Unofficial Portkey Archive

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights by Amynoelle and Heaven

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thank you all for sticking with us this far! And as much as we hate to say it- fluff comes to an end this chapter as Draco and Ginny put their little plan to break up Nick and Julie into motion.

We didn't respond to reviews again, and we're sorry- Tuesdays are hard for that so we're trying to do them on Saturdays chapters now so if you have any questions you THINK ;) that we'll answer, leave them for us this time around.

As always, a few words to let us know what you think of the chapter is ALWAYS appreciated!!

Even Angels Fall - Jessica Riddle

You found hope, you found faith
Found how fast she could take it away
Found true love lost your heart
Now you don't know who you are

She made it easy made it free
Made you hurt till you couldn't see
Sometimes it stops some times it flows
Baby that is how love goes

You will fly and you will crawl
God knows even angels fall
No such thing as you lost it all
God knows even angels fall

Ginny watched as Draco set the last suitcase by the door. They were scheduled to leave in a couple of hours and she was more than ready to go. This entire holiday had been a mistake. After Harry, Hermione and Ron had left yesterday, Draco had given her the silent treatment. She'd tried the entire evening and most of the morning to get him to talk, but he hadn't said a word.

"Look," Ginny said, following him back into the sitting room. "I should have told you about my mother sending Nicholas those cards..."

"Why the fuck would I care about that?" Draco turned. "You lied to me about going to see your mother. That's what I'm pissed off about."

"I shouldn't have gone to see her," Ginny said quietly. "I know that now. I just thought...I thought things would have been different."

"If your family cared," Draco began tightly. "Then they'd have tried to talk to you ages ago."

"I know," Ginny said, putting a hand on his arm. "You're my family. You're the only family I need."

Draco stared at her, trying to keep his cool demeanour. In truth, she was the only family he had as well.

"I don't care if I ever see any of them ever again after today," Ginny said sincerely. "I just want to go back to our home and our life in Sydney and concentrate on us."

"Me too," Draco touched his wife's cheek.

"You do?" Ginny asked, looping her arms around his neck.

"Yes," Draco said. "I do love you even if I don't always show it in the best of ways."

Ginny kissed him. "This whole holiday was a mistake. We shouldn't have come here."

"I agree," Draco said. "Now our son is out there fucking a Potter."

"Not after today he isn't," Ginny said with gleaming eyes. "I think its time we play our trump card---Greta. If it's a choice between Julie and Greta, I think we know who he'll choose, don't you?"

Draco smirked. "I'm sure he'll be around anytime. No doubt in my mind he was staying with her last night."

"I hope he enjoyed it while it lasted," Ginny said dismissively. "He'll be in University in the next few weeks following in your footsteps."

"He'll be going," Draco said definitively. "He has no say in this matter anymore."

"It's really the best thing for him," Ginny agreed.

Nick approached the cabin warily, hoping against hope that his parents were still sleeping. He planned on going in, grabbing his things, and leaving without even a word to them.

Ginny was laughing at something Draco was saying when she heard the front door open.

"Nicholas," Ginny called out to her son. "We'd like to have a word."

Nick cursed under his breath and decided to ignore them. He stomped over to his room.

Draco followed him. "Don't ignore your mother like that, Nicholas. We want to talk with you. That's not a request, Nicholas. That's a demand."

"I have nothing to talk to either one of you about," Nick replied coldly. "And I don't take demands from you. Not anymore."

"Okay," Draco said quietly. "Well, we just wanted to inform you about a decision your mother and I have made."

Nick folded his arms and stared at his parents wordlessly.

"Well," Ginny began. "Your father and I don't really have any need for a squib nanny anymore. Truth be told, she's not that great of a cook and she has a bit of an attitude problem. We're going to let her go."

Nick narrowed his eyes. "You're doing this because I'm with Julie." he said. "Blackmail."

"Blackmail is such a harsh word," Ginny said with a slight laugh. "I think of it more like a 'compromise'."

"This is no compromise," Nick said furiously.

"That's where you're wrong," Draco said. "You want something. We want something. In order to get it, we're both going to have to give up something. It's the way of the world, Nicholas."

"Your world isn't my world," Nick snapped. "Why do either of you even care? You've NEVER paid attention to me before and now that I'm with a Potter it's like you can't leave me alone!"

"I care because YOU are a Malfoy, Nicholas," Draco retorted. "You're not a Weasley. You're most certainly not a Potter. With the name Malfoy, you have certain responsibilities. You have to uphold the name. No son of mine is going to associate with that...filth."

"She is not filth," Nick raged, grabbing his father by the lapels.

"She's not," Draco said truthfully. "You're right. I shouldn't have called her that."

Nick was so surprised by his father's remark that he let go.

Ginny looked at her husband and wondered where he was going with this.

"She can't help who her parents are," Draco said calmly. "My problem isn't really with her, Nicholas. It's with her parents."

Nick exhaled sharply. "You'll never let it go will you? You'll always hold some pathetic grudge because YOU tried to get them in trouble."

"I'll let you in on a little secret, Nicholas," Draco said, holding up his hand. "There was a time when I wanted to be friends with Harry Potter."

Nick raised an eyebrow sceptically.

"It's true," Draco said with a laugh. "We were both starting Hogwarts. The very first night at school. The entire train ride over on the Hogwarts Express everyone was talking about how the great Harry Potter had come to Hogwarts."

Draco leaned back against the wall. "So we were all waiting outside the Great Hall waiting for the sorting to begin. I saw him. He was standing beside your uncle. I walked over to him and introduced myself.

"I told him that he would soon find out that some Wizarding families were better than others and that he didn't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I held out my hand and told him I could help him. Do you know what he did, Nicholas?"

Nick shrugged, pretending he didn't care.

"He didn't shake my hand and he chose to be friends with your uncle instead. Big mistake on his part. If only he'd done that, you and Julie might be planning your wedding right now, Nicholas. For all we know, Scarhead would have been my best mate."

"He knew better I'm sure," Nick said coldly.

Draco had just about enough of his son's sarcasm and ungrateful attitude. "Fine, Nicholas. I guess we know where you stand. This is where I stand. You're going to end things with the Potter girl and you're doing it today."

"No fucking way," Nick said holding his ground. "I'm through with the both of you."

"We're through with Greta," Ginny said simply. "We've put out word too that she's a terrible nanny and housekeeper and that she's stolen numerous items from our home. I don't imagine anyone would want to hire her after that, do you Nicholas?"

Nick was dumbfounded. "How could you bring her into this?" he demanded. "This is about me not her!"

"You brought her into this," Ginny pointed out. "We told you that this would happen, but you didn't listen. You have no one to blame, but yourself."

Nick felt torn. On one hand he had Julie... but Greta had raised him. She had cared for him since he was a baby. He couldn't let his parents do this to her. Yet there had to be a way he could keep Julie in his life and not let them destroy Greta's life.

"So what's it going to be?" Draco asked. "If it were me, the decision would be easy. You've known this girl for such a short time. It won't take long to get over her, Nicholas."

"At least I love her," Nick muttered. "You don't know the first thing about love."

"I love your mother," Draco said, putting an arm around Ginny. "And I am doing this for your own good, Nicholas. In my own way, I love you too."

"Bullshit," Nick retorted. "You've never cared about me."

"That's where you're wrong," Draco retorted. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to take care of before we leave. I trust you'll do the right thing, Nicholas."

"I am NOT following in your footsteps," Nick snapped.

"Whatever you say, Nicholas," Draco said dismissively, walking out of the cabin.

Nick stared at his mother. "How could you do this to me? After all your nonsense about wanting to be a family, you do this?"

"I do want us to be a family," Ginny said smiling at him. "Your father, you and me. That's all we need. You'll see."

"No it's not," Nick snapped. "I want nothing to do with either of you, ever again."

"So, what have you decided?" Ginny asked, ignoring his comment.

In reply, he turned and slammed his bedroom door behind him. "What am I supposed to do?" he asked himself softly. He couldn't give up Julie, but he couldn't let them do that to Greta either.

*** *** ***

Lavender stretched, letting her arm move out from under the cover. Her hand hit a warm body and she smiled, moving over to cuddle closer to Seamus. "Morning," she said quietly, knowing he was awake.

"Morning," Seamus said. He didn't know how he'd spent so long sleeping without her beside him. It was nice, familiar and warm.

"Sleep well," Lavender asked as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Like a baby," he said softly. "Even with your snoring..."

"Sod off you," Lavender hit him on the chest. "I do NOT snore."

"You do," Seamus said turning over to look at her.

"We're not starting this again," Lavender said. "I do not snore and that is that."

"You do," Seamus couldn't resist adding.

"Seamus!" Lavender exclaimed.

"It's not annoying," Seamus quickly said. "It's quite cute."

Lavender rolled her eyes. "Well YOU whimper in your sleep. You sound like a little lost puppy."

"Whimper?" Seamus asked. "I do not whimper. I have never whimpered in my life."

"And I've never snored in my life," Lavender gave him a look.

"Okay," Seamus relented. "You don't snore and I don't whimper."

"All right," Lavender gave him a kiss on the cheek. "That's better."

Seamus grinned and pulled her close. There was something he'd been meaning to bring up, but he hadn't really known how to go about it. Now was as good a time as any and he decided to just go for it.

"Lav?" he asked. "After Julie's party...I'm going to have to go back to L.A."

"I know," she said softly.

"And I'll be filming for the next six months," Seamus continued. "I probably wouldn't be able to get back to London to see you..."

Lavender took a deep breath. "Maybe I should just go back with you." she said.

"But what about you boutiques?" Seamus asked her. "And your family? Your friends?"

"I have an assistant who can help me in managing the boutiques here," Lavender said. "Besides... they're all for wizards. I can Floo back anytime I feel like it." she raised herself up on one arm. "I've gotten you back Seamus, by what sort of luck I'm not sure but I'm not letting you go again."

Seamus grinned. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. I was afraid you'd think I was being some chauvinist pig who expected you to follow where I led."

She laughed. "You do realise this means between films, you'll have to come back here though right? To rainy old London."

"I happen to like rainy old London," Seamus said defensively.

"Good," Lavender said. "I don't know how I'm going to tell Hermione about this. We've gotten so close, even closer than we were when you lived here before."

"I know," Seamus said, touching Lavender's arm. "But you can come back anytime you like, Lavender. And they can come visit."

"That's right," Lavender smiled at him. "I still can't believe we're back together," she buried her face in his chest.

"Neither can I," Seamus said, putting his arms around her.

"I would kiss you but I think you have bad morning breath," Lavender teased.

"So do you," Seamus said pretending to be affronted.

"Yours is worse," she giggled.

"Okay," Seamus said, gently pushing her away. "I get your point, Miss Brown. I'll go brush my teeth."

"I have a better idea," Lavender said. "How about we take a shower together?"

"Just as long as you promise not to use that awful soap that smells like gardenias or something," Seamus said, pulling the covers back.

"My soap smells nice," Lavender said defensively. "And if I do recall correctly you used it on yourself on MORE than one occasion."

"When I didn't have anything else," Seamus retorted.

"Right," she teased. "You'll be pleased to know I switched to one that smells like lilacs instead."

"Come on," Seamus said. "I thought someone by the name of Lavender would use something that smells like well....lavender."

She laughed. "I could use something new..." she said suggestively.

"Just get in the bathroom, Brown," Seamus said grinning at her.

"After you," she said impishly.

"You just want to look at my arse," Seamus said leading the way.

"I hope you don't have a problem with that." Lavender said.

"Not at all," Seamus said smiling at her.

*** *** ***

The Weasley cabin was in a state of chaos. Everyone was rushing around trying to pack, but Dolly the Cornish pixie had gotten loose and made quite a mess of things before Luna had saved the day.

"She didn't mean to get out and cause all that trouble, Daddy," Maddie explained to Ron. "She wanted to get out and play."

"Well it's a good thing we caught her," Ron said. "I don't know if you're going to be able to keep Dolly, Maddie."

Maddie's face fell. "No, Daddy. Please? I promise I won't let her back out of her cage. She'll be a good girl."

Ron sighed. "Ask your mother."

"But she said to ask you," Maddie said, giving her dad her most adorable face. "Please, Daddy?"

Ron bit his lower lip to keep from grinning. "All right. But if she gets out of her cage just one more time..."

Maddie launched herself at Ron and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Daddy. You're the bestest daddy in the whole world!"

Ron laughed. "You're welcome baby. I'm going to put Dolly up here until it's time to go all right?"

"Okay," Maddie said, running out of the room to tell Darla and Drew the good news.

Ron grumbled a bit as he put the pixie on top of the shelf. "We're spoiling her," he said as his wife came in the room. "I can't say no to that kid."

"You never have been able to," Luna said. "She's got you wrapped around her little finger, Ron."

"That she does," Ron said. "And she will likely stay that way forever."

"I find it hard to say no to her, too," Luna said, grinning at her husband. "But we should probably try a little more often. She'd got to realise that she's not always going to get her way."

"I agree," Ron said, sitting on the sofa. "Are we all packed up?"

"Well," Luna began. "You don't even want to go in the boys' room. It's not pretty. Drew and Darla are moving at a snail's pace as usual and R.J. is fussy. I finally put him down a few minutes ago..."

"So in other words we have quite awhile," Ron said. "I should be ticked..."

"You're not?" Luna asked, surprised.

"Not really," Ron said. "I'm feeling pretty relaxed right now for some reason."

As if on cue, Darla stalked into their room. "Mum! Drew's got my sandals and she won't give them back!"

Drew pushed her way past her sister into the room. "I do not have your bloody sandals. You probably lost them like you do everything else."

"Girls," Ron said. "If you pack up everything like your Mum and I told you to do, you'll probably find them."

"I'm trying, Dad," Drew said defensively. "But I don't want to pack things up really messy. It takes time to do things nice and neatly."

"Oh and Jon snuck out a few minutes ago to see Allie," Darla chimed in.

Ron put his hand on his forehead and began to laugh.

"Did he finish packing at least?" Luna asked, but she already knew the answer.

"Josh is in there and he's really mad," Drew said. "Jon left all the packing for him to do."

"Drew?" Luna said, putting her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Will you do me a big favour and go fetch your brother from the Longbottom cabin and tell him if he doesn't get back here and finish packing he's going to go and stay with my dad while we're all in London."

Drew giggled. "Okay!" she agreed instantly.

"And be quick about it," Luna reminded her. "We don't have much time."

"I will!" Drew skipped out of the cabin.

"And why don't you go in there now and try to find your sandals?" Ron asked Darla. "I'm willing to bet my Chudley Cannons shirt that they're under your or Drew's bed."

"Okay," Darla said. "But Dad, I really don't like your Cannons shirt. Could I have your new chess set instead?"

"No way," Ron said. "Because your sandals are under the bed."

"I already looked under the bed," Darla said. She snapped her fingers and a grin spread across her face. "But I didn't look under Drew's bed!"

Ron sat back again as she ran out of the room. "Oi," he said. "Glad that's all solved."

"Something tells me the next crisis is just around the bend," Luna said as she folded some shirts.

"Of course it is," Ron replied. "Maybe we should go in our room and lock the door."

"They'd just knock and knock and knock until we opened the door," Luna reminded him. There was a knock on the front door and Luna walked over and grinned when she saw who it was.

"Hello, Nick," Luna said, opening the door for him. "We were wondering when you'd be coming by."

"Hi..." Nick said, a bit nervous.

"Nick!" Ron got up. "How's your lip?"

"It's fine," Nick replied, stepping inside. He looked around the messy room. "What happened in here?"

"Dolly got loose," Luna explained.

"I found my sandals!" Darla called out from her bedroom. "They were under Drew's bed like I said, Dad!"

"Good!" Ron hollered back. "So what brings you by Nick?" he clapped his nephew on the shoulder.

"I wanted to talk to you," Nick answered. "Alone, if that's okay, Aunt Luna."

"That's fine," Luna smiled at him. "I've still got some more packing to do."

"What did you want to talk about?" Ron asked as Luna left the room.

Nick cleared away a space on the sofa to sit down. He didn't even know where to begin, but he had no one else to talk to.

"Have you ever had to make a tough decision where either way you went someone you cared about would get hurt?" Nick finally asked.

"Hasn't everyone gone through that?" Ron asked in return.

"Yeah, of course," Nick said quickly. "I just wanted to know if you have...and how you came to make your decision, Uncle Ron."

Ron wondered what his nephew was getting at. "Usually I took some time to think about it..." he said. "And I had to figure out what would hurt less." he smiled ruefully. "Usually I managed to take the hard way."

Nick nodded. "How long have you and Luna been together?"

"Quite awhile," Ron replied. "She fancied me back at school but I was too big a git to notice her. Once we came here, she taught me how to dance... and I couldn't stay away from her."

"Would you do anything for her?" Nick asked.

"Anything," Ron said without hesitation.

"What about your mother?" Nick asked. "Would you do anything for her?"

"For my mum, of course I would." Ron said. "She's been through enough in her life with various family members deserting her..." his last words remained unsaid and hung in the air above them.

"Yeah," Nick said, nodding. "I know..."

"Are you in some sort of trouble?" Ron asked concernedly.

Nick wanted to laugh. Ron had no idea what sort of trouble he was in and Nick wanted to tell him, but he just couldn't.

"No," Nick lied. "I just...I've been doing some thinking."

"Oh..." Ron said. "Anything I can help you with?"

Nick shook his head. His decision was seemingly made, but he had no idea how he'd be able to pull it off.

"I just really came by to tell you that I really liked getting to know all of you this summer," Nick finally said quietly. "And I won't forget all that you did for me. You made me feel like I was part of a family for the first time in my life."

Ron's eyebrows came together. "You make it sound like we'll never see you again Nick."

"I've decided to stay in Sydney," Nick said resignedly. "It's just better this way."

"How can it be better?" Ron asked.

"It just is," Nick snapped at him.

Ron was surprised at his tone. "Nick," he said. "You know I'm here for you right? If you need help I'll help you."

"I know," Nick said apologetically. "I'm sorry, Uncle Ron. I should go. I appreciate all that you and your family did for me. Could you please say goodbye to everyone for me?"

Ron blinked. "Of course but--"

"Goodbye, Uncle Ron," Nick said, holding out his hand.

Ron stared at him. "Nick..."

"In one summer you were more like a father to me than my own," Nick said, his hand still outstretched. "I'll never forget that."

Ron inched forward and shook his nephew's hand. "I wish I could convince you to come back with us."

"I'd just get in the way," Nick said with a hollow laugh.

"You've never been in the way," Ron said. "Everyone likes you. Julie, most of all I think."

At the mention of Julie's name, Nick paled. "I'm sorry, Uncle Ron. I've...I've got to go."

With not even a backward glance, Nick quickly ran out of the cabin.

"Nick!" Ron called to his retreating back.

"Ron?" Luna asked, coming out of their bedroom, holding R.J. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Ron still stared out the door. "I really have no idea."

*** *** ***

Nick practically ran towards the Potter cabin; he had never felt so conflicted in his life. He absolutely hated his parents for doing this to him, to Greta. He had no idea how he was going to break up with Julie. The very thought made him want to curl up and die.

Julie was humming as she packed up her belongings. Things were going so well. She had Nick. She was sure she'd get that teaching job she'd wanted; and she could possibly have a baby brother or sister on the way. She knew that her parents said not to get her hopes up, but Julie was feeling quite optimistic.

"Sweetheart," Hermione called. She hated making her daughter pack up for her but she could barely move from the bed. "I'm sorry; I just need your help for a few minutes."

Julie quickly made her way to her parents' bedroom and gave her mother a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry about it, Mum. I'm happy to help."

"You're a good girl," Hermione lay with a damp, cool washcloth on her forehead.

"It's the least I could do since Dad went to go settle things up with Mr. Van Ark," Julie said opening up her mother's suitcase. "Are you really sure you can make it back in the car?"

"I hope so," Hermione said. "I wanted to stop at Stonehenge but that's out of the question now. The car's got to be better than Flooing."

"I know you said not to get our hopes up, but this was how you were with Ethan, Mum," Julie couldn't help saying.

"And your Dad says it's how I was with you as well," Hermione replied. "I hope I am too. Guess we'll find out when we get back."

"We certainly will," Julie said squeezing her mother's hand. "And then we can make plans for the nursery. Do you remember how much fun we had planning it for Ethan?"

"Of course," Hermione smiled. "You were a big help then as well."

"Well I had to," Julie said laughing. "Dad couldn't have put that crib together without me. What is it about men and not wanting to read directions?"

"I'm not sure," Hermione smiled then grimaced. "Ooh..." she said. "I hate this nausea."

"Need me to help you to the loo?" Julie offered.

"I think it might pass," Hermione said, breathing deeply.

"Are you sure?" Julie asked concernedly.

"I'm sure," Hermione pressed the cloth onto her forehead. "Can you pull those shades for me?"

Julie nodded and walked over to the window. As she moved to pull the shades, she saw Nick standing outside of their cabin. He didn't look too good and Julie immediately wondered if something had happened with his parents.

"Mum?" Julie asked. "Nick's outside. Do you mind if I step outside for a moment? I won't go far in case you need me."

"All right love," Hermione said. "I'll be fine."

Julie walked outside and saw Nick sitting on the steps. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey you!"

He jumped. "Hi," he muttered. "I need to talk to you."

"How did it go?" Julie asked, sitting down beside him.

He shook his head. "Julie..." Nick had no idea how he was going to do this.

Deciding he needed to talk about something else to get his mind off of his folks, she decided to talk about her birthday party.

"I can't wait for you to meet everyone. I just know my Grandpa is going to love you. My grandmother is really excited about meeting you, too."

"I'm not coming to your party," Nick blurted out. The only way he could do this was to be like the person he currently hated most.

"What?" Julie asked, looking over at him in surprise.

"I'm not coming to your party," he forced his voice to harden and he curled his lip up. "Why would I want to?"

Julie pulled a confused face. "Because we love each other and its an important day for me and I want you there by my side, Nick."

"We love each other?" he mocked.

"Don't we?" Julie asked, putting a hand on his arm, but he shrugged it off.

"Maybe you do," he smirked. "And if you really do then I'm a damn good actor aren't I?"

Julie stared at him in disbelief. "W-what are you talking about, Nick?"

Nick gazed at her as scornfully as possible. "I mean that you were a means to an end, Jules. I wanted a shag and you gave it to me. A lot easier than I thought, too."

She didn't know what to say or do. The man standing before her now wasn't the man who'd spent the night with her last night. The man standing in front of her now was some Draco Malfoy clone and she didn't understand what was going on and why he was saying these horrible things.

Shakily she got to her feet and looked into his grey eyes. He seemed so cold and distant and he was smirking at her. Before she knew what she was doing she'd hauled back and slapped him as hard as she could.

"What the hell do you keep slapping me for?" Nick asked angrily, holding his cheek. "If I wasn't a gentleman I'd slap you back."

Julie glared at him. "You're no gentleman, Nicholas Malfoy."

"You would know," Nick said.

"I guess I'm the fool, eh?" Julie asked him bitterly. "I actually thought you were someone I could care about and you're telling me that this entire time you were just playing me? That nothing you felt for me was real?"

"No," Nick said, the smirk dropping from his face at the look in her eyes. "It... wasn't real."

"And your family---the Weasleys?" Julie asked. "And Chiaki? What about them? Were you playing them, too? How about Ethan?"

"Yeah," Nick said. "Everyone. Had you all fooled didn't I?"

"Why?" Julie asked. She stood right in front of him and shoved him hard in the chest. "Why? For fun?"

"Something like that," Nick couldn't even force himself to smirk at her now. There was a dull ache in his chest that he couldn't make go away.

Julie stared at him, anger pulsing through her veins. "Go away," she said quietly.

Nick stared at her for a moment. "Did you really fall in love?" he asked, his voice mocking.

"Get out of my sight, you bastard!" she screamed at him. "Now! Go!"

Nick sneered at her and turned to leave, storming across the path towards his cabin. He hated his parents but most of all right now, he hated himself.

"Julie?" Hermione called out to her daughter when she heard the front door open. "Sweetheart, I heard you screaming. Are you okay?"

Julie was shaking as she sat down hard on the sofa. The tears she hadn't wanted Nick to see now filled her eyes. "No," she said, her voice shaking.

Hermione walked out of the bedroom and saw her daughter crying. "Jules," Hermione said gently, touching her daughter on the shoulder. "What is it?"

"It's Nick," Julie sobbed. "He just... he just told me that everything was a big joke. That he doesn't love me. That he just wanted..." she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

Hermione hugged Julie and held her while she cried.

"It's okay, Julie," Hermione said soothingly. "It's okay..."

"No it's not Mum," Julie wiped her eyes. "What's wrong with me? Why do I keep picking the wrong ones?"

Hermione's heart broke at the look on Julie's face. She touched Julie's cheek. "You listen to me, Julie Liliane. There's nothing wrong with you. You're a beautiful, smart, clever girl and if the likes of Ryan and Nick can't see that, well they never deserved you to begin with."

Julie didn't know what to say, so she simply nodded and leaned against her mother's shoulder. "I hate being in love," she whimpered. "It's horrible."

Hermione wrapped an arm around Julie and the two of them sat in silence, save for Julie's sobs. What Hermione couldn't understand was why Nick had treated Julie this way. Over the holiday, he'd been nothing but polite and charming to them. He'd seemed as different from his parents as night and day.

"Okay," Harry said as he walked back inside the cabin with Ethan in tow. "Everything is cleared up and we should be ready to...what's wrong?"

Hermione shook her head but Julie looked up, her eyes already red. "Nick," she sobbed again.

"Nick broke up with her," Hermione said gently.

"What?" Harry asked. "Why? When?"

Hermione shook her head, indicating she didn't know and Julie was crying too hard to talk. Ethan looked completely dumbfounded and Harry looked just plain furious.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Harry finally said.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked as Ethan came over and tried to comfort his sister.

"To get some answers," Harry replied heading for the door.

"Harry!" Hermione called after him but it was no use- he was already halfway to the Malfoys' cabin.

Draco and Ginny were stepping out onto the porch when Harry came up to their cabin.

"Come to see us off, Scarhead?" Draco asked sarcastically.

"Where's your son?" Harry snarled without prelude.

"Inside," Ginny said sweetly. "Packing."

"Get him out here," Harry demanded.

Draco laughed. "I'm sorry. I think you've mistaken me for one of your adoring fans, Potter."

"I said get him out here," Harry clenched his teeth. "I want to know what he said to my daughter."

"It doesn't matter what he said, does it?" Ginny asked.

Nick opened up the door and stepped outside. "I don't need you to speak for me, Mum."

Harry's eyes narrowed when he saw the younger Malfoy.

"You wanted to see me?" Nick asked quietly.

"What did you say to her?" Harry snapped. "She's back there now sobbing and I want to know why."

Nick didn't see how he was going to pull this off with the great Harry Potter, but he'd gone this far, he figured he'd have to see it through to the end.

"I ended things," Nick answered defiantly. "She and I were nothing but a summer fling. We were just having a bit of fun. Apparently, she thought things were much more serious."

Harry's eyes darkened dangerously. "Don't any of you ever come near me or my family EVER again." he said.

"As if we'd want to," Ginny retorted. :

"Ahh, there's our ride," Draco said lazily. "Have a nice life Scarhead. Nicholas go get your things."

"Wait just a minute," Harry called out to Nick. "We invited you into our home---into our lives. Ron treated you like his own son. Did any of that mean anything to you, Nick?"

Nick looked away so his parents and Harry wouldn't see the lie in his eyes. "No," he answered dully.

"Satisfied, Potter?" Malfoy asked. "If you don't mind we'd like to leave."

Harry shook his head. "I expected more of you Nick," he said in disappointment.

Nick turned and walked back into the cabin to get his things.

"This is truly for the best," Ginny said airily. "Nice to see you as always, Harry."

"Shut up Ginny," Harry snapped. "I hope you're satisfied. Something tells me the two of you are responsible for this."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Always looking to blame everything on us, aren't you? I haven't got the time or desire to explain myself to you. Go back to the Mudblood and your brats, Scarhead."

Harry glared at him. "Have a good life yourself Malfoy. I hope you're happy with what you've done." he said before leaving.

"Come, Nicholas," Ginny called out. "The car is waiting."

Nick slammed the cabin door behind him, ready to leave Hillsdale. "Fine," he said shortly.

"You did the right thing, Nicholas," Ginny said smiling at him. "You'll see. You'll forget all about her."

"Don't talk to me," Nick brushed by her. "I don't want to have anything to do with either one of you."

"As long as you don't have anything more to do with Julie Potter, I don't care what you think of us," Draco said, holding the car door open for his wife.

Nick threw his bags in the boot and got in the other side, scooting over as far as possible.

"I cannot wait to get home," Ginny said immediately forgetting about her son and his plight. "I think we should have a dinner party or something after we're all settled. We could invite some of your colleagues Draco."

"Of course dear," Draco said, smiling at his wife.

"No one throws a party like me," Ginny said smugly. "And we can forget all about this horrible place."

"I agree," Draco said. "Nicholas, you'll go right into University when we get back. Greta has some pamphlets for you to look through."

Nick stared out the window choosing to ignore his father and his demands. He kept seeing Julie's hurt expression as he lied to her. His cheek still stung from where she'd slapped him. He didn't expect her to ever forgive him for what he'd done. It didn't really matter now, he thought to himself. Julie Potter and Hillsdale were now just a memory.

*** *** ***

In an effort to give Ron a bit of a break, Josh and Maddie rode with the Potters on the way home. Maddie and Ethan were sitting in the back of the SUV playing with some toys.

Josh looked at Julie who was staring listlessly out the window.

"You okay, Jules?" he asked gently.

She seemed a bit startled by his voice. "Not really," she replied hollowly.

"I hope you don't let him spoil your view on all of us Weasley men," Josh said, attempting to make her feel better. He had always been able to make her laugh and he hated to see her so unhappy.

Julie knew he was trying to cheer her up and she gave him a small smile. "I won't," she said quietly. "It... just doesn't seem right you know? But I can't stop thinking about what he said. It was horrible Josh."

Josh nodded. From what he'd heard, it didn't sound like his cousin at all. But, apparently it had all been some horrible act and they'd all fell for it.

"You know what we need to do?" Josh asked, grinning at her. "I think we need to visit the joke shop and send good, old Nick some presents, eh? I'm thinking itching powder. I'm thinking ton-tongue toffees...what do you say?"

"Yeah!" Ethan chimed in. "Dungbombs!"

"He's not worth it," Julie said, turning to look out the window again. "I wouldn't waste your money on it."

"Does Kiki know what happened?" Ethan asked. "She's going to be really mad."

"She knows," Julie answered quietly. Chiaki had offered to ride back with her but she'd declined, knowing there was barely enough room in the car as it was.

Josh squeezed her shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Jules. You'll see. Besides, you're going to have a house full of Weasleys to keep you occupied. Not to mention one demented Cornish pixie. There's an idea! Hey, Maddie? Can we send Dolly to Nick?"

"No!" Maddie squealed. "Dolly's MINE Josh!"

"Okay, okay," Josh said quickly grinning at her. "We won't give away Dolly. It was just an idea."

"I appreciate the thoughts," Julie said. "I wish I could forget about him. I just... can't believe it." Tears filled her eyes again as she recalled his mocking smirk earlier.

Hermione looked over her shoulder at her daughter and her heart broke all over again. She was finding all of this hard to believe as well, but she wondered if perhaps she should have expected it. Maybe that had been Ginny's plan all along.

"I hope we never see any of them ever again," Hermione muttered to Harry.

Harry shook his head. "There was something off about Nick when I went over there," he said quietly. "But he insisted that it was just a fling."

Hermione gave him a quizzical look. "Off? How do you mean?"

"He was lying," Harry replied. "He wouldn't look me in the eye."

Hermione kept her voice down so Julie wouldn't hear. The last thing she wanted was to get Julie's hopes up about someone who probably had been playing her the entire holiday.

"But why would he lie?" Hermione asked. "It's no secret that Draco and Ginny didn't approve of the relationship. He told us time and time again that he didn't care what they thought. It just doesn't add up, Harry."

"I don't know," Harry said. "I can't figure it out. It's like I'm missing just one piece of the puzzle and it's the piece I need to complete it."

"Do you know what this reminds me of?" Hermione asked thoughtfully. "You remember when I broke things off with you because Ginny made me think that if you stayed with me, you wouldn't be able to pursue your dream of being an Auror?"

"Yeah I remember that," Harry replied. "But at least we figured out what her game was before it was too late."

"That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do," Hermione said softly.

Harry smiled at his wife. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Hermione replied.

"I'm glad you're driving back with us," Harry grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it.

Julie observed her parents- her father was always so sweet with her mother, so attentive and loving. She'd never thought she was asking too much to find a love that was anything even close to theirs. New tears sprang to her eyes and she wiped them away as she once again forced Nick Malfoy from her thoughts.