from Cygnus' measurements and the jacket from Serpens'. I need them corrected by three today."

"Of course, Mrs. Malfoy." Madame Malkin looked through the box, observing the clothing closely. "I'll be back in a moment." She hurried off to the backroom. The squat witch returned wearing a little less haggard expression. "I've found the problem. Those are Cygnus' slacks and Serpens' jacket. I ordered them to be roughly made. I was trying to get ahead for their birthdays. I have Leo's robes here." Madame Malkin pointed to the fitting rooms. "If you follow me, Mrs. Malfoy, I'll measure Master Leo myself."

The squat witch normally wasn't patient with squirmy little wizards, but she took no chances today. Ginny was already upset, and in her present condition the young mother was easily offended by Madame Malkin's normal comments. The older witch bit her tongue and took special caution so she didn't mistakenly prick the toddler. Her effort seemed to go to waste in the end. Leo became impatient; while removing the jacket without help, a pin in the sleeve scratched his arm.

"Owee! Owee!" Leo cried as he ran to Ginny.

The redheaded witch did her best to cuddle the toddler. Her large belly kept getting in the way. Ginny rained kisses over the small red mark.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Malfoy," Madame Malkin stated.

"It wasn't your fault," Ginny replied. She kissed Leo's forehead. "You're alright, sweetie. We need to get these slacks off."

"I owee, Mummy," Leo whined.

She kissed his arm again. "I know, sweetie. Be a big boy for Mummy."

Leo stepped on Ginny's belly as he attempted to cuddle closer. The witch couldn't stop her reaction to the pain and pushed the boy away. "Leo, that hurt Mummy. You can't step on me. Now, let's get those slacks off."

"Mummy, Mummy," he continued to cry.

Ginny repositioned the toddler so he barely sat on her hump. She placed an arm under his bottom to minimize the weight. Her other arm held him tight to her chest. "You're alright, baby. Hush now." She rocked the boy in her arms for over ten minutes before his crying stopped. He didn't fight her, but he didn't help her as she removed his dress robe slacks and placed his everyday slacks on.

Leo fussed as Ginny put him in the pushchair. She made her way out of the fitting room. Her attention went to the tall, dark haired boy with dark eyes. The handsome child was around Thuban's age. He drummed his long fingers impatiently on the table next to him. The boy focused on a magazine and smiled sinisterly as his magic turned the pages. There was something familiar about the child. Something that caused fear to shoot through the redheaded witch, but she couldn't place why.

"Come along, Max," Madame Malkin stated. "I'm ready to measure you now."

Ginny wiped her brow as she made her way down Diagon Alley. The boy at the robe shop had her on edge. Leo wasn't helping things either. His fussing increased as they approached the cobbler's shop. She hated to admit defeat, but it was Draco's fault that Leo refused to sit in the pushchair. He and Lucius had carried the boy everywhere in the last month. Instead of going into the shop, she walked the extra two blocks to Malfoy International.

The toddler's sounds changed to glee when they entered the building. She didn't like the idea that he was going to be rewarded for his poor behavior. The witch needed help though.

"Out! Out! Out!" Leo screamed as they exited the lift and headed to Draco's office.

Mandy, Draco's assistant, had to speak over the boy as she addressed Ginny. "Good Morning, Mrs. Malfoy. He's in an important meeting at the moment. Would you like me to go collect him?"

"How long will he be?" Ginny questioned.

"I don't know, Mrs. Malfoy. He did ask me to gather him at noon, so he could attend to Leo's haircut."

"Leo." Lucius' voice wasn't loud but it was extremely firm. "Why are you causing a commotion?"

"Out! Out!" Leo shouted. "Owee. Owee…" He pointed to his arm.

"Leo Malfoy, you will stop this minute." Lucius' voice was calm but firm. "There's nothing wrong with your arm. Calm yourself."

The boy's movements slowed. "Gramfadder, bad Mummy. Me owe. She no carry."

Lucius glared at the little wizard. "You have a very good mummy. You're a lucky little boy to have her. You're too big for your mother to carry at the time. You must ride."

"Gramfadder. Please out," Leo sweetly asked.

Lucius turned his attention to his daughter-in-law. Frustration and exhaustion showed in the face of the witch. This wasn't surprising to him. She was due to deliver his next grandchild in twenty days. The witch was bigger than he had ever seen her. It was amazing she could walk. "Ginevra, why don't you go into Draco's office? I'll have tea sent in. And I'll find a quiet corner for Leo to sit in?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Ginny headed into her husband's office.


Draco exited the boardroom reading a piece of parchment. He paid no attention to his surroundings until her reached his assistant's desk. "Mandy, when my wife arrives-"

"She's already in your office, Sir. She arrived extremely exhausted an hour ago. I arranged for tea; however she was resting when it arrived. I believe Leo is napping in your father's office."

The wizard entered his office quietly in case his wife was still resting. She was lying on his sofa, asleep. Her jumper had ridden up as she slept, exposing her pregnant belly. The baby was so large that he could see it moving inside of her. It was amazing that she was able to sleep through it. Draco sat cross legged on the floor in front of her, mesmerized by the little miracle in front of him.

"Daddy loves you very much," he whispered to the child. "It's going to be fun learning all about you. Which lullaby is going to put you to sleep the fastest? Will you like being wrapped up tight in your blanket or are you going to kick your blankets off? Where are you ticklish? You know, it's safe for you to come out anytime now. Daddy really wants to meet you."

He stopped chatting with the babe inside his wife and focused on her. Her breathing had become rapid. Her body started to twitch. She moaned a little in her sleep. The wizard had seen this before. Ginny was having a nightmare. Draco softly caressed her face. "It's alright, Ginny. I'm right here. Wake up, sweetheart."

The redhead witch didn't wake. "Why?" she cried. "How? How can I see you, Tom? I'm not a silly little girl…"

Draco shook his wife. It had been years since she had dreamed of her day in the Chamber of Secrets. The dream was normally sparked by a nasty argument with Lucius. He vowed to kill his father, revive him and then hand the man over to his mother. How dare the man upset Ginny to this degree, especially in her present condition?

Lucius would have to wait. Draco needed to wake Ginny up before she became more distressed.

"I should have known!" she screamed.

Her husband wrapped his arms around her and rocked her. "Wake up, Ginny. You're safe now. It's all over. You're fine."

Ginny's arms gripped tight around Draco's neck. Her breathing started to calm. "Thank you- I-"

"Hush, Gin. He's gone, for good. The Horcruxes were all destroyed. I wouldn't let anyone harm you," Draco whispered to her.

"I wish I knew why I had that dream."

"I'll speak with my father. He won't upset you again. I'll forbid-" Draco started.

She pulled back so she could look in his eyes. "Lucius didn't do anything wrong. He was very helpful with Leo. He wasn't the reason for my dream." Ginny sat up. "Maybe it's because of all the articles in the Prophet lately. The nine year anniversary of the final battle is only two weeks away."

"You're sure it wasn't Father?" Draco questioned. "We can move away. We don't have to see him again."

"It wasn't Lucius." She kissed his cheek. "I'm fine. I need to freshen up and get Leo his new boots." Ginny touched her hair. "I look a sight, don't I?"

"You look like a beautiful witch who's just awoken from a nap." He kissed her softly. "I'll spend the rest of the day with you. You freshen up. I'll get Leo."


Draco sat at a table in a corner of the Black Hall ballroom. It was the table furthest away from all the party activities. At first glance, it appeared the wizards were trying to avoid the children, but a closer look showed that every man had a sleeping infant in their arms. Blaise sat to Draco's right with eight-month-old Rosetta. Vincent was to his left with seven-month-old Kali. The wizards enjoyed a butterbeer and soft conversation as they tried to keep the babes asleep.

"Wonderful party as always, Malfoy," Blaise started. "I thought the rain was going to cause problems."

"That's my Ginny. She always makes sure the caterers bring a large tent just in case." Draco took a drink of his butterbeer. "It also helps that Leo enjoys puppet shows and clowns more than flying games like my other boys."

"Was it her idea to have the children make puppets?" Vincent asked. "Merlin, that was outstanding. I never thought of my sons as crafty, but I couldn't get them away from that area."

"Having the puppeteers perform a skit with the children's homemade puppets was the deal sealer," Blaise added.

Draco beamed with pride. "Gin thought of that. She started looking through books and magazines in February searching for ideas. There has to be something new and unique at each of the boys' parties."

Greg sat in an empty chair. "May I sit here without a baby? I need a little quiet." He looked out at the room of loud children. "Merlin, the party's thinning out, but it isn't getting any quieter." He ordered a butterbeer from a passing elf, and then looked at his watch. "One more hour. Damn, I need a Firewhiskey."

"What's wrong with you?" Vincent asked. "I thought you were over yourself. Blimey, mate, your sons have been having a good time today."

"They have?" Greg groaned. "Double damn. I haven't had time for them. I've been in the loo all day holding my wife's hair."

Blaise patted Goyle's back. "Pansy told me Diane had an extreme case of morning sickness."

"Now there's a misnomer. The witch is sick twenty-four, seven. Poor thing." Greg took a gulp of his butterbeer. "I'm having it done. I won't be getting her pregnant again. Flint had it done. He said it wasn't bad, had to keep an ice pack on it for a day. But his wife waited on him, keeping a full glass of Firewhiskey in his left hand and a goblet of mead in his right."

The dark skinned wizard looked at his crotch, crossed his legs and stared mortified at Goyle. "You're not going to let a Healer take your bits!"

"They don't take anything. Everything works the same, you just can't get a witch pregnant anymore," Greg answered. "Hell, according to Marcus, he's getting more now."

"I don't care!" Blaise glared. "You can't have it done. A little more intimacy isn't worth it."

Goyle chuckled. "Why are you so concern?"

"Shite, Greg. If you're willingly to put your bits on the table, our witches will come after ours," Blaise replied. "I don't need that on Pansy's mind." He pointed at Draco. "If you don't do it for me, do it for Malfoy. He's already growing his hair for Ginny. If they have a little girl-"

"Hair is one thing. Gin would never ask for that. And if she did, I'd have no problem telling Ginevra 'no'!" Draco affirmed.

The blond wizard turned to his left towards the sounds of irate laughing. "You tell my sister 'no'! You're that witch's whipping boy. Have you looked in the mirror? How about the babe in your arms? I've come to collect Sophie by the way." Ron continued to laugh as he extracted his daughter from Draco's arm.

"Ginny doesn't have him totally wrapped around her finger," Fred stated.

"Thuban comes to our shop even Wednesday, despite Ginny's objections," George added.

Ron rocked Sophie in his arms. "He won't be coming this Wednesday after you two got him sick."

"We had-"

"Nothing to do-"

"With his stomach ache," the twins stated.

"You're behind as always, Weasel. Thuban's teacher told Ginny his stomach was bothering him before he went to the twins' shop," Draco informed him. "As for me holding the darling babe Sophie, the poor dear couldn't help who her father is." Sophie started to stir. Draco reached for her. "Give her here before she starts bawling."

Ron moved away from him. "Malfoy, you know why babies quiet in your arms so quickly? 'Cause you look and act like a witch. Your new hair style…" Ron chuckled.

Draco sneered at his rival. "I'd grow my hair down to my arse if it made Ginny happy right now. The last month is always difficult for her." Malfoy smirked. "I may just keep it. I hate the little curls, but they drive your sister wild. She can't get enough of me."

"Bloody hell, Malfoy," Ron spouted.

"Language, Weasley," Draco replied. "There are children about."

"Daddy!" Cam and Gary yelled to their respective fathers. "Come play skittles with us."

Cam smirked at his twin uncles. "Come on you two. Daddy and I will wipe the alleys with you." The group of six left to the skittles alley.

Ron sat at the table and rocked Sophie back to sleep. "Language," he muttered. "I heard Goyle cursing, but Malfoy the prat says 'Language' to me."

"You do realize we can hear you?" Blaise inquired.

Crabbe raised a brow. "You do remember that we are Draco's friends?"

Ron eyes went to Ginny. "You do realize that Ginny is watching?"

The dark skinned wizard tilted his head. "We're at a stalemate then."

Vincent put his hand on Ron's arm as the redhead started to get up. "We were joking, Weasley. You're safe as long as you have Sophie in your arms. Stay; she won't be able to sleep anywhere else in here."

"You're still fun to tease, Ron. The tips of your ears get that darling shade of pink," Blaise jested. "Goyle's language is a lost cause. We're lucky that only mild words come out."

Ron sat quietly and looked out over the crowd of people. He was amazed at the collection of Slytherins and Gryffindors in the room. Things had changed in the last two years. The second war against Voldemort had ended nine years ago, but it hadn't brought peace, just a treaty. Their world was still divided. Two years ago the Marriage Law was repealed and things started to change. It wasn't the elimination of the law that started the change. It was Ginny, his sister. Ron could see that now.

Seeing that two people with extremely different beliefs could have a loving marriage inspired everyone. They did have a loving marriage, Ron groaned at that thought but it was true. He couldn't deny it any longer. Not after seeing the way Ginny lit up every time Draco merely smiled at her.

If the wizarding world weren't stimulated into working out its differences by simply seeing the young Malfoy couple, Ginny made them get along by inviting many people from the two factions to her many parties. Her rules were simply that you had to respect everyone at her parties. She started slowly at first, making Arthur, Lucius, Narcissa and Molly greet all of her guests. Slytherins weren't allowed to sit on one side of the room with Gryffindors on the other.

It had taken two years, but Ginny had achieved it. Narcissa sat at a table with her sister Andromeda Tonks. The witches by no means had become close like sisters should be, but they spoke to each other on a weekly basis, mainly because John Lupin and Cam had become very good friends. Just two years ago they acted like strangers.

Remus Lupin had been teaching at Hogwarts since the end of the year. He and Snape were still behaving as enemies. Right now the two men stood speaking with a group of other wizards. They were discussing politics. They didn't agree on the issues, but they weren't fighting or insulting each other. The hard lines of black and white were disappearing. Most wizards were opening their minds and seeing shades of gray.


Snape excused himself from the group of former Order members. There was only so much stupidity he could listen to. Why those wizards cared so much about Muggles was beyond him. Severus had no need for Muggles. They had caused him nothing but trouble all of his life. Not all my life, merely my childhood, he thought. Snape made his way over to Lucius. It was the first time his friend didn't have the birthday boy attached to him. A chat with this wizard would improve his mood.

"Good afternoon, Lucius." Severus offered his hand to his friend. "How are you this evening?"

"Very well, and yourself?"

"Better now that I'm away from the Muggle lovers." Snape snarled. "The Ministry should mandate that such wizards live in the Muggle world for two or more years. I'm sure their opinions would change."

Lucius smirked. "And if they didn't, at least we would be rid of them for a few years." The blond wizard ordered a drink for his friend. "How are your students reacting to the Prophet articles?"

"The whispering in the Great Hall is ghastly. You understand the students are not my problem. We have to watch our backs, something a spy like me is used to. But that must be a change for you, Lucius," Snape replied.

"As a wealthy wizard I've always had to keep a close eye on everyone. I've never wanted the true story of the final battle to be written. The Order of the Phoenix members and their supporters refuse to see us as the reason Voldemort was defeated, so we win nothing. Yet every Dark Lord supporter that is still lurking about now knows the truth. I have doubled the staff looking over the children and Ginevra. I also have the best hit wizards in the world tracking down those still loyal to the Dark Lord," Lucius told his friend.

Snape nodded. "Attack before being attacked is the best defense. How is Ginevra taking the additional staff?"

"She's fine as long as they keep their distance. We don't want the boys to get upset." Lucius took a drink. "How is your new potion coming along, Severus?"

"Wonderfully. Draco has arranged for a test this summer. St. Mungo's is very interested. It seems quite a few wizards get stuck in their animal form when first learning to become Animagi."

"It reverses those who were hexed into animals also?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, it does. One drink, and you return to your normal form. We would like it to be released to the public; however the Ministry is fighting us." Snape grimaced.

"Control," Lucius hissed. "The Ministry is always after control."

"Excuse me, Professor Snape, Grandfather," Thuban politely stated. "Grandfather, Dad said Alex could stay the night. He also said if I could find someone to watch over us, we can use his potion lab and make a potion. Alex is really good at Potions too. Will you watch us after dinner?"

Lucius raised his brows at the boy. "You want me to leave your brother's birthday party?"

"No. Leo's going to bed right after dinner. We'll have two hours to work in Dad's lab. Please," Thuban pleaded.

"I'll need to verify that your Grandmother doesn't have plans," Lucius replied.

"We'll do that." Thuban turned to Snape. "I almost forgot. Professor Snape, this is my friend Alex Kemps. He lives in the house across from the Manor."

The black haired, black-eyed boy offered his hand to Snape. The professor's eyes locked on him. The boy smiled at the wizard, showing his uneven teeth. Severus took in the boy's appearance. He could tell the child was happy and well loved, but the boy was small, sallow and stringy. There was something about him. Add a hooked nose and remove the smile. Snape was pulled from his thoughts by Alex's voice.

"It's an honor to meet you, Professor Snape. Everyone knows you're the best Potions Master in Europe, maybe the world. I'm good with Potions. My mom and dad don't know where I get it. They are just passable with them. It was great meeting Thuban. Mr. Malfoy, Thuban's dad, has taught me so much about potion making. I just finished reading the article about you in The Potion Master. I hope we stay in England. I want to go to Hogwarts. It would be outstanding to learn Potions from you," Alex blurted.

Snape shook the boy's hand. "It's a pleasure meet you, Mr. Kemps."

"Alex learns potion-making quicker than me," Thuban informed the men. "But I'm still a better flier." He pulled on his friend's arm. "Let's go find my grandmother."

Severus and Lucius watched as the two boys scampered away. "Draco is impressed by Alex's talent. I look forward to seeing it myself."

"Who is the boy's mother?" Snape asked.

Lucius pointed out Maisie Kemps. "She's over there, raised by Muggles in the States. Narcissa learned she was adopted. Her name is Maisie. She resembles Lisa Mulciber. I bet she is a result of one of Lisa's father's many affairs. If her husband wasn't worth millions, I'd think they came to England so she could claim the Mulciber estate."

"Lisa didn't favor the Mulcibers in looks," Severus muttered.

"Well, Anne's side of the family was dead years before that witch was born. We would have all known if Anne had her. I believe Maisie is thirty-one," Lucius stated. "She is related to Lisa Mulciber. I'd bet Galleons on it."

"Why bet? What does your book say?" Snape asked.

"My book only lists children born in Britain. The strange thing is that Lisa wasn't in the book either. She must have been born in France," Lucius replied.

Thuban and Alex returned. "Grandfather, Grandmother said she has nothing planned. She thinks you should stay. That way Mum can rest, and she can put my brothers to bed."


Ginny sat on the settee, writing in Leo's book. She had been too busy on Sunday to enter the activities of her son's second birthday party in it. The witch removed photos from the owl that had just arrived. She should have been resting. Ginny knew that, but she couldn't. Anytime she lay down without Draco holding her, she would dream of her days with Tom Riddle and the dark Chamber she had almost died in. Not wanting to worry her husband, she hadn't told him about the recurring dream. It was avoidable as long as she didn't sleep without him.

The redhead had a rational reason for the dreams anyway. She always dreamt during her last month of pregnancy. With the boys her dream was about the day Draco had asked her to marry him. Maybe this dream meant she was having a little girl. She did fear her daughter making the same mistake she had. Ginny had known Riddle's diary was evil, but she had written too much in it about her feelings for Harry. She couldn't let him keep the diary and risk Harry learning about her love for him. It wasn't Lucius that had almost caused her death but herself. Riddle had been right about her. She had been a silly little girl then, but she wasn't after that incident. The Chamber had made her strong.

"Mummy! Mummy!" Cam called as he and Thuban entered the parlor. The boys went over and hugged their mother. Cam looked at the photos in her hands. "I think Sophie is the cutest baby."

Ginny looked down at the photos. A picture of Sophie, Kali and Rosetta in a playpen was on top. The three baby witches were all looking at the camera smiling. Sophie and Rosetta kept pulling themselves to a standing position, then dropping to their bottoms.

"You just like blondes. I like Kali's smile the best," Thuban said. "Are we going to have our snack in here, Mum? I can smell the ginger on your hands, so I know you made biscuits."

She put the photos back in the envelope. "Here would be fine. Ask the elf to bring it, Thuban." Ginny waved her wand, sending Leo's book and the photos into the desk drawer. Another wave of the wand cleaned off the table just as the elf brought the biscuits and drinks. Ginny rubbed her large belly, massaging away the small muscle twitch. "What did you do at school today?"

"Max Petrov brought a snake to school. He scared all the witches with it. Mrs. Bondad had to come get him. I heard her say Max was a handful. They may be sending him back to the orphanage," Cam said.

"I don't like Mrs. Bondad. She didn't listen to Max. He didn't bring the snake to school. It lives at the school in the rubbish room. The snake eats the mice that sneak inside. Aunt Pansy still works at the orphanage so if Max goes back I'll let her know he's a good boy," Thuban added.

"Max is mean. He takes other people's things," Cam affirmed.

"Well, he didn't bring the snake."

"He's weird. That snake kept looking at Max, like they were friends. I bet he's a Parselmouth," Cam snorted. "Parselmouths are evil."

"They are not!" Thuban shouted. "You don't know anything."

"Calm down you two. We shouldn't judge people so, Cam," Ginny asked. "I knew a Parselmouth that was a wonderful person."

"Who was it, Mummy?" Cam asked.

Ginny rubbed her belly. Thuban stared at her. "Mum, is something wrong? You keep rubbing your stomach."

Pain shot through the side of her stomach again. She smiled briefly before pain hit again. Lifting her wand she tried to Summon the two-way mirror from her purse but couldn't.

"Thuban," she called trying to sound calm. She must have failed because the seven-year-old ran to the mirror on the mantle.

"Dad! Dad!" Thuban called into it. When Draco's face appeared, he continued. "Mummy needs you home right now." The boy hadn't finished when an Apparition pop announced Draco's arrival.

"Thuban mate, mirror Grandmother and then Floo Grandma," Draco informed the boy. The wizard took one look at his wife and knew things were moving very quickly. "Tipsy!"

The elf appeared instantly at his side. "May-"

"Get my wife's midwitch," he cut off the creature. It bowed and disappeared after hearing the order.

"Gin." Draco kissed her forehead. "I'm going to help you into a chair."

"Don't be silly." She paused, moaned softly and touched her belly.

"I'll help you to the chair. When this passes, I'll levitate you upstairs." He winked at her.

Thuban picked up a small blue mirror off a shelf. "Grandmother. Grandmother."

"Hello, Thuban darling," the blonde witch's image replied.

"Our new baby's coming. I have to Floo Grandma." Thuban set down the mirror. He threw powder in the fire; when it turned green, he called out, "The Burrow" and placed his head in the green flames.

"The Manor," Ginny moaned. "I want to have the baby at the Manor."

"Are you sure, Ginny?" he asked.

She nodded. "It's tradition. It's bad luck not to follow it."

Narcissa and Molly Apparated. Draco looked at the women. "She wants to go to the Manor."

"I have your old chambers ready, along with the boys' rooms." The blonde witch turned to Molly. "The guest room is available for you and Arthur." She handed Draco a small, framed photo of his family. "This is a Portkey. Tap it three times, and it will transport you to your Manor chambers. Molly, go with them. I will follow later with the boys.


No matter how Ginny tried, she couldn't stop the images of a red haired baby girl flashing through her mind. At seven, almost eight, Thuban had already outgrown baking cookies with her. It was only a matter of time before the others did as well. She longed to go shopping for frilly things with her daughter. It had been so much fun shopping with Pansy, Luna and Padma in the baby girls' section. Rosetta, Kali and Sophie were adorable. She had babysat many times for each of them. Girls were different from birth. The witch deeply wanted one. A contraction ripped the image from her mind.

"Bugger! Damn," Ginny moaned. She looked around the room. It was strange, but the witch found comfort delivering here. Maybe it wasn't strange. She had given birth four other times here, and each baby had been born healthy.

Draco wiped the sweat off of her forehead. "You're doing wonderful, love."

"It won't be long now," Molly said as she supportively patted her daughter's hand.

The redhead grimaced at her. "Why did I do this to myself? Merlin, it hurts!"

"I thought I had something to do with it too," Draco jested.

"Yes, blame him," Sara advised. "You'll want to get behind your wife now, Draco. Next contraction, Ginny, go ahead and push."

It wasn't long before she felt the contraction, and she pushed. The pressure in the lower part of her body was unbearable. She could feel every muscle working. Ginny screamed after the contraction passed. Sweet Merlin, she never remembered this much throbbing. She moaned, pushing her face the best she could into Draco's chest. "Was it this bad with the boys?"

He wiped away her tears and sweat. "My shirt was soaked from your tears with Serpens." Draco kissed her cheek. "It won't be long now, Love."

The mother of four soon to be five pushed again feeling the baby crowning. Yes, this part was always painful for her. She remembered that now. It was worth it. In moments she would have a beautiful little babe in her arms again.

Her husband caressed her face, praised her effort and kissed her cheek through the needed pushes. His eyes left his wife as the baby's head emerged. Ginny looked up and didn't like the worried expression on his face.

"Lay her down, Draco. Ginny, don't push," Sara firmly said.

Ginny was flat on her back quickly. She couldn't see much of what was happening. Draco was still holding her hand. Both Sara, Ginny's midwitch and the mediwitch were at her nether region. Nature caused her to start to push.

"No, Ginny! Breathe through it, don't push," Draco ordered. "Pant, Ginny, pant."

She complied with her husband's request. The panting made her unable to push. When the urge passed, she turned to Draco. "What's wrong?"

"The cord," he replied.

"The cord's around the baby's neck. It's common and nothing to worry about. I'm taking care of it now. Let me just clean up the mouth." Sara advised as she worked. "There, taken care of. Push with the next contraction."

Draco crawled up behind her. It seemed to take forever for the next contraction to come. When it did, pushing came easily, her ears and eyes focused on the baby. Sara held it upside down and rubbed its back. The room remained quiet.

"He's not crying," Ginny cried. Her eyes remaining on the blue baby which Sara held. The boys had screamed instantly after birth. They were also pink. Sara handed the lifeless baby to the mediwitch. The mediwitch worked on the babe while Sara focused on Ginny. "Sweet Merlin, what have I done?"

"Don't worry, Ginny, she'll be fine. Some babies are a little slow." Sara rubbed Ginny's stomach, trying to induce the afterbirth. The witch smiled at her patient at the sound of a soft cry from the area where the baby was. "Did you hear that Ginny? The baby is crying. By the time I've finished with you, your new baby will be ready to eat."

"Draco, go check on him," Ginny ordered.

The wizard quickly followed her command. He grinned broadly as he looked down at his new child. The baby's crying increased, but it did nothing for Ginny's worries. Tears started down her face.

Molly rubbed her daughter's arm. "Ginny, the baby's fine. Ron was just as blue."

"I only thought and wished for a girl. I should have wished for a healthy baby," the young witch stated with remorse.

"Ginevra, calm down, the baby's fine," Narcissa added.

The newest Malfoy started to scream loudly. "We have a healthy baby, Ginny. Don't you hear her," Draco proudly stated. "My wife needs to see her. Can you finish that up later, like you did with the boys?"

Draco hurried to his wife with the now pink baby. He lay it in her arms and she calmed somewhat. "See, Ginny, she's fine," he told her as he kissed her forehead. "Nice and pink, with a scream louder than a banshee."

When she looked at her baby, she noticed the familiar rooting and placed it at her breast to nurse. Ginny ran her finger across the babe's cheek. "You're beautiful Triton Draco Malfoy. Mummy loves you very much. I won't make another mistake with you."

"Love, that name's not right for her," Draco said with a smirk.
