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Love Lost. Love Found. by Harrys Mistress

Love Lost. Love Found.

Harrys Mistress

Hey guys, here's another chapter and the next one is already in the works! Thanks for all your reviews, I'm trying to answer some of them this time, since this is the last story I'll write. Gosh, I always say that don't I? Anyway, hope you enjoy this one, it's a James/Samantha. Look for the next chapter soon though.

Chapter 7

"So, how do you think you did?" Samantha asked as she and James walked out of Potions. "I told you there'd be a pop quiz."

"You were right," he said as they climbed up the stairs out of the dungeon. "I swear you have some kind of radar."

"It's a talent," she teased as she casually slipped her wand out of her hair.

James watched her long hair tumble down her back as she put her wand back in her pocket. It was a habit she did when she didn't have a hair tie on her. When the professor stuck her wand in the announced there would be a pop quiz she quickly pulled her hair back and stuck in her wand, did some fast little circles and just like magic it was up securely. She didn't like to take exams without her hair pulled back. He had been watching her do it for years, but his favorite part had always been when she slipped her wand free, allowing her soft hair, which always seemed to smell so good, escape from the bind and flow freely around her shoulders and back. His fingers itched to touch. To run his fingers through it and…


He shook his head clear, moving his eyes from her hair to her eyes. "Hmm? Sorry, what?"

Samantha curved her lips. "I asked you how you think you did? Take a little side trip, J?"

James gave a little nervous laugh. "I guess I did. Sorry. Er…I think I did alright, thanks to your warning I studied more than I normally would."

"I'm sure you did fine," she said as they made their way to the common room now that classes were done for the day. "Hey, I thought we'd go see Hagrid tonight after dinner. It's been awhile since we've visited him."

"Sounds good, I'll run it by Danny at Quidditch practice."

"Okay. How's my little man doing as the new Gryffindor Seeker by the way?"

James grinned. "Little Al's doing great, he's super excited about this year. He could have easily played his first year if we didn't already have Jennings. Now that he's graduated, it's his turn to shine. Not that I'd admit it to his face, but I'm crazy proud of him. He definitely inherited Dad's Seeker skills, just as much as I inherited Mum's Chaser skills."

Samantha slipped an arm through his, nudging him playfully. "Maybe you should mention how proud you are, he'd like that."

"Hmm…if we win the House Cup…I'll think about it," he said then laughed when Samantha slapped his arm. "Okay, okay, maybe I'll find a way to bring it up."

"You better or I'll….hey!" she exclaimed when James suddenly pushed her into a random broom closet. She tumbled in, knocking over a bucket while James closed the door. "James Remus Potter, what has gotten…mmmfph."

James slapped a hand over her mouth while he yanked her against him with one arm. "Shh…quiet." The closet was smaller than most broom closets so they had no choice to remain close. Samantha's back was against the door while James loomed over her with his hand still over her mouth.

Samantha hastily pulled his hand away. "James, why are you acting like a crazy person?" she whispered up at him. "Who are we hiding from?"

"Kiki," he said quietly as he kept his ears open. "I don't think she saw us…wait she's coming this way.

"Why are we hiding from you girl…"


Sam rolled her eyes, muttering about boys being stupid, but than went alert when she heard Kiki's voice.

"I know I saw him," she said from outside the door. "He was with her."

"Who?" a girl asked. "Samantha?"

"Yes, Minnie, Samantha," she said in an exasperated voice. "Who else would I be talking about? She practically clings to him like some puppy, it's so obnoxious."

"Bitch," Samantha muttered under her breath and looked up to see James listening with a scowl on his face.

"I thought she was dating Danny," Minnie said. "It's obvious he likes her."

James looked at Samantha this time, and she blushed and looked away.

"Yes, he likes her, but Samantha, I'm not sure. Not that I'm worried, I mean…c'mon like James would ever go for her."

"Bitch," James muttered this time.

"If you think that, why do you always feel so threatened by her?" Minnie wanted to know. "I mean, you always have been kind of jealous of her."

"I think I like this Minnie," James said quietly, causing a snicker out of Samantha.

"I'm not jealous of her," she sputtered angrily. "That's absurd! Ugh, just forget it. Let's go."

James and Samantha stood still as they listened to their steps echoing away. "I cannot believe I wasted a year with that little hussy."

"You're going to break up with her now, aren't you?" she asked. "Because if you don't have the nerve, I'd be happy to drink some polyjuice potion and turn into you so I can do it myself. Believe me, there's some words I'd like to say to that girl."

James grinned. "Tempting, but…I can handle it." He playfully cupped her chin, sweeping his thumb across her skin. "Thanks, anyway."

She gave him a shaky smile. "Don't mention it." She cleared her throat. "But…are you sure you can handle it? I mean you just shoved me in a broom closet so you wouldn't have to see her."

James narrowed his eyes. "For your information, I just didn't want to deal with her, okay? It's hard to break up with her when she won't shut up, you know how she loves to talk about herself."

"Just why exactly did you go out with her?"

"Because she's really hot."

"Ugh, boys are such pigs," she said pushing him away. "Get me out of here."

"No, wait," he said caging her back. "She could still be out there."

Sam let out a laugh. "You are such a chicken!"

"Hey, you can't blame me," he said and gave her a little pout. "There was a rumor that was spread pretty fast about the last guy that dumped her. Remember? Everyone thought he had some kind of rash and he couldn't get a date all year."

"Well, that should have warned you to keep your hands off from the beginning, Potter," she said shaking a finger at him. "And like anyone is going to believe it if she does start a rumor about you, everyone likes you. You're the big shot guy on campus."

He winced. "Please. Don't."

She laughed. "I know you don't like it, but it's the truth. I don't think a little rumor about having a rash is going to stop the girls from coming after you."

"Really?" he asked hopefully.

"Really. At least know that I won't believe it," she assured him.

"Well, I would hope not, you're my best friend after all," he teased with a smile.

"Yeah…your best friend. That's me."

James almost missed it, but he caught a flash of disappointment in her eyes. He then remembered what his dad had said by giving her signals that would hint he may be interested in her. "Well, what if you weren't?" he asked swooping in a little closer.

Sam pressed her back against the door when he suddenly moved close. "What?"

"What if you weren't my best friend," he said pleased when he noticed she was suddenly nervous. "If you were just some other girl…what if I asked you out during a rumor about me have a suspicious rash. Would you say yes?"

"Oh. Well, I…sure," she stammered out her words as she tried not to concentrate on how close he was. His body was an inch from touching hers, yet she could practically feel the heat from it. "I mean…you're a good-looking bloke and all."

James chuckled softly. "Gee, Sammy…you're going to make me blush."

"Ha, ha," she said dryly placing a hand on his chest. "Now, back off, Potter, I need some air."

"In a minute. Do you like, Danny?"

Her eyes widened. "What?"

He didn't know what propelled him to ask that question, but since it was out there he might as well see it through. "Danny? Do you like him?"

"Well…of course, he's a friend…it would be weird if I didn't like him when…"

"You know that's not what I meant."

Merlin, could he at least move back an inch, she felt like she was being caved in. Oh boy, did he smell good. "Oh. Well, I'm not really sure."

"You should probably figure that out," he said calmly and then leaned in closer so their bodies touched. "You can tell he likes you," he said and then opened the door.

Samantha stumbled backwards, but James pulled her back against him to steady her feet. "I know," she said as she placed her hands on his chest to ward him off. "I don't know what to do about it."

"I would figure something out quickly," he said and let his eyes flicker to her lips for just a flash of a second. "Before he gets hurt."

Samantha licked her lips nervously. "I would never hurt him."

"I know you wouldn't," he said giving her a smile. "Just think about it. Think about everything." He let her go, easing away slowly as he smiled. "I should go and get ready for practice. See you at supper?"

"Y-yeah…sure," she said dazed. "Supper."

"Until then." He gave her a wink than walked off with a grin. Things were definitely looking up.