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What Love Is For by d&gforever

What Love Is For


Decision Made Or An Emotional Wreck?


Ginny was furious as she made her way down the Ministry hallway. The more research she did for her campaign, the more she wondered what century she was living in. Mr. Vorspannung, the wizard she had just met with, was an acute chauvinist. Sadly, he was the head of the Magical Employment Department. Wrongfully discharged witches, Muggleborns and half breeds would get no help from his staff. In addition, the uppity wizard spoke to Ginny as if she was merely a messenger for Draco or Lucius. Like many, he thought one of the Malfoy wizards were behind her running for office.

Lost in her thoughts, Ginny turned the corner without looking. The frustrated redhead collided into an equally bothered, bushy haired witch. "I'm sorry", Ginny politely exclaimed.

"No, it's my fault. I wasn't looking", the second witch replied before the two made eye contract.

The old friends sniggered after evaluating each other's expression. "So, which Ministry official have you been meeting with?" Ginny asked.

Hermione groaned, "The education board. They were seriously thinking of closing down the new primary school because of a small outbreak of Blaue Blasen. The number of closed-minded codgers in this building is astonishing. I thought things had changed, but they haven't." She paused. "In this day and age, how can anyone believe school is dangerous? Yes, children contracted more colds in their first year of school. However, that is merely because it's the first time they're in contact with large groups." Her emotions caused Hermione's voice to squeak. She paused to regain control.

"I presented numerous research papers proving that exposure to common illness early in life actually strengthened the immune system. They wouldn't look at them because they were written by Muggles."

"Obstinate old fools", Ginny retorted, although she didn't agree with her friend's use of Muggles' studies. Hermione believed the only difference between Muggles and wizards was the ability to perform magic. Ginny thought there was more, after all Muggles couldn't get Blaue Blasen or many other common wizarding illnesses. In Ginny's opinion, one shouldn't assume that what's true for Muggles was true for wizards. Plus after living in the wizarding world for seventeen years, Hermione should know that few would view Muggle research as relative.

"Closing the school won't stop outbreaks. There was one when Thuban was a baby. He contracted it at a Tea party Narcissa took him to. The only difference is this time the illness spread quickly", Ginny informed her friend. "They're not going to close the school?"

The Muggleborn witch shook her head. "They listened to Madam Pomfrey. She convinced them the problem was the lack of a notification system. The first child came down with it Monday, but many children like yours and mine didn't show signs until Saturday. The Ministry is going to employ a Healer at the school. When a child is ill, the Healer will visit them. Plus they are providing funding for time related brewing potions like the Blaue Blasen antidote."

The redhead gave her friend a puzzled stared. "Why is funding needed?"

"Ginny", Hermione sighed. "You have to remember how expensive freshly brewed potions are. I know money isn't a prob-"

Confusion raced through the mother of four's mind before understanding entered it. "My parents never paid for anything but the potion ingredients. My uncle brewed our potions. Severus-", hearing this name roll off her tongue surprised even Ginny. However, she realized for the first time how helpful the man had been to her family, so it was fitting. "Severus has never charged us for his time."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have- Well, fresh potions are expensive, and with Blaue Blasen the fresher, the better it works. If all the children had been given the Potion last Tuesday, there wouldn't have been an outbreak."

"It sounds like everything is worked out then." Ginny paused. "Although potion expenses should be looked into for the rest of the wizarding community."

Hermione smiled proudly. "Walden has it as one of his running points. They should be funded by the government." She motioned for her friend to walk to the lifts. "Who had you all worked up?"

As Ginny stepped forward, a Manor house elf appeared. "Excuses Misses. You must eat now."

The expectant witch turned to Hermione. "Do you have time for tea?"

"Of course."

The witches entered an empty lift. "We'll go to the Muggle Café across the street." Ginny smiled at her friend. "You can inform Draco that I'm eating", she informed the elf.

"Misses. Sumtin must see Misses eat."

Ginny exhaled loudly. "I've lost a little weight. My Midwitch ordered me to eat every two hours. Having an elf ensure I do so was my and Draco's comprise. He wanted to inform my mum."

Hermione giggled. "Slytherins, they don't play fair."

"No, they don't. If Mum knew, she'd be chasing me around with food all day." Ginny shuddered at the thought. "I can count on you to keep this little piece of information from her?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes. But only because I'm sure Malfoy is looking after your health."

Ginny cocked a brow. "You're trusting Draco Malfoy! Sweet Merlin! What will happen next?"

"Well, if Walden is elected to Parliament, rights for elves, half breeds, Squibs and others." The bushy haired witch beamed at the thought.

The witches made their way to the café. Once their tea was served, the conversation turned to their children.

"I'm on the mirror with Cam, Leo, Serpens or Narcissa constantly. But it's not the same as being there. These have been the longest three days of my life. They should be home on Friday, so I don't have that much longer to go." Ginny told her friend. "At least they get to see Draco. He has breakfast and lunch with them. After we put Thuban to bed, he goes to the Manor and tucks the others in. I can only imagine how behind he is at the office with all the time he has taken off lately. How is it going with the twins? Mum said they were covered with blisters, but they haven't had a fever."

"Everything's going well. Molly's been great help. McGonagall's covered my classes for the week. This is the first time I've had a break from them." Hermione looked sheepish, afraid to convey her thoughts. "And I'm enjoying the time away", she muttered.

Ginny tittered, "Sick children are tiresome. Narcissa has the house elves helping, and she still calls Lucius home early."

"Molly never needs a break."

The redhead grinned. "Mum's just one of those witches that were born to stay home with children. She can handle anything when it comes to them." Ginny took a drink of her tea. "Don't get me wrong, Narcissa is wonderful with the boys, but arranging social events is her specialty."

"Some witches are better mothers than others", Hermione stated sadly.

"I wouldn't call it better, Hermione." Ginny touched her friend's hand supportively. "Just different." They sat quietly for a time. "It was my meeting with Mr. Vorspannung that upset me. With wizards like him and Frobisher in office, nothing will change. We can pass all the laws we want. Those men won't enforce them."

"The only good thing that can be said for those men is they can't be bribed", Hermione offered.

"I thought Shacklebolt had eliminated that type of corruption. Lucius wouldn't be having so many business problems if it was occurring." Ginny sighed. "I don't support it, and I'd kick Draco out of the house if he was involved. However, we all know Lucius."

"It's still happening. Percy is watching Malfoy International too closely for anyone to get involved with Lucius."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "I thought he was over that."

"He's not after the Malfoys, Ginny. Percy doesn't want anyone to think he's doing favors for his family. He keeps a close eye on Weasley Wizard Wheezes too."

"Gin, love", Draco's voice came from the inside of Ginny's purse.

The witch looked down wondering what to do. Hermione leaned across the table whispered a charm and then to her friend. "The mirror looks like a Muggle cell phone now. You can use it here without worry."

Putting her hand in the purse, she removed a strange looking item. There was a small screen, which Draco appeared on. Below that were twelve buttons with numbers and letters on them. "Hello. Didn't Sumtin tell you I was having tea?"

"I was told. I think our baby needs a little more than a small fruit plate", he scolded before his tone changed to playful. "It isn't why I mirrored. I need you to come home. I have a surprise for you."

"I can't come. After I finish here, I'm helping decorate Thuban's classroom for the holiday."

The wizard frowned. "You have to come home and see my surprise."

Ginny shook her head. "I promised Thuban. He'll be waiting for me."

"I'll go."

She grinned. "You're going to help three other mothers cut out snowflakes and snowmen while two dozen seven and eight year olds question your every move?"

"Are you questioning my abilities?" He asked pompously. "I've had outstanding Origami skills since I was nine. You've got to come home, Ginny. At least for a couple of minutes."

"I'm having tea with Hermione", Ginny started.

"Bring Granger along. Come on, Love. Please." The wizard gave his wife his best pleading look.

She rolled her eyes. "You won't leave me alone until I do."

"You know me too well. See you soon."

"I need to get home anyway, Ginny. It was great seeing you. When the children are better, I'll Floo."

They made their way to an empty alley and Disapparated. As soon as Ginny landed in the foyer of Black Hall, she felt three sets of little arms grab her legs.

"Mummy!" her three youngest sons cried as they clinged to the witch. Ginny bent down and opened her arms to the boys.

"We're all better, Mummy, but the Healer said I shouldn't go to school until Monday", Cam announced.

"I checked with Sarah before I brought them home. They aren't contagious. They only need a day or two to get back their strength. I'll leave you to enjoy your surprise", Draco said with a smirk.

"Thuban." Ginny stated. "I promised. I'm due there in twenty minutes."

"I'll go. He's wanted me to show him how to make my birds for months. No time like the present. I'll just stop by the office first and let them know."

She kissed his cheek. "If he's upset, let me know right away."

"He won't be. Mothers work at the school all the time. How many boys have had a father come?"

"You'll come to my class when I go back, right, Daddy?" Cam asked.

Ginny smirked. The wizard didn't understand what he had gotten himself into. Draco ruffled his second born's hair. "Of course, mate. Next time your teacher needs help in class, I'm there." He placed a quiet kiss on each of his sons' cheeks. "You be good for Mummy." With a soft pop he disappeared.

"Looks like it's just us, boys. What should we do?" Ginny inquired.

Cam shook his head. "Your workers are in your office."

Ginny sighed and headed for the office with her sons. She needed to convey her meeting with Mr. Vorspannung to her staff. Why had she decided to do this? Being a mother had been enough for her for the last seven years. If there was only someway she could be in two places at once.

The witch changed directions. "Let's make a stop in Daddy's study, boys, I need the Pensieve."


Thuban walked into his father's dressing room and looked up at the top shelf in the far corner. He smiled when he saw the blue eyes amongst the clothing. "Come here, Princess."

"She's back to hiding in my dressing room?" Draco questioned from behind the boy.

"Dad, you're home early." Thuban hugged his father then went back to the small kitten. The little wizard put out his arms and it jumped in. He patted the animal lovingly as he spoke to his father. "Of course she's back to hiding. Leo's home. No matter how hard Mum and I try to teach him how to carry her, he's still too rough."

Draco patted the cat as he walked past his son. He selected casual clothes and started to change. "Why aren't you playing with your brothers? You haven't seen them for a few days."

"They're pests", Thuban snorted. "Leo and Serpens had already gotten into my things before I got home from school. Cam keeps teasing me because he doesn't have to go to school tomorrow."

"I would have happily put up with those little annoyances. It was lonely being an only child", Draco informed the boy.

Thuban rolled his eyes at his father. "Dad, I don't need the 'Be grateful you're not an only child' speech." The boy jumped onto the bed with the kitten in hand. He lied down, cuddled the animal and received a loving purr. "I love my brothers. I just don't like them very much right now. I decided to give myself a time out before I lost control of the short temper I inherited from Mum."

"A self time-out?" Draco lied down next to his eldest. "Is that what we're calling relaxing and cuddling something you love?" The wizard placed one arm loving across the boy's back and patted the kitten with another.

"Yep", Thuban beamed. "It calms you down really quick too." The boy nuzzled closer to his father. "Thanks for coming to my class today. All my mates thought you were the greatest. It's the first time a dad ever helped."

"You're welcome. I had fun. Remind the blokes not to fly the birds in class. Your teacher's likely to never allow me in class again if flying paper birds start to fill her classroom."

"I'll remind them, Daddy."

"Thuban! Thuban!" Ginny's voice rang down the hall.

The boy looked at the clock and muffled a groan of disappointment before kissing his father's cheek. "I'll see you later. Grandmother must be here. She's taking me to my piano lesson." He was out of the room before Draco could reply. "Dad's home", the boy informed his mother.

It was only moments before Ginny was in the doorway smiling at her wizard. "Hello, sweetheart. Thuban caught you before you could get to your study?" She knew he had come home to complete work in his study because Draco hadn't sought out his family before changing.

"He was hiding from his brothers."

The witch sighed. "He hadn't been home ten minutes before he was fighting with them. I thought it was because I stayed home with them instead of going to his class. But when we were having his after school snack, he couldn't stop talking about his day with you."

Ginny lied down and hugged her husband. "According to Fleur you spent half your time fascinating the little wizards with your Origami skills and the other half of your time charming the little witches. I have a large number of rivals for your affection now."

"I was trying to help Thuban and Gabe get a girlfriend." He frowned. "I think they both take after the Weasel, they find girls yucky still."

"Not all girls", she replied. "Girls who like to play rough games and can fly are fun." Ginny placed her head on his chest. "How far behind are you?"

"Extremely." Draco kissed her forehead. "I've got eight hours of work left tonight. Father's behind also, we'll be spending Sunday in the office. I'm sorry, Sweetheart."

"It's alright. I knew this was coming. I'll have all Saturday with you at Greg's wedding."

He nodded and in a melancholic tone informed her, "Greg Flooed today. They've decided to invite spouses to the rehearsal dinner."

She looked at him questioningly. "That's good news, isn't it?"

"Yes", he smiled. "It's Serpens, Leo and Cam. We're still planning on having your parents watch them Saturday?"

"I think it's best. Don't you? They still need-"

"I agree." He sighed. "That's why I'm a little down. Between work and the wedding, I'll have little if any time with them in the next four days."

Ginny kissed him, then prodded Draco to get up. "Come on. If you get working now, you'll have time to read them a bedtime story."


"She's Greggy and Gary's mum now, isn't she?" Thuban asked Ginny as Greg and Diane passed them.

"Yes, sweetie, she is."

"So, they have two mums and two dads?"

Ginny hugged her son. "Yes, sweetie", she whispered. "We need to be quiet until the entire wedding party has exited."

Thuban nodded. The little boy had been wonderful through the wedding. He sat up straight and was quiet the entire ceremony. Ginny was amazed by her son. She kissed his forehead. "You're a good boy, Thuban. Mummy is so proud of you."

A flood of emotions raced through the witch. Her week had been full of highs and lows. The boys got ill and she couldn't be with them. They came home and she put work on hold for a day. That day turned into two, then three. She didn't want to work on her campaign. The Ministry had too many problems. Was she running away because it was getting too difficult?

Lost in her thoughts, Ginny was unaware of the tears in her eyes. "Ginny. Gin Love", Draco whispered as he approached.

She looked up in time to stop her concerned husband from leaving the procession. The witch pointed at her belly and mouthed 'I'm fine. Pregnancy tears.' Ginny quickly dried her eyes.

"It's OK, Mummy. Lots of witches are crying." Thuban hugged her.

"That's a good man, Thuban", Blaise, who was the last groomsman, whispered as he walked past the pair. "Take care of our Ginbug."

As soon as Blaise exited the hall, Thuban turned to Ginny. "Why does this baby make you cry more?"

"Don't worry, sweetie. Having a baby makes Mummy weepy."

The boy shook his head. "You didn't cry this much when you were growing Leo. I don't understand. Dad loves you more now. You should cry less."

"I'm crying more tears of joy", Ginny replied. She knew it wasn't the truth. On second thought, maybe it was. After all it was the freedom of choice that was causing her internal conflict.

"I thought joy tears only happened when you laugh too hard."

Ginny smiled at the boy. "That's only one type." She noticed the wedding hall was nearly empty. "We should go to the reception now." They easily walked down the empty aisle and down the hallway to the reception.

It looked as if they were entering a Crystal Ice Palace as they crossed the threshold. The large hall walls were adorned with snowflakes that sparkled and glittered. Icicle chandlers were hanging from the ceiling. Ginny was surprised at the beauty in the three simple colors Diane had chosen for her wedding. Who would have thought that ice blue, silver and white could be so spectacular?

The crowd seemed to engulf them as they entered. Many people nodded a hello. Ginny placed her hand on Thuban's shoulder, fretful she might lose the boy, as she scanned the room for the platinum blond hair of her husband. The witch quickly spotted Lucius to her left. It wasn't until a large group moved on her right that she spotted her husband.

"There's Daddy." Ginny took hold of Thuban's hand. Draco was standing by a second set of entry doors looking for his family.

"Grandfather's right there." Thuban pointed to his left. "I haven't seen him all week. I want to talk to him."

"After we meet up with Daddy, sweetheart."

Thuban yanked his hand away forcefully. "I'll go to Grandfather. You go to Dad."

"It's too crowded at the moment, Thuban." She held her hand out to her son. "Take my hand, we're going to Daddy together."

"I'm too big to hold hands, Mum."

The witch placed her hand in front of the seven year old. "Take it now, Thuban", she firmly stated.

He eyed her defiantly, "I'll go with you to Dad, but no hand holding."

She took a few steps towards the boy keeping her movements and voice low keyed. "Thuban!"

The little wizard stepped back, folded his arms and placed his hands in his armpits so Ginny couldn't grab one. "Please Mum", he whispered in a pleading voice. "I'll follow you. I'm too big-"

"Good evening, Ginevra. Thuban." Lucius' tone was light, his facial expression joyful, but the twitching of his ear told Thuban his grandfather was upset with him. The little wizard's eyes fluttered around the room. He had forgotten the formality of the event for a moment. The boy instantly took Ginny's hand, and his feet moved quickly. He positioned himself so close to his mother that their legs touched.

"Good evening, Grandfather."

Lucius squatted and looked in Thuban's eyes. To other wedding guest it appeared he was greeting his grandson. "Young man, do we need to have a chat about appropriate behavior?"

Ginny cleared her voice. "Good evening, Lucius. Thuban is fine, thank you."

"I beg to differ."

Draco walked up to his family. The wizard kissed his wife's cheek.

"I'm too big to hold hands", Thuban pleaded in a whisper to his father.

"I see", Draco softly replied. "Good evening, Father."

"Draco." Lucius stood and greeted his son.

"Thuban, you were a very good boy during the wedding. Uncle Blaise told me you were doing an outstanding job looking out for Mummy after I left the room too. Do you mind helping me out one more time, mate?" Draco asked.

The boy's eyes light up with excitement and pride. "What do you need, Dad?"

"Please escort your mother to our table." The blond wizard pointed. "It's right there."

Thuban offered Ginny his arm. She placed her hand in the crock, and the two walked off. Draco turned to his father. "You were keeping an eye on Thuban during the ceremony?"

"Of course."

"Your evaluation of his behavior?" Draco inquired.

"As you stated, it was exceptional", the Malfoy patriarch agreed. "However, he was giving Ginevra some problems-"

"Father, he was a little confused by Ginny's request. We decided this morning hand holding would not be required." Draco grinned and paraphrased Thuban's words from that morning. "He's not a baby anymore."

"He should simply follow his mother's instructions despite his growing pains", Lucius advised.

"We disagree. He's my son, and I insist that you not speak to him about this matter."

Lucius bowed his head. "As you wish. Your mother would like to see you."

"We'll visit before I take Thuban to the Burrow. I need to attend to my family, Father. My wife's emotions are unstable today."

"Good luck." Lucius smirked before returning to Narcissa.

Ginny hadn't made it to their table. Cormac McLaggen's big mouth had stopped her. The wizard had boldly stated that the Employment Department was the most efficient branch of the Ministry. Draco, like many others, listened for the next fifteen minutes, as his witch made statement after statement supporting her point of view. The witch had proven Cormac wrong. Her method was very diplomatic, never raising her voice and showing her firm belief in her steady, never faltering tone. The blond wizard beamed with pride.

She had McLaggen backed into a corner and was moments away from stabbing in the dagger, so to speak. Suddenly she excused herself and headed off. The group was stunned, as was her husband. It was a good thing he had decided to follow her. Draco saw Lucius escorting Thuban and Greggy from the hall just in time. In only three steps he managed to get in between the blazing mother and his father.

Behind the blond wizard stood Lucius and the boys. Somehow in the last fifteen minutes the boys had switched clothing. Draco was sure it had been Thuban's idea. His son had wanted silver dress robes for ages, but there had never been an occasion for him to wear them. Thuban had moped around all morning at the unfairness of his mate getting to wear the robes he so longed for.

"Lucius", Ginny said her voice hitching. Clearly she was having a hard time controlling her anger. "I'll take care of this. I am his mother."

The Senior Malfoy kept a firm grip on his grandson's shoulder. "You appeared too busy to do so. This shouldn't have happened in the first place."

Draco placed a hand on his wife's back calming her immediately. "Why don't we take this to a private location? Thuban. Greggy. Go change back into your own clothing." The boys hurried away as Draco lead the group to a room off the hall.

"The boy needs to be punished Draco", Lucius started.

"We're his parents", Ginny hissed. "We'll decide what actions deserve punishment. That minor infraction was nothing."

Lucius sneered. "Wearing others' clothing may be second nature to someone of your background; however it's unheard of for our class."

"Father!" Draco countered. "Do not speak to my wife in that manner."

"My apologies, Ginevra." The older wizard paused until Ginny nodded her acceptance. "You have been in our family long enough to understand that any minor infringement of the boys will be highly publicized. With your run for office, they will be watched even closer."

"No child is perfect. Nor will I ask my children to be. If running for office puts them under the watchful eye of all Wizarding England, I won't do it", Ginny affirmed. "My sons are wonderful little wizards that are very well behaved. I treasure moments like this when Thuban or one of the others shows me they're normal children, not some mindless being under an Imperius Curse."

Draco smirked and chuckled slightly. "Thuban was right. That color looks excellent on him." He turned to his father. "Father, thank you for your opinion, however Gin and I have this under control."

"Son, Thuban needs to know-"

"Father, I'm sure he understands his actions weren't appropriate. However, don't worry I will explain it to him again." He placed a hand on the small of Ginny's back and directed her into the hall. "Excuse us, Father. We need to attend to our son."

They both smirked at the sound of Lucius' frustrated sigh. "I agree with you", Draco informed her. "If the wizarding world expects our children to be perfect, they can be damned. Thuban shouldn't have switched robes with Greggy, but he only needs to be informed it was a mistake. I'll handle it."


Thuban spied through the crowd of the reception hall hoping to see Narcissa without Lucius. Greg and Diane had just shared their first dance, so he was moments away from heading to the Burrow. He wanted to share a dance with his grandmother. It always made her so happy, and he had little time with her in the last week.

"Hey, mate", Blaise said. "Who are you looking for?"

"Grandmother. She likes dancing with me, but-" the little wizard squinted at his grandfather.

"You don't want to deal with the cranking old git next to her."

"Don't talk about my grandfather like that", Thuban snarled. The boy's voice softened and he looked down. "He's nice. I keep making mistakes."

Blaise put his hand on Thuban shoulder. "Let me help you out, mate." The dark haired wizard made his way across the hall. The boy watched the wizard charmingly ask the blonde aristocrat to dance. The two twirled across the floor until they stood in front of Thuban. "Here you go, mate." Blaise placed Narcissa's hand in the little wizard's. "She's quite a dancer; I hope you can keep up with her."

It wasn't easy for Thuban to dance with a grown witch, since size was a problem. Older witches would end up leading, pacing him along and making his feet move too fast. Grandmother wasn't like that. She was a wonderful dancer that gracefully followed him. Her hold on him was warm and loving, and the way she looked into his eyes warmed his heart. There was no one in the world except him and her when they danced.

"In a couple more years, I'll be tall enough to spin and dip you like Dad and Grandfather", Thuban said.

"I quite enjoy our slow dances, Thuban."

The little wizard beamed. "Me too. But I'd like to be able to dance the different waltzes with you too." He paused. "Grandmother, I missed you this week."

Narcissa kissed his cheek. "I missed you too, darling. We'll see more of each other this week."


"Darling, would you like to stay with Grandfather and me tonight?" Narcissa asked.

Thuban expression turned fearful, and his eyes went to Lucius and back. "Not tonight. I'm- We're- I promised Grandmum I'd stay with her tonight."

"Some other time then."

"Tomorrow after Grandfather goes to work. You won't be alone then", Thuban stated before letting out a yawn.

The blonde witch smiled. "That would be lovely. We should get you to your father. I'm sure your grandmother Weasley is waiting for you." When the song ended Thuban went to Draco, and the two Disapparated.

Narcissa lead Lucius to a quiet corner to the wizard's delight. It wasn't often that his wife indulged him with a snog at a party. He was disappointed when they reached their destination. "Will you ever learn?" she hissed. "Your high expectations for Thuban have cost me valuable time with my grandson." She turned and was quickly out of the wizard's sight.


Draco felt her stiffen in his arms as he started to deepen their kiss. He pulled back, looked deeply into her eyes and caressed her back. There was something wrong with his witch, and it wasn't merely pregnancy mood swings. The wizard let the events of the evening race through his mind. She wasn't upset with him or the children. She had words with Lucius, but it was normal for them to be at odds about their children's behavior in public. The answer popped into his mind as he looked in her eyes. Her run for Parliament was the problem.

"Speak to me, Gin. I want to help. What's wrong?"

The witch clung to him. "I want it, but I don't want it. I'm selfish. I never thought of myself in that way, but it's true. Everyone thinks I'd be wonderful in Parliament. They say I'm needed. I've learned of so many problems in the Ministry. I'm sure I can fix them but-"

Ginny looked into her husband's eyes. "I don't want us both to have work responsibilities. It's hard enough on the boys when you have to work late hours and weekends. The last months have shown me that I can do anything. However, what I want to do is be a fulltime mother." She put her face in her hands. "But if I don't run, I'll be letting people who need me down."

"Love, it's selfish for others to ask you to make sacrifices for their good." He moved them to the settee and cuddled her. "I should have noticed sooner. I pushed you into running. You can stay home with the children if you want. There will also be problems in the Ministry for you to fix. You're brilliant, Love. You can be or do anything."

Draco kissed her cheek. "Tell me what will make you happy, and we'll work it out. What do you want to do, Ginny?"

"I want to stay home with our children. I want to spend my days building castles out of blocks, creating railways and cuddling my children for no special reason. It's the small things I've missed." She paused. "But at times I want to do something more."

"You can still go through the new business proposals I get. They're not time sensitive."

"I'd like to be a part of fixing some of the problems in the Ministry. Is there a way to do that?" she questioned.

"Are you thinking of a political action group? Running a group would take more of your time than a seat in parliament."

Ginny smiled. "That's it. My current staff can run it. They'll need a real office. There's free space on the ground floor at the Malfoy International building. I won't need to be involved, but I can help out when I have free time." She planted a number of kisses on him. "You're wonderful. Thank you for the help."

He groaned as he pushed her slightly away. "Ginny, it isn't that simple. You'll need money to run it."

"Will you make a twenty thousand galleon donation?" she nibbled on his ear.

"Merlin, Gin. You're not playing fair."


Draco grinned as he signed another contract. It was only eleven o'clock, and he was nearly through with his work. If he kept this pace up, he'd be able to collect Gin and the boys from the Burrow by two. He'd be there by one if he worked through lunch. Yes, not stopping was a wonderful idea, besides Ginny was making mince pie today.

The wizard buried himself back into his work. The task didn't seem so strenuous after his wife's declaration last night. He supported her run for office and was upset at first that she'd given it up. Yet, in the light of the morning he treasured it. Her campaign work had increased his parenting responsibilities, causing him to fall behind at the office. While he was grateful for the experience, it would be brilliant for his family to have a less demanding life.

For a moment he found himself jealous of Ginny. He wished he was there all the time for his sons. They were quite interesting individuals. A smirk graced his face again. He would have his time. It wouldn't be long before his sons would be working summers in the office, and only a little longer after that before they were working with him everyday.

He placed another parchment in his outbox, and reviewed the last two. These would need his father's input. Draco gathered them and went to rap on Lucius' office door.

"Come in."

"Father, I-"

Lucius sneered at his son. "Finish the rest of your work. We'll go over those contacts later."

Draco raised a questioning brow. "This is all I have left to do. Is there a problem?"

"Thuban's behavior and yours last night", he hissed.

"I see." The younger blond sat down. "Besides his request for Ginny to stop holding his hand and switching clothing with Greggy, he behaved wonderfully."

"He shouldn't have questioned Ginevra's request. If you had let me speak with Thuban after his first offence, the second would not have happened." Lucius tossed the Morning Prophet to his son. "And this wouldn't have appeared."

The page was cover with photos of the Goyle wedding. In the lower corner was a photo of Thuban in Greggy's silver robes. The little wizard in the photo primped and smiled. It was clear he knew his appearance was stunning. Below the photo was the caption, 'Thuban Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy fortune, king of style.'

Draco chuckled. "That color does flatter him."

"Draco", Lucius hissed.

"Father, Flint's son knocked over a whole table with his tantrum for a third piece of cake. Mclaggen's son was crawling under the tables looking up witches' robes. Thuban was the best behaved child at the wedding. If the wizarding world wants to point out every little thing my children do, then so be it." Draco paused. "Father, if you had let Ginny and I handle Thuban's little mistakes, your eldest grandson would have sought out your attention instead of avoiding you."

"Thuban doesn't avoid me. He tries to avoid punishment", Lucius said as he glared at his son.

Draco shook his head. "Father, I know what Thuban was doing, having done it myself many times. As a child I avoided you at social events, frightened I would unknowingly make a mistake. Take my advice, enjoy Thuban's company."

"Son, with Ginevra running for office, the press-"

"That won't be a problem anymore. She's decided not to run. The call of motherhood was too strong", he informed his father.

"She can do both."

"Gin doesn't want to. She's not giving up on politics altogether. I've agreed to give her an office in this building for a political group. The witch is going to make changes from outside the Ministry."

"Have you lost your mind?" Lucius scoffed at his son.

"I don't understand your problem, Father."

"Her actions would be restricted in parliament. A political group has no limits. She could become a very powerful witch and impact many parts of our government." Lucius almost sounded fearful.

"Father", Draco chuckled. "What are you scared of? Ginevra already has power."

Lucius sneered. "Her ability to lead you around by your privates isn't power."

The younger blond wizard laughed heartily. "While it's true that my wife made me a very happy man many times over last night, that is not the power I speak of. Ginevra is the mother of the four magically strongest wizards. She will influence the type of men they become."


Luna sat at the far end of the Burrow's kitchen table. The blonde witch had a quill and a roll of parchment in front of her. Ginny stood at the opposite end of the kitchen. She flicked her wand at the oven, and a tray of mince pies floated over to the table. Collecting a silver can in her hand, she sprinkled caster sugar on the top of each pie.

"You're sure this is what you want, Ginny?" Luna asked.

"Yes." Ginny put the can down, moved the tray to a shelf and started mixing flour and other ingredients in a bowl. "Who wants to help Mummy make biscuits?"

Four little wizards and a little witch were in the kitchen quickly. "Can we help too, Aunt Ginny?" Gabe excitedly asked.

"I don't know, can you?" Cam teased.

"May we help you too, Aunt Ginny?" Gabe repeated. His sister Brittany smiled at Ginny.

"Of course, darlings. Everyone have a seat. Cam, help Leo in a chair please." She smiled at the end of the table. "I haven't made biscuits in weeks. And I haven't made them with the boys in over a month. It's the little things like these I missed the most." Ginny used her wand to roll dough out in front of each child. She handed Leo a cutter.

"NO! BWOOM!" The toddler reached for the broom shaped cutter in Cam's hand.

Cam pushed a different cutter in front of his youngest brother. "This one makes Bludgers. They're Grandfather's favorite biscuit."

"Gamfadder like?"

"Yes", Cam confirmed.

"Me make." Leo pushed the cutter into the dough.

"I'm making dragons and snitches. Daddy likes snitches." Serpens cut the dough and placed the shapes on a baking sheet.

"The Quibbler won't come out until Wednesday, right?" Ginny asked her friend. "I need to inform my staff."

"You've done a lot of hard work already, Ginny. Don't you want to think about this longer?" Luna replied as she helped Leo place the cut dough on a sheet.

"I'm sure, Luna. I'm not running for Parliament. I enjoy doing this too much." Ginny motioned to the children making biscuits. "It's not like I'm giving up. I'm just taking another path."

A loud Apparition pop caused everyone to look towards the back door. Serpens flew from his seat. "Daddy!"

Draco walked in the kitchen, placed Serpens on his hip and then kissed Ginny hello. The wizard's nostrils twitched, and he inhaled deeply. A broad grin graced his handsome face. "Something smells good."

Cam giggled. Ginny showed him to an empty chair. "Have you had lunch?" Draco shook his head. "Well, you're in luck."

"I can smell my luck." He smirked.

"The mince pies are for later. I made chicken salad."

"You must have been in the kitchen all morning, Love. I thought you were coming over here to relax", Draco stated.

Ginny put a bowl of chicken salad and a drink in front of her husband. "Cooking is relaxing."

"Daddy, are you here to stay? Or leaving after you eat?" Cam asked.

"I've finished all my work for the day. I'd like to stay if it's alright with you lot", Draco replied in a serious tone.

The two youngest wizards celebrated the announcement and invited their father to stay. The older boys whispered to each other. Cam eyed Draco. "What do we get if we let you stay?"

Ron came into the kitchen. "What do I have to give you to make him leave?"

"Ronald!" Luna and Ginny said in tandem.

"The biggest box of fireworks in Uncle Fred and George's shop", Cam replied before Ginny and Luna had finished scolding Ron.

Draco put his hand over his heart as if it was hurt. "Cam, you'd sell away time with me for a box of fireworks?"

"I never said we wouldn't leave with you", the boy beamed.
