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Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights by Amynoelle and Heaven

Dirty Dancing; Hillsdale Nights

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thanks again everyone for all your kind words and encouragement on this fic. We don't yet have a chapter count, but we DO have a surprise for you all after we finish with this! We're not saying what yet, so you'll have to stay tuned to find out what it is ;)

This fic won't be as long as Time of their Life, but it's definitely up there. We're glad that most of you are warming up to Nick and hate Ginny- that's our purpose right there ;)

As always, thanks for reading and don't forget to let us know what you think!

The Trouble With Love- Kelly Clarkson

Love can be a many splendored thing
Can't deny the joy it brings
A dozen roses, diamond rings
Dreams for sale and fairy tales
It'll make you hear a symphony
And you just want the world to see
But like a drug that makes you blind,
It'll fool ya every time.

The trouble with love is
It can tear you up inside
Make your heart believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride.
The trouble with love is
It doesn't care how fast you fall
And you can't refuse the call
See, you got no say at all.

"It's good to have you around mate," Neville said as he and Seamus headed towards the restaurant. "It's been too long since we saw or heard from you."

"It's good to be back," Seamus admitted. "I'm sorry for not keeping in better touch with all of you. Believe it or not, I've missed all of you...even Ron."

"Ron and his large appetite?" Neville laughed.

"That's what I love about Ron, though," Seamus said, chuckling. "He never changes."

"Nope," Neville replied. "So tell me more about Summer."

"There's not much to tell," Seamus said, as he and Neville walked into the restaurant.

"Well how long have you been dating?" Neville inquired.

"A few months," Seamus replied, as they sat down. "She had a small part in one of my films. One thing sort of led to another and we're just happened."

"You don't sound so thrilled about it," Neville took a menu.

"I am," Seamus said defensively. "But its still early days for us. She's fun."

Neville nodded. "Well as long as you like her, there's no room to complain." he said.

"I do," Seamus grinned. After they placed their breakfast orders, Seamus grinned at his friend.

"Look at you...husband and father."

"I was husband and father before you left," Neville laughed. "I just have two more rugrats that are growing too fast for my taste."

"I know," Seamus said, shaking his head. "The last time I saw you...was right after Allison was born."

"I can't believe it's been that long," Neville said.

"Too long," Seamus admitted. "But with the way things ended with me and Lav..."

Neville shook his head. "She won't talk about it to anyone, you know."

"She didn't?" Seamus asked, surprised. He'd expected her to tell everyone about what had happened and try to turn all their friends against him.

"Nope," Neville replied. "We just heard from Hermione that you two had broken up and the next thing we all knew, you were in LA."

"Lavender wouldn't listen to me," Seamus said, leaning back in his chair. "And I tried to explain, but she wouldn't let me get one word in edgewise."

Neville shrugged. "None of us know what happened, at all."

"She thought I cheated on her," Seamus said.

Neville almost choked on his water. "Did you just say cheated?

"Aye," Seamus said, nodding. "With my assistant of all things."

Neville blinked, confused. "Want to start at the beginning?"

"I can't believe she didn't tell any of you about this," Seamus said, evading the question. "Didn't you even try and ask her what happened?"

"Of course we did." Neville replied.

"And what did she say?" Seamus asked curiously.

"Nothing!" Neville replied. "She just said things weren't working out between you and then you left."

Seamus couldn't believe this. "Well, it wasn't my fault. It was hers. She's as bloody stubborn as Hermione when she thinks she's right. I keep thinking if it wasn't for what happened that summer with Malfoy, she might have at least let me explain, but she wouldn't. Slammed the door in my face and said I was as bad as him!"

"That sounds about right," Neville replied as the waiter came to take their order. "So..." he said once they were alone again. "Want to fill me in?"

"It's ancient history, Nev," Seamus said, not really wanting to relive this. No one had really known what he'd planned to do that day when she'd broken things off with him. He'd never told anyone.

"Well you wanted to know what she said," Neville countered.

"You promise not to tell anyone this?" Seamus asked seriously. "Not even Cho, because you know once she gets wind of this..."

"I swear," Neville replied.

Seamus exhaled. "I was going to propose. I'd had everything planned....we'd been dating for nearly five years by then, you know? We were the last of the group not married...and you lot never let us forget it, either."

Neville shook his head. "I remember that, we all wondered if you two were going to live in sin or tie the knot."

"But, I figured that you were right," Seamus said. "We'd been together for so long. It felt right. I even went and spoke with her uncle and asked for his blessing."

"Wow," Neville said. "We had no idea Seamus..."

Seamus shrugged. "So I set about trying to think of the most romantic way to do it. I didn't want to ask any of you because I didn't want anyone in our group to know just yet... so I asked Lola for help."

"And that was your assistant right?" Neville asked.

Seamus nodded. "She was really fantastic. She helped me do research on different restaurants and even went with me to the jewellers to pick out rings. There was nothing out of sorts about was all perfectly platonic. The night before I was going to do it, Lola was over helping me plan...we were also working on that independent film I was going to start directing. Anyway, she and I were both knackered and we fell asleep on the sofa."

"And Lavender walked in..." Seamus filled in the blanks. "Shite..."

"Yeah," Seamus said. "To make matters worse there was a problem in my flat with the heat and Lola had stripped down to her knickers and I was just in my boxers. I'll give Lavender this much, it did look bad, but she certainly didn't even give me a chance to explain."

"No kidding," Neville said. "No offence mate but I'd have thought the same thing."

"I know," Seamus said, sighing. "But we'd been together for so long, Nev. She at least owed me the chance to explain."

"Yeah," Neville said bemusedly. "I would have been pissed initially but at least have let you talk later on once I'd cooled down."

"But not Lavender," Seamus said. "She wouldn't listen. I tried everything I could...but I just...I got fed up. I couldn't take it anymore so I left."

"And she still won't talk to you aye?" Neville asked.

"No, she'll talk to me," Seamus said, and briefly related for his friend what had happened the other day at the ice cream parlour.

Neville laughed. "You called her a bitch?"

"She was acting like one!" Seamus reasoned.

"Sure sounds like it," Neville said. "She's changed quite a bit since... you left."

"How do you mean?" Seamus asked.

"Well," Neville leaned in. "She's been married twice, although she had them annulled and denies that they ever happened."

"Whoa!" Seamus said, taken aback. "She's been married TWICE?"

Neville nodded. "The first one lasted only two days. The second lasted three weeks."

"I can't believe I hadn't heard about this!" Seamus asked, still somewhat in shock. Admittedly, he hadn't really kept up on what had happened in the Wizarding World since he'd left, but he wondered why no one had bothered to mention it to him. Although he hadn't seen his friends in years, he still talked to them occasionally on the phone or in letters.

"Did this make the Prophet?" Seamus asked.

"Of course it did," Neville said. "Lav's become bigger tabloid fodder than Harry and Hermione."

"Is she seeing anyone now?" Seamus asked, trying to sound as if he didn't care one way or the other.

"Nope," Neville said. "Hasn't for awhile now."

"Oh," Seamus answered, glad that the waiter had arrived with their food.

Both men dug into their lunches. "So what does Summer think of Lavender?" Neville couldn't help but ask.

"She doesn't quite know what to make of her," Seamus answered. "And neither do I."

"Well... we still have over three weeks left here." Neville said with his mouth full.

"I'm not so sure Summer and I are going to stay for too much longer," Seamus said, before taking a swig of his water.

"How come?" Neville asked. "I know everyone's anxious to catch up with you."

"I've got a lot going on in LA," Seamus said. "I can't be away for too much longer."

Neville gave him a look. "Steve can hook you up with a Floo connection. He did it for Harry and Hermione."

"I haven't used Floo in ages," Seamus said with a laugh. "Okay, Nev. You've talked me into it, but please don't try and start something up between Lav and me, okay? That ship has sailed."

"I wasn't going to," Neville said, but a tiny nagging thought in the back of his head was saying otherwise.

*** *** ***

Allison Longbottom couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun. She'd actually complained to Frankie just this morning about how nothing exciting ever happened. Other than getting to meet Nick Malfoy, things had been sort of ho-hum. It always seemed that exciting things happened to other people, but not her.

That all changed today when out of the blue, Josh had invited her to go swimming. She'd always had a bit of a crush on him, but because she was a year younger, she thought he didn't see her as anything other than a little girl.

She smiled shyly at him as they made their way toward their towels on the shore. "You're really a great swimmer," she said softly.

"Thanks," Josh said. "Julie showed me how to swim. I used to be scared of the water."

"I didn't know that," Allison said, smiling at him.

"Yeah, back when we still lived in England." Josh said wistfully.

"I miss having you guys around," Allison admitted. "I don't get to...I mean, we don't get to see enough of each other...our families, you know?"

"Yeah I know," Josh's eyes were scanning the lake for signs of Julie or Ethan. "When I finish Hogwarts I'm moving back to England."

"That'd be great!" Allison gushed.

Josh smiled at her and turned back to the lake. "I thought she was going to be here!" he muttered when he couldn't find any trace of Julie.

"What did you just say?" Allison asked. "I couldn't quite hear you?"

"Julie," Josh replied. "I thought she was going to be here."

"She is," Allison said, motioning behind him. Julie was walking hand in hand with Ethan toward the lake. She wore a deep blue bikini top and cut-off denim shorts.

"Julie!" Josh's face brightened considerably. "Over here!" he waved wildly.

Allison couldn't help but notice the change in Josh's mood at the sight of Julie. She'd known, of course, that Josh had always liked Julie, but she didn't know he liked her this much.

"Hi, guys," Julie said warmly to them. "Josh, I am so glad to see you!"

"You are?" Josh asked excitedly.

Julie nodded. "I was hoping you might help Ethan and me today. He thinks you're amazing and I was thinking that if you went swimming with us today, he'd like it more than he does. What do you say? You would have my undying gratitude..."

"Sure," Josh said. "Anything for you..." he turned bright red. "You and Ethan."

Julie clapped her hands together and gave him a warm hug. "Thanks so much, Josh!"

Allison had never in her life seen Josh beam the way he did as he hugged Julie back.

Ethan laughed. "Josh did you get a sunburn?" he asked.

"No," Josh said, looking quizzically at the little boy. "Why do you ask that?"

"Your face is all red." Ethan pointed out.

"It is?" Josh asked, blushing even worse. "Well, its hot out here..."

Julie blushed a bit and turned away, thinking she might have been too enthusiastic in her thank you to Josh. "Maybe we'd better get in the lake," she suggested.

"Great," Josh said, smiling at her. "Come on, Ethan."

Allison frowned, but put on a brave face. "You guys have fun. I promised Frankie I'd take her into town."

"But I thought you were coming swimming with us," Josh was confused. She had seemed so excited when he asked her to go with them.

"I-I was," Allison stammered. "But I did promise Frankie. You go on ahead. I'll catch up with you later."

"Allie..." Josh said as she turned and went back up the path towards the cabins.

"Come on, Josh!" Ethan said, taking his hand. "Let's go..."

Julie smiled. "This is a first. He actually wants to go into the water!"

"Yeah," Josh said, unsure of why he felt so bad about Allison not staying with them.

"I'm still not diving!" Ethan warned his sister. "You can't make me!"

"We're getting there Ethan," Julie tossed her shorts aside and got in the water.

"Was she this bad when she taught you?" Ethan whispered to Josh.

"I heard that!" Julie said, resurfacing.

"She was worse," Josh teased.

"Hey I can leave you know," Julie said. "There are other people here who enjoy the pleasure of my company believe it or not!" she dove under again to hide her grin as she thought of Nick walking her back the night before.

Josh winked conspiratorially at Ethan.

"Watch this," he said, quietly before diving into the water. Josh surfaced a moment later and he and Julie proceeded to get into a splash fight. "What do you think, Ethan? Think I should show your sister some mercy?" Josh called out.

"No way!" Ethan called back, glad he was still on dry land.

"Ethan!" Julie exclaimed right before Josh splashed her again. "Josh Weasley, you don't fight fair!"

"Who said I was fair?" Josh grinned, his stomach fluttering as she splashed him back.

From the shore, Allison watched the two of them and wondered why it couldn't have been her in the lake with Josh. They looked to be having such a great time. She sighed and looked at them one last time before walking away. When she made it back to the cabin, she was glad to see that her mother was there.

"Hi, Mum," Allison said, sinking down into the sofa beside Cho.

"Hello sweetheart," Cho smiled at her daughter.

"Do you mind if I hang out in here with you today?" Allison asked, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Of course not," Cho put an arm around her. "But why would you want to hang around your boring old Mum when you have your friends here?

"You're not boring, Mum." Allison said. "Old, maybe, but not boring..."

"Hey! I am not old!" Cho said,

"I was only teasing," Allison said, laughing. She always felt better talking to her mother like this. "So how was the ballroom last night? I still wish Frankie and I could have seen it."

"Oh it was lovely for the most part." Cho said.

Allison sat up. "Did something happen?"

"That woman your father and I told you about was there, and she spilled her wine all over Hermione's dress." Cho frowned. "She's quite immature."

"That's terrible," Allison said. "Even Frankie's not that bad!"

"No she's far from being that bad," Cho replied.

Allison giggled. She was silent for a few moments before looking at Cho. "Mum, do you think I'm pretty?" Allison asked nervously. "And don't just say that you think I am because you feel obligated because you're my mother. Tell me what you really think."

Cho stared at her daughter. "Did Ginny say anything to you?" she asked, wondering why her daughter would ever ask that question.

Allison vehemently shook her head. "No, I've never spoken to Ginny."

"Well why would you ask that?" Cho replied. "Of course you're pretty. You're a beautiful young girl."

"I've never been on a date," Allison answered sadly. "No one's ever asked me out for anything...until today, but then..."

"Until today?" Cho asked.

Allison blushed. "Josh asked me to go swimming."

Cho smiled. "I had an idea that you fancied him," she said.

Alison looked sternly at her mother. "Don't breathe a word of this to anyone, Mum. I know how you are."

"Allison!" Cho gasped. "I would never tell anyone!"

"Not intentionally, of course,'" Allison said, "but you always find a way of letting things slip. I am begging you, Mum. Don't tell anyone about this. Not Dad. Not Frankie. No one."

"All right!" Cho said.

Alison rested her head on Cho's shoulder again. "It doesn't really matter if I do fancy him," she said sadly. "He likes someone else."

"Yes but sweetheart," Cho said gently. "Julie's four years older than he is... and I don't think she likes him back. She's just being nice."

"Try telling him that," Allison said with a sigh.

"Is she encouraging it?" Cho asked.

"I don't think so," Allison answered. "Not intentionally anyway. But, she asked if he'd help her with Ethan and when he said yes, she hugged him and he grinned so much I saw every tooth in his mouth!"

Cho smiled at that mental image. "Well why didn't you stay and help out too?"

"What good would I have done?" Allison asked. "I'd have gotten in the way of his attempts to impress Julie."

"But he asked you," Cho stressed. "He asked you to go swimming with him."

"Yeah, he did," Allison admitted. "What do you think I should do?"

"Go back down there and show him that you're a good sport!" Cho replied. "How's Josh going to realise you fancy him if you don't show him."

"I will," Allison said, "but I'd really like to just stay here with you now. I'll try and talk to him again before dinner tonight."

"Are you sure sweetheart?" Cho asked.

"Positive," Allison said with a smile. She kissed her mother on the cheek. "You're the best, Mum."

"So are you love." Cho put her arm around her daughter. "So what do you want to do?"

"How about we do each other's nails?" Allison asked excitedly.

Cho laughed. "All right," she said, getting up.

"Aunt Lavender let me borrow some of her silver polish," Allison said, leading her mother into the bedroom she and Frankie were sharing. She felt so much better. Perhaps her mother was right, Allison thought. Maybe she'd be able to turn things around...starting tonight.

*** *** ***

"So?" Julie asked her best friend, sitting down opposite her in the restaurant. She'd been looking all over for Chiaki and finally found her havinga late lunch. "Were you planning on telling me?"

"Telling you what?" Chiaki looked at her in confusion.

"The fact that you'd met and spoken with your brother," Julie answered simply.

"Nick?" Chiaki asked. "I was going to tell you but we've all been busy!"

"Oh," Julie said, leaning back in her chair. A waiter came over and asked if she wanted to order, but she shook her head. When they were alone again, Julie leaned forward. "I saw him last night. Right after his mother was completely horrible to my mum."

"What happened?" Chiaki asked. "I had a headache otherwise I'd have been there too."

"Your mum and my dad were dancing," Julie explained. "Mum and I were watching and the next thing I know that horrible woman was right in front of us making rude comments. Long story short, she spilled her wine all over my mum's dress..."

"What?" Chiaki's eyes grew wide.

"I know," Julie said, shaking her head. She became angry every single time she thought about what had happened. "She said it was an accident, but none of us were buying it. Nick came up to us and he didn't look too happy with her. They left and when we were walking back...we ran into Nick. He, um, offered to walk me back to my cabin."

Chiaki, who had been about to take a bite of her pasta salad, let her fork drop onto her plate, "What? He what?"

"He offered to walk me back to my cabin," Julie answered, blushing. "I didn't want him to, but my dad went into protective mode and so I just said okay so I could get out of there."

"And?" Chiaki seemed to have forgotten her food. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened," Julie said, looking down at the table. "He walked me home. End of story."

"No it's not," Chiaki shook her head. "You're blushing, and whenever you blush and look away that means something happened!"

"Seriously, Chiaki," Julie said, looking up. "Nothing happened. I mean, we talked. And it was sort of nice, but that's it. Honestly."

Chiaki sat back in her chair. "You know he fancies you right?"

"How could I not?" Julie said with a slight laugh. "He's everywhere I go. But, I'm probably just a challenge to him. I'm sure some much prettier girl will come along and turn his head and I'll just be an afterthought."

Chiaki shook her head. "You know, I don't think so." she looked around to make sure no one was listening. "He's really not a bad bloke. He opened up to me yesterday morning- Nick hasn't had a very good home life. He was raised by a nanny. Look who his parents are, yet despite that first night we all met he's been very polite and receptive to meeting his family members."

"His mother is really horrible," Julie agreed. "And from what I hear about his dad...I'm sorry, Chiaki. I shouldn't have said..."

"It's okay," Chiaki said. "In my mind, he's not my real father." she shrugged.

"Are you...are you disappointed that he's not here?" Julie asked.

"No," Chiaki answered. "I've never met him, even though sometimes I'm a bit curious."

"That's understandable," Julie said, nodding. "And if you don't mind me saying, you've got a great father already. Uncle Neville's fantastic."

"Yes he is," Chiaki finished her lunch. "So... what are you going to do about Nick? Sounds to me like you've softened up a little."

"I'm not going to do anything," Julie answered. "Come on, Chiaki. He lives in Australia for one thing. I live here. Trust me, its best if he and I are just friends. And I'm not even sure if we're that yet. I am going to try and be nicer to him, so at least that's a start, right?"

"I suppose," Chiaki said as they left the restaurant. "For now."

*** *** ***

Hermione sighed softly, not wanting to wake up. She and Harry had snuck into his old cabin with a blanket, since all the furniture in there was long gone, and had made love three times before falling asleep in each other's arms. By the looks of the light outside, it was late afternoon and she knew they'd be missed if they stayed much longer. "Harry," she said. "We have to get going..."

"Five more minutes," he said sleepily, pulling her closer.

Being in his arms felt so good that she agreed and snuggled back into his side. "I'm so tired," she mumbled.

"It's your own fault," he said, his voice scratchy. "You nearly killed me today, woman."

"I didn't hear you complaining at the time," Hermione said.

"It wasn't a complaint," he said, running a hand down her bare arm. "It was just an observation."

"Right," Hermione leaned over and kissed him. "Come on Harry, we have to get back to the cabin. I don't want Ethan being there alone."

"He's probably with Julie," Harry said, reluctantly sitting up and reaching around blindly for his glasses, which Hermione handed to him with a smile. "Thanks."

"Anytime," Hermione kissed him again. "I wish they'd left your furniture in here. What do they use this room for now anyway?"

"Storage," Harry answered. "I had to clean this place out myself this morning."

Hermione fell back onto the blanket and laughed. "You cleaned it out yourself? You actually did some manual labour?"

Harry shook his head. "No, sweetheart. I used magic."

"Of course you did," Hermione pulled him down on top of her for another kiss. "I wish we could go back in time so we could spend another afternoon here." she said a bit wistfully.

"How far did you want to go back exactly?" he asked, rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

"This morning," she laughed. "I'd help you move things around so that we could be in here quicker."

"Well," he said smiling down at her. "We still have loads of time here. We'll come back. I promise."

"Okay," Hermione kissed him again before they both reluctantly got dressed.

"I wonder if I could finally talk Ethan into spending time with me," Harry asked, buttoning his shirt. "Usually, he's my shadow. Lately, he doesn't want to spend any time with me."

"I think he's just excited to be on holiday," Hermione replied, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "I don't think he remembers going on one since he was so young when I became Minister."

Harry nodded. He and Hermione had Julie soon after they'd married and had tried and tried to conceive again and had almost given up hope when Hermione found out she was pregnant with Ethan.

"He's something else, isn't he?" Harry asked, thinking of his son.

Hermione laughed. "He really is," she said. "Both of them are."

"They are," Harry said smiling back at her. "And they're hiding something from us. You do realise that, don't you?"

"They're our children Harry," Hermione replied. "Of course they're hiding things from us."

"You know what it is, don't you?" Harry asked her, as they walked out of the cabin.

"How should I know?" Hermione shrugged. "I'm the parent."

"Yes, but you're the smart parent," Harry pointed out.

Hermione laughed out loud. "If you say so dear," she took his hand and squeezed it. "Maybe they just want to spend time together. We've all been so busy lately and Julie's still trying to find a job in London... maybe Ethan feels like he wants to do things with her while we're here."

Harry had a feeling that Hermione knew exactly what was going on, but he figured if it was serious she'd have told him. He, too, was glad that they'd all been able to go on holiday together as a family. It saddened him to think that his daughter would soon be leaving home and making a life for herself separate from them. But, he was also very proud of her and knew that no matter where she went or what she did, she'd always know she had a place with them.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, as they passed by the lake. "Ethan's been acting really strange whenever I mention the lake, hasn't he? I mean, when we first came down here I mentioned the lake and he acted like he couldn't care less. Then, the other day when I mentioned going fishing...well, you saw how he reacted to that."

Hermione nodded pensively. "I have thought before that he was afraid of the water," she mused. "Remember when we went into the countryside the year before I took office? You, me and Julie were in the water almost the entire time and Ethan either stayed up on shore or would only come in with you or me holding him."

Harry nodded. "I remember that. He hung on so tightly to me, I nearly had trouble breathing."

"Well I think you've figured it out," She nudged her husband's shoulder. "And they say I'm the smart one," she teased.

Harry laughed. "Usually you are. I don't understand why he didn't think he could tell us..."

"Maybe he's afraid to, not in the sense that we'd punish him or anything, but that because of who we are, he doesn't want to seem like a coward." Hermione suggested.

"He knows we'd never think that way on him, doesn't he?" Harry asked, frowning. "I always wanted him and Julie to tell me when they were scared or worried..."

"He's so young though Harry," Hermione replied. "And you know how badly he wants to be a 'Gryffindor' like you and Julie."

Harry was about to respond to this when he saw his son and daughter walking toward them. They were both carrying ice cream cones. "Dad!" Ethan said excitedly, running toward them. His ice cream cone fell out of his hands, but he didn't seem to notice or care.

"Hey!" Harry hugged him as Ethan jumped up at him. "Where've you been all afternoon little man?"

"Hanging out with Julie and Josh," Ethan said, smiling broadly at his father. "Then we went to get ice cream!"

"And you dropped yours," Harry laughed.

"You can have the rest of mine," Julie handed her cone to her brother.

"Thanks, Julie," Ethan said happily. "Dad, you have to see this shop in town. They have the coolest toys! Can we go after dinner, please?"

"Sure," Harry said. "That sounds like fun."

"Julie, did you want to come along?" Hermione asked, as the family made their way back to the cabin. "You can keep me company while the two of them try everything out."

Julie shook her head. "I'd love to Mum, but I promised Chiaki I'd go with her to the club."

"All right," Hermione said. "Guess I'll have to be the mean parent who says no all the time." she teased.

"You don't say no all the time," Julie said with a laugh. "Just the majority of the time."

Harry grinned. "I like that arrangement," he laughed.

"Somehow I thought you would," Hermione said swatting him on the arm.

*** *** ***

Luna and Ron were enjoying a small amount of peace and quiet. They weren't due at dinner for at least an hour. Drew and Darla were playing cards. Julie had taught them how to play the Muggle card game of "Go Fish" and they'd been playing it most of the afternoon. Jon was taking a shower and Josh was reading in his bedroom. Luna laughed as she held up the picture Maddie had drawn for them. Molly had sent it in owl post earlier that day. "What do you suppose it is?" Luna asked, holding up Maddie's artwork. "Is it a dog? Oh, wait a minute...I think it's got horns..."

"I'm not sure but I love it," Ron chuckled.

"She's more of an abstract artist," Luna said proudly. "Merlin, I can't wait until they get here. I miss them so much!"

"Same here," Ron kissed the side of her head.

"HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SHIRT?" Jon called out from the bathroom. "JOSH!"

"So much for peace and quiet," Luna said, shaking her head.

"Why would I have your stupid shirt?" Josh replied.

"Mum, Josh has my shirt!" Jon said, sticking his head out behind the bathroom door.

"I don't have your shirt," Josh repeated.

"Maybe if you cleaned your room, you'd be able to find it," Luna called out to him.

Josh came out, novel in hand. "Yeah, our room's a disgusting mess," he said, glaring at his twin.

"It's not that bad," Jon said defensively.

"You mean the carpet of clothes on the floor isn't that bad?" Josh snapped back.

"If you don't like it, you could clean up," Jon shot back. "But then again, you are off having romantic romps in the lake with a certain someone."

Josh turned red as he always did when Julie was mentioned. "I'm helping her out with something," he said through clenched teeth.

"Helping her out, my arse," Jon said, laughing.

"OKAY!" Luna said, getting up. "Jon, clean up your room. It's a filthy, disgusting mess. Josh, how about you sit in here with your father so we don't go through another horrible row like the two of you have had since the moment we got here. Have I made myself perfectly clear?"

"Yes," Josh muttered, as did Jon. They knew when their mother got angry she meant business, as most time she was quite easygoing.

Luna sat back down on the sofa beside her husband. "You know I almost wish the two of them got along as well as Fred and George. Then again, maybe that's not such a great thing."

Josh glared at the doorway where his brother had just disappeared. "Why won't he leave me alone about Julie?" he asked.

"Because he knows it pushes your buttons," Luna replied.

"Well how do I get him to stop?" Josh asked exasperatedly.

"Ignore him," Ron suggested.

"I've tried that!" Josh replied.

"I know why Jon wants to find that shirt," Darla said, giggling.

Everyone turned to her. "Why's that sweetheart?" Ron asked.

Darla giggled. "Allison Longbottom once told him that it looked nice on him."

Ron and Luna laughed. "So he fancies Allie eh?" Ron asked.

Darla nodded. "He wants to take her for a walk after dinner....he was talking to some boy about it earlier today."

"Who?" Josh demanded.

Darla shrugged her shoulders. "Just some boy at the lake. They were talking about how pretty she was."

Josh's face was red. "I don't think he's right for her," he said angrily.

"I don't know," Luna said thoughtfully. "Allie's a sweet girl and your brother needs someone like that in his life. I imagine she'd be a good influence on him."

Jon came out of the room and grinned at his mother. "I found my shirt and the room is clean!" he said proudly.

"Did you throw everything in the closet?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Jon shook his head. "In my suitcase," he replied.

Luna rolled her eyes. "I guess that'll do for now."

"For now," Ron warned his son. "I expect you to have it all cleaned up by tomorrow afternoon."

Jon nodded. "Hey, do you think we could sit with the Longbottoms tonight?"

Ron bit his lower lip. "I'm sure we could arrange that," he said, shooting a look at his giggling daughters. "Why do you want to sit with them?"

"We don't get to see them as much since we're in Ireland now, do we?" Jon asked.

"I suppose not," Luna agreed.

"Good," Jon said, beaming at her. He looked at Josh who was scowling at him. "What's eating you?"

"Nothing," Josh tossed his book on the table. "I'm getting dressed for dinner."

When Josh was out of earshot, Luna looked sternly at Jon. "Why do you insist on berating him about Julie?" she asked.

"Because it's funny," Jon said nonchalantly.

"Nearly as funny as you fancying Allie?" Ron asked.

Jon turned scarlet. "How did you all find out about that?" he asked.

Drew and Darla giggled from their perch in the corner.

"Never mind how we knew," Luna said. "How would you like it if he made fun of you because you liked Allie?"

"I guess I'd be mad," Jon scuffed his shoe along the floor.

"Remember that next time you decide to tease him about Julie then," Ron scolded him.

"Fine," Jon replied. "Can I go?"

"Yes," Luna said. "And you look very handsome, Jon. "

"Thanks," Jon practically ran out the door, Drew and Darla's giggles following him the whole way out.

"Okay, I suppose we should get ready for dinner, too," Luna said, standing up.

"Yeah," Ron groaned as he got up. "Come on you two," he said to his daughters.

"I'm hungry, Daddy," Drew said.

"So am I sweetheart," Ron agreed.

"You just ate an hour ago," Luna said in disbelief.

"I didn't eat much," Ron said. "Just a little something to tide me over. I had a bag of crisps....some biscuits...oh and half of a sandwich."

"Don't forget about that ice cream sundae Daddy!" Drew piped up.

"Oh that, too," Ron said, a little sheepishly.

"And the bag of sweets from that store," Darla added.

"Yes, yes," Ron said, ushering the girls quickly toward their room. He looked at Luna. " know how they can exaggerate."

"Uh huh," Luna grinned, unconvinced.

"Don't worry," Ron said, smiling at her. "I didn't spoil my dinner."

"You never do Ronald," Luna replied.