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Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade by Roz

Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade


A/N: So many lovely reviews! Thank-you all! If you are enjoying this story, tell two friends, and then they can tell two friends, and so on, and so on…

The characters in this story do not belong to me, I'll admit it; they belong to J.K. Rowling. Now can I go play with them?

Chapter 33

The Attacks Begin

The next few weeks passed in a whirlwind for Harry. He was getting used to his role in the Order, with Lupin's support, and all of the members of the D.A. had been invited to join. Mrs. Weasley didn't know about the younger Order members, including Ginny, but they kept the youngest Weasley and the others in the loop by discussing the meetings with them. Ron and Hermione were being civilized to Harry, and during the D.A. training times, to anyone watching, it seemed like there wasn't a gap between the three of them. Harry had what he wanted; he was alone. Some days, it suited him just fine. He spent much of his spare time in between classes creating lessons for the D.A. and looking up any new spells that he could throw at Moody.

Most of the time, though Harry wouldn't admit it out loud, he was lonely. He missed both of his friends, especially Hermione. True, she would sit near him during meals, and they had civil discussions, but there was one piece of her that she kept from Harry, and as much as he tried to deny it, he wanted all of her.

It was one of those days, when he was feeling sorry for himself that Moody ended up putting him in the hospital. He flinched as he awoke to find the blurry figure of Moody standing over him.

"You're dead, Potter, you do know that?" he growled.

"Being dead sure hurts like hell," Harry said through gritted teeth. He figured from the pain he was in that he had several broken ribs, and his arm felt like it was on fire.

"I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but you had better fix it right now. I will not waste my time on a namby-pamby little boy who doesn't have his head on straight. So what ever it is that's bugging you, deal with it, before I really hurt you."

Moody stomped out of the infirmary, each thump of his peg leg sounding like an accusation. Harry watched him go, and then looked up at Madame Pomfrey. She frowned at him, and he had the good grace to look sheepish before downing the medication she handed him. He slid back down the bed and closed his eyes, pulling the blanket over his head like a punished child trying to hide from the world.

When he awoke later that day he was feeling much better. He was once again amazed at the artistic talent Madame Pomfrey had when it came to repairing the human body. As he turned and reached for his glasses, he was surprised to see Lupin sitting beside him, looking a little worse for wear. He felt a slight twinge of disappointment that Ron and Hermione weren't here.

"Looks like you've had a worse day than I have," Harry said, as he sat up and looked around for his clothes.

Lupin shrugged. "Full moon," he replied, and Harry nodded in understanding, as he got dressed.

Both of them were silent as they left the infirmary. They headed down the stairs to the Great Hall where they ran into a disheveled Ginny coming the other way. Harry watched with concern as she came up the stairs. He could clearly see the tear streaks and red puffy eyes as she came closer. He grabbed her arm as she moved to go past him.

"Ginny! Are you all right? What's happened?" he asked, fearing the worst.

She started in surprise as she became aware of where she was, and glanced between Harry and Lupin.

"I'm fine, Harry," she said, pulling her arm from his grasp. "I just…I have something I need to do."

She disappeared up the stairs.

As Harry turned towards the stairs again he caught sight of Ron and Hermione heading for the Great Hall. Ron had his arm around Hermione's shoulder and she was leaning against him. The great beast roared to life in Harry's chest and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, or shut it away, the pain increased as he watched them disappear. He absentmindedly rubbed his chest; angry with himself for allowing his emotions to affect him like this. Did this mean that Ron had taken up with Hermione again? Harry knew that Ron was very protective of her, and he had been going out with her first. Either way, it wasn't right that they show their affection for each other in public like this.

Harry started forward with the intent of having a little chat with his so-called friends, when Lupin's hand on his arm stayed him. He turned to see Lupin looking up the stairs to where Ginny had gone.

"It's not like her to be so visibly upset," he said frowning.

Harry looked up the stairs and then back down towards the Great Hall, indecision making him hesitate.

"Damn," he swore as he turned and headed for the stairs. "Tell Ron and Hermione to grab something for me," he called over his shoulder as he jogged up the first flight. "I'll meet them later in the head common room."

Harry was at the Gryffindor tower and through the doorway before the Fat Lady had opened fully.

"Ginny?" he called as he moved into the common room. "Has anyone seen Ginny?"

A pair of first years shook their heads, no. Harry let out a sigh of frustration as he turned and headed towards the hidden passage to his dorm. He ran to his room and grabbed his map from his trunk.

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," he murmured as he tapped the map. He quickly scanned all her favorite haunts, with no luck. He was about to give up when his eye caught her name in the Headmistress' office.

Harry was really curious now. What would upset Ginny so much that she would go to McGonagall and not to her own family? He decided he had to check it out. After all, he was the head of the Order now, and should know what was going on.

"Mischief managed," he said as he put the map back in his trunk.

He took off towards McGonagall's office, and was soon giving the password and taking the moving staircase up to her office. After a quick tap on the door and being told to enter, Harry strode across the outer room to see Ginny sitting in an overstuffed chair, still looking visibly upset. Harry could see Dumbledore sitting in his portrait behind McGonagall. It still unnerved him to see his old Headmaster there, when he knew Albion was sleeping on the perch in his room downstairs. He had tried to explain it once to Harry, but it was so confusing that Harry chose to just chalk it up to magic.

"Mr. Potter," he heard in that familiar Scottish burr, "I was just about to call you. It seems Miss Weasley has some important information that needs to be passed to the Order. What you hear must be held in strictest confidence, and no information may leave this room without Miss Weasley's consent."

Harry frowned. One of the issues in the New Order was the difficulty the older Order members were having with being told what to do by a teenager. There were many times that his teachers would try and take over the meetings, or make decisions for him. Most of the time he accepted their suggestions, but right now he was already angry with Ron and Hermione, and was in no mood to be bossed around.

"Is this something for the Order?" Harry asked as he came to stand beside Ginny, who flinched slightly under his towering frame.. "Shall I call a meeting?"

McGonagall looked at him over the rim of her glasses.

"If you wish, Mr. Potter, however, a good leader would gather all of the information first before calling a meeting."

Harry glared at her for a moment, before finally conceding. Ginny shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and he looked down at her, wondering what could be so bad. Just before she looked away he saw a hint of…guilt? Shame? He wasn't too sure.

"Go ahead, Miss Weasley," McGonagall said gently. Ginny took a deep breath and her eyes darted to Harry once before she began her story.

"I have been given the information that You-Know-Who is planning to attack the Burrow in three days."

Harry sat down heavily in the chair that suddenly became available to him.

`So,' he thought, `it's beginning.'

Harry began to sift through several plans in his mind, when he stopped. Not too many people could know about Voldemort's plan. He only knew about it from his vision. He turned to look at Ginny.

"Where did you get this information Ginny?" he asked.

Ginny shifted uneasily as she picked at the hem of her sweater. She wouldn't meet Harry's eyes.

"Just someone I've come to know this year," she said evasively.

Harry racked his brain trying to remember whom Ginny was hanging out with lately. He frowned as he realized he hadn't seen her around much, except for the DA meetings.

"Slytherin?" he finally asked, figuring they would be the only ones who had contact with the Death Eaters.

Ginny hesitated, and then gave a slight nod, seemingly very interested in her sweater. Her eyes darted to McGonagall and then back down to her lap.

"You shouldn't trust them, Ginny," Harry said. "You know what kind of background they have."

"I know he was telling the truth!" Ginny blurted out, only to clap her hand over her mouth at the realization of what she said.

"He?" Harry asked, anger evident in his voice.

Ginny looked back over at McGonagall, looking for support, but the Headmistress stayed silent.

"Ginny, if your brother finds out-"

"Just drop it, Harry," Ginny said. "I'm a big girl and I know what I'm doing."

Harry just looked at her with a doubtful expression on his face.

Ginny exploded out of the chair and began to pace.

"This is exactly why I came to Professor McGonagall and not you or Ron," she said. "Neither one of you think I can look after myself, and you're not willing to listen to a word I have to say."

Harry flinched as he remembered saying similar words himself.

"Ginny," Harry said. "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Ginny stopped and looked at him, arms folded across her chest.

"That's rich, coming from you," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asked.

"You know exactly what it means. Hermione-"

"Has nothing to do with this," Harry snapped, cutting her off.

McGonagall raised an eyebrow and glanced back at Dumbledore, who merely shrugged. She cleared her throat, and the two teenagers turned to look at her.

"As much as I am sure this discussion is…important, we need to plan for this attack. May I suggest, Mr. Potter, that we call a meeting of the New Order for an hour from now? We need to be prepared. I would recommend sharing the information about the attack, and making some plans to protect the Burrow."

"Yes, Ma'am," Harry said shamefaced. No wonder he was having difficulties leading the Order when he was acting like a child.

"I'll get Hermione to send a message to everyone here, and you can inform Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the others.

I would suggest," McGonagall said as she glanced at Ginny, "that we keep our source of information a secret for now. This link may have some…future benefits."

Harry frowned. He wanted to know whom she was talking to. "Maybe I should go with you next time you meet this person,"

Ginny shook her head emphatically. "There is no way I am having you go with me. I can handle this myself, and we don't want to scare him off now, do we? Its our only link to what You-Know-Who is doing."

Harry gritted his teeth, knowing she was right. "Fine, I'll agree," he said. "I'll arrange for a later meeting, after you have informed the DA."

Ginny relaxed visibly in her chair as Harry turned to leave. "This isn't over, Ginny," he said as he moved passed her.

"You've got that right," she replied to his retreating back.

Harry headed for his common room, hoping that Lupin had passed the message to Ron and Hermione. Not only was he starving, but he also had to talk to them before he met with the rest of the DA. He was going to have to tell the two of them about the map he had seen in the vision. As he entered the common room, he heard Hermione laugh, and the sound warmed his heart. He moved into the main area and saw Ron and Hermione sitting together on the couch; Ron animating some story with his hands as Hermione laughed. They looked so comfortable together, like the way two people in a relationship would look.

Harry couldn't help it. The comment Ginny had made was fresh in his mind. He leaned against the wall in annoyance and crossed his arms.

"Having fun, are we?" he asked.

They both jumped and turned at the sound of his voice.

"Harry!" Hermione said. "Goodness! You scared us!"

"Obviously you were enjoying yourselves and didn't hear me come in," he replied.

Ron rolled his eyes and turned his back on him, unwilling to spar with him.

"Honestly Harry, I don't know what your problem is," Hermione said, clearly annoyed at his behavior. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Harry opened his mouth to scream `No! I just wanted to have a normal life! One without the threat of losing you!' He closed his mouth again and shook his head.

"Never mind. Listen, I need to talk to both of you about Voldemort."

"Fine," Hermione said as she settled back down into the couch. Harry could still hear the pain and anger in her voice, but he couldn't deal with that right now.

Harry came around and sat in the chair. He could see the annoyance on both of their faces, but he knew that no matter how angry they were with him, they would support him until the end. Harry took a moment to grab some of the food that was sitting on the table. Ron and Hermione watched as he wolfed everything down, then take a large drink of pumpkin juice. Harry rubbed his hands together before clasping them in front of him.

"The night I got back from meeting Albion, I had a vision."

Ron and Hermione shared a glance at each other.

"I saw Voldemort, and he had a map. He had circled several homes on the map, including the Burrow."

Ron sat up straighter at this, the worry etched across his face.

"My parents?" Hermione whispered.

Harry nodded. "I just found out that Voldemort is planning to attack the Burrow in three days," Harry said. "We need a plan to stop them."

Ron jumped up. "I need to owl my parents," he said.

"Already been done," Harry said, waving him back. "We need to call a meeting of the DA so we can organize a counter attack."

"What about the Ministry?" Shouldn't we tell them?" Ron asked.

Harry shook his head. "I don't know what would happen if the Ministry went in with wands blazing,"

"Or if they would even listen to you," Hermione added. "What about my parents? Are they in danger as well?"

Harry thought for a moment and then shrugged.

"I don't know. It was the Burrow that seemed to be the main target this time."

"Maybe I can get them to go away for a while," Hermione said as she got up to leave. "I'll send them an owl."

"Don't forget to set the coins for the meeting," Harry called after her.

The door closed behind her and within the next thirty seconds, they felt the familiar signal to announce the meeting.

"That girl sure is good at doing more than one thing at a time," Ron sighed as he looked at his coin.

"Yeah, she's a great multi-tasker," Harry said absently as he watched the closed door, missing Ron's confused look.

Ron studied him for a moment. "You still care for her," he said quietly. "I thought…"

Harry looked at his friend, and Ron could see the pain in his eyes.

"I can't," Harry said, shaking his head. "Not now…" he got up and headed towards his room to change, stopping at the door and leaning heavily on the door jam.

As he watched his friend's shoulders sag, Ron realized what Harry was doing. He was pushing Hermione away, just like he did to Ginny, thinking that it would protect her.

"You'll take care of her, won't you, Ron?" Harry said without turning around.

"Yeah," Ron said sadly to the retreating back of his best friend before the door closed.

"I'll take care of both of you,"
