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Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade by Roz

Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade


A/N: Oh Harry, I did leave you in the lurch, didn't I? Here you are, in the middle of a life-altering battle, and I make you wait. Oh yes, my humblest apologies to the readers as well. It's days like these that I wish I had the millions of JKR, then I could spend more time on my writing. And now, without any further groveling, please enjoy the next chapter.

These characters are not mine, I am just trying to give them a little adventure.

Chapter 57

The Power of Amoura

Harry sat up slowly, letting his head clear as he did so.

"So…I know where I am," he finally said, "but I'm not too sure how I got here. Shouldn't I be dead?"

Neville looked pointedly at Draco, and Draco flinched. He didn't like this new confident Neville.

"It was Snape's idea," Draco finally sighed. "He put some of the Draught of the Living Death on the edge of the blade. He figured if Voldemort thought you were dead, he would be too busy celebrating and relax his guard a bit so we could drop the wards. Wormtail kept muttering something about owing you a debt so Snape convinced him that this would save your life," Draco shrugged. "I just had to make sure I didn't get killed."

"So what's in it for you?" Harry said.

Draco shrugged. "Self-preservation," he said.

Harry stared at him, trying to see what Dumbledore had seen.

"Do you trust me?" Draco asked after a moment.

"No," Harry said automatically.

Draco shrugged and stood up.

"Then why would I tell you all of my secrets?"

He headed for the door.

"When the time comes, Potter, don't screw up. My life depends on that now. If you do, I swear I will take you with me."

After Draco left, Harry slowly stood up, testing to see how he felt. He was amazed that there seemed to be no side effects.

"Thank-you," Harry said to Albion.

Albion gave him a little bow.

"Here, Harry," Neville said as he held out the invisipouch.

Harry took the pouch and opened it. The first thing he saw was the box with the pendant. He carefully removed it, letting it spin on its chain.

`Harry, Where did you get that?' Albion asked.

Harry looked up at him.

"Department of Mysteries, in that room in front of Ollivander's apartment," he replied.

`Amoura's pendant. I had forgotten about that,' Albion said. `Its been many years since I have seen it.'

"What's so special about it?" Harry asked. "I felt myself drawn to it, and Greyback took the copy I made."

Albion chuckled. `We need to get into my…Minerva's office,' he said. `Then you'll understand.'

"What about Hermione?" Harry asked. "And the others?"

`They will be fine for the time being,' Albion said. `Come, we must hurry.'

"But…" Harry said.

Harry swore that if the bird had glasses, he would be looking at Harry over the rim.

`There are people there that will not allow them to be harmed. They will protect them.'

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better," Harry muttered.

Albion sighed. `This is important, Harry, and it will help you defeat Voldemort.'

"So what's the plan?" Neville said after listening to the one-sided conversation.

"Albion wants us to go to McGonagall's office. He says there's something there to help us," Harry said.

Harry and Neville followed Albion through the empty hallways, keeping alert for any solitary Death Eaters roaming the hallways.

"Seeking Snitches," Harry whispered as they arrived at the entrance.

The stairway didn't move.

"Great," muttered Harry, and he kicked at the gargoyle.

The stairway began to turn. The boys glanced at each other, and then the slowly rotating stairs. Someone was coming down.

"Hide!" Harry hissed as he dove down a side corridor. Neville followed, pulling out the cloak as he did so. It had just settled over them when Snape came into view. He looked extremely annoyed and stormed off down the hall without a sideways glance.

"Quick!" Harry said as soon as he was out of view.

The two of them made a dash for the stairs just as they began to close. They cautiously made their way up to the Headmistress' office, and were relieved to find the main room empty.

"I wonder what Snape was so angry about?" Harry said as he put the cloak away.

"Probably the wards," Neville said. "He had made some comment about getting them dropped.

Albion chuckled. `He was never trusted that much,' he said.

Harry grinned. "Dumbledore didn't trust him enough," he said.

"What are we looking for?" Neville asked.

`This way,' Albion said as he flew to the quarters behind McGonagall's desk.

Harry motioned to the bird, and the boys followed.

Albion landed on the desk and hopped up to the row of books.

`This one,' he said as he tapped at the book with his beak.

Harry pulled it out.

"The Magical Follies of the Keystone Cops?" he asked.

`Not one that many people would be interested in,' Albion said. `Open it.'

Harry opened the book to find it hollow, with a small key inside.

Albion hopped down on to the floor and over to the sofa.

`You will need to move this,' he said. `Its under the carpet, board number thirteen.'

"Help me, Neville," Harry said.

The boys pushed the sofa out of the way and lifted the carpet. Harry counted thirteen boards and then pushed on it. It was spring loaded, and a small trap door popped up. Harry leaned down and saw a small lock on a secret compartment. After using the key, he carefully lifted the small door and saw several small books lined in a row.

`Take only the red book,' Albion said.

"Why?" Harry said as he reached for the small book.

`These books contain information that is far too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands, and yet too valuable to destroy. They are there for when they are needed. Very few people know about them. You will have to keep that a secret,'

Harry put the small door back and returned the floorboard to its place without explaining to Neville. Once the sofa was back in place, Harry opened the book.

"It's a diary," he said.

`And a very interesting read, but we don't have time for that at this moment. The information you need is at the end of the book.'

Harry flipped to the end and began to read out loud:

These past few months have become perhaps the saddest days of my life. My beloved husband has been killed, poisoned by a madman. I know he believes that with my husband gone, I will be wiling to wed him, but I know him for what he is: a snake. He hopes to use my powers to gain control of the Ministry, but I won't let him. I have found an ancient spell that will transfer my powers to another object or person.

In order for this spell to be successful, I have modified it from the original spell. I must stay pure of heart and faithful to my beloved. That way, if I am swayed, all that I have learned will be protected until someone of pure heart arrives and deserves to wield the power and burden I have created.

I shall hide my powers in the pendant my loving husband gave me. It only seems fair. Perhaps one day I will be able to take it back, but not until this evil has been destroyed.

Until then, I remain faithful,


Harry looked up as he finished reading and passed the diary to Neville.

`She was killed a few days later,' Albion said. `My Grandfather found the book and the pendant, and gave the pendant to the Ministry. They couldn't find the spell she used and so the necklace was sent to the Department of Mysteries. I came across the diary in my grandfather's possessions many years later, but I have to admit, the desire to find the spell never took high priority. I knew both the pendant and the diary were safe from Grindewald, and at the time, I didn't feel that the pendant should belong to me. I must admit, I wasn't sure I was pure enough.'

Harry raised an eyebrow at the phoenix. Sometimes he wondered what a younger Dumbledore had been like.

"I remember hearing about this from Gran," Neville said. "I always thought it was just a bedtime story. Gran told me that Amoura was a natural witch. She learned every spell she read or saw as easily as learning to breathe."

`Sounds like someone else I know,' Harry thought with a pang.

"She was also good at everything else she did. Potions, Transfiguration, Illumination…"

"What, she glowed?" Harry asked.

Neville gave him a funny look.

"No, she had a talent for Calligraphy. Here, look," he said as he pointed to a page in her book.

Harry scanned the pages, his eyes catching the first letter on several pages. The designs were intricate, with painstaking detail.

"I'm glad we're not expected to do that," Harry said.

Neville took the book back and flipped through several other pages.

"It was quite an art," he said. "Sometimes there would be pictures or words hidden in the design."

"Hang on, what did you say?" Harry said.

"That… they would…hide things," Neville said as a sudden realization hit him.

He studied the pages in front of him, and a smile crossed his face as he went to the desk and pulled out a quill and a piece of parchment. Harry followed.

"Here! Look at this! Here's a word, `vox,'"

"What's this?" Harry said, pointing to a small picture in the border.

"It looks like a knife, and a hand," Neville said.

He flipped through a few pages, scribbling words on the parchment as he went.

"Here's what I found," he finally said as he handed the parchment to Harry.

"Vox, servo, per diligo, ut putus, reverto," Harry read.

"Power, protect, with love, the pure, return," Albion said.

"Servo vox per diligo, Reverto vox ut putus," Harry said after a moment.

"Impressive," Neville said.

Harry smiled. "I had some help," he said. "So what about the knife?"

"From the picture, I believe you have to cut your hand and place the pendant in the blood. To…to make sure you're pure, I guess," Neville said. "And you have to use your wand just right. Like this,"

He swished his wand twice, did a double swirl and then a flick.

"While you say the incantation, of course."

"So…if I do this, I could gain Amoura's powers?" Harry said.

"And all her knowledge, I think," Neville said as he looked at the journal again.

"Will I still be me?" Harry asked. "Or will she take over?"

"I…I don't know," Neville said.

"Albion?" Harry asked.

"Your powers and personality are strong, Harry, and from what I know about Amoura, she was a gentle being who very much believed in doing the right thing. It is your decision, but you will gain years of experience and power, enough to beat Voldemort. I wouldn't have suggested this if I didn't think you would be in danger."

Harry looked at him skeptically.

"What do you think, Harry?" Neville asked.

Harry thought for a moment. All that power…

"If I am about to become the most powerful wizard alive, I want you to promise me something, Neville," he said.


"Don't let me become another Voldemort," Harry said.

Neville smiled. "I think there are enough of us to prevent that," he said.

"And perhaps we should keep this quiet as well," Harry said. We don't want to scare the rest of the Wizarding population."

He took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

He took the pendant out, and found a letter opener in the desk. He quickly dragged the blade across his palm, wincing in pain as he did so. He watched as a thin line of blood appeared, and pressed the pendant into his palm, closing his fingers over the necklace. He pulled out his new wand, feeling its power, as it seemed to vibrate in his hand.

"Reverto vox ut putus," Harry said as he waved his wand.

He slowly opened his hand to look at the gem. He could feel it becoming warm, and he held his breath in anticipation. The stone seemed to melt before his eyes, and was absorbed into his hand. Harry could feel the power as it began to move up his arm. It appeared to spread quickly, prickling under his flesh as it did so. It moved through his body, and Harry suddenly realized he couldn't move. His body was beginning to shudder from the onslaught, and Neville was looking at him worriedly. Harry was about to reassure him that he was fine, when movement behind his friend caught his eye and he felt his heart lurch.

"N…N…Neville," he managed to gasp. "S…s..snake."

Neville spin in time to see Nagini slithering towards him. He darted out into the main area, drawing the snake with him.

"G…g…go!" Harry said to Albion, who flew after Neville.

Harry could hear cries of alarm coming from the paintings as Neville and Albion attacked the snake. He winced inwardly as he heard the splintering of wood, and the tinkling of glass. He struggled against the power, trying to throw it off, but it seemed to be growing, and he felt his back arch under the onslaught. A roaring in his ears blocked out the sound of the fight, and Harry felt frustrated as he was cut off from the world around him.

`Hurry…' he thought as he tried to move.

`Patience,' he heard, and it felt like it came from inside his head.

`You have much power, why do you need more?' the voice said.

`To stop the evil trying to take over our world,' Harry thought.

`That is not your true goal,'

Harry stopped struggling.

`You have a deeper reason.'

"Yes," Harry whispered as he closed his eyes.

He had thought he had locked it away, but obviously not well enough.

`Tell me, truthfully, or we may never meld. It's what is keeping me out.'

"Hermione," Harry whispered, and his well built walls crumbled.

He had pushed all thoughts of her to the very dark corners of his mind. It was the only thing he could do to prevent him from rushing blindly back into the hall. The need was so strong that it ran through his body, and he felt Amoura's power react to it.

`Your love for her is strong.'

`I can't live without her,' Harry thought.

Harry noticed that he had stopped shaking and the prickling feeling seemed to be subsiding.

`Accept these powers, and use them wisely. I will not interfere.'

`I promise,' Harry thought as he felt his feet touch the floor.

Had he been floating?

His body relaxed, as the power seemed to center in his core and then slowly fade. Harry opened his eyes and looked at the pendant in his hand. It had returned to its original state, and the wound on his hand had completely healed. He took a deep breath and flexed his fingers. He didn't feel any different.

He heard a crash from McGonagall's office and rushed out to help. He arrived to see Nagini strike at Neville. Neville sidestepped and brought the sword up, severing the head from the body. Harry could see the body quiver for a moment, and then collapse. There was a horrible scream, and Voldemort's soul appeared over the corpse.

"Salvo Animus," Harry called without thinking, and the soul fragment was surrounded by a blue haze and then slowly disappeared with a pop.

Neville stood, breathing heavily as he looked at the body of the snake.

"What…what was that?" he panted.

"A piece of Voldemort's soul," Harry said. "That was an incredible display of swordsmanship,"

Neville blushed. "I've been working with Professor Lupin," he muttered.

Harry looked around the wrecked office and grinned.

"You may have to work on your finesse," he said.

Neville smiled and then turned towards the stairs. The smile fell from his face.

"Someone's coming," he said.

Albion flew up from the staircase. "Minerva and Fred are on their way up," he told Harry.

"It's Professor McGonagall," Harry said.

Neville looked around the office. "I am so dead," he said.

Harry turned and held out his hand. "Scourgify," he thought as he swept his hand across the room.

In a flash, everything was back to normal, except for the dead snake, which was still on the floor.

Neville grinned in relief "You missed a spot."

Harry shrugged. "Someone should see your handiwork," he said as they went to meet the Headmistress.
