Unofficial Portkey Archive

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights by Amynoelle and Heaven

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed. We're coming to a close. One more chapter after this one! We even managed to respond to some reviews this go around. Sometimes real life gets in the way of being able to do that. Thanks for being understanding!

Also, check out the new fanart drawn for us by Alexa here - as always please let us know what you think so we can pass it on to her and to Tanya for writing the song!

Again - Janet Jackson

A wounded heart you gave,
My soul you took away
Good intentions you had many,
I know you did
I come from a place that hurts,
God knows how I've cried
And I never want to return
Never fall again
Making love to you felt so good and
Oh so right

Hold me, hold me
Don't ever let me go
Say it just one time
Say you love me
God knows I do love you again

"He is?" Julie asked squeakily and cleared her throat. "He is?"

Chiaki nodded. "Just arrived a few moments ago with Arthur and Molly and another woman who I'm thinking is his old nanny, but I'm not sure."

"Oh," Julie said, taking a deep breath.

"Want me to come with?" Chiaki offered.

"I don't know if I want to go over there or not." she said shakily.

"That's okay," Chiaki said gently. "How about you and I go and get something to drink instead. Let him come to you."

"Okay," Julie said in relief. "I could use something to drink. It's really warm in here."

Chiaki led her friend over to the bar. It took longer than it should have because as they made their way over various people stopped them to wish Julie a happy birthday.

Julie thanked everyone who was there, most of them were people she didn't know yet. She avoided looking in Nick's direction as they made their way across the room.

"Chiaki?" Jon asked coming up to them with Josh in tow. "Where on earth are Allie and Lizzy?"

"I don't know," Chiaki said. "They were getting ready in Lizzy's room earlier, maybe they're still in there with Frankie."

Julie scanned the room glad for something to keep her mind off of Nick if only for a moment. She spotted Allison and Lizzy walking out onto the balcony.

"There they are," Julie said motioning in that direction.

"Finally," Jon immediately turned that way and strode off, Josh following him.

"It's really a great day for a party, don't you think?" Allison asked Lizzy as they both looked out onto the grounds.

"Yes it is," Lizzy replied. "Sometimes I still can't believe how huge this place is you know?"

"I know," Allison said. "I must have gotten lost in this house over a hundred times before I found my way."

Lizzy laughed. "You have no sense of direction Allie. You get lost at Hogwarts all the time!"

"I've gotten lost maybe three, four or maybe five times," Allison scoffed. "That hardly constitutes 'all the time'."

"Okay," Lizzy was still laughing at her.

"Where are they?" Josh asked as he and Jon stepped on the balcony.

"Over there," Jon squinted a moment. "Whoa is that Al?"

Josh followed his brother's gaze and nodded. "That's Allie, but where's...."

Jon barely heard his brother as he practically ran across the balcony. "Allie!" he grinned. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Allison grinned and looped her arms around his neck. "Look at how handsome you look! I just might swoon right here."

"You look gorgeous," he said. "I love your hair."

"You do?" Allison asked softly. "Chiaki did it."

"You're stunning," Jon gave her a kiss.

"I almost didn't recognise you," Josh said, his eyes wide as he looked at Lizzy.

"I'm wearing my contacts," she said shyly. "I don't usually wear them, but I thought it'd be nice for the party. Allie's sister helped me with my hair."

"You look fantastic," Josh said. "You really do. Not that you don't, otherwise... but you look really nice today."

"Thanks," Lizzy said taking his hand. "You look really nice, too."

"Thanks," Josh said nervously. He rolled his eyes at Jon and Allison, who were snogging as if no one else was out there.

"We could be doing that, too," Lizzy said cheekily. "If you wanted. I wouldn't mind, but its up to you, Joshie."

"You're bold," Josh said, moving closer to her. "I like that."

"I like you," Lizzy said smiling at him. "Very much."

"I like you too," Josh said. "A lot."

"Good," Lizzy said leaning in and kissing him.

Josh returned it, wrapping his arms around her. "Want to go get something to drink?" he asked a few minutes later when they pulled apart.

"It's a little hot out here," Lizzy agreed. She turned to say something to Allison, but she was staring dreamily at Jon. She and Josh walked back inside leaving Allison and Jon alone on the balcony.

"I have good news for you," Allison said softly.

"What's that?" Jon asked, nipping at her lower lip.

"My dad wasn't all that happy about it, but he did agree to let me come and stay with your family for a few days," Allison replied. "Do you think you could stand being with me again so soon?"

"That's great Al!" Jon whirled her around. "When are you coming?"

"First week in August," Allison said laughing. "It's going to be so much fun!"

"And then a few weeks later we go back to school." Jon leaned in and kissed her hungrily. "I love you Al."

"I love you," she whispered. "We, um, better get back inside. We have to be on good behaviour, Jonathan."

"Only until you come to Ireland," Jon said wickedly.

"Think we can make it until then?" Allison asked.

"We'll have to," Jon squeezed her hand. "But maybe later we can sneak off for a little while."

"Very discreetly of course," Allison teased as they walked back inside.

"You read my mind," Jon said happily.

"Jonathan Arthur Weasley!" Molly shrieked. "I was wondering where you ran off too. Hello, Allison! Don't you look pretty!"

Allison and Jon froze as they turned and saw Molly, Arthur, Nick and an unfamiliar woman looking at them.

"Hi Nana," Jon said, clearly embarrassed.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley," Allison said blushing.

Molly crushed her grandson and his girlfriend in a large hug. "How are you love?"

"Unable to breathe?" Jon choked out.

"Sorry," Molly said sheepishly, letting them go.

"You did a really fabulous job on Maddie's robes," Allison said politely. "She's looks really adorable."

"Doesn't she?" Molly asked delightedly as Jon greeted his grandfather. "She had to have those flowers. And I couldn't bring myself to say no to her."

"No one can," Allison said. She looked at Nick. "It's nice to see you again, Nick."

"Hi Allison," Nick said. "You look really nice tonight."

Allison blushed. "Thanks."

"Trying to steal my girlfriend, cousin?" Jon asked with a grin.

"I don't think I could tempt her away," Nick joked. "She seems pretty stoked on you."

"Just a little," Allison teased, as Jon put an arm around her. "So have you seen Julie yet?"

"Just from across the room," Nick said, fidgeting a bit.

"Have you seen my mum and dad?" Jon asked. "I'm sure they'll be really happy to see that you made it."

"Yeah," Nick nodded. "Your dad's been especially great throughout all this."

Jon smiled. "We're really glad to have you back, Nick."

"Too right," Molly agreed heartily.

"Thank you," Nick said sincerely. "Oh- Jon, Allison this is Greta."

Allison smiled warmly at the woman and offered her hand. "It's really nice to meet you. Nick told us all about you at Hillsdale."

"Thank you," Greta shook the younger girl's hand. "It's lovely to meet you both as well."

"Nick said that you could give Nana a run for her money in the kitchen," Jon teased, shaking her hand.

"Yeah Uncle Ron wants you both to have a bake off," Nick laughed.

"I wonder why," Jon joked.

"NANA!" Maddie came striding across the room, throwing her arms up at her grandmother.

"Hello sweetheart!" Molly scooped her granddaughter up and hugged her tightly. "Oh you look so beautiful in your new robes!"

"I told everyone that you made 'em!" Maddie said proudly. She saw Nick for the first time and squealed. "I knew you'd be here!"

"Hello Maddie," Nick laughed as she launched herself at him. "I missed you."

"I missed you," she said hugging him. "You're going to stay forever and forever, right?"

"I sure hope so," Nick said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Where's this pixie I've been hearing so much about?" Arthur asked pinching Maddie's nose. "I heard she's done some damage."

"Dolly is a GOOD pixie," Maddie informed her grandfather.

Jon covered his mouth not to laugh. Allison elbowed him in the ribs, but she was trying hard not to giggle.

"She is Jon," Maddie said, glaring as fiercely as she could at her brother.

"Of course she is, Mad Dog," Jon said smiling at Maddie.

"Well... maybe we should go in," Nick said, shifting nervously. "I do want to try and talk to Julie before..."

"Let's go," Maddie said enthusiastically. "And you're going to dance with me!"

"I wouldn't miss it," Nick smiled.

As they walked back inside, Allison squeezed Jon's hand. "I know how he feels. I remember how scared I was back at Hillsdale when you walked me back to my cabin. I thought you were never going to speak to me again."

Jon smiled at her. "I was an idiot for not listening to you in the first place Al."

Allison smiled. "I'm glad that you finally did."

Julie was making her way from group to group of people, greeting and talking to as many guests as she could. She didn't normally drink but she'd taken a glass of champagne from the bar and was sipping it slowly.

"Julie!" Molly called out to her. "Happy Birthday!"

"Hi Molly," Julie greeted her. "I'm so glad you came." she hugged the older woman.

"Hello, Jules," Nick said quietly stepping forward. "Happy Birthday."

Julie pressed her lips together a moment. "Hello Nick," she said. "Thank you. I'm um... I'm glad you came." she managed a small smile.

She looked beautiful and all Nick wanted to do was scoop her up in his arms and snog her until they both couldn't breathe. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

She felt her lips curve up more and her stomach lurched but it wasn't unpleasant. "That's good," she whispered.

"I wanted you to meet Greta," Nick said as Greta came forward.

Greta smiled at Julie. "I've heard so much about you that I feel as if I know you already."

"Hello," Julie shook her hand. "Nick's told us all a lot about you as well. I'm glad to finally meet you."

"Thank you so much for inviting us today," Greta said with a smile. "Your parents have a lovely home."

"Thank you," Julie said. "It's a bit big at times, but we've been here awhile now."

Greta laughed. "I imagine your little brother has fun running around..."

"Oh he does, but he likes flying with my dad most of all." Julie said. "Wait- Ethan!" she called. "Come here!"

Ethan ran over to his sister. "Can I please take these robes off? They're really making my neck itch!"

Julie laughed. "Why don't you just unbutton that top one?" she suggested.

"Let me try something," Greta said kneeling down. She rearranged Ethan's collar so it wasn't touching his neck. "How's that?"

"Hey that helps a lot!" Ethan said. "Who are you?"

Greta laughed. "I'm Greta."

"Nick's Greta?" Ethan asked.

"That's right," Greta replied, looking over at Nick who was staring at Julie as if mesmerized.

"It's nice to meet you," Ethan said grinning at her. "You are a life saver!"

Julie laughed. "Your robes aren't a life threatening issue Ethan," she teased.

"They are when they make your neck itch!" Ethan said defensively. He turned his attention back to Molly. "Did you make those chocolate biscuits? They were really good?"

Molly shook her head. "No, Greta made those."

"Those were really good," Ethan said. "Uncle Ron is eating almost all of them."

Everyone laughed and Julie looked at Nick. "She's as great as you said she was."

Nick nodded. "That's why I had to do what I did." he said, looking at her hopefully.

"I know," Julie said looking into his eyes. She so wanted to believe him.

Nick took her hand. "So um..." he said, pulling her away from everyone a little. "You're being nice today... does that mean you forgive me?"

"I--I want to," Julie said softly. "But I'm scared."

"Is there anything else I can do to make you believe me?" Nick thought about the song he'd written for her. He had it memorized and would wait for a good moment to sing it to her.

"I don't know," Julie said. "I need time."

"Okay," Nick said. "I'll give you all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Nick said, feeling even lighter. "And you look gorgeous today Julie. You really do."

"This old thing," Julie said with a laugh.

"You look great in pink," Nick said.

"Thanks," she said and she noticed that she was still holding his hand. Everyone and everything seemed to disappear. "Nick..."

"What?" he asked softly.

"I---I need to go," she said quickly, pulling away from him. "I'm sorry..."

He nodded. "Will I see you later then?" he asked.

"Yes," Julie said nodding at him, before disappearing into the crowd.

Chiaki was standing with Toshio when Julie pulled her aside. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking at her friend's flushed cheeks.

Julie shook her head. "I don't know, Chi. We were talking and it was like it was before and I just...I got scared."

"Jules... what is your heart telling you to do? I know that sounds corny, but what do you feel right now?" Chiaki asked.

"It's telling me to trust him," Julie replied. "But my brain is telling me he's only going to hurt me again, Chiaki."

"Jules, if my opinion is worth anything here, I don't think he's lying, and don't think he'd purposefully hurt you again, ever." Chiaki said softly. "But you have to do what's right for you."

"How do I know what that is?" Julie asked. She looked out onto the dance floor and saw her parents dancing together seemingly oblivious to everyone around them. "I want what they have."

"Well... then you'll have to open up a bit," Chiaki replied. "They were hurt a few times I'm sure."

"I know," Julie said. "Of course they did, it's just I haven't had the best track record lately. First there was Ryan and then what happened with Nick. I keep getting clobbered and I don't want to go through that again, Chiaki."

Chiaki hugged her friend. "I don't think you will Jules. But that's just me. I'll be here if you want to talk one way or the other."

"I know you will," Julie said gratefully.

On the dance floor, Hermione laughed as Harry spun her around. "Go easy on me, Harry. I am carrying your child."

"That's right," Harry said, pulling her close again. "But in a few months I wont' be able to get this close to you anymore," he added impishly.

Hermione purposely stepped on his feet. "You're so lucky that I love you so much."

Harry gave her a kiss. "You can stumble over me anytime," he said, his eyes twinkling.

Hermione smiled and rested her head on his chest. She saw Ethan talking to an older woman by the dessert table. "Who's that?"

"I don't know," Harry replied. "Let's go find out shall we?"

"Okay," Hermione said following him over to Ethan.

"Mum," Ethan said handing her a chocolate biscuit. "You have to try one of these!"

Harry smiled at his son. "Who are you keeping company with little man?"

"Thesh esh Nick's Grevah," Ethan said with his mouth full.

"What?" Harry laughed.

Ethan swallowed. "Sorry. This is Nick's Greta, Dad. She's really cool."

"I see," Harry said. "Well Greta it's nice to meet you. We heard a lot about you back at Hillsdale."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter," Greta said shaking his hand. "And you too, Minister. You have a really nice home. Ethan showed me your kitchen, too. It's amazing."

"Thank you," Hermione said, swallowing the biscuit. "That was very good Ethan. Did Molly make those?"

"No, Greta did!" Ethan answered happily.

"You must be a very good cook," Hermione complimented. "I wish I could say the same."

"So do we," Ethan deadpanned.

Harry was laughing too hard at his son's remark to have a comeback ready.

"Ethan!" Hermione said. "I'm not that bad!"

Greta laughed. "Now I'm sure your mother isn't a bad cook."

"I'm not that great at it," Hermione admitted. "I can make a really mean lasagne, but that's about it. If it weren't for Harry, we'd probably go hungry."

"So Greta," Harry said conversationally. "You and Ethan seem to be getting along quite well."

"He's a good kid," Greta said smiling down at Ethan. "You and your wife should be very proud."

"Will you excuse us a moment?" Harry asked, pulling his wife aside.

"You should really try one of these biscuits," Hermione said popping another one into her mouth.

"I will," Harry replied. "What do you think we ask her for an interview for the nanny position?"

Hermione smiled. "She and Ethan already seem to be getting along, don't they?"

"Yes," Harry nodded. "But I didn't just want to assume for you."

"You'd certainly not have to worry about feeding all of us anymore," Hermione said.

Harry laughed. "So I'll ask her to come back next week once everything's settled down again?"

"Sounds like a plan," Hermione agreed. She and Harry were making their way back over to Ethan and Greta when Maddie and Luna came over to join them.

Before Ethan knew what she was doing, Maddie had linked arms with him.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked her.

"Everyone else has a date tonight," Maddie tossed her curls like she'd seen other girls like Frankie do. "So you get to be my date tonight Ethan!"

Ethan looked at her as if she'd gone mad. "No way, Maddie!"

"Yes Ethan," Maddie said, giving him her extra special grin.

"Mum!" Ethan cried looking to Hermione for help, but she was gazing adoringly at the two children. "Dad!"

"Ethan be nice," Harry was chuckling.

"But I don't want to have a date," Ethan said trying to pull away from Maddie, but she was holding on tightly to his arm as if she never planned to let go.

"Ethan," Harry said, leaning down. "We'll go broom shopping if you'll be nice to Maddie tonight."

"That's an awful lot to ask for just a broom, Dad," Ethan said with clenched teeth. "It had better be a really good broom, Dad!"

"Ethan," Harry gave him a look. "This is Maddie here. You be nice and dance with her."

"Okay," Ethan said grumpily. "But I'm not kissing her. You got that, Madeline?"

"Maybe at the stroke of midnight you will," Maddie said. "Besides Ethan, I'm going to marry you someday!"

Ethan looked horrified as Maddie led him onto the dance floor.

"That is so sweet," Hermione clutched Luna's arm. "Our two kids!"

"Don't you two start planning their wedding just yet," Harry teased.

"Harry it's just so adorable," Luna said dreamily.

"Aye that is," Greta agreed.

"I guess that goes to show that no one really can say no to Maddie," Harry said laughing as he saw Maddie trying to convince Ethan to turn her around.

Luna shook her head. "Why do you think we now own a demented Cornish pixie?" she asked.

Hermione laughed and looked out to where Drew and Darla were dancing with Chiaki and Toshio. "It's nice to see Drew having a good time, too."

Harry moved off to talk to Greta and Luna stepped closer to Hermione. "We're going to try and come back to visit more often," she said.

"I like the sound of that," Hermione said. "And I've promised Harry that we will come and visit you as well."

"We finally got Neville to agree to let Allison come out and visit the first week of August," Luna said. "I think it took all Cho's powers of persuasion."

"Allie and Jon are responsible," Hermione said. "Neville's just a little hesitant to admit she's growing up."

"That's exactly it," Luna agreed. "Ron will be the same way when Drew, Darla and Maddie are ready to date." she laughed. "Well, unless he finds out about her and Ethan tonight."

Hermione chuckled. "She's so much like you, Luna."

"You think?" Luna asked with a smile.

"Absolutely," Hermione said.

A few hours into the party, Nick found himself searching in vain for Julie. He was growing restless and wanted to see if his song would help her realise that they belonged together. He had talked to Harry about his plan not long after he had seen Julie and Harry had agreed to help him out.

Harry stood in the middle of the ballroom and everyone crowded around to hear what he had to say.

"Hermione and I wanted to thank you all for being here today to help us celebrate our daughter Julie's 20th birthday. We're so proud of what a wonderful young woman she's grown up to be and we hope that she knows that her mum, Ethan and I love her more than she could ever know."

As everyone applauded, Harry grinned at Julie. "And a special guest has something he'd like to say, too."

Nick gulped as he made his way towards the stage that was set up in front of the large room. Harry met him at the bottom of the stairs. "Thank you," Nick said sincerely.

"You're welcome," Harry said smiling encouragingly at him. "The rest is up to you, Nick."

He nodded nervously. He had never been so nervous singing in front of a crowd before, but that's when he was with his band, and he had not been in love with anyone watching. "Hi everyone," he began, his voice echoing across the crowd.

Julie stared up at him, transfixed. She had no idea what he was going to do, but she couldn't move. Her mother took her hand for support.

He had no music, but the melody was in his head. Taking a deep breath, he began to sing.

I'm living without you

It's not what I want to do

Here everyone creates their lies

Stepping on everyone that believes and tries

Look at Julie

She's a bright, bright star

Look at Julie

Finding truth no matter who you are

Julie listened to the words and felt her heart swell. He was looking right at her as he sang.

Nick was glad he'd managed to find her in the crowd and kept staring at her as he continued.

I need to be with you

I'm far away from you

You were always looking for a sign

Searching my heart for something kind

You were always the one with the facts

But you never believed that someone could put on an act

Tears shone in Julie's eyes as Nick paused a moment and smiled down at her. She knew that she loved him more than anything in this world. He'd come back for her and that was all that mattered.

Look at Julie

She's a bright, bright star

Look at Julie

Finding truth no matter who you are

You were always looking for a sign

Searching my heart for something kind

You were always the one with the facts

But you never believed that someone could put on an act

My star, you shine for us all to see

My star, you find truth in everyone you meet

Nick finished the song and the party guests literally erupted in applause. He heard many catcalls and screams as he continued to watch Julie, who started to wind her way through the crowd to the stage.

Tears were streaming down Julie's face as she finally reached him. "Nick, I..."

"Happy Birthday Julie," he said softly.

She hesitated only a moment before pressing her lips to his in a slow, sweet kiss.

The crowd around them applauded again as Nick kissed her back, overjoyed. "So does this mean what I think it means?" he asked when they pulled apart.

"If you think it means that I love you and never stopped, then yes it does."

"I love you so much Jules," Nick held her close. "Can we uh... go somewhere where there aren't so many people?"

"We could go out on the balcony," Julie suggested. "It's not so crowded out there."

"Okay," Nick squeezed her hand as they started to move through the crowd.

"That was amazing," Julie said in his ear as they stepped out onto the balcony. "When did you write that?"

"While I was here," Nick said. "While I was staying at the Burrow."

"I loved it," Julie whispered. "Thank you."

"Had to do something to impress you," Nick smiled at her. "I wanted to show you how much I really do love you Julie."

"You certainly did," Julie said. "I'm so sorry for not listening sooner, Nick."

"It's all right now," Nick pulled her close again.

"What I said before about needing more time," Julie said looking up at him. "I didn't mean that. I don't need time. I know how I feel and I know what I want."

"What is it that you want?" Nick asked.

"To be with you," Julie answered.

"Well that's what I want too," Nick leaned in and kissed her.

Julie wounded her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"I have one more birthday surprise for you," Nick said a few minutes later. "I was going to slip this into that big pile in the corner of the room but I was afraid it would get lost."

Julie laughed. "You didn't have to get me anything else. That song was present enough, Nick."

"Well it's too late, I already bought it for you," Nick pulled a small wrapped box from his pocket.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Julie asked, sitting down on a bench.

"I try," he said, sitting next to her.

Julie unwrapped the box and opened up the box. When she saw what was inside, her breath caught in her throat. "Nick..."

"Don't get too excited," he said with a grin. "It's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring." he pulled it from the box. "I promise not to hurt you again Julie. I want to make you happy."

"You do," Julie whispered. "You make me so happy, Nick." She handed him the ring. "Will you put it on me?"

"Of course," he said, sliding it over her right hand ring finger.

"Perfect fit," Julie said smiling at him. He knew she wasn't just talking about the ring. "Don't you think?"

"I do think," Nick kissed her again.

"I have something to tell you, too," Julie said when they broke apart. "They want to interview her of course, but my parents think Greta might make a great nanny for Ethan."

"Really?" Nick asked happily. "That means she'll have a job... that would be fantastic. I was starting to feel bad dragging her all the way over here and not have anything for her."

"She's really great from what I can tell," Julie said. "And Ethan took a shine to her, too."

"I'm glad," Nick kissed her again. "Should we get back in there and dance? I still owe you one."

"Yes you do," Julie said. "Come on, Malfoy. Everyone in there saw you can sing. Let's go show them you can dance, too."

"All right," Nick said. "I love you Julie."

"I love you, Nick."