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Harry’s thoughts following book 7 and dealing with his feelings. Warning: Anvils ahead with implied Harry/Hermione. Chptr 2: She knows him too well. She knows something is wrong, but how do you get the latest “Greatest Wizard of the Age” to open up if he doesn’t want to acknowledge something is wrong? Set during the year after the Final Battle. I hate plot bunnies >:/
In which Hermione dances, Harry is jealous and over-protective and blurts something out which he hadn't meant to say. One-shot.
She should be happy, she really should. After all, it's the Graduation Ball! But how can she smile when she sees the one she loves so happily dancing with someone else?
"Just one more minute..." that was all Hermione needed. WARNING: Major character death and depression inside. This is NOT a fluffy story with a sugary ending. Rated PG for themes.
The final battle is over. Many perished in the way, and so did The Dark Lord... and Harry and Hermione lay dying on the battlefield. Ron and Luna manage a spell to give them one small wrinkle in time to give them what they deserve before it's over.
Harry needs to learn how to kiss. Who do you think might be kind enough to instruct him? -- chapter seven: Harry finally begins to understand his confusing, female best friend. Note: Chapter seven is the only NC-17 chapter. If you'd like to read a PG-13 version, skip to chapter eight.
Hermione needed to know, in the heat of the battle, when she knew that the end had just taken place - her only thought was, she needed to know. Was Harry alive or dead? He was apart from her, she had no way of knowing...but she so desperately needed to know. A small one off - hope you enjoy.
Over the holiday, a baby cousin with magical abilities from the Dursleys. Determined to save his poor baby cousin from the evil Dursleys, Harry had no choice to bring the baby to school with him. But Harry had no experience with children! What will happen to Harry and his cousin? Who will come to their rescue? The war is still going onand how would that affect the situation?
"He's my best friend, my first friend. I can't- I won't- break his heart." It was too late for them. One-shot.
Harry is about to give away his youngest child to be married. This is a sweet little story about Harry's reflections and memories of his little Maggie Jane. Yes, by the way, it is a song-fic. Please R & R!
harry paused and looked up at the castle, eyes searching for and finding the tower that held Dumbledore’s study. He stared up at the un-lit windows of the circular room and said a final goodbye to the greatest wizard the world had ever known... Carrying on from the end of the 6th book, Harry leaves Hogwarts to find a life of his own, and to prepare for the greatest fight of his life. will he have to do it alone?
A new year...A new evil...A new dark witch rises...a rival for Voldemort's power...can the wizarding world cope? or will they be crushed between the two dark forces, each hungry for the other's power. Harry's battle against Voldemort continues, and Hermione finds herself of special interest to the mysterious dark witch. What does she want with her? and can Hermione resist her powers? (sorry guys, my story got deleted accidently, but I'm posting it again, with a few improvements) please read and review!
A series of unrelated scenes and moments I've written out- a collection of my ficlets. Some fluff, some angst. All H/Hr, all the time. HBP Spoilers from Ficlet 30 on.
Harry asks our favourite bookworm the question that plagues many an adolescent youth, and she has a hard time finding an answer.
Hermione remembers how recently she awoke to find herself facing one of the hardest losses of her life.
Post-HBP on the Horcrux hunt. Valentine's Day is different this year.
It's not every day your best friend is brought to your door, unable to stand on her own. How does Harry react?
Extremely plotless. I don't think there's too much fluff in this, but there's a lot of realisations made on Harry's part. Set in 7th year, Harry and Hermione are on their way to lunch, when Hermione confronts him about having a relationship with her. Harry becomes torn, but makes the decision he thinks is best in the end. Please R&R!!
Harry reaches his 50th birthday. Hermione helps him forget the horror. Smut with a bit of plot--kids, a dog, and a dash of humour.
Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were the talk of the school in their Hogwarts school days: Not only were they very best friends; they were childhood sweethearts, too. But after they go their separate ways and life intervenes, will their paths ever cross again? Will the love that they’ve held secretly in their hearts ever be rekindled?*** This story is just a little Valentine's Day fic for ya'll! Hope you enjoy! LKB_09***
There is a problem with chapter 11 for some reason, it is not recognizing the entire thing. Took it down and trying to fix it. Begins just before the final battle. Hermione wakes up after the final battle only to discover Harry and Ron are still unconsious. After a visit from the Fates, Hermione learns that it is up to her to decided which one will live and which one will die. Warning: Begins as Ron/Hermione but will be a Harry/Hermione story.
When Ginny Weasley wed Harry Potter, she expected to live happily ever after...
Just fluff. Pure, fluff! Based sometime after Voldemort's defeat. Harry and Hermione sit in a local park, watching life pass by, and enjoying eachother's company. Harry makes a powerful realisation, that only makes their relationship grow stronger. Please R&R!
In retrospect you don’t understand. There was a reason, once, to keep you all together. You don’t remember what that is now.
Sick? Ha! Sickness is for mere mortals, not Hermione Granger! Hermione Granger does not get sick! Or does she...?
"Because, when it came down to it, that was really what Hermione Granger was best at - finding ways to save Harry Potter." ---- This is a missing scene ficlet I did in March '05 for chapter 7 of OotP - short, but I felt, necessary, because really, the Hermione we all knew and loved wouldn't have just done nothing!
There are worse fates in the world than being married to a smart and beautiful woman. One-shot SWS.
AU...Hermione Granger is out to prove she can get any straight-good looking guy to fall for her in 10 days after making a bet with Cho and Luna...While Harry Potter on the other hand is sick and tired of girls falling all over him just because he has a famous father. So he has decided the next girl that ask him out will indeed become his girl friend and he will do everything in his power to make her hate him.... What happens when she's trying to get him to love her while he's trying to get her to lose him? -Based loosely on How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days!
After School has ended and a lot of the students have joined the Order of the Phoenix, Harry is led to Voldemort by mistake and trapped. Harry's friends have to do strange things to get him back. (First Fic, just for fun!!)
Hermione Granger is the next target of Lord Voldemort what ends will he go to in order to get to Harry Potter, and is this latest attempt going to have the effect he wanted?
Moaning Myrtle has a secret... but then Hermione does too. And then, one day when Hermione is misrable and goes to Myrtle (knowing that she is one person who will never crash a pity party)... well... everything explodes....
Harry discovers there's more than one way to have sex with his creative wife. Rated Very Naughty.
She never thought that it would come to this. [Drabble, set post Hogwarts.]
Inspired by the French film “Love Me If You Dare,” this story is about a secret game that Harry and Hermione play from childhood through adulthood. In this game, they dare each other to do things, and what starts as innocent fun transcends into something more consuming, complicated, and destructive as their friendship transforms into a consuming, but all too hidden, love in the background.
While Ron’s recent associations become of increasing concern to his friends and family, Harry becomes embroiled in an investigation to identify the traitor responsible for Voldemort’s increasing successes. Soon Harry and his Muggle friends cross paths again and together they try to solve the mystery before the Ministry becomes overrun by Voldemort’s supporters. Harry comes to suspect there is more going on than he’s being told. Continuation of The Kemmynadow Betrayal.
Harry's loneliness as he reflects on his life without his love. Inspired by the song "Here Without You" from the band Three Doors Down... Warning: Major character death
Hermione looks back and reflects about her relationship with Ginny Weasley and how things between them never worked. ONE-shot based loosely around the song "Girl Next Door" by "Saving Jane." EXCERPT:But that's the way life is. You don't win all the battles, you don't always get a home run on every pitch. Some days you have to strike out.
Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Philosopher's plot. Minor H/Hr. Harry is more powerful in his use of magic. This fic is also a bit darker than Book One.
Harry and Hermione experience dramatic changes in the aftermath of the war... Finally updated!
FINAL CHAPTER POSTED Seventh Year Fic. Begins with the end of HBP and carries through the final confrontation with Voldemort.
Scientifically, January the 23rd is one of the most depressing days of the year. Hermione's not sure whether she agrees. ONESHOT! This one goes to Goofball :P
"When everything normal feels unreal, where can you find peace?" Reunited with her parents after the end of Fourth Year, Hermione finds that the familiar routine of her home life is suddenly foreign to her. ONE-SHOT.
Another ficlet written for the 50lyricsfic challenge on Livejournal. Set sometime in a post-HBP world, this is a Ron POV fic inspired by some very unlikely lyrics. ONE-SHOT.
Harry & Hermione serve detention for their favorite professor. They aren't exactly suffering. Rated R for bad words, sexy situation, and one aroused Potions Master.
In a perfect world, young love would have lasted forever. But since the beginning of their lives at Hogwarts it has been anything but a perfect world for the trio. Set three years after graduation Ron, Hermione and Harry return to Hogwarts for the wedding between Remus Lupin and Nymphodora Tonks. The break ups and dark days of Voldemort are well past them and leave no animosity between them. But each is famous within the wizard community and it is a battle for each of them to set aside their current lives to even talk. But sitting outside Honeyduke's, were those ordinary lollipops they tasted or would it be the bittersweet taste of missed opportunities? Did young love fail only because they were young and destined to find others? Or had the turmoil and circumstances of their adolescent years blocked out the love that should have been? And, now, years later how do you make things right? Follow the trio and friends on a trip of self-discovery that amuses and confuses the trio as they meet again three years later.
This here is a one-shot story following Hermione on what starts out to be a beautiful day out in the Hogwarts grounds, but when the snow starts falling...
*Warning* This short ficlet is pure smut and not for the faint of heart. What happens when Hermione is forced to choose and ends up in a loveless (on her part) marriage? UPDATED--After much pleading I've added another part to this. Warning because it's angsty and involves more of R/Hr, but have faith because it does end up right!
A cookie from a longer story of mine...Harry contemplates his life after HBP and Hermione and Ron vow to always be there - R&R
AU as of book 6 Harry and Hermione spend the summer before 7th year together at Number 12...alone.
Hermione is determined to help Harry prepare for the second task . . . even if those preparations include an egg, a bath, and an utter absence of clothes.