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Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade by Roz

Harry Potter and the Desideratum Crusade


A/N: Greetings to all! This is the battle that I think many of you were waiting for. I did put a little comedy into it; I hope you enjoy it. Thank-you for your kind reviews. I have to tell you, I really look forward to them. Thanks once again to Dementor149, a great Beta and friend. Enjoy!

I spent all of St. Patrick's Day looking for that leprechaun so I could wish for Harry to be mine, but he was a sly little fellow and got away. I think he works for JKR's lawyers.

Chapter 39

Ron's Battle

He was sitting in the stands of a Quidditch match. The people around him were screaming, "Weasley! Weasley!" and waving banners bearing a golden crown with a red `W' on it.

"Isn't he just the best?" he heard a dreamy voice say, and he turned to find Hermione sitting next to him.

For a moment he was confused, had he pulled her in with him? Then he saw some of the other Gryffindor girls giggling and pointing, and he sighed in relief as he realized that the simpering female beside him was not his Hermione, it was the one that Ron had conjured up. Suddenly a roar went up in the crowd and Hermione squealed.

"Oh look! He did it again! He caught the snitch as he knocked the quaffle away from the ring!"

Harry rolled his eyes as Hermione pulled him down the stands and on to the field where the throngs of fans were surrounding Ron and hoisting him on to their shoulders.

"Oi! Harry!" he called as he tossed his broom at him, "haven't I told you before? If you're going to sit in the stands with my fans, you have to be down here quicker. I don't just trust anybody to look after my Firebolt, you know."

Harry stared at the broom in his hands. He was Ron's equipment boy? He knew that Ron had always dreamed of being in the spotlight, but this was ridiculous. He made a face. He had to get through this as quickly as possible.

"Ron!" Harry called. "We need to talk."

"Not now Harry," he said as he waved to some of his fans. "Coach wants me to meet that starlet, you know, the one with the incredible body. Hey! Maybe she has a friend for you," he said with a wink.

"Ron-" Harry said as he tried to get closer.

"Here!" Ron said as he threw his gloves at Harry. "Make sure you treat them well. Big game tomorrow."

Before Harry could say anything else, Ron had disappeared around the corner with his entourage. He bent down to pick up the gloves, and when he straightened, he thought he saw the ghostly figure of Luna standing in the bleachers.

"Luna?" he called, but the figure disappeared. After a moment, he trudged towards the change rooms and made his way through the groups of reporters trying to get pictures of Ron.

"Hey kid!" one of them called. "How much do you want for the broom and gloves? Would you be interested in making a statement? What do you think about the rumor about Weasley being caught in a compromising position with the twin Veelas?"

Harry ignored the calls and questions and slid past everyone to get inside the changing room. He could see Ron laughing and joking with some of the reporters. He scanned the room, knowing that Voldemort couldn't be far away. A man suddenly appeared out of the shadows, shooing the reporters away, and Harry realized just who `coach' was. He turned and their eyes met across the room.

"Who are you?" he asked menacingly.

"Don't you remember coach?" Ron said as he walked past and dropped his Quidditch uniform on Harry's arms. "Harry's my equipment boy."

"As long as he doesn't interfere," Voldemort growled. "I have big plans for you."

"Naw, Harry's my mate," Ron said as he headed for the showers. "He only has my best interest at heart."

"You've got that right," Harry said.

"Time to go clean the jock straps," Voldemort said as he pushed Harry out the door.

Harry turned and watched as everything changed. He was standing in a bar, the music blaring and the place was crowded. In the center of the bar, holding court was Ron, surrounded by several beautiful girls. Harry made his way over to where they were sitting, keeping an eye out for Voldemort. He knew he had to be here somewhere.

"Harry!" Ron called and slid over so he could sit down. "Ladies, this is my good friend, Harry."

"Do you play Quidditch too?" a sultry blonde purred.

"Well, I-" Harry started.

"Used to when we were in school. We played together. He helped me practice to become the player I am today, right Harry?"

"Well, if you want to put it that way," Harry smirked.

"Drink! Eat! I'm paying tonight," Ron said as he called the waitress over.


"I won't hear another word, Harry. I know the club doesn't pay you much. Don't worry about it."

"Ron, I really need to talk to you…alone," he said as he looked around.

"Now Harry? The party's just…" he trailed off as his eyes grew large.

Harry turned to see what he was looking at. There, in the doorway, was the ghostly image of Luna again.

"It's her," Ron whispered as he fought to get untangled from the girls hanging on him, much to their dismay.

He pushed his way through the crowd, but by the time he got to the door, she was gone. He came back and slumped down in the chair.

"Why don't you girls go powder your noses?" he said, waving them off.

They got up dejectedly, but moved off. Harry sat lost in thought. How was Luna doing that? She was obviously grabbing his attention, he could tell by the look on Ron's face.

"I want to meet her," Ron said. "Find out who she is, will you?"

"Her name's Luna," Harry said, watching for any sign of recognition.

"Luna?" Ron said frowning. "Interesting name."

"You don't remember her?" Harry asked.

"Should I?" Ron said brightening. "Is she part of the fan club?"

"Ron, she's your-"

"Time to go, Mr. Weasley," Voldemort said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. "Big game tomorrow."

"Aw, come on coach, it was just getting interesting around here."

Voldemort gave him a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I would hate for my star player to be too tired to play," he turned to leave, and Ron jumped up to follow.

"Come on, Harry," he said. "The boss has spoken."

As Harry go up to follow, Voldemort stood in his way.

"I don't know if you truly have Ron's best interest at heart,"

"And you do?" Harry challenged.

Voldemort smiled at him, but it held no warmth.

"You need to leave," he said and he gave Harry a push. Harry felt himself falling, just like before, but suddenly he stopped in mid-air. As he tried to get his bearings, he saw Luna materialize in front of him.

"Luna?" he gasped.

"You must hurry, Harry," she said.

"How are you-"

Luna shook her head. "There's no time," she said. "I'm having a harder and harder time finding Ronald, and Tom's becoming more solid."

"Ron's seen you" Harry said. "Keep trying."

Luna gave a small smile, and disappeared.

Harry hit the floor and looked up. He was back at the Quidditch pitch. Somehow, Luna had prevented him from being pushed out entirely. He got up and hurried towards the change rooms. He pulled up short as he heard Ron talking to Voldemort.

"Look, I'm tired, I need a break, and I haven't seen Harry for a while. He knows someone I want to meet."

"Perhaps I can introduce you," Voldemort said smoothly.

"You don't know her," Ron said wearily. "I'm going home to sleep."

"You do look a little tired," Voldemort said. "I'll see if I can find Harry and find out who this lovely girl is that has caught your eye."

Ron waved his acknowledgement and left the field. Harry watched as Voldemort stood there, seemingly searching for something. After a moment, he stormed off in the other direction. Harry knew he didn't have much time, so he took off after Ron.

****** ****** ****** ******

The girls watched warily as the specter became more solid, and Ron became deathly pale, his breathing becoming more and more shallow. They sat, one on each side of him, wands out, ready to battle. They were surprised at how fast Tom seemed to be materializing.

"Did you warn Harry?" Hermione whispered.

"Yes, he said Ron has seen me," Luna replied, not taking her eyes off of Tom.

A smile crossed his face as he took in the two girls sitting beside Ron on the couch in front of him.

"Ladies I don't believe we have met before. This fellow," he said, nodding at Harry, "I have met. It explains much," Tom said. " Harry, is it? School mate?"

"Just keep your distance," Hermione said.

"Ah, you must be…Hermione, bossy friend," he said before turning to Luna. "And you are…" Tom frowned. "I see no reference to you," he said.

"She's my friend," Hermione said, trying to distract him. `Ron's Occlumency must be working.'

"Yes, well…no matter, won't be long now."

Luna closed her eyes and bowed her head as if in defeat, but Hermione knew what she was doing.

"You won't win," Hermione said.

Tom stretched and curled his fingers, absently looking at his nails.

"Little girls don't frighten me," he said.

****** ****** ****** ******

Harry came across Ron lying on a couch in a lavish flat. Harry could see that he looked exhausted. His eyes were sunken and his face was beginning to look hollow. Ron looked up wearily at him.

"Oh, hi Harry," he said before lying his head back down and closing his eyes.

"Ron, I need your help. I need you to think about some of your memories," Harry said.

Ron opened his eyes and looked at him.

"Now? I'm really tired, you know. How about later."

"No, Ron. Now. I need you to remember Voldemort."

Ron looked at him with a vacant stare.

"Come on, Ron. We've been fighting him for almost seven years now."

Ron shook his head. "No, I've been playing Quidditch for the past two years."

Harry sighed in exasperation. He was surprised at how well Ron had managed to block his memories, and how well Voldemort had convinced him that this was his true life. He sat on the floor in front of Ron and took a deep breath.

"Do you remember Luna?" he asked. "The beautiful blonde?"

Ron smiled as Harry spoke. "Luna," he said. "Sounds like an interesting name."

Harry nodded. "She's an interesting person, remember?"

Ron sat up abruptly, looking past Harry, and Harry turned to see what he was looking at. Standing in the doorway was the ghostly figure of Luna. She slowly moved towards the two, her sad eyes never leaving Ron's face. As she neared Harry, she glanced at him.

"We're almost out of time," she said.

She turned and looked at Ron, who couldn't take his eyes off of her. She cupped the side of his face with her hand and looked at him sadly, a lone tear trickling down her cheek.

"Come back to me," she whispered, and then she was gone.

Ron sat there, almost trance-like, and then shook his head.

"I must be tired," he said as he touched his cheek. "I need to rest, Harry. I'm so tired."

He lay back down on the couch and closed his eyes.

"No!" Harry said, reaching forward to shake him.

He was unexpectedly pushed away and he flew across the room, bouncing off the wall before coming to a rest, sitting on the floor. He held the back of his head and winced. He looked up to see Voldemort standing above him.

"Mr. Potter," he said. "You are a hard person to find. I had to do a little…soul searching."

"Coach?" Ron said feebly from the couch.

"Rest, Ron," Voldemort said. "You'll feel better soon."

"No! Ron, don't listen to him!" Harry said. "He's trying to take over your soul."

Voldemort reached down and grabbed Harry by the throat.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?" he hissed at Harry as he lifted him and slammed him against the wall, slowly squeezing as he did so. Harry grabbed at his arm, trying to relieve the pressure on his windpipes. He vaguely wondered what would happen if he died in here.

****** ****** ****** ******

Hermione was watching Tom, who seemed to becoming more solid with each passing moment, his smile becoming more sinister.

Harry suddenly started gasping, and it sounded like he couldn't breathe.

"What are you doing?" Hermione demanded as she knelt down beside Harry. She grabbed his shoulder, wondering if she should break the contact between her two best friends, but could she choose one over the other? She looked up at Luna, who was crying silently.

"He promised," she said.

****** ****** ****** ******

Harry hardly had any strength left. Everything was beginning to go black, and he could hardly form a comprehensive thought.

"Ron," he gasped desperately, the feeling of remorse coming over him. He promised that Ron would survive. He didn't even have the energy to apologize to his best friend. His arms fell to his side, and his eyes slowly closed as his oxygen-deprived body gave up the fight. He was about to lose consciousness, when he fell to a heap on the floor and the sweet rush of oxygen was returned to his starved lungs. He took a deep breath, coughing as he massaged his neck.

"Stay away from Harry!" He heard Ron yell and he looked up in a daze to see Ron standing over Voldemort, a blood stained trophy in his hand.

Harry rolled shakily to his knees, gasping as he tried to focus. Ron came over and helped him up, and Harry swayed, leaning on his friend. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Voldemort as he began to stand up.

"Salvo Animus," he gasped, and the spell hit Voldemort, knocking him back, the pale blue glow of the spell surrounding him.

He could see Voldemort struggling in the bubble as is slowly lifted and seemingly faded away. He could hear the scream of frustration as the piece of Tom's soul was released.

****** ****** ****** ******

Hermione was as close to a panicked hysteria that she ever wanted to be. She was losing Harry and Ron, and she still hadn't seen a sign. Luna seemed to have given up; she was just sitting and staring at Ron.

"Soon," Tom said smiling. "Very-" he stopped as a trail of blood began to trickle down the side of his head. He reached up to wipe it, a look of confusion on his face. Hermione watched in amazement as Tom started to become transparent.

"No…" she heard him growl angrily.

Hermione pointed her wand at the cup and yelled "Everto!"

The cup flew from Ron's hand to clatter across the floor; a large crack could be seen on one side. The ghostly image of Tom continued to disappear, wailing as it went. Finally, there was nothing but silence. Harry collapsed against Hermione and she cradled his head in her lap. Luna pulled Ron against her, holding him, afraid that he would leave again. She had a small smile on her lips as she looked over at Hermione.

"I found him," she said.

"Luna," Ron whispered. "So beautiful…" he closed his eyes and relaxed.

Hermione looked down to see a pair of emerald eyes looking up at her.

"Hey," she said quietly as she ran a hand through his unruly hair. "You gave me quite a scare."

"Sorry," Harry croaked. He was surprised to find his throat quite sore. He reached out and squeezed her hand and smiled. They had done it. There were only two more Horcruxes left. Then he could get rid of Voldemort once and for all.
