Unofficial Portkey Archive

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights by Amynoelle and Heaven

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thank you all again for your reviews and comments on the chapter- we're both sorry that we haven't responded to reviews in a few chapters but we WILL start that again, we promise! Real life just can get so hectic at times! But we do read all of them and they're all appreciated! We hope you like this chapter!

Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis Presley

Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you

Later that afternoon, the Potter family minus Lavender, were sitting in their cabin. Harry was playing Wizard's Chess with Ethan and Hermione was reading a novel on the sofa. Julie was sitting in one of the plush chairs, writing in her journal.

"Ethan?" Harry asked, watching as his son contemplated his next move.

"What?" Ethan stared at the board.

"I was thinking you might want to hang out with your old man tomorrow," Harry said, grinning at him. "What do you think of that?"

"Okay," Ethan said, finally making a move.

"I was thinking we could go out on the lake," Harry said. "Maybe we could get one of the boats and go fishing..."

"I want to go flying," Ethan replied.

"Ethan, you can go flying anytime," Harry said, making his own move. "I'd really like to take you fishing. It's sort of like a rite-of-passage type thing fathers and sons do."

Hermione and Julie exchanged amused expressions.

"I don't like fishing it's boring," Ethan said.

Hermione looked at her son. "Ethan, you've never been fishing before in your life. How do you know its boring?"

"I just do," Ethan insisted, ready to say anything to keep from going in or on that lake.

Although disappointed, Harry decided to try another angle. "Okay, if you don't want to go fishing, we don't have to do that. I know something else we could do instead."

"What?" Ethan was relieved that fishing was dropped.

"Ron was talking about taking Jon and Josh out water skiing," Harry said, grinning across the board at his son. "I imagine they'd let us tag along."

Ethan shook his head. "I want to go flying," he said again.

Julie definitely knew something was wrong now. Her brother usually jumped at the chance to do anything their father did. Ethan was and had always been Harry's shadow. This just didn't make sense, especially when you added in the bonus of Josh and Jon coming along, too.

"We could go flying afterwards," Harry said, hoping this would change Ethan's mind.

Ethan pushed the chessboard away. "I want to be by myself tomorrow!" he said.

Hermione, Harry and Julie watched in surprise as Ethan stomped off to his bedroom and shut the door soundly behind him.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Hermione said, concerned.

Julie stood up and closed her book. "I'll go and check on him, Mum."

Ethan heard a knock on the door as he buried his face in his pillow. "Go away!" he called.

"It's me, little man," Julie said softly. "I promise I'm by myself and the parental units are not with me."

Ethan sniffed. "Okay," he said.

Julie smiled at her mother and father before going in the room. She closed the door behind her and sat down on the edge of Ethan's bed. "So what's really going on, Ethan?" she asked gently. "And don't try and tell me nothing. Why don't you want to go fishing or water skiing with Dad? It sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

Ethan turned away and faced the window, not wanting to admit that he was scared of water.

"Ethan," Julie said, putting a hand on her brother's shoulder. "I promise I won't tell them. You trust me, right?"

"Yeah," Ethan said.

"So why don't you tell me what's going on?" Julie asked. "Dad was really looking forward to spending some time with you."

"I don't like that lake," Ethan sat up and rubbed at his eyes. "It's too deep and I can't see the bottom."

Julie nodded. She figured this was what the problem was. "But you know dad would never let anything happen to you. And besides, you love flying---which I can't understand at all. To me, flying is being up to high and you can't touch the ground. That's what's really scary."

"No, being in the water where you can get bit by something is scary," Ethan said.

"You should just tell dad how scared you are," Julie said. "He was really hurt just then...he doesn't think you want to spend time with him."

"I do though," Ethan said. "But I don't want Dad to think I'm a scaredy cat."

"Ethan, he'd never think you were a scaredy cat," Julie said, with a reassuring smile.

Ethan wasn't so sure. "He might," he said glumly.

Julie shook her head, seemingly at a loss as to what to say to convince her brother otherwise. She knew that because of who their father was and what he had done, Ethan didn't want to appear scared or cowardly in front of his father. It might not make sense to her, but it was the way Ethan was seeing things.

"Okay," she said, smiling at him. "What if I taught you how to swim? Just you and me. We'd do it after meals and early in the morning so no one would know."

"I don't know," Ethan said.

"Come on, Ethan," Julie said, pretending to pout. "Do you mean to tell me you don't want to spend time with your big sister?"

"You promise that nothing will bite me?" Ethan looked at his sister.

"Not unless it wants to go through me first," Julie said, extending her hand. "Come on, little man. I'll even pinkie swear on it."

Ethan finally smiled. "Okay," he hooked fingers and they shook. "What do I tell Dad about tomorrow?"

"Leave it to me," Julie said. "I know how to handle him."

"Okay," Ethan said. "Thanks Julie."

Julie hugged her little brother. "No problem. Now, how about you and I play a game of chess?"

"I want to try and beat Dad," Ethan grinned at her. "I almost had it before I pushed the board away."

"Ethan, I hate to break it to you," she said, as she and Ethan walked back into the sitting room. "But Dad really sucks at chess. I think Maddie could beat him if she tried."

"I know that's why I like playing him," Ethan said mischievously.

"Hello," Harry said, standing in front of his two children. "I am in the room, you know."

"I know," Ethan said, looking at Julie.

"Face it, Dad," Julie said, pulling a sympathetic face. "You stink."

"Thank you dear," Harry shook his head. "I love the respect I get from my children."

"You're good at everything else, Dad," Julie said. "Except for are really, really bad at that."

"All right, all right," Harry said. "Enough picking on me."

"No," Hermione said, laughing. "I like this game!"

Harry glared at her. "Not helping things Hermione."

"I'm sorry," Hermione said, grinning at him. "Was I supposed to be helping?"

"Yes," Harry crossed his arms and gave her his best look.

Ethan tiptoed behind his father and grabbed one of the sofa pillows and handed it to Julie, who promptly walloped her father upside the head.

"Way to go, Julie!" Ethan said, clapping his hands. Harry turned on his son and grabbed for him, but Hermione moved in front of him to protect him.

"Harry," she began laughing at his expression.

"Hermione," Harry said, grinning at her. "Do you remember how much you hate to be tickled?"

"Don't you dare!" Hermione laughed as Ethan peeked around her.

Julie decided to help her mother and brother out by throwing the pillow at her father, which hit him square on the face. "Give up Dad! It's three against one!"

"Never!" Harry adapted a bravado tone. "I can take on all three of you!"

Hermione and Julie stood side by side with Ethan standing behind them, giggling.

"You're all talk and no action," Hermione teased. "We're not afraid of you."

Harry wiggled his fingers as his wife laughed playfully. "Oh yeah?" he dove in, grabbing Hermione and then Julie, squeezing their sides mercilessly. "You're next little man," he grinned at his son.

"S-save us, Ethan!" Julie said, hiccupping.

Ethan tried to distract his father but had his turn and couldn't stop laughing. "I give!" he cried.

"The winner and still champion!" Harry said triumphantly, raising his fists high into the air.

"The obnoxious and the insufferable!" Hermione said, motioning toward Harry.

Ginny was passing by the cabin where she knew the Potters were staying and she heard shrieks of laughter inside. Unable to resist, she peeked in the window. The sight of the family of four laughing and tickling each other made her feel both scornful and sad.

A part of her wondered what her life would have been like if she'd managed to nab Harry that summer so long ago. She certainly wouldn't feel as miserable as she did now.

*** *** ***

Hermione listened patiently and with a touch of amusement as her cousin ranted about 'that no good lying Seamus' for the better part of an hour.

"And after that he had the NERVE to call ME a bitch," Lavender's face was red with anger.

Hermione shook her head. "How awful of him," she said mildly.

"You know just when I think he's matured even a little bit, he goes and does something like that," Lavender said, folding her arms. "And you should have seen him with this girl, Hermione. He lets her call him 'Shamy'. He wouldn't even let me give him a nickname, but even if I had...I think I could come up with one a sight better than that!"

"You don't say," Hermione replied automatically, her eyes skipping over the parchment in front of her.

"He's old enough to be her father---for Merlin's sake! That's what he's turned into in Hollywood. A sad, sick pervert!"

Lavender waited for Hermione to agree with her, but realised that Hermione had been reading some papers the entire time. "I saw Harry down by the lake on my way back," Lavender said pointedly. "And he was putting suntan lotion all over Ginny Malfoy's back."

"That's nice," Hermione commented absently. "Wait, excuse me?"

"Now you listen!" Lavender said, pouting at her.

"I'm sorry," Hermione said sheepishly. "I did hear you though I swear."

Lavender sighed. "This would be so much easier if I had someone, too. I bet he and this Summer person are feeling sorry for me because I'm here as some glorified babysitter for my cousin and her husband. Meanwhile, he's feeding her non-fat frozen yogurt in some ice cream shoppe and making me completely sick!"

"Can I be honest with you Lav?" Hermione asked.

Lavender nodded. "Please."

"It sounds to me," Hermione paused a minute. "As if you're jealous. You very obviously miss him, and especially so now that you've seen him again."

Lavender stared at Hermione, her mouth agape.

"I AM NOT JEALOUS! And who says I miss him? I've been perfectly happy since I chucked him. I haven't given him one thought until he showed up here. If he wants to flaunt his relationship with the toddler in front of my face---he can go ahead. I could care less!"

Hermione didn't look convinced. "Why should it bother you then if he's with another woman?"

"It doesn't," Lavender said defensively. "And she's not a woman, Hermione. She's a child."

"How do you know that?" Hermione asked. "Look at us Lav; we all look like we're about twenty five since we have magic in our blood."

"She's a Muggle," Lavender said, shaking her head. "And I looked her up on Julie's laptop computer. She's some starlet who arrived in Hollywood at the age of 19---which was two years ago. That makes her 21 years old. For heaven's sake, Hermione. She's Chiaki's age!"

"And it's Seamus's business who he wants to date," Hermione replied calmly. "For all we know he's told the world he's only 21 as well."

"Sure," Lavender retorted. "Take his side! I'm your family, Hermione. You should be agreeing with me! Supporting me! But if you want to take his side---someone you haven't seen in years---over your own cousin's---go right ahead."

"Lavender stop being overdramatic," Hermione replied.

"I am not being overdramatic!" Lavender said angrily. Lavender gathered up her towel and sunglasses. "I'm going to go down by the lake!"

Without another word, she stormed out of the cabin, nearly colliding with Harry who stared nonplussed at his wife. "Do I want to know what just happened?" he asked, closing the door behind him.

"Not really," Hermione shook her head. "Same old Lavender when things aren't going her way."

Harry nodded and sat down on the sofa beside her. "You know you're doing it again," he said, looking at the paperwork she's assembled on the coffee table.

"You weren't here," Hermione pointed out.

"You've been cooped up in here since breakfast," he countered.

"You were out with Ron," Hermione said in return.

"Fair enough," he said, chuckling. "But what would you say if I told you that I had booked the dance studio for you and me this afternoon? Of course, if you'd rather be alone with your papers..."

Hermione tossed her parchment down. "Say no more," she said, immediately wrapping her arms around his neck. "How did you manage to book the dance studio?"

"Well, Steve asked Cho and I to do a little something tonight after dinner and I was going to work with her later," he said grinning wickedly at her. "But I wanted to work with you first..."

"I see," Hermione's eyes were twinkling. "What time do we go over there?"

"Fifteen minutes, if you're up for it," he said. "And Julie said she's going to look out for Ethan."

"All right," Hermione kissed him and pushed away. "Guess I'd better change."

"You look beautiful in what you have on," he said, giving her an admiring once-over.

"You're so biased," Hermione laughed. "I have another surprise for you but I'll have to change there in the studio."

"Do I get a hint?" he asked.

Hermione grinned and leaned down. "Sheldrake," she whispered, her lips skimming over his ear.

He grinned like a Cheshire cat remembering the last time he'd seen her in that dress. Hell, he was even remembering the first time he'd seen her in that dress.

"I'll go get it and be right back," Hermione said, her lips still on his ear.

"I-I'll wait for you outside," he said, squeezing her hand. He had a feeling if he stayed in here with her, they'd never make it to the studio.

*** *** ***

After breakfast, Chiaki and Nick excused themselves to get better acquainted with each other. This had been after she'd promised to disclose full details to Ally and Frankie who were unable to string two words together to Nick since he'd signed their magazine.

They'd made their way down by the lake and sat down on some lounge chairs. They'd not said much since they'd left the restaurant and Chiaki knew they both felt somewhat awkward in front of each other. It was so strange having a brother and not knowing anything about him. "So, you're a singer?" she finally asked, smiling at him. It was stupid question, but she figured it was the best place to start.

"Yeah," Nick nodded. "I have a band back in Australia."

"How do your parents feel about that?" Chiaki asked.

"Like everything else I do," Nick shrugged. "They hate it. They put on a nice face for when the magazines and newspapers take pictures but after that..."

Chiaki nodded. "What...what's he like? Your father?"

"I don't know him all that well." Nick said. "He's a healer, the best one in Sydney."

"But he's your father," Chiaki said, a bit taken aback.

"I guess," Nick shrugged. "I barely know him though. When he's home he spends most of his time with my mum, when she's not out at some charity ball or another."

"I had no idea," Chiaki said apologetically. "And you were raised by a nanny then?"

"Yeah, Greta," Nick smiled for the first time since they left the restaurant. "She's fantastic."

"She's why you're not so bad," Chiaki said, with a sly smile. "I'm sorry! I just had these preconceived notions of you being an arrogant jerk. You still are pretty arrogant, but you're not a jerk."

"Thanks I think," Nick smiled at her. "So tell me more about yourself... I wish I'd known I had a sister. I hated being an only child."

Chiaki grinned back. "Well, I grew up in London. My Mum owns a dance school back there and my Dad is an Auror."

"Wow," Nick nodded. "What about you, what do you do?"

"I dance," she answered. "I practically grew up in that dance school. It's all that I've ever really known how to do."

"What sort of dance?" Nick asked curiously.

"You name it and I do it," she said with a laugh. "Mostly ballet and tap, but I can do pretty much anything."

Nick nodded again as they came by the lake. "What do you do in your spare time?"

"What little I have of it, I spend with Toshio," she said, grinning at the thought of her fiancé.

"Who's that?" Nick asked.

She smiled and held out her left hand. "My fiancé. He's a dancer as well."

"You're getting married?" Nick's eyebrows shot up. "Damn, that's quite a ring!"

Chiaki laughed. "It's pretty nice, isn't it? He was saving up for ages to get it."

"Very nice," Nick said. "He must really care a lot about you."

"I think so," Chiaki said. She smiled at him. "So what about you? Did you leave someone behind in Australia?"

"I've never had a serious girlfriend," he said. "I'm usually too busy with the band to pay much attention although I do tend to attract a female crowd," he grinned.

"I can't imagine why," Chiaki teased. She looked over Nick's shoulder to see Julie and Ethan going into the lake. At least, Julie was. Ethan was standing on the shore, his arms crossed protectively across his chest. He was shaking his head and Julie was doing everything in her power to get him into the water.

Nick followed her gaze and his eyes rested on Julie. He must have been staring at her for a few minutes for Chiaki cleared her throat. "Sorry," he muttered, tearing his eyes away.

"She's my best friend," Chiaki said.

"Is she?" he asked, his voice a bit high. He coughed. "That's nice." he said in his normal tone.

"You fancy her, don't you?" Chiaki asked, looking at him.

"I don't even know her," Nick denied.

"You'd like to, though, wouldn't you?" Chiaki asked. "Look, Nick...I don't think you realize who she really is. That's Harry and Hermione Potter's daughter. You are the offspring of Draco and Ginny Malfoy. Your parents can't stand the sight of each other. Do you really think that sounds like a match made in heaven?"

Nick shrugged. "I'm not anything like my parents," he said simply.

"Yes, but Julie is very much like hers," Chiaki pointed out.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nick asked.

"Just that she's very much like her mother and father," Chiaki said more gently. "And I know how your parents feel about Muggles. Julie wants to teach Muggle children. Look, I shouldn't even be talking to you about this. I just...I'm looking out for my friend."

"How my parents feel about Muggles and how I feel about them are two separate things," Nick replied evenly. "I don't care one way or the other about them, which is also the way I feel about most of the people in our world." he picked a blade of grass and twisted it between his fingers. "All I've heard since I got here is how bad and nasty my parents are." he muttered.

Chiaki felt terrible. "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault," Nick said. "I'm not angry at you. I just wish that people would realise that I'm not my mum or dad. I can't help what they did and I can't fix it now."

"I can understand that," Chiaki said with a smile. "You're a bit like Julie in that respect. Do you know that when she got out of Hogwarts, she was offered job after job...doing anything she wanted."

"Really?" Nick turned to look at the brunette again, who had finally and successfully coaxed her brother into the water.

"She turned them all down," Chiaki said. "She didn't want to coast along on her father's name or because her mum was the Minister. She wanted to make her own way. She's always been really great with kids. She's trying to get a job at a Muggle school in London."

"Wow," Nick said softly.

"She's pretty great," Chiaki said, laughing as she watched Ethan run out of the water and Julie running after him.

"Sure seems so," Nick continued to stare after her.

"So how do you like your Uncle Ron?" Chiaki asked, deciding to get the subject off of Julie.

"He's pretty cool," Nick answered, still watching Julie. "Treats me like a member of the family, like I've been around all my life."

"That's Ron," Chiaki said. "He's one of my godfathers. And yes, I know it's strange that I have two godfathers, but I do. Not my fault, you can blame my mum and dad for that one."

"I don't have godparents," Nick tossed the blade of grass to the ground. "I've only had Greta."

"She's been with your family since you were little?" Chiaki asked.

"Since I was born," Nick nodded. "She was around all the time. I don't' once remember her ever leaving to go anywhere without me." he smiled. "And when I got too old for a nanny she stayed on as a housekeeper." his smile turned into a scowl. "My parents treat her horribly though. I don't know why she stays on."

"I imagine it has to do with you," Chiaki said, nudging him playfully on the shoulder.

"Yeah, well..." Nick's lips evened out again. "She's the only person I've ever had to lean on. She's the one who encouraged me to start singing."

"More like a mum than your real one, eh?" Chiaki asked.

"More than you know," Nick agreed, nodding.

Chiaki grinned. "I'd like to meet her someday."

"You would?" Nick asked surprised.

"I would," Chiaki said, nodding. "You are my brother after all. I'd like to get to know you better as well. I know your mum won't like it, but so what, right?"

"I don't care what she says," Nick replied.

"Good," Chiaki said, looking at her watch. "I better get back. I promised I'd watch the girls while my mum rehearsed for tonight."

"Okay," Nick stood up. "It was nice talking to you."

"Don't be a stranger, Nick," Chiaki said, wondering if she should shake his hand or give him a hug. Deciding to take her chances, she gave him a hug.

He was surprised but grateful and hugged her back. "Say hi to your sisters for me," he grinned.

"They'll faint," Chiaki said, giggling as she walked away toward her cabin.

Nick turned back towards the lake and watched Julie in the water again with her brother. He couldn't exactly figure out his feelings for her but he was damned if he'd give up trying to pursue her now.

*** *** ***

Hermione watched her husband and friend dance around the ballroom. They still looked as breathtaking together as they had so many years ago when she'd first seen them. Memories of that afternoon in the dance studio made a smile curve her lips up and she let out a small almost silent happy sigh.

"Wow, doesn't that look like old times," Ginny's familiar drawl made Hermione's shoulders hunch up.

"I suppose it does," she answered coolly.

"You know everyone always figured they'd end up together," Ginny commented. "It's a shame really...they move so perfectly together, don't they? Much more smoothly than I've seen him with others..."

Hermione rolled her eyes and chose not to reply to that comment.

Julie came up and stood beside her mother.

"I was afraid I was going to miss it," Julie said smiling at Hermione. "They look great, don't they?"

"Yes they do sweetheart," Hermione put an arm around her daughter and pointedly ignored Ginny, who was still smirking.

"You must be...Jessica, was it?" Ginny asked, standing it front of Julie and blocking her view. "I'm Ginny Malfoy."

Hermione glared at her. "Get away Ginny," she said her tone cold. "Leave my daughter alone."

"I was only trying to be polite," Ginny said, standing back. "You could learn a thing or two about that couldn't you?"

Julie looked at her disinterestedly. "IF you don't mind," she began in a tone as cool and proper as her mother's. "We're trying to watch my father and my aunt dance."

"So was I," Ginny said with a shrug. "I always did like the way Harry moved."

Julie looked at her mother and rolled her eyes. "I'll bet you did," she muttered, not liking the other woman one bit.

Hermione grinned as Harry and Cho spun past them and her husband winked at her.

"That's really pathetic how that woman is trying to make you jealous of Dad and Aunt Cho," Julie whispered to her mother.

"Just ignore her, sweetheart," Hermione whispered back. "She wants to get a rise out of us."

"I know," Julie said. "Like mother like son."

Hermione nodded and clapped enthusiastically with the others as the dance came to an end and her husband made his way back over to them.

"That was brilliant, Dad!" Julie said, giving him a hug.

"You still have it, Harry," Ginny said, smiling flirtatiously at him.

Harry's smile froze and he gave her an icy stare. "Thanks love," he hugged his daughter. "I'd like to take my wife for a spin," he said, giving Hermione a kiss.

"Come on, Harry," Ginny said, not about to give up. "We haven't danced together since we were kids..."

"Go away Ginny," he said disgustedly. "Why would you want to hang around people who can't stand you?"

"Everyone knows if SHE hadn't come along when she did, we'd have ended up together," Ginny said, glaring at Hermione.

Julie couldn't believe the nerve of this woman. She stood back though; content to let her parents handle it.

"Can I tell you something Ginny?" Harry's eyes were turning dark. "Even if Hermione hadn't come along, and I'm thankful every damn day of my life that she did, I still wouldn't have gotten together with you."

"You don't know that," Ginny said, angrily. This wasn't going how she'd planned. She'd hoped to catch Harry's eye and perhaps word would get back to Draco and...but nothing was going as planned.

"Yes I do," Harry took his wife's hand. "You've never been my type." he snickered at her.

"Come on, Harry," Hermione said, smiling at him. "You owe me a dance..."

"That I do," Harry looked at his daughter. "You're next love so don't go far."

Julie smiled and watched as her parents went off to dance. Her smile faded as she saw that Ginny, too, was still looking at them.

"My mother is more the woman than you'll ever be," Julie said to Ginny. "She's kind and compassionate and warm and she's a great mother. You're just a cold, lonely woman who wants what she can't have. And you've never been able to have my father and that kills you, doesn't it?"

Ginny narrowed her eyes. "You've got a smart mouth on you girl," she said.

"I get that from my mother," Julie said proudly.

"Anyone can see that," Ginny said disdainfully.

"Why don't you leave them alone?" Julie asked, rolling her eyes as she saw Nick walking their way. She tried not to notice how handsome he looked in his dark suit.

"What's going on…Mother?" Nick asked, his lip curling up slightly.

"Nothing," Ginny said forcing a smile. "I was just getting to know Jessica here."

"Julie," Julie and Nick corrected at the same time. Julie blushed.

"I'm sorry," Ginny said, smiling falsely. "Julie."

Julie decided to do as her mother said and ignore the two Malfoys. She stepped closer to the dance floor and smiled as she watched her father dip her mother.

Nick admired her from behind, he wanted to reach out and touch her soft skin that was exposed by her dress. He didn't realise that he'd actually done that until she turned around.

"Did you want something?" Julie asked, glaring at him.

"Sorry," Nick said. "Didn't mean to..."

"Nicholas," Ginny said, frowning. "I'm going to the bar and get a drink. Don't wander too far."

Julie laughed as Ginny walked away. "Yeah, Nicholas, don't wander too far..."

Nick frowned at her. "Call me Nick. I hate the name Nicholas."

"I don't plan on getting to know you well enough to call you anything," Julie said dismissively, turning back around to watch her parents.

"You know," Nick sidled up next to her. "Your friend Chiaki, my sister- she doesn't think I'm so bad."

Julie stared at him in shock. Chiaki hadn't mentioned this to her. "You've spoken with Chiaki?"

Nick smiled winningly at her. "Yes down by the lake earlier today."

"Chiaki hasn't been feeling well lately," Julie said, trying not to look rattled by this news. She certainly planned to talk to her best friend and find out why she didn't tell her about any of this. "Besides, I imagine you can be very charming when you want to be."

"Why yes I can be," Nick took her hand and pressed his lips to the back of it.

Julie felt her knees weaken a bit, but she wasn't about to let him see he was affecting her in any way. She pulled her hand back and frowned at him.

"Come on," Nick widened his eyes slightly. "The sooner you stop fighting this the better off both of us will be."

"Fighting what?" Julie asked, folding her arms.

"This attraction," Nick leaned in close. "As if you couldn't tell already, I find you very attractive."

"And I find you very repulsive," Julie said, pulling away.

"Ouch," Nick said. "Jules..." he put his hand on her bare shoulder.

"Only my friends and family call me that," she said quietly. "You don't qualify for either of those. Please, just go away."

"Not until you agree to give me a chance," Nick said.

"You're going to be waiting a long time," Julie said, not able to forget the fact that his hand was still on her shoulder. "I'm never giving you a chance."

Nick let his hand drop. "All right fine," he said, realising he was losing this battle.

"Julie?" Harry said, coming back over to his daughter with Hermione. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine Dad," Julie forced a smile onto her face. "Ready for that dance?"

"Of course," Harry said, kissing Hermione on the cheek. He turned to Julie, but Nick came forward and extended his hand.

"Mr. Potter," he said confidently. "I'm Nick Malfoy."

Harry looked for a moment at his archenemy's child. "Harry Potter," he said, shaking the younger man's hand.

"It's nice to meet you," Nick said, giving his most winsome smile. He grinned at Hermione, as well. "And you too, Minister."

Hermione shook his hand, sharing a surprised glance with Harry. Ron had told them about Nick and the differences between him and his parents but she hadn't met him until now. "The pleasure's all mine," she said with an air of diplomacy. "Ron tells us you hadn't met any of your family until now."

Nick smiled. "There's a lot of family still to meet from what I gather. I really am looking forward to meeting my grandparents."

Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Well I know for a fact they're anxious to meet you, especially Molly." Julie tugged on his arm.

It was also at that moment that Ginny decided to make another appearance, much to Nick's chagrin. "Nicholas," she said, forcing a smile. "I see you've met Harry and his plain wife."

Nick exhaled slowly. "Yes Mum, I've met Mr. Potter and the Minister."

Ginny smiled and raised her glass at Hermione. She deliberately let her glass tip over and the red wine spilled all over Hermione's dress. "Oops," Ginny said, with not a trace of sincerity. "I'm so sorry!"

Nick grabbed his mother's wrist. "Why did you do that?" he snapped furiously.

"My hand slipped," Ginny said, smiling brightly. "I apologised, didn't I?"

"We have to go," Nick didn't release his grip. "Good night." he didn't glance back as he pulled his mother out of the room.

"What did she do?" Cho hurried over. "Oh Hermione your dress!"

"It's okay," Hermione said, frowning. "You'd think she'd have grown up by now."

Harry shook his head. "I feel sorry for Nick," he said, making Julie's jaw drop. "I think Ron was right about him."

"He was quite charming this morning when we met him," Cho commented. "He obviously doesn't take after either of his parents."

Outside, Nick was practically dragging his mother across the resort. "How could you embarrass me like that?" he hissed through clenched teeth.

"Me embarrass you?" Ginny retorted. "You were practically falling all over yourself to impress them, weren't you? Your father would be so upset if he knew what you were trying to do."

"I don't give a shit what my father thinks!" Nick practically shouted. "Forget our deal. You're on your own here. I've had it."

"You know you're father and I have been thinking about downsizing some of the house staff," Ginny said, deciding to play her trump card. "Greta's been with us a long time, but you do realise that you're not a child anymore. You're hardly home, neither are we. It'd be a shame for her to be sacked, don't you think?"

Nick narrowed his eyes at her. "That's blackmail." he said darkly.

"One of the first things I learned from your father was that desperate times call for desperate measures. Right now, I need you here with me, Nick. I'll do anything I can to keep you here."

Nick stared at her. "Fine," he snapped. "But I don't have to be with you every second." he turned and stomped away, wanting to be nowhere near his mother at the moment.

*** *** ***

It was near midnight when Julie and her parents left the ballroom with Neville and Cho. They'd had a great time, despite Ginny Malfoy's attempts to ruin the evening for them.

"I just wish someone would explain to me why she thought she could show her face back here after what she did," Cho said, shivering in the cool night air even though Neville had graciously given her his dinner jacket. "It's not like she has any friends here!"

"She was making snide and rude comments to Mum the entire time you were dancing with Dad," Julie said, shaking her head.

"I can't believe she spilled wine all over you on purpose," Harry said angrily.

"Nothing she does surprises me anymore," Hermione said, moving closer to Harry so she too could keep warm.

Harry slid his jacket on over her shoulders. "Better?" he asked softly.

"Much," she said, smiling up at him.

"She and her son seem to be cut from the same mould," Julie couldn't get the memory of Nick, so handsome with his suit on and his hand on her bare shoulder out of her head.

"I think you're wrong, Jules," Cho said. "I told you about meeting him this morning, he was perfectly charming. Allie and Frankie sure were practically drooling..."

"Ron has nothing but good things to say about him, too," Harry chimed in.

"That seems impossible," Julie wrapped her arms around herself.

"I think you're right to be a little wary," Hermione said to her daughter. "We don't really know much about him, but you shouldn't judge him by who his parents are. That's not very fair."

Julie rolled her eyes. Just a few days ago her parents were convinced that Nick was just like his parents and now like everyone else they were singing his praises.

"Jules?" Harry asked. "Do you mind telling me where you and Ethan got to today? He and I were supposed to have our father-son bonding thing and he tells me he'd rather spend time with there something I should know?"

Julie grinned. "Well, how about I tell you where Ethan and I went if you tell me where you and Mum disappeared this afternoon?"

Harry and Hermione both turned red and Cho laughed. "Julie you really don't expect an answer do you?" she asked.

"No, and I'm not sure I want one," Julie said with a laugh.

"I just helped your dad rehearse is all," Hermione said. "It was perfectly innocent."

Cho snorted. "About as innocent as Ginny."

Hermione went silent and Harry squeezed her shoulder.

"Mind your own business, Cho," Harry called out to his friend. "And can we please not talk about this in front of my little girl?"

"Dad I'm not so little," Julie said.

"You'll always be my little girl," Harry said, smiling at her. "No matter how old you get...."

"Right Dad," Julie rolled her eyes.

"I'm trying to be sentimental," Harry said, hurt a bit by his daughter's reaction. Truth be told, he could understand her wanting to be recognized as a young woman, but to him she would always be that sweet little girl who sat beside him on the sofa asking him to read to her.

Julie was about to reply when she caught sight of pale, silvery blond hair on the path in front of them. "Oh no," she groaned to herself.

"What's wrong, Julie?" Hermione asked, when her daughter abruptly stopped walking.

"It's him," Julie looked ahead to the approaching figure of Nick Malfoy. What was he doing out so late, she wondered.

"Nick?" Neville called out. "You're out late, aren't you?"

"Hi everyone," he looked tired but forced a smile onto his face. "Minister, I'm very sorry about what my mother did to your dress." he said.

"Nick, you can call me Hermione," she said. "And don't worry about it."

Nick shrugged. "I still feel bad about it."

"Please don't," Harry answered for both him and his wife. "Ron's told us about you, and he's had nothing bad to say and we've only known you a few days."

Nick was pleasantly surprised to find that the Potters were actually being kind to him. After everything his mother and father had told him, he'd have thought they'd have wanted to draw and quarter him just because he had the surname of Malfoy. While he might be winning over her parents, he could tell that Julie wasn't the least bit pleased.

Julie faked a large yawn. "I think I'm going to go back to the cabin. I'm quite tired."

"Are you sure sweetheart?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I was up early," Julie nodded. "Goodnight everyone."

"Why don't I walk you back?" Nick offered suddenly.

"No, that's alright," Julie said quickly.

"Oh come on sweetheart, I don't like the idea of you walking around here by yourself so late." Harry objected.

"Fine," Julie said coolly, not bothering to wait for Nick as she took off in the direction of her cabin.

"Hey wait!" Nick dashed after her.

Julie didn't slow down at his words, if anything she just walked faster.

"Julie!" Nick had to run to catch up to her.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?" Julie asked, still walking at a fast pace. "I'm a big girl. I can make it back to my cabin by myself."

"I know you can," Nick caught her arm. "Look I'm just trying to be nice. Do you always act this way to guys who are trying to get to know you?"

"Do you always keep after girls who don't want to get to know you?" Julie countered. "You know I'm sure that there are loads of girls who would love to have you pursue them, but as for me..."

"Yeah well I don't like them," Nick said. "I like you."

Julie stopped walking and looked at him properly. "Why?" she asked him. "Why do you like me?"

Nick shrugged, still holding onto her arm. "I think you're pretty," he said honestly. "And you confuse me. I see you with your family and your friends and you're happy, and then you can shut down so fast when someone you don't like comes by."

Julie wasn't sure what to make of this. She was silent for a few moments, not looking up at him. "You confuse me, too," she said. "I can't figure you out."

"Well I'll tell you anything you want to know," he offered.

Julie finally looked up at him. "What are you really doing here?"

"What do you mean?" he was confused.

"You're some big hotshot musician in Australia, right?" Julie asked. "Why would you come here with your mother for some reunion? And its not as if your mum has any friends here, either. I just don't understand why either of you is here."

"Look," Nick said as they began walking again. "I'm not close with either of my parents okay? But she begged me to go with her. And despite the fact that I barely know my parents, I have this stupid sense of loyalty to her."

"Your Uncle Ron feels the same way about her," Julie heard herself saying, wondering why she was talking to him at all about any of this. "Your grandparents--Arthur and Molly---it broke their hearts when your mother left. I once heard Ron telling my dad that he couldn't ever forgive Ginny for what she'd done, but he couldn't just let her go because she was his family."

"I've missed out on a lot," Nick said. "I really want to try though." he could barely breathe- was he finally making a breakthrough with her?

"Your mother's hurt a lot of people...people that I care about," Julie said. "I-I'm sorry if I took it out on you..."

"It's okay," Nick said, smiling at her. "Does this mean we can start over?"

"Start over?" Julie asked, trying not to look directly into his eyes. He really was quite handsome when he smiled, she thought to herself.

"Yeah," Nick brushed his hair out of his eyes. "And this time I won't be smarmy when I meet you."

"You weren't smarmy," Julie admitted. "I'd say you were...arrogant, smug and a bit pompous, if you don't mind me saying."

Nick laughed. "All right, so I didn't handle that the best way..."

"Neither did I," she said shyly. "I was pretty horrible to you."

"Well so..." Nick moved forward. "Let's start over. Nick Malfoy," he stuck his hand out.

Julie tried hard not to smile back at him, but couldn't help it. She shook his hand. "Julie Potter."

"Very nice to meet you," Nick said. They both laughed. "Well now that the awkward part is out of the way..."

"I-I should probably get inside," she said, grateful that they were approaching her cabin. It wasn't because she wasn't enjoying his company...she was. It was because she didn't know what would happen if she got to know him better.

"Okay," his voice was as soft as hers. "Thank you," he said.

She looked at him. "For what? I didn't do anything..."

"You're giving me a chance here," Nick said, standing close to her. "That's something."

Julie shivered, but it wasn't from the cool air. "Yes, well..." she said uncomfortably. "I-I'll see you around, Nick. Thank you for walking me back."

"So I'll see you tomorrow then maybe?" he asked, not quite ready to say goodnight yet.

"I'm going to be really busy with my brother," she said, which wasn't a complete lie. She was going to spend the morning helping Ethan with swimming.

"The whole day?" Nick pursued.

"Not the whole day," Julie admitted. "I was planning on going back to the club with Chiaki tomorrow evening. She doesn't know it but her fiancé is planning on surprising her tomorrow. He sent me an owl to let me know."

"So I'll see you at the club then," Nick smiled. "If not sooner..."

Julie opened her mouth to protest, but Nick was already walking away. "What on earth have I just gotten myself into?" she asked aloud, shaking her head as she walked into the cabin.