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Love Lost. Love Found. by Harrys Mistress

Love Lost. Love Found.

Harrys Mistress

Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking so long, I have been crazy busy! Plus, my sister introduced me to that Twilight Series by Stephanie Myer and so I really couldn't put them down and so that took up a whole lot of time as well. If anyone hasn't read it yet, I highly recommend it. Also…I am kind of seeing someone for the first time in forever! So, I've had my hands full with that…Dating can be stressful!! Anyway, the next update is kind of short…I'm sorry for that, but I want to get this one out before I start writing the pool party. I'll try my very best to get another update up as SOON as I can. Thanks everyone for all your patience and understanding. Hope everyone has a happy Easter!! Love you guys to pieces!


Chapter 20

After many Owl and Floo exchanging, the last weekend of July was best for everyone, so the pool party turned into a celebration of Harry turning the big four-oh. Preparing for the all-day long party was a good excuse to avoid Harry, without having him know she was avoiding him.

Harry knew, of course, but didn't say anything. He didn't want to rush her anyway and decided to hold back and let her plan everything from food to decorations. He sure hoped she didn't overdo it with the decorations.

Besides, he was busy at work anyway, now that the new recruits were picked, his oldest son being one of them. There were other Aurors who ran the day to day training during Hell Week, as they called it, but Harry made sure to stop by now and then to see how his new team was progressing. The first week was the toughest, which was why Hell Week was such an accurate description. Before the week was over, three recruits threw in the towel and forty-seven remained. James was still alive.

Better than alive, James was practically the strongest in the group and Harry had seen the improvements every time he stopped by. Harry even took over the training every Friday and did his best to push them to the limit. When he was training them, he treated each and every one of them the same and made sure not to let up on James. In fact, he was probably harder on James because he knew of his potential. After the end of the third week, only twenty-five remained and survived the training program and James was definitely at the top of the class.

"I'm very proud of you," Harry said to James while they were sitting in his office. James had stopped by after he hit the showers and Harry immediately shoved his work aside.

"Thanks," he said sheepishly, then sighed. "It's been a hard couple of weeks."

"Yes, but you handled it," he said with a nod of approval. "And I know I was hard on you, and I'm sorry if…"

"Don't apologize, Dad," he said cutting him off. "I know you were doing what you thought was best for me."

"You're damn good, James and will be a fantastic Auror."

"Thanks, Dad," he said with a smile, always pleased when he had his Dad's approval. "You always supported me on this and I really appreciate it."

"Of course," he said fully knowing they were both thinking about Ginny and how she always discouraged the idea of James being an Auror. "Well. Enough of that…how are things with you and Sam?"

He grinned. "Really good. Danny and I helped her move into her flat that's right above ours last weekend. She's getting settled in."

"Good. And how often does she actually sleep over in her flat?"

James winced as he shifted in his chair. "Jeez, Dad…"

"James, there's no need to get all uncomfortable, you're a healthy eighteen-year old boy with needs."

"You're not going to give me some kind of sex talk, are you, Dad?" he asked miserably. "I mean…Mom already made you give me one when I was thirteen."

Harry winced. "Don't remind me…that was horrible."

James shuddered. "Agreed."

"It's different though, James…you're in a serious relationship now."

"You didn't give me this speech when I was dating, Kiki."

"That wasn't a serious relationship," Harry countered back. "Look…just play it safe, is all I'm saying."

James resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Right. Sure, Dad."

"And…have you twooo…"

James shifted uncomfortably in his seat again. "No. She told me she isn't ready yet."

Harry let out a long breath. "Okay…well…that's good. You wait as long as it takes, James."

"Jeez, Dad, I know…I'll wait for her…I love her."

He smiled. "I know you do, son. I think she's a great girl…obviously made for you, no doubt."

"Yeah," he said with a smile. "She's the best."

"Well," he said with a defeating sigh. "I better get back to work. This pile of parchment won't go away by itself I'm afraid."

James chuckled. "Okay, Dad…I'll see you tomorrow at the pool party. What time do we need to be there?"

"Come over anytime, but the party officially starts at noon."

"Got it…we'll come early and help out," James said standing up from his seat. "Er…and thanks for the talk, Dad…even if it was a little uncomfortable."

Harry chuckled with him as he walked him to the door. "Anytime," he said giving his son a hug. "See you tomorrow."

"I can't believe you'll be, forty," James said with a grin as he opened the door.

"I know…if I'm not careful, I'll start to get old."

James laughed. "I sure hope so, Dad…I hope we'll celebrate many more of your birthdays."

"Plan on it," he said with a smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Good…see ya."

"See ya," he said and then with a heavy sigh retreated back to his desk.

It was late when he returned home that night. After visiting with James in his office for over an hour, he lost track of the time and had to stay late to get things done. It was just shy of midnight when he was walking up the stairs to an already quiet house.

He quickly stopped to check on Nora, giving her a quick kiss before checking quickly on the other kids. They were all fast asleep and resting up for the long exciting day ahead of him. He was on his way to his room when he saw the light flooding under Hermione's bedroom door. He probably shouldn't have, but he couldn't stop himself from slowly opening her door.

She was lying on top of the covers, with a book resting on her chest and her eyes closed. He stepped all the way in and made his way towards the bed. She was wearing a pair of pink and purple striped shorts which showed off her very long tanned legs. His fingers itched to touch every glorious inch of her. Her white ribbed tank top was riding up and a sliver of skin was exposed right above the waistband of her shorts. She was sexy even when she wasn't trying to be.

"Ten Galleons says you closed your eyes the second you heard me opening the door," he said softly.

She didn't speak and kept the same deep breathing as her eyes stayed close.

"Hmm…I guess you're asleep…so it wouldn't hurt if I did this…"

He leaned forward, placing a hand on her other side as leverage so he could swoop down for a soft kiss. He teased her and kept the kiss light as he nuzzled his lips with hers. Through his lashes he saw that her hands were clenched tightly and swallowed a chuckle. He finally leaned back, scrapping his teeth over her bottom lip as he pulled away. "Sleep well, Mione," he murmured with a hint of amusement in his voice before getting up from the bed.

He was almost to the door when she said his name. He turned slowly on his heels and saw her sitting up in bed. "Why, Mione…I didn't wake you, did I?"

She rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. "You know fully well that I owe you ten Galleons." She stopped in front of him and folded her arms defensively across her chest. "Why are you doing this?"

He arched a brow. "Doing what?"

"You know what," she said with a scowl. "Why are you…you…"

"Seducing you?" he finished for her with grin.

She closed her eyes and tried to settle her patience. "Yes…that. Why, Harry? After all this time, why do you all of the sudden want to…"

"Go to bed with you?"

"Would you stop finishing my sentences, please!" she huffed as she stamped a foot on the floor.

He lifted his hands. "Sorry. Habit."

She let out a frustrating sigh. "Just try to help me understand this…you've never felt that way about me…"

"I've never been allowed to," he said stuffing his hands in his pockets. "From day one it was kind of obvious that Ron liked you…he was meant to be with you…I was meant to be with Ginny. Everyone knew it, we all knew it…and that's what happened."

She huffed out a breath. "Okay fine, but even if you were allowed to, you never found me attractive and…"

"Yes, I did," he stated bluntly. "I always did."

Hermione couldn't have been more stunned as she stared at him with her mouth hanging. "What? You…what?"

Harry chuckled. "Mione, you've always been an amazing person…you're smart, pretty, even funny…sometimes unintentionally, but funny nonetheless. You're loyal, brave…I always trusted you more than anyone…of course I was attracted to you, I just…never was allowed to act on it. You were my best friend…and I was damn lucky to have you in my life, because Merlin knows I wouldn't have lasted through my first year without you."

Hermione didn't say anything. She just stared up at him as if he had three heads.

"I can see that I've shocked you," he said fighting a grin. "I'll let you get back to bed…so you can sleep on it." He pulled his hands out of his pockets and framed her face with his hands before placing his lips on her forehead. "Night."

He walked to the door and was halfway through it before he turned back around. "Oh, and to answer your question, Mione…I'm seducing you, because I want you. I'm seducing you because I want to know what it's like to have you in my bed…under me…naked. I want to get my hands on you and I want your hands on me. I'm seducing you, Mione…because I'm allowed to."

And with that said, he closed the door behind him, leaving Hermione still planted in the same spot, with that famous dumb expression on her face. He really was getting a habit of doing that.