Unofficial Portkey Archive

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights by Amynoelle and Heaven

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed. As always, you know we appreciate that! We even managed to respond to some reviews---on a Tuesday even! Not a whole lot happens in this chapter...some of you might see it as filler, but we think you'll fall in love with the adorable Maddie Weasley in this one. Enjoy!

Blues Traveler - Hook

It doesn't matter what I say

So long as I sing with inflection

That makes you feel that I'll convey

Some inner truth of vast reflection

But I've said nothing so far

And I can keep it up as long as it takes

And it don't matter who you are

If I'm doing my job, it's your resolve that breaks

Because the hook brings you back

I ain't tellin' you no lie

The hook brings you back

On that you can rely

Upon arriving in London, Nick found that his parents had frozen his assets. He was unable to obtain any money in Gringotts. He and Greta didn't have enough money together to even get a room at The Leaky Cauldron. Nick had never before had to deal with not having money. Worst of all, he felt bad for Greta. She'd followed him here and he had no way to provide for them.

All of his friends were in Sydney and he didn't know anyone other than the Weasleys in England. He couldn't very well go crawling back to Ron and Luna after what he'd done to Julie. They'd probably slam the door in his face.

He and Greta were sharing a sandwich in The Leaky Cauldron at the moment and they'd have to scrounge around for the money just to buy that. Nick was nearly at the end of his rope when he remembered something he'd taken with him before he left.

Greta pulled a confused face as Nick scrabbled around in his bag for something.

"What are you looking for dear?" she asked.

"My Nana," Nick began, as he looked in the bag. "Wrote some letters to me while I was growing up. Mum hid them from me, of course. But before we left, I nicked them from her closet. A-ha! Here they are!"

Greta leaned forward and looked at the flowery script. "She sounds like a lovely woman," she said, her eyes skimming over the words.

"I only met her just that one time, but she was really nice. Much more like a grandmother than Dad's Mum. She lives in Ottery St. Catchpole," Nick said, reading the address from one of the envelopes. "They call their home The Burrow."

Greta smiled. "Will we go there?"

The smile on Nick's face faltered a bit. "I don't know. Do you think we should? I mean, I only met her that one time, Greta. What if Uncle Ron and Julie told her what an arse I was and she doesn't want to have anything to do with me?"

"Nick if they're your family, they'll forgive you." Greta said, putting her hand over his.

"I guess it's worth a shot," Nick said. "The worst she could do is slam the door in my face, right?"

"I doubt she will," Greta put down another letter. "She sounds like she cares very much about you."

"That's just it, Greta," Nick said with a smile. "She doesn't even know me--not really. But she treated me as if she'd known me all my life. She gave me a hug that nearly had me begging for oxygen."

Greta laughed. "She sounds like me."

"She's very much like you," Nick said. He drained the rest of his butterbeer. "So, do you really think this is a good idea?"

"It seems to be our only idea dear boy," Greta nodded.

Nick nodded. "We should probably get a move on then."

While Greta went to the loo, he grabbed one of the notes that had the address on it and went up to the bar. "Excuse me sir," he said. "I wondered if you could tell me how to find this address?"

"Why that's no problem at all," the cheery looking bartender said. "Just go outside here and stick your wand out into the street. The Knight Bus will pick you up immediately." he peered more closely at him. "Are you Nick Malfoy?"

"Yes," Nick said quietly. "But I really don't see what that..."

"Oh Merlin!" a teenage witch nearby gasped, staring at him.

Nick sighed and put his head in his hands.

"Would you mind autographing this?" she asked, handing him a magazine. "I can't believe you're really here!"

"Sure," Nick said, taking the Witch Weekly from her. "Have you got something to write with?"

The girl stared up at him with a dazed expression on her face. The bartender laughed and handed Nick a quill.

"Could you make it out to Natalie?" she asked with a nervous grin.

"Sure," Nick forced a smile onto his face and scrawled across the glossy pages.

When he handed the magazine back to the girl she practically swooned. Greta came back and tried to hide a laugh. She was used to seeing young girls act this way around him.

"Can I have one of those, too?" Greta asked teasingly.

"You have the real thing," Nick joked, his smile genuine. "Come on, before I get swarmed."

Meanwhile at the Burrow, Molly was just putting dinner on the table. Even though she only cooked for two these days, she always seemed to make enough for a small army on the off chance that one of her children or grandchildren might stop by unexpectedly. .

"Beef stew," Arthur said grinning at his wife as he sat down. "My favourite!"

Molly smiled. "It's so quiet around here," she sighed. "I'm still used to having all of them here Arthur."

"I know, Molly," Arthur said, affectionately patting her arm. "I was worried that you wouldn't let Maddie and R.J. go when we had them at the beginning of the holiday."

"I'd like to get them back," Molly replied, sitting down. "At least Ron promised to come with the whole group before they go back to Ireland. He's such a good boy."

"I think he's coming for your cooking," Arthur teased. "With stew like this, who can blame him?"

They laughed and were about to tuck into their meal when there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Molly said, easing herself back up.

Nick looked apprehensively at Greta. "No one's home. Perhaps we should just go...."

"No, you don't," Greta said, pushing him back toward the door. "I can hear footsteps."

Molly opened the door and for a moment thought she was seeing an illusion. "Nicholas?" she asked.

"Hi, Nana," Nick said nervously. "I'm sorry for just dropping by like-"

His words were cut off when Molly embraced him in a warm hug.

"Oh sweetheart," Molly said, tears coming into her eyes. "I didn't expect to see you so soon!"

Nick smiled and hugged her back. "We had no place else to go, Nana."

"What do you mean?" Molly pulled back and looked at her grandson. She suddenly noticed the old woman standing behind him. "Oh please forgive me," she said. "I'm Molly Weasley."

"I'm Greta Daniels," Greta said politely. "I've heard loads about you from Nick."

"It's lovely to meet you," Molly said. "Please come in..."

Nick and Greta stepped inside and set their bags by the door.

"Molly?" Arthur called out. "Dinner's getting cold..."

"Are you both hungry? Molly fussed. "I'm sure you are, and I've got fresh baked bread and some beef stew."

"I don't want to put you to any trouble," Greta said. "We don't want to impose."

"Molly?" Arthur asked coming out of the kitchen. He smiled when he saw they had company. Nick looked over at him wondering what he should say or do. Arthur slowly walked over to him and with a serious face said, "So you're Nicholas, I take it?"

"Yes sir," Nick shook his hand.

Arthur beamed and shook his head. "Give us a hug, Nicholas."

Nick couldn't stop himself from grinning as his grandfather embraced him "It's good to finally meet you," he said.

"Too right," Arthur said, pulling back so he could look at him. "My grandson."

Greta was looking at the photos around the room. Her heart swelled as she saw a baby photo of Nick.

"That's the only picture Ginny ever sent to us of him," Molly said softly.

Greta nodded. "They weren't the easiest people to get along with, or work for," she said. "I'm sorry that they haven't let Nick be a part of your lives."

"Me too," Molly said thoughtfully. "But at least he's here now. That's all that matters."

"So tell me, Nick," Arthur said, putting an arm around his grandson and leading him back into the kitchen. "How much do you know about Muggles?"

"Not a lot," Nick said ruefully. "My dad hates them."

"After dinner, I am going to have to take you to my workshop out back," Arthur said gleefully. "I have so many things to show you..."

Molly rolled her eyes. "You don't have to do that, Nick. If you go back there, we may never see you again."

Nick laughed. "I don't mind," he said.

Over dinner, which was excellent, Nick told them what had happened at Hillsdale. "So I left," he finished. "Greta was good enough to come with me."

"I can't believe Ginny would so something like that," Molly said shaking her head. "Truth be told, I've always had a bit of a blind spot where she was concerned, but to do that to you, Nick...that's just not right."

He shrugged. "Greta's been more of a Mum to me than she has." he replied. "I barely remember my dad even being around most of the time."

"I'm glad that he had you," Molly said smiling across the table at Greta. "You're a good boy, Nick and I'm very proud to call you a part of my family."

"Here, here!" Arthur agreed, raising his glass.

"Thank you Nana," for the first time all day, Nick felt happy. "Now I just have to convince everyone else that I'm not a bad guy. Again."

"They'll understand," Molly said encouragingly. "When they find out why you had to do what you did, Nick."

"I hope Julie understands," Nick said softly.

"She will," Molly said. "Her birthday party is coming up soon."

"I know," Nick said. "I need to talk to her before then."

"How are you going to do that?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know yet," Nick played with a few crumbs on his plate. "I didn't count on meeting her you know? But now I can't get her out of my head."

Molly smiled. "Well, you'll have plenty of time to plan on that. But you know what I think you need? A good night's rest. You and Greta can stay here with us for as long as you need."

"Thank you Nana," Nick said in relief.

"You don't have to thank me, Nick," Molly said, giving him a hug. "We're family. That's what families do."

Nick nodded and hugged her back. For the first time since they'd arrived, he was hopeful that things would actually work out.

*** *** ***

The sitting room at the Potters' residence could currently be described as busy. Ron, Harry, Jon, Allie, Ethan and Maddie were listening to a Quidditch match on the Wireless. Josh and Julie were on the floor by the fireplace making plans for her party while Neville, Cho, Chiaki and Toshio were sitting on the sofa talking about the wedding. Hermione was in the kitchen making some tea and Luna was helping her.

"So my dad and Neville are cooking," Julie said to Josh. "But they wanted your Nana to make the cake."

"She's going to go all out, you realise that don't you?" Josh asked. "She made that four-tier cake for Dad's last birthday. It was brilliant!"

Julie smiled at him. "She's really fantastic about things like that."

"She lives for stuff like that," Josh said with a laugh. "And look at there, Jules. I've made you smile---six times today!"

She laughed. "Josh!"

"Seven if you count the time that you laughed like a hyena when Maddie pushed me out of the swing," Josh said pretending to be affronted. "Didn't even ask if I was okay just stood there chuckling like a mad woman..."

Julie couldn't help it and started laughing harder. "If you'd seen the look on your face..."

"You'd look like that too if a four-year old knocked you off of a swing, too," Josh said, joining in her laughter. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about that. I have a reputation to protect after all."

"Not a word," Julie promised. "Thanks Josh. It feels good to laugh."

Josh nodded. "It's good to hear you laugh again."

They smiled at each other, but both nearly jumped out of their skins when the crowd around the Wireless erupted in boos and groans.

"That bloody idiot!" Ron screamed. "Of all the mindless, stupid, senseless, fu-"

"RONALD!" Luna yelled from the kitchen.

Ron visibly turned red. "Sorry dear," he called meekly.

Maddie tugged at her father's shirt. "Daddy, I have a surprise for you after the game."

"You do sweetheart?" Ron asked his daughter. "Dolly didn't get into my suitcase again did she?"

Maddie shook her head. "Dolly's been good all day."

"You're definitely going to be surprised, Dad," Jon said from the sofa. He was sitting beside Allie and they were sharing a bowl of popcorn.

"Don't tell him, Jon!" Maddie hissed at her brother. "It's a secret!"

"I wasn't going to Mad Dog," Jon made a face at his sister.

Maddie smiled and sat back down on her father's lap as they waited for the game to start back up again.

Allison laughed as Jon kept throwing popcorn up into the air and trying to catch them in his mouth.

"You are really terrible at that, Jon," Allison teased. "You've missed every one!'

"Hey I'm trying," Jon tossed a kernel at her.

Allison caught it in her mouth and looked smugly at him. "Beginner's luck."

"Sod it," Jon tossed another at her.

Again, Allison caught it in her mouth and laughed as Jon set the bowl back on the coffee table. She snuggled up close to him as they listened to the game.

"Your sister keeps looking over here at us," Jon whispered in her ear.

"She's jealous," Allison whispered. "She spent the whole ride home complaining about how I get to date and she doesn't."

"I for one am very glad that you get to date," Jon teased. He made sure that Neville wasn't looking and he pecked Allison on the cheek.

"Surely you can do better than that Weasley," Allison challenged.

"Your dad is right over there," Jon said motioning to Neville. "My dad is right there. And your sister is watching us."

"What's your point?" Allison whispered, making her eyes go wide. Chiaki had told her that it drove guys nuts when girls did that.

Jon smiled. "I, um, well I think we should probably find someplace to be alone where we know... or not talk..."

"Not talk would be better," Allison said, leaning in the tiniest bit.

"So," Jon said, feeling quite hot at the moment. "I guess I could go first and then you me?"

"Okay," she smiled at him. "Where will you be?"

"Any ideas?" Jon asked. "Inside? Outside?"

"You're the one staying here," Allison boldly put her hand on his thigh.

Jon honestly didn't care where they went at the moment. He wanted to kiss her so badly. "How about …outside? The gazebo in the garden?"

"Works for me," Allison squeezed his leg the tiniest bit.

Jon winked at her as he excused himself and walked out of the sitting room. A few minutes passed and then Allison stood up.

"Where are you going, sweetheart?" Cho asked.

"Um..." Allison smiled at her mother. "Just... to the loo."

"Are you okay?" Cho asked. "You look a bit flushed."

"I'm fine," Allison said. "I'll... be back..."

Cho nodded and watched as Allison nearly ran from the room. She saw Frankie start to follow her and she quickly got up from her chair. "Okay, Miss. Where do you think you're going?"

"To the loo!" Frankie said.

"No, you're not," Chiaki said shaking her head. "You were going to follow Allie."

Frankie crossed her arms. "It's not fair Mum. You know she was going to meet Jon!"

"You little nark," Chiaki looked up.

"I am not!" Frankie said scowling at her sister. "I just wanted to spend some quality time with my sister is all..."

"You wanted to spy on your sister is all," Chiaki interjected.

"Frankie sit down," Neville said. "Leave Allie and Jon alone."

"Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" Cho poked her husband teasingly.

"Maybe," Neville teased. "But I trust my daughter. And I know that Jon isn't so stupid that he'd try anything funny with all us here. I'm not crazy about it, mind you, but I'll put up with it."

"Okay, who are you and where were you when Chiaki and I started dating?" Toshio asked.

Chiaki started laughing, as did Cho. "I remember that," Chiaki said. "You stayed up waiting at the door until he dropped me off!"

"And greeted us with his wand at the ready," Toshio remembered, shuddering. "You were quite scary, Mr. Longbottom."

"Were?" Neville asked. "You mean I'm not anymore?"

"Of course you're scary Dad," Chiaki leaned against him.

"Thank you, Chiaki," Neville said, putting an arm around her.

"Why is it that dads care so much about their daughters dating and growing up but they hardly bat an eyelash about their sons," Julie commented to Josh. "Look at your dad, Josh. His son is out there snogging with Allie and he could care less. If this were five years later and either Drew or Darla were out there, he'd be ready to blow his top."

"It must be a girl thing then," Josh replied. "And I'm sure he cares, but he trusts Jon not to push Allie into anything. Not that he would... he really cares about her." his eyes took on a faraway look as he looked at the doorway where Jon and Allison had disappeared.

Julie put a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry, Josh. In all my worry over Nick, I forgot all about what happened with the three of you. Are you okay with all of that?"

Josh nodded. "I just want her to be happy Jules. Just like I want you to be happy."

"Well, I think Allie's very happy," Julie said softly. "As for me..."

"You're probably better off than me," Josh gave her a smile. "Being shot down by two girls in one holiday... I'm the one that should be feeling sorry for myself," he teased.

Julie frowned. "You're right...that is pretty bad."

"I'm a right sob story," Josh said. "Had my heart broken..."

Julie stifled a giggle. "Twice..."

"You find that funny do you?" Josh grinned at her. "And now I'm making you laugh as well as smile. I'm on a roll."

Julie crumpled up a piece of paper and threw it at him. "That's because you're a goofball."

Josh tossed the paper into the fireplace. "I'm a goofball that makes you laugh, admit it."

"Yes," Julie said, giving him a hug. "You do. Thank you, Josh."

"Anytime Jules," Josh said. "I mean that. I'd still do just about anything for you."

Julie beamed at him. She still thought about Nick nearly every minute of the day, but being with Maddie and Josh today had really been fun. For the first time in days, she'd actually laughed and had a good time.

"I'd do just about anything for you, too," Julie said sincerely.

Josh shook his head. "If you'd only said that at the beginning of the holiday," he said making a face so she would know he wasn't being serious.

"If only," Julie said dramatically. "Come on, Weasley! Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!"

"All right," Josh helped her gather her party plans up and they went into the kitchen.

"What a rotten game," Ron declared as the match came to an end. "That bloody fu-"

"Daddy!" Maddie put her hands over his mouth. "You were going to say a bad word!"

Ron looked innocently at his daughter. "I was going to say it was a bloody fun game to watch, Maddie."

"No you weren't Daddy." Maddie said. "You can't lie to me." she took on the tone he often did with one of her siblings.

Ron looked sheepishly at her. "Okay, maybe I was, but you stopped me, Madeline. Which reminds me...where is my surprise?"

"I'll get it Daddy!" Maddie said. She couldn't wait to show her father how she'd fixed up his favourite shirt. She retrieved it quickly and held it behind her back. "Close your eyes!"

Ron grinned and did as he was told. Everyone gathered around to see what the surprise was. Luna and Hermione exchanged a look as Maddie placed the shirt in Ron's hands.

"Okay, Daddy!" Maddie exclaimed happily. "You can open 'em now!"

Ron opened his eyes and stared down at his hands. "What..." he held the spellotaped mess of a shirt up and began to laugh.

Maddie's face fell. "You don't like it..."

"No sweetheart," Ron pulled his daughter into his arms. "I love it." he gave her a kiss. "Thank you." he hugged her tightly.

"I did it all by myself!" Maddie said proudly. "And it looks as good as new, doesn't it?"

"It looks better than new," Ron began laughing again, so hard that tears leaked from his eyes.

Luna came forward and took Maddie from Ron. "That was a very sweet thing you did, Maddie."

"You can wear it to Julie's party!" Maddie said excitedly over her shoulder to Ron.

"I'll certainly think about it sweetheart," Ron replied.

Luna kissed Maddie on the cheek and put her back down. Maddie ran into the kitchen to tell Julie and Josh what had just happened.

"Ron," Luna said. "You have to wear it..."

"I don't know if I can," Ron tried to find some of way to put it on. "Besides... isn't the party going to be more formal?"

"Yes," Harry was still chuckling as he took the shirt from his best friend.

"You can wear a jacket over it," Luna protested. "You saw her face, Ronald. She'd be crushed if you didn't."

Ron finally pulled the spellotaped shirt on. "There," he said triumphantly.

"You've never looked better, Dad," Drew called out.

"Daddy!" Maddie shrieked in excitement upon coming back in the room.

Ron laughed and spun his daughter around. "I told you, I'd wear it, didn't I?"

Maddie laughed as her blonde curls flew behind her. "And you look very handsome too Daddy!"

Hermione smiled as she watched the scene before her. "That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my life," she said to Harry.

"Aye," Harry agreed, putting an arm over her shoulders. "She idolises him... for some strange reason."

"Ethan feels the same way about you," Hermione said. She patted her tummy. "And I'm sure this one will too."

He grinned at her. "I still can't believe we're having another baby."

"We are," Hermione said. "I imagine we won't be this happy when she's teething or has the croup or when she has dirty nappies..." She started to laugh. "Do you remember the first time you changed Julie?"

Harry laughed. "Do I ever!"

"You can take on dark forces of all kinds, but The Boy Who Lived couldn't change a teeny little baby," Hermione said still giggling. "It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen."

"I'm sure it was, because you weren't all covered in baby number two," Harry replied, poking her side.

"True," Hermione admitted. "But it was still funny."

"Twenty years later, yes it's funny," Harry replied.

"Well, look at it this way. This is our third time as parents. We're going to be old pros now," Hermione said.

"Quite," Harry agreed. "The next few months couldn't go by quick enough for me."

"Yes, well you're not the one who has to get all big and will have to waddle everywhere they go," Hermione said, glaring at him, but there was a gleam in her eyes.

Harry laughed at her. "You seem to have forgotten the foot massages, and the service you get from yours truly."

"Oh, and that time you went out and bought me chocolate chocolate-chip ice cream at three in the morning," Hermione said dreamily. "That was above and beyond the call of duty, Potter."

"That's because I love you," Harry said, nudging her ear with his nose. "You made my life worth living."

"I do?" Hermione asked softly.

"You do," Harry nodded. "You, Julie, Ethan and this little one," he put his hand on her stomach.

"We love you, too," Hermione whispered, touching his cheek.

Harry leaned in and kissed her. "What say we sneak off for a little while?" he asked huskily.

"Like we used to do?" Hermione asked. "I think that could be arranged."

"Good," Harry nibbled a little on her neck.

"Come on, then," Hermione said with a wink as she led him upstairs.

*** *** ***

Molly walked into the sitting room and saw Nick sitting on the sofa, writing something in a notebook. She smiled warmly at him as she sat down in her favourite chair. She was thinking she'd get to work on the quilt she was making for Maddie.

"What are you working on so hard?" Molly asked conversationally as she began to sew.

"Oh it's a song," Nick said, a bit shyly. "It's... it's for Julie, for her birthday."

Molly smiled. "I'm sure she'll love it."

"I just hope she still loves me," Nick said quietly. "I really messed up Nana."

"But your heart was in the right place," Molly said reassuringly. "You were put in a difficult position, Nick. I'm sure that once Julie finds out what happened, she'll understand."

"Yeah but you didn't see the look on her face," Nick replied. "Or hear the horrible things I said to her. It's like my dad was channelling through me."

Molly sighed. She couldn't understand what would make Ginny do this to her son. It was incomprehensible to Molly. "You know what you need to do? Talk to Ronald. He's staying with Julie's family."

Nick nodded. "He's been really amazing to me," he said. "Everyone was."

"Ronald will know what to do," Molly said, setting her quilting aside. "I'll see if we can get him to come over..."

Nick felt a momentary sense of panic- what if his uncle didn't want to see him anymore. "No that's okay..." he said.

"Nonsense," Molly said dismissively. "Ron will be glad to see you, Nicholas. You just leave everything to me."

Nick sat back, his quill growing sweaty in his hand as Molly stuck her head into the fire.

"Oh, Maddie!" Nick heard Molly say. "Yes, dear. That's a very nice picture. No, sweetheart...I don't want to see your Cornish pixie right now. Next time, I promise. Can you go and get your Dad for me, please?"

Ron hoped nothing was wrong as he followed his daughter downstairs. "And Nana said she wants to see you!" Maddie bubbled, still excited over her surprise for her father the night before.

"Okay, Maddie," Ron said, laughing. He smiled at his mother. "Mum? Is everything okay?"

"Hello dear," Molly smiled at her youngest son. "Everything's fine. I wonder if you could pop in here for a little while. There's something here you should see..."

"Did you make my favourite biscuits?" Ron asked excitedly. "Or some of that sweet bread I like so much? Or those..."

"Ronald," Molly laughed. "If you come over I'll make you some chocolate biscuits right now."

"Say no more," Ron said. He knelt down in front of Maddie. "Will you tell Mummy that I had to go and see Nana and I will be back as soon as I can?"

"Okay Daddy," Maddie nodded. "But you have to bring me back a chocolate biscuit! And don't eat it!"

"I promise," Ron said, pecking her on the cheek.

A few moments later, Ron found himself in the sitting room of the Burrow, dusting off the Floo powder. "Okay, Mum. I'm here. Where's the food?"

Molly pinched her son's cheek before engulfing him in a hug. "I have to make the biscuits. It'll only take a little while. In the meantime, there's someone in the other room that wants to talk to you."

"Who?" Ron asked bemusedly, but his mother was already walking into the kitchen.

Nick took a deep breath as he heard his uncle walk down the corridor into the sitting room. "Hi Uncle Ron," he said before the other man could speak.

Ron stared at his nephew somewhat in disbelief. "What...what are you doing here?"

Nick looked down at his quill, which he was twisting in his hands. "I left Australia," he said. "I left my parents. They tricked me and I couldn't take it anymore."

"They tricked you?" Ron asked, the expression on his face unreadable. "You left Sydney?"

"Yeah," Nick nodded as his uncle sat down. "I'm... I'm sure you know that I broke up with Julie," he began tentatively.

"Aye," Ron said, still not sure what to make of any of this.

"Does she hate me?" Nick strayed from his story for a moment and asked a question he'd been dying to ask since he left Hillsdale.

"I don't think so," Ron said thoughtfully. "She's hurting, Nick."

"You don't think she hates me?" Nick asked, eagerly.

"Well, right after it happened---Ethan and Josh were thinking of sending you Dungbombs in the post," Ron said. "And she told them not to...that's something."

"Oh," Nick deflated a bit. "Well... okay well... the reason that I did what I did is because my parents were going to sack Greta and ruin her reputation so that she could never get another job. I couldn't let them do that to her. So they told me if I broke things off with Julie, they wouldn't sack her."

Ron's mouth fell open. "They didn't!"

Nick nodded morosely. "So I dumped her in the worst way possible.... and they sacked her anyway. So we left... and they froze my account so I have no money. I'm lucky that Nana and my grandfather are letting me and Greta stay here."

Ron wanted to throttle his sister and her husband for what they'd done. The funny thing was, he wasn't surprised. This was certainly right up their alley. If ever two people deserved each other, it was Ginny and Draco Malfoy.

"Mum must be over the moon that you're here," Ron said, motioning toward the kitchen.

"She's been really fantastic," Nick set his notebook aside. "So has my grandfather. He took me out and showed me all his Muggle artefacts last night."

Ron laughed. "He loves Muggles....always has. How long did he have you out there? Three or four hours?"

"We went out about half past seven and we didn't come back in until midnight," Nick smiled.

"They care about you," Ron said. "Always have. Mum even used to set a place for you and Ginny at the table on holidays. She'd keep saying that this would be the year when you'd both finally come home."

Nick shook his head sighing heavily. "I never knew," he said. "They always told me that you all had disowned us. Until I met you all at Hillsdale, I believed it."

"I won't lie to you, Nicholas," Ron said quietly. "I never liked your father. He's done some horrible things---not just to me, but to our family and to people I care about. Your mum---she wasn't like this when we were growing up. She was actually warm, caring. She and I used to get along so well. We used to say that it was she and I against the world..."

"I can't believe that," Nick shook his head. "You know they never spent any time with me as a kid? If it wasn't for Greta..."

"You should have grown up with your family," Ron said indignantly. "If you'd have grown up around here with all of us around you..."

He sighed heavily. "Look, Nicholas. I can't change what happened. But, you're my nephew. I might not have been there for you in the past, but if you let me, I'd like to be there for you from here on out."

Nick blinked in surprise. "So you're not angry with me?"

"Of course not," Ron said with a grin.

Nick grinned in relief. "That makes me feel a lot better," he replied.

Ron stood up and Nick followed suit. He hugged his nephew. "Welcome to the Weasley family, Nick."

"Thank you," Nick hugged him back. "So... Julie may not hate me but I'm sure her parents do right?"

"They aren't your biggest fans right now," Ron said truthfully. "And Ethan's not too thrilled with you either."

That made Nick's face fall. "I really messed up," he muttered, raking his fingers through his hair.

"Don't beat yourself up over it," Ron said. "Look, Nick. You were put between a rock and a hard place. You need to talk to Julie and try to explain..."

"If she'll even see me," Nick replied. "I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to see me, even though I hope she will. I love her."

Ron smiled. "Well, I have loads of experience with making someone I love mad. I don't know if you know this about me, but I have this horrible habit of putting my foot in mouth..."

"So I heard," Nick laughed. "Josh told me all about it."

"Yes, well I've gotten into trouble loads of times with Luna because of it," Ron said. "And if you haven't noticed, we're still together and we have six children. So, there's hope for you yet, young Malfoy."

"I hope so," Nick replied. "I'd give anything to go back a few days and do it all over."

Ron nodded and patted him on the back. "It'll take some time, but I think you can work this out."

"Will you help me?" Nick asked. "I mean, you don't have to apologise or talk for me, but... if I need help?"

"If you need help, you know where I am," Ron said.

Nick nodded. "That's what I'm afraid of. I don't even know how to approach their place, much less try and talk to Julie or her parents."

"We should probably get Maddie to plead your case," Ron said only half-joking. "No one can say no to that little girl."

"You're right," Nick smiled again. "What's she been up to since we left Hillsdale? I miss her."

"Did you have the pleasure of meeting Dolly?" Ron asked.

"No," Nick shook his head. "That's her Cornish Pixie right?"

"Yes," Ron said rolling his eyes. "Those things should never be kept as pets. That bloody beast has managed to tear up nearly everything in its sight. She even managed to tear up my Cannons shirt that I've had practically forever. That was about the last straw for me, Nick. But Maddie, she was determined to keep Dolly."

"Your Cannons shirt?" Nick's eyebrows were raised. "And you didn't boot the thing out?"

"Oh, I wanted to," Ron said nodding vigorously. "But Maddie started bawling and said we had to give Dolly one more chance. And being the stern, strict father that I am...I said we'd give her one more chance. So far, so good, but I think its only a matter of time. Of course, we've got to be really careful since Hermione's expecting again."

"She is?" that comment made Nick do a double take.

Ron nodded. "She's only about a month along, but they're all really excited about it."

"That's really fantastic," Nick said sincerely.

"Yeah," Ron nodded. " want to see Julie?"

"Yes," Nick said without hesitation.

Ron thought about this for a moment. He knew that what he was about to say could very possibly get him into a great deal of trouble with Harry and Hermione, but he thought that Nick at least deserved the chance to try and explain to Julie.

"Chiaki's taking her out tonight," Ron said quietly. "Julie was talking to Hermione about it this morning at breakfast. They're going to some club called Avalon, I believe."

"Really?" Nick asked eagerly. "So you think I should meet her there and try to explain things?"

"I do," Ron said nodding. "It's worth a shot, right?"

He nodded. "Right. Thanks Uncle Ron."

"You're welcome," Ron said with a smile. "I'm really glad you're here, Nick. I'm proud of you."

"You are?" Nick asked.

"It mustn't have been easy for you to do what you did," Ron replied.

Nick shook his head. "It wasn't… and it made it even harder when I got here and found out I had no money to speak of. I'm a lot luckier than I should be, by all rights."

"And you said Greta came with you?" Ron asked. He looked around the room. "Where is she?"

"Grandpa took her out to show her his Muggle car," Nick said.

Ron grinned. "He won't let me near it. I sort of did something to a car he used to have and he hasn't trusted me near one since."

Nick smiled. "They're really great people. I owe them so much already for just letting us stay here."

"Are you kidding me?" Ron asked laughing. "You'll be lucky if she lets you ever leave."

"Well I have to figure out something to do for a job while I'm here," Nick said. "I've never been on my own like this. It's liberating... but it's also really scary."

"Fred and George would probably hire you in a second," Ron said.

Nick grinned. "Well... I was also thinking of branching out on my own with my singing. I don't have a band anymore but I was hoping to try and find someone to sign with."

"You should talk to Seamus," Ron suggested. "He's mostly in films, but he knows loads of people in the industry. I'm sure he could suggest a few people you could talk to..."

"Really?" Nick brightened up.

"Sure," Ron said. The smell of fresh from the oven biscuits filled the room and Ron's eyes clouded over. "What do you say we go and get something to eat?"

"Sounds good to me," Nick agreed. "Nana hasn't stopped feeding me since I got here but I'm hungry."

"See? Spoken like a true Weasley," Ron said, putting an arm around his nephew. "We're always hungry!"

He laughed. "Right," Nick said. "Tell that to Greta though. She's always trying to get me to eat."

Ron stared at him. "Trust me. Living here with Mum, eating won't be a problem."

"Good to know," Nick said, glad his uncle wasn't angry with him. "Thanks again Uncle Ron."

"For what?" Ron asked as they walked into the kitchen.

"For believing me," Nick said. "You've known Julie and all them much longer, and you should hate me for what I did but you don't."

"Well, you're a good kid," Ron said with a shrug. "And if I followed that logic, I'd have believed my sister over my best mate, wouldn't I?"

Nick nodded. "I just hope everyone else is as forgiving."

"They will be," Molly said as she set a plate full of biscuits in front of them. "You just need to give them time."

"I know," Nick took a proffered biscuit. "These are amazing!" he said after taking a large bite.

Molly beamed at him. "Thank you. I have another batch in the oven."

"Maddie wants me to bring her back some," Ron said, his mouth already full.

"I'll make sure to set some aside for her and the others," Molly said, wiping her hands on her apron. "Which reminds me, how are my precious grandchildren?"

"They're fine," Ron said, stuffing another biscuit in his mouth. "I told you about Jon and Allison right?"

Molly shook her head. "Jon fancies Allison Longbottom?"

"More than fancies," Nick laughed.

"Mum they're dating," Ron said.

Molly smiled. "Allison's a lovely girl. Jon couldn't have picked a better match."

Ron nodded. "It's good to see him so happy. And what's even better, is that Jon and Josh are finally getting along."

"They are?" Molly asked somewhat in disbelief.

Ron laughed. "I know, I still can't believe it myself."

"It's about time they started getting along," Molly said smiling. "They're brothers after all."

"Mum this is the best batch you ever made," Ron said as he nearly inhaled what was left on the plate.

Molly laughed. "You say that about every batch..."

"I think he's telling the truth," Nick agreed. "These are the best biscuits, aside from Greta's chocolate ones."

"How about we get Greta in here and have her and Mum do a bake-off or something," Ron said, nearly salivating at the prospect.

"Maybe some other time," Molly said. "You'd better get back to Harry's."

"Right," he took the little package of biscuits from his mother. "And before you say anything, I promise to give these to Maddie without eating any."

"You'd better or I'll never bake anything else for you ever again," Molly said sternly. She hugged her son. "Give everyone my best."

"I will," Ron said. "And Nick, I hope we'll see you soon?" his meaning came through loud and clear.

Nick nodded and smiled at his uncle. "You will."

"Good," he smiled. "I'll see you soon then."

Nick watched his uncle leave and hoped that tonight he'd start healing those wounds. He just hoped it wouldn't be too late.