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Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade by Roz

Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade


Greetings faithful readers! My apologies for the delay in this chapter, we have been entertaining an exchange student for the past two weeks, and it has taken up much of my time. It was a wonderful experience, but it did take me away from my computer and my regular routine. Just for being so patient, I plan on giving you two chapters for the price of one! I am hoping that will be enough to let you forgive me. So without much further ado, on to the battle!

The characters are not mine; I am just trying to quiet the demons in my head that tell me that Harry and Ginny do not belong together…

Chapter 42

The Battle Within

Hermione passed Kreacher on the stairs as she made her way down to the main floor.

"Good morning, Kreacher, " she said.

The old elf glanced her way before slowly carrying on up the stairs.

"The mudblood is talking to Kreacher again. Is she aware of strange things? Kreacher thinks not," he muttered, and then gave a strange little cackle.

Hermione watched him pass by Ron who yawned and scrubbed his head as he came down the stairs.

"I don't know why you bother," Ron said.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"He's never going to change," Ron said. "You're wasting your time."

"You changed," she retorted. "I figure if you could make changes in your life, then why not Kreacher? Everyone deserves to have the right to choose their own path in life, including elves."

"Even if that path doesn't agree with yours?" Ron muttered.

"What was that?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing. I'm going to find something for breakfast."

"There was a book I wanted to read from the library, so I'll be downstairs in a minute. Have you seen Harry yet?" Hermione asked. "He didn't come up last night."

Ron raised his eyebrow at her, and Hermione became very flustered.

"Not that I was waiting for him or anything, mind you, I mean, I was just wondering…"

Ron rolled his eyes. "No, maybe he fell asleep in the Library," he said quickly to cover his laughter as he moved away.

He really wasn't in the mood for an argument or any further discussions this morning; he was hungry. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen and was in the process of pulling the eggs out when he heard Hermione's frantic cry.


The eggs lay splattered and forgotten as he ran up the stairs, wand out and ready. He reached the library just as Luna appeared beside him. They rushed in to find Hermione sitting on the floor with her back to them, sobbing quietly. As Ron approached, he found out why: Harry's head was cradled in her lap, the gold locket hanging from his neck.

"Bloody hell, Harry," he said. "What did you go and do that for?"

****** ****** ****** ******

Harry was laying face down. He could hear someone calling his name, so he rolled over and looked up towards the blurry blue sky.

"Harry!" he heard again.

He sat up and groaned. He felt like he had gone a round or two with a Hungarian Horn-Tail. His glasses were handed to him and he looked up at the concerned face above him.

"Are you okay, son? You gave me quite a scare," his father said.

"Dad?" Harry said.

He was confused. Something wasn't right. He looked around; searching for… what was he searching for? Last thing he remembered was falling…

"Harry? Are you okay? You must have taken quite a hit to the head. Do you want to rest?"

Harry took the hand that was offered to him and stood up looking around.

"If you're looking for the snitch, it took off after you dove for it. It headed towards the far end of the field," his father said.

The snitch. That's what he was looking for, wasn't it? He could see vague shadows in the back of his mind, but every time he tried to grasp them, they disappeared. He must have hit his head harder than he thought. Harry looked at his dad, who was looking at him worriedly.

"Sorry," Harry said. "I must have hit hard."

"Well, if you don't have any bruises tomorrow, I'll be surprised. Want to call it a day?"

Harry shook his head.

"I don't get to do this too often," he said as he grabbed his broom.

"That`s the spirit," his dad grinned. "Come on, let's find that snitch."

Harry watched his dad rise off the ground and just before he kicked off himself, he had a fleeting thought go through his mind.

`Why don't I get to do this more often?'

"Come on, Harry! I saw a flash of gold!" his father yelled.

Harry grinned and took off after his dad, determined to get the snitch first this time.

****** ****** ****** ******

Ron, Hermione and Luna carefully moved Harry to the couch. Hermione was stroking his hair as Luna held his hand, her eyes closed.

"He's confused," she said after a moment, opening her eyes.

"About what?" Ron asked.

"I don't know," said Luna as she gently laid his hand across his waist. "I couldn't get to him. There's too much interference."

"Well, our dark friend hasn't shown up yet," Ron said as he looked around. "Maybe Harry's fighting back."

"I don't think that Harry can do this alone, and I don't know how we can help," Hermione said.

"Lupin," Ron said as he headed for the door. "I'll go get him."

He was back within five minutes, Professor Lupin following close behind, concern etched on his face. He entered the room and stopped dead, the color draining from his face. When he didn't move closer, Ron went back and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir? Are you okay?" he asked.

Lupin closed his eyes to collect himself, and gave a short nod.

"Yes, sorry. For a moment, I was seeing James…" he trailed off as he moved closer.

"How long has he been like this?" Lupin asked.

"I don't know for sure," Hermione replied. "He was here last night, when I went to bed, and this is where I found him this morning. It could have been any time," she finished quietly.

"I don't think its been too long though," Ron said as he nodded towards the ghostly image that was beginning to materialize.

Lupin watched fascinated, as the image began to take form.

"We need to hurry," said Ron, brining him back to the task at hand.

"This is going to be difficult," said Lupin. "I can't see his eyes."

He put his hands on either side of Harry's head and closed his eyes, trying to visualize the vivid green eyes of the young man lying in front of him.

"Legilimens" he whispered.

****** ****** ****** ******

Harry was exhausted. It felt like they had been playing forever and this was the longest day on record. He finally headed for the ground, mopping his brow as he sat on the cool grass. He wished that the slight buzzing in his head would go away. It was making it hard to think.

"Don't tell me you're giving up now," his dad said as he landed beside him.

Harry flopped back and closed his eyes, trying to clear his head.

"Just for a moment," he said, grinning. He was really enjoying this time with his dad.

His dad stood watching him, a small knowing smile on his face.


Harry opened his eyes and sat up. He could see a figure coming towards him. His dad stiffened, and the smile slid off his face as Lupin approached.

"Hello…Remus," he said coldly.

"Is something wrong, dad?" Harry asked.

"Dad, huh?" Lupin said after a glance at Harry.

He realized that Harry couldn't see what he was seeing, and he wondered what the risk was of trying to convince Harry that this was all an illusion. Could he convince Harry that this wasn't real without damaging his mind?

"You're looking well…James."

"What do you want?" James said.

"I'd like to borrow Harry, if I may," Lupin said, thinking furiously.

"No, I don't think so. It's not often that Harry and I get to spend some time together," James said.

"I don't mind talking to the professor," Harry said.

"That's okay, son. I'll talk to Remus. Besides, didn't you just say you wanted a break so you could go see your girlfriend? She's waiting by the tree for you," James said.

Harry frowned. Did he say that? He couldn't remember.

"You go on, Harry. Remus and I will have a little chat," his father said as he led Lupin away.

"Don't relax too much, Harry" Lupin called. "Keep your guard up. Things are not always as they seem."

Harry turned and looked at him puzzled. Why would the professor say that?

Professor… Harry stopped in his tracks. Lupin was a professor at Hogwarts, and he was a good friend. Someone Harry respected. The more he thought about it, the more annoying the buzzing became.

"I must be really tired," he muttered as he headed for the tree.

He could see the hair that was framing her face blowing in the gentle breeze. Harry smiled to himself as he thought about how he loved to run his hands through that hair. She looked up from the book she was reading, and smiled. Harry flopped down beside her and laid back, his hands behind his head, and his eyes closed. She leaned over him, her hair tickling his face.

"I wondered when you were going to get tired of chasing that little golden ball," she said as she ran a hand down his chest.

Harry smiled as he relaxed. The buzzing in his head seemed to become quieter as he did so.

"I missed you," she said before leaning down to capture his lips. He marveled at their velvety softness as she teased his mouth with hers. Harry reached up and pulled her closer, tangling his hands in her hair as he deepened the kiss.

"You don't belong here," James said as he grabbed Lupin's arm and pulled him away.

Lupin pulled out of his grasp and stopped.

"You don't belong here either, Tom, and I object to you portraying my best friend,"

Voldemort smiled slowly. "I really don't appreciate you using that name in my presence. How is my dear nemesis? I'll admit, I was able to take his form, but many memories seem to be hidden. I have been able to tap into a few, as you can see, but it seems to be taking a fair bit of work to find them."

Lupin looked over to where Harry was under the tree and frowned.

"Ah. I see you don't approve of that relationship. I found some emotion attached to that one, so I just expanded on it a little bit," Voldemort said.

Lupin turned back to look at the man standing in front of him, but said nothing.

"No matter, I'll just keep digging. Soon, I won't need his memories."

"I think you need to leave now," Lupin said. "I won't let you kill Harry."

Voldemort laughed. "As if you have ever had any say in that matter. Goodbye Remus, give James my regards," he pushed Lupin, forcing him to fall.

Lupin was expecting to feel the grass as he fell, so he was surprised when he felt the hard wood of the Library floor. The contact had been broken. He looked up surprised to see three worried faces watching him.

"What's going on? We've got a ghostly image here, but he doesn't seem to be materializing very fast," Ron said.

"It looks like it's taking a lot of effort on his part to break down Harry's barriers," Lupin said as he got up. "He thinks he's with his father playing Quidditch."

"That's all?" Ron asked.

"I think that Harry has always felt that spending time with family is important," Lupin said evasively.

"But something has changed," Luna said as she opened her eyes. "Something that you're not telling us about. He's more relaxed now."

"Who else is he with?" Ron asked.

Lupin cast a quick glance at Hermione before looking back at the pale young man on the sofa.

"Voldemort said he was spending time with his girlfriend," he finally said. "I believe that he's trying to distract Harry."

Hermione flushed. "He was with me?" she asked.

"Not…not quite," Lupin said.

Hermione's face fell.

"Now remember, Voldemort's using memories he can get to. I believe his feelings for you are locked away quite well. It would be difficult for him to find any memories of you," Lupin said, remembering the lessons all those months ago.

"Then who?" Hermione asked, dreading the answer but wanting to know.

Lupin sighed. This was still going to hurt.

"Ginny," he finally said.
