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What Is Love? by d&gforever

What Is Love?


Turnabout Is Fair Play.

The house-elf cautiously approached Lucius' study. Although orders had been given not to disturb the occupants, it possessed information that needed to be relayed forthwith. The small aged hand knocked on the door making sure to magically enhance the sound. It hoped by knocking instead on popping into the room, it would save itself from being hexed.

"Come in," growled Lucius.

The door opened slowly. The house-elf bowed and remained that way as it entered the room. Its bow was so low, it appeared to be crawling towards Lucius.

"I is very sorry for disturbing Master. But Master Draco is being in the kitchen fireplace. He told Getty to inform Master," the elf said in a shaky voice.

"Thank, Merlin," Narcissa exclaimed, relief washing across her face as her body relaxed.

"Inform Draco that I will be opening my study floo shortly."

The house-elf nodded and disappeared. Lucius walked over to his fireplace and cast a spell. Bellatrix and Rodolphus approached the fireplace slowly, both looking a little dejected. It appeared there would be no hexing the Weasleys tonight. Narcissa all but ran to the fireside chair. As she sat, her facial expression changed again.

"If your son and his family are merely on holiday, he better have an admirable explanation for not flooing sooner," Narcissa spat at Lucius. Now that she felt her son's family was not in danger, her anger with him for causing her great worry was growing. He was going to get an earful. The fire turned green as a head started to appear in it. Narcissa's face softened at the sight before her.

"Coward!" Lucius hissed.

"Slytherin!" Rodolphus whispered to his friend as they both turned their attention back to the fire and the sweet little face of Cam.

"Hello, Grandmother," Cam said excitedly. "Daddy took us on a special holiday. The ocean is very warm here. I think the man called it the South Prefectic Ocean."

"The South Pacific Ocean, Sweetheart?" Narcissa asked in hopes of finding out her son's location.

"Yes, that's the one. We had to go to the Ministry for our Portkey. I think the name of the island is..." Cam stopped, his head turned. "Thuban! Daddy said I could talk first. Shut it. Ouch! I'm telling! Daad dee! Thuban hit me!" Cam paused for a minute. "Oh, I forgot." Cam turned back to Narcissa. "There's a Wizards Fair here. Daddy said we get to go tomorrow." Cam started to whisper in a disgusted tone. "You need to talk to Daddy when we get home. He only got us a two-bedroom cottage. I have to sleep with Thuban and Serpens. There's a kitchen but no cook. There aren't even any servants. It's a good thing we brought Tipsy. I feel so common!"

"Well, I'm sure you'll manage, Poppet," Narcissa replied but her tone expressed her displeasure with her son. Not only had he run off without a word, but he had also failed to acquire suitable accommodations for his family. "I would like to speak with your father, now."

"Daddy's busy. Leo's broken," Cam answered.

Narcissa placed her hand on her heart and gasped. "What happened to your baby brother?"

"I don't know. He breaks everyday about this time. He cries and cries for an hour or two for no reason."

"Most babies have a crying hour, Cygnus," Narcissa informed the little wizard.

"Oh. I miss you, but it's loads of fun here," Cam looked around the room and spied Bellatrix. "Oh, Auntie Bella!" he said with great delight. "I found your hidden playroom in Black Hall. I love it. It's the greatest. You'll come and play with me in it when we get home, right?"

"Of course, darling," Bellatrix replied sweetly with a smile she reserved for Cam alone.

"Great. I love you, Auntie Bella."

"I love you too, Cygnus," Bellatrix answered as she kissed the boy's cheek.

Rodolphus stared at his wife. No matter how many times he saw this side of her, it still amazed him. The witch had to be mental, multi-personalities, he thought. There was no other explanation. She was sickeningly sweet to this one child, while so delightfully evil most other times.

"I love you too, Grandmother, Grandfather, and Uncle Rodolphus. I have to go now. Serpens wants to say hello. Thuban has to go last 'cause he's a bad boy," Cam's head disappeared from the fire and Serpens' appeared.


Ron and Hermione sat in an office across the desk from a thirty-something wizard with brown hair.

"I understand the Ministry keeps a close eye on all wizarding business dealing, Mr. Persequi," Hermione stated calmly. "But half of the Ministry officials are old war friends of the Malfoys. I can assure you, they would not allow the Malfoy companies to be watched closely. I want their British and international businesses carefully scrutinized. I don't care how small the deal is, if it is morally or legally wrong, I want proof."

"International investigations are costly, Ms. Granger," Brian Persequi informed her.

"Galleons are no problem," Hermione said confidently. "Also, find Draco's mistress."

"I can assure you, Ms. Granger, that Mr. Draco Malfoy does not have a mistress," Persequi answered.

"Then I want to know about his whores!" Hermione's anger started to show. "A randy bastard like Malfoy doesn't just fuck his wife. Besides they have four children. I can't see Malfoy being celibate for the two or three weeks it takes Ginny to recover from childbirth."

"Ms. Granger, The Quibbler has been trying to catch him for years."

"For Merlin's sake!" Hermione spat. "The man is probably making his mistress use Polyjuice. Look into that possibility." Hermione stood and walked out of the office with Ron close at her heels.

"Hermione, you really need to start thinking about the galleons you're spending on this. You're going to need them for the children."

"Ron, I only have four years to make the wizarding world safe. We need our safety more than money."

"I don't want Ginny with Draco either. But I don't see how breaking them up well make the wizarding world safer!"

Hermione spun on her heel staring at her friend with great anger. "Ron! Remember, what Malfoy was like at Hogwarts? Lucius controlled him. He let Death Eaters into the school. Draco has four sons. How safe will Hogwarts be for my children with four Malfoys in it?"

"Those 'four Malfoys' are Ginny's sons too. I won't be party to harming them and I'll stop you if you try," Ron lowered his voice as he talked.

"I'm not talking about harming the boys. If Ginny and Draco get divorced soon, Malfoy won't be able to control Ginny's boys when they go to Hogwarts."


Bellatrix and Narcissa sat side by side on the settee sipping wine. Rodolphus and Lucius stood by the bar in one of the many parlors in Malfoy Manor. Each man held a tumbler containing fire whiskey.

"So Draco took his family on holiday. We still need to settle up with the Weasleys for kidnapping them," Bella stated flatly.

"I understand, Bella. I have already looked into retribution. I have plans in the works but we must keep our hands clean for the next couple of months," Lucius replied. "If the Weasleys have too many accidents, some people in the wizarding community will start looking at us unfavorably."

"Since when does Lucius Malfoy care what those type of people think?" Bella spat.

"Since one of those people is the mother of my grandsons and now has the power to remove me from their lives," Lucius growled. "I don't like the position I'm in Bella. But once Ginevra can no longer divorce Draco, the Weasleys will pay dearly."

"You will avenge the harm they caused Cygnus as soon as feasible?" Narcissa demanded.

"Yes, dearest. Punishment for Cygnus' broken wrist and nightmares has already been arranged."

A house-elf appeared at the doorway. "Master, Professor Snape just arrived."

"Show him in," Lucius commanded.

The house-elf bowed and left the room. Lucius freshened everyone drinks and placed a fresh tumbler on the bar. Moments later Snape walked into the room. He greeted the ladies and then the gentlemen.

"Firewhiskey, Severus?" Lucius offered.

"Yes, thank you, Lucius."

Lucius handed Severus the Firewhiskey.

"Lucius, I have a very important matter to speak with you about. It concerns Thuban's court appearance," Snape started.

"Yes, yes," Narcissa interrupted. "He was quite upset that he had to explain Ginevra's black eye. The poor child has always felt it was his fault. It was dreadful that he had to relive it."

"Did Thuban explain why he was questioned in great detail?" Snape solicited.

"No, I assumed it was in one of Ginevra's memories," Narcissa answered.

"It was not. Thuban refused to let me assist in removing his memories. So, he was questioned instead?"

Narcissa stared at Snape in disbelief. "Why would Thuban do such a thing?"

"Dearest," Lucius started. "There is only one reason for Thuban to deny Severus' assistance. Thuban is hiding something."

"The little hellion is brewing a potion somewhere!" Rodolphus affirmed.

"Polyjuice Potion, I'd guess from the missing ingredients of our collective stores," Snape stated.

"What would Thuban want with Polyjuice? You men have just misplaced your items. Thuban is not a thief. Blame your missing items on a house-elf if you must. Merlin help you, Lucius Malfoy, if you punish or accuse Thuban for crimes he didn't commit," Narcissa stood and glided out of the room in a rage.

Bella looked at the men. "Why would Thuban make Polyjuice?"

"Every little boy wants to be just like his father," Rodolphus flatly stated.

Bella hurried after her sister. Lucius snapped his fingers and a house-elf appeared.

"Have the entire Manor checked for signs of potion brewing, now!"


Thuban, Cam and Serpens sat on the sofa nicely dressed in shorts, short sleeved, collared shirts and spotless white trainers. They appeared to be listening intently to their father's speech, but in reality they were just trying to appear to be listening. The speech never changed. "Keep one hand on the pram or on Mummy or me the whole time we are out. When Mummy or I tell you no, it's final, don't even think about trying to get it from the other. Malfoys don't have tantrums. There will be no whining or crying," their daddy would say, but at this part their mummy always rolled her eyes. Their daddy would shrug his shoulders and continue. "No hitting, no kicking, no pinching, no biting, no spitting, no name calling or doing anything else mean. You're going out to have fun as a family. I don't want to hand out sore bottoms today, so no misbehavior. Is that understood?"

The boys knew the speech had come to an end because their daddy was staring at them. They nodded to him and responded absently, "Yes, Daddy." Both Thuban and Cam had to bite they tongues. In the past each of them had, at different times, mistakenly made a cheeky comment at the end of the speech. That mistake had cost dearly. Instead of a day of fun with the family, the offender had to spend the day in his chamber with a house-elf, who would only let him lie on the bed.

Draco gave his boys another meaningful look. "So, I have your word as gentlemen to conduct yourselves in a manner befitting your station?"

"Yes, sir," they replied.

"Let's go then. Our carriage awaits." Draco motioned to the front door.

Serpens jumped off the sofa into his father's arms. Cam and Thuban hurried to the pram. Cam took the right side and Thuban took the left. They walked calmly out the door to the awaiting carriage. The open white carriage had two long dark blue benches facing each other. There was a storage trunk on the back but no driver or horses. Cam and Thuban stared at the front of the carriage whispering to each other while Draco placed Serpens in the carriage, helped Ginny in, handed her Leo, used a shrinking charm on the pram and placed it in his pocket. Thuban walked up to the front feeling the air where the horse would be. "I don't feel anything, Cam," Thuban stated.

"But they're invisible. They can still be there," Cam interjected.

"Invisible means you can't see them. Not that you can't touch them. That would make them" Thuban paused, "Intouchable."

"That would make them untouchable," Draco corrected. "What are you two doing?"

"Cam said there were Thestrals pulling the carriage but I don't feel any," Thuban answered.

"If you can't feel them, then there are none," Draco answered. "Now come along."

The boys walked over to their father and made they way to the carriage door. Draco lifted Cam in. "Daddy, can you see Thestrals if you see an animal like a snake die or does it have to be a wizard?" Cam asked.

"What have you been telling them?" Ginny's eyes peered into Draco's.

"I haven't been telling them anything, Luv," Draco defended himself. "They believed Thestrals where pulling the carriage."

"And who told them about Thestrals?" Ginny snapped still peering at Draco.

"They were in one of my storybooks, Mummy," Thuban stated coming to his father's defense.

"I'm sorry, Draco."

Draco helped Thuban into the carriage. "That's alright, Ginny." He climbed in and sat next to his wife. After kissing her cheek he whispered, "A nice snog tonight will make up for your wrongful accusation." He lifted his wand, "Locomotor carriage." The carriage started down the road.

"Daddy, can you see Thestrals?" Cam inquired.

"Son, there will be no more talk of Thestrals. It is not a subject discussed with young children." His father's tone informed Cam that another question would land him back in the cottage with Tipsy. He sat back in his seat and watched his parents. Something was starting to change in them both and he didn't know if he liked it. They smiled at each other more, and his daddy had taken to saying sorry more. Cam folded his arms and pouted at his parents. After a couple of minutes, when neither asked what was wrong or told him to stop, he sighed loudly. Even then he didn't get his parents attention, because they were lost in conversation with each other. Cam was about to unleash a second loud sigh when Serpens' excited screams distracted him.

"Dragons! Dragons! There dragons!" Serpens yelled and jumped into Draco's lap. "Dragons! Daddy! Dragons!" he pointed to a large banner. The banner had a number of different dragons on it that moved and blew harmless flames.

"Rapa Nui's Dragon Zoo. See our many firedrakes and icedrakes. View our adult Peruvian Vipertooth. Visit our hatchery," Thuban read for his younger brother.

"We go, Daddy!?" Serpens asked as he bounced on his father's lap.

"Calm down, mate," Draco answered chuckling at his son's excitement. "Of course, you're going to see the dragons. They're one of the reasons we came here for our holiday." Draco's answer earned him a big hug and sloppy kiss on the cheek from Serpens.

Cam pointed to the rides. "Wow, look at how high the rides are. I hope I'm tall enough to go on some." The rides at the fair looked very much like ones in Muggle Amusement parks. It had amazed Ginny how wizards outside of Europe had adapted to Muggle items. Non-European wizards where allowed to take Muggle items and apply magic too them. Draco had taken her to three different countries that had wizarding television. As she looked at the roller coaster and bungee jump, her thoughts went to her father. She was still hurt by his actions but she still loved him dearly. She knew in time she would forgive him.

"Mummy." Thuban's voice broke her thoughts. "May we please go on the rides first then see the dragons?"

"I vote for the rides first too, Mummy," Cam added.

Ginny contained her mirth as she looked at the two future Slytherins before her. Their wishes were directed at her because they would have been wasted on their father. Serpens had Draco wrapped around his finger. "I believe it would be better to use up some energy on the rides before viewing the dragons," she answered. Her two little wizards smiled brightly, while the big wizard and the little wizard next to her pouted. She looked down at Leo. In a couple of years, I won't have to cast the tie-breaking vote.

The carriage stopped in front of the fair gates. Thuban and Cam jumped out and started running for the rides. "Get back here!" They stopped at the sound of their father's voice and ran back to the carriage. Both hopped excitedly from leg to leg waiting for the rest of their family. Cam had started to tell his father to hurry up, but a nudge from Thuban stopped him after the H had escaped his mouth. The older boys held on to the pram and Serpens held on to Draco's hand as the family entered the fairgrounds together.

Serpens joined in his brothers' excitement when he saw the racing broom ride. It was oblong in shape. Brooms hung in rows of eight, with thin white cones every forty meters as obstacles to avoid. The rows of brooms were twenty meters apart. Each broom was restricted to stay in its row but could bump into the rider on either side. If you hit a cone it slowed you down. If you hit another rider it slowed you down. And the closer you came to a cone without hitting it the faster you would go. The brooms where also charmed so no rider could fall.

Serpens took his father over to the height guide for the ride. The little wizard nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed he was tall enough. He'd been watching his brothers ride for years. Ginny rolled her eyes, this ride was the reason Cam and Thuban got brooms at only four years old. She wanted their sons to have fun today, but she did hope that this ride would prove to Draco that Serpens wasn't ready for a broom at 3. She had caught Draco only two months ago filling out the order form for a custom junior broom for Serpens.

Draco snapped his fingers and Tipsy, the house-elf appeared. "You up to riding, Ginny? Tipsy will watch Leo." Ginny nodded and Draco hurried over to the ticket booth. She had to giggle at the sight of him. He was as excited as his sons. He grinned from ear to ear when he returned to his family with enough tickets so that they could each ride everything twenty times or more.

The family sat in the same row of brooms. Draco was on the outside, Serpens, Ginny, Cam, and then Thuban. Ginny insisted on the order to the dismay of Cam and Thuban who wanted to ride next to their father. Draco was not the type of father who would let his children win. But the boys had a plan today. When the ride started Ginny and Draco focused on helping Serpens. After the fourth cone, it was affirmed that Serpens was not ready for his own broom.

Even with both Ginny's and Draco's help Serpens managed to still hit every cone on the course. Draco had whispered, "You're right, no broom this year," into Ginny's ear as he helped her off her broom. Serpens dismounted his broom teary-eyed. She forced her face into a frown. She didn't like to see her children disappointed but truly she was happy it had happened.

"What's wrong, Serpens?" Thuban asked.

"I hit cones."

"Oh, that's nothing. Cam and I hit all the cones the first time we rode too. Right Cam?"

"Yep! It's fun to hit them. It makes your broom buck," Cam replied patting his younger brother on the back.

Serpens brightened a little.

"Serpens, why don't we go ride the carousel? They have a horn-tail that breathes fire," Ginny said. Serpens smiled and nodded. "Draco, why don't you, Cam, and Thuban have a couple more goes on the brooms." After a quick peck to her cheek, Draco hurried with his two oldest to the end of the line, while Ginny and Serpens collected Leo from Tipsy and headed for the carousel.

Draco's broom sat in-between Thuban's and Cam's, which was their normal flying position. The brothers smiled at each other as the ride started. As always Draco flew just in front of his boys, daring them to catch him. Three fourths of the way through the ride Cam bumped into Draco forcing him into a cone. Draco chalked it up to a control problem until it happened again and again. Draco stared at Cam in puzzlement at the end of the ride. Cam merely gave his father the Malfoy smirk and pointed at Thuban, who had beaten Draco to the finish line.

Determined to have his rematch, Draco took his sons on the ride again. Draco took off like a rocket when the ride started. He was not going to let either boy get close enough to bump him this time. Shocked washed across his face as Cam flew in front of him. His broom was slowing down for some reason. Draco tried to speed the broom up but it slowed down more. Gleeful laughter from behind him drew his attention and he looked back. Thuban was sitting at the tip of his own broom and was holding onto the bristles at the end of Draco's broom, wearing the Malfoy smirk.

Thuban and Cam skipped along side their moping father. Ginny stared at the group as they approached her.

"We beat Daddy!" the boys spouted to Ginny with great excitement.

"They cheated." Draco growled softly.

"Really, how did they do that?" Ginny giggled.

"Cam bumped into me so Thuban could win," Draco mumbled.

"And you fall for the same trick twice?" Ginny asked trying to contain her mirth.

"Definitely not," Draco replied pompously.

"So, how did Cam win?"

"Thuban slowed me down by grabbing my broom bristles," Draco sheepishly confessed.

Ginny exploded in laughter. "That move…." She laughed louder, "must be….." She continued to laugh, "hereditary!" Ginny folded her arms in front of her and doubled over in fits of laughter. Draco helped his wife to a bench and sat her down, where she continued to giggle madly and stumped her feet.


The four wizards and three witches wearing plum-colored robes with an elaborate "W" on the left side sat at a semi-circle stone table, once again.

The Court Scribe began, "Healers Mankey and Rogers provided this court with memories in nine other annulment hearings. After speaking with the parties of those cases, only two requested that their trials be reheard. Those are Mr. David James versus Mrs. Violet James and Mr. Gregory Goyle versus Mrs. Lavender Goyle."

"Why have they requested retrials?" inquired Marchbanks.

"In each case the fathers are seeking modification of the custody arrangement," the Court Scribe read from the papers before him.

"Why on earth does Mr. Goyle want to change his custody arrangement? Merlin knows he never spent time with them before the annulment," Owen Carrows spouted.

"Mary misses them deeply. Truth be told, she is the one who raised those boys. Greg would go somewhere with his mates, then Lavender would leave the boys with Mary and be off as well," Bertam Aubrey answered.

"I wish our laws allowed us to give the children to the grandparent. But without both parents being proven abusive we cannot," Tiberius stated.

"Lavender is already with another man," Araminta informed the group.

"Unless she's shagging him in front of the boys there isn't a problem," Rufus interjected.

"Young witches have no morals. They jump from one wizard's bed to another with little thought. Birth Control Potions and Charms should be outlawed, then maybe witches would stop their bed jumping," Marchbanks said, a tone of disgust in her voice.

"Now Griselda, all outlawing birth control would do is give us more teenage parents," Araminta started.

"For Merlin's sake!" Rosier interrupted. "Let's get back on topic. Besides if a witch wants to bed jump that's her pleasure."

"I think you mean choice not pleasure," Bertam corrected.

"No, I said what I meant," Rosier replied with a devilish grin. The three witches went for their wands.

"Alright. Back on topic," Ogden addressed the other members. "We will hear the James trial March 20th and the Goyle trial March 27th. Now, for the issue of bringing Healers Mankey and Rogers to justice."

"Tiberius, we must proceed with caution. While, I find what these men did reprehensible, it should not cost them their lives," Scrimgeour flatly stated. "We were able to keep the details of their modifications out of the Malfoy trial but I don't see how we will be able to do so for their trial."

"I agree we can not have an open court. But surely…" Ogden started.

"Lucius or Narcissa will surely hear of the modifications even in a closed courtroom. A hit wizard would be sent after the men in short order," Bertam confirmed.

"I would do no less myself if someone accused me of harming my beloved grandchildren," Araminta added.

"Lucius won't care about the charges made against himself or Draco. But they stepped over the line attacking Narcissa," Rosier affirmed.

"We'd never be able to prove it was a hit wizard either. Lucius would only employ the best. It would like look an accident," Carrows stated with a grin.

"Does anyone have an idea of how to handle this?" Ogden questioned.

"I hate the idea of not having a trial but I think it would be best for us to decide on a punishment for the men. Once that is done, we will present it to their attorney along with the information about the dangers they face if they decide on a trial," Marchbanks answered.

Rosier whispered to Carrows. "I don't see what all the fuss is about. We should just let it go to trial. After all, hit wizards have families to feed too."


Thuban and Cam held onto Leo's pram as they walked with Ginny through the Dragon Emporium. Draco walked with Serpens a distance away from his wife, placing toy after toy that Serpens requested into a shopping bag. A sign caught Thuban's attention.

Dragon eggs 250 galleons. Hatch your own dragon. Warning: Dragons need a forest or mountain to live in.

With devilish grins Thuban and Cam managed to collect their father and brother and lead them to the display. Thuban whispered into Serpens ear. Serpens smiled brightly and pulled on Draco's slacks.

"Up, Daddy. Up." Serpens demanded. Once in his fathers arms, Serpens threw his arms around Draco's neck and kissed his cheek. "I want a dragon egg, Daddy." He placed his head on Draco's shoulder and caressed Draco's face lovingly with his little hand. "Please, Daddy," requested the angelic voice of his almost three year old son.

"No!" Ginny exclaimed in a cold voice. "Come here you!" she stated as she removed Serpens from Draco's arms. "It's illegal to own a dragon in England."

"But we can hide it," Cam countered.

"We can not," Ginny affirmed.

"Yes, we can, Mummy. Black Hall's forest has caves. But if you think it's too small, I'm sure Grandfather will let us keep it in the Manor's forest," Thuban added.

"Dragons are too big for either forest plus they're very dangerous," Ginny added, her temper growing.

"Not when you hatch them," Serpens interjected.

"This type of dragon doesn't really start getting big until it's six years old. Before that they are only two feet tall. We'll only keep him five years," Thuban offered. The other two boys nodded in agreement.

Ginny could feel her face turning red, she turned to her husband and hissed. "A little support would be good right now, Draco."

"Mummy said no boys. Besides you wouldn't want me to end up in Azkaban for bring a dragon into England," Draco quipped.

"Wouldn't happen," Cam affirmed. "You're too clever to get caught."

Draco messed the boy's hair then straighten it again. "Even so. Mummy has spoken. No dragon or dragon egg." Draco paused, "They have a number of dragon toys, boys. Why don't we have a look?"

Ginny looked into the bag Draco was carrying. "Draco, you already have over three dozen toys in there. I think Serpens has shopped enough."

Serpens made a face at his mother, which earned him a stern look from Draco. "All right, Luv. Have Thuban and Cam selected anything?"

"I don't want anything from here, Daddy," Cam replied.

"May we go into the potion ingredient section? I'd like to get something for Grandfather. I think he's been trying to get powered dragon horn for ages," Thuban requested.

"Draco, I'll take Serpens and Leo to the tea shop down the street while you three shop for ingredients?"

"Sure, Luv," Draco kissed her on the cheek before she left the shop.

"Serpens is still a silly baby. He cries when he sees dragon ingredients," Cam whispered to Thuban.

As Ginny walked down the busy street, a roadside vendor displaying gold and silver jewelry caught her attention. She hadn't been looking long when the sale witch approached her. "I have something for you." The witch pulled an item for under the table. She showed Ginny a clear anklet. "This item is called the family manager. Place the ring on your ankle and for the next month you can enjoy intimacy with your husband free from pregnancy. The ring turns the color of your skin, no one will know it is there."

"How long do I have to wear it before it starts working?" Ginny inquired. She had started taking the birth control potion four days ago and already hated the taste. Plus she knew that with four little boys to look after she would likely forget to take it once in awhile.

"Two days. You have to wear it all the time and put on a new one each month," the sales witch informed her.

"I'll take twelve." While waiting Ginny spotted a child's bracelet loaded with dragon charms. "Serpens, sweetie. Would you like this?" Ginny showed the bracelet to the boy, who nodded excitedly and put up his arm. She placed the bracelet on him. Serpens played with the bracelet watching the jewels in the dragons' eyes change color in the sunlight. Ginny returned her attention to the sales witch and paid for her purchases.

She had only started walking down the street again when Serpens stopped. Ginny looked back at her son and offered her hand to the boy. Serpens face went white and tears started running down it. Ginny hurried the two steps back to him with the pram. He let out an agonized scream and threw himself to the ground kicking and punching the air just before she reached him.

It had been months since her son had thrown a tantrum and at least a year since he'd had one in public. She couldn't understand what was causing this. "Serpens, baby what's wrong?" she asked as she tried to calm the boy. His screams only become louder and his kicks and punches harder when she tried to calm or comfort him. She knelt by her son. His lips started to turn blue, his screams not allowing him to breathe properly. Ginny slapped the boy's face in hopes of bringing him out of it, but Serpens seemed not to notice. She was trying her best to control her panic and think but she was losing the battle. A distance voice calmed her and gave her an idea. "Serpens, baby, listen. Daddy's coming. He'll make it all better."

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry," rolled repeatedly off of Draco's tongue as he pushed his way though the crowded street with Thuban and Cam on each hip. Upon hearing the first scream, Draco knew it was Serpens. He scooped up his two oldest boys and set off in pursuit. He couldn't believe that once again he had failed to keep his children safe. He pushed his guilt aside and increased his pace, now was not the time to wallow in guilt or self-pity. Serpens needed him. He placed the older boys on their feet and scooped up the kicking and punching toddler. He pulled the little wizard close to him ignoring the punches and kicks he was being assaulted with. "Daddy's here, mate. What's wrong? Tell Daddy, so I can fix it."

Serpens calmed, but he continued to sob loudly as he tried to speak. "My hand. He'll cut it off if he sees. Take it off. Take it off."

Draco and Ginny shared a puzzled look. Cam pointed at Serpens wrist. "The bracelet, Daddy. He thinks the funny talking man is going to cut his hand off."

Ginny removed the bracelet from Serpens wrist. "Mummy's sorry, baby. I didn't know." She turned to Draco. "I'm really sorry, Draco. I should have thought about that."

"It's not your fault, Ginny," Draco replied. "It's your weasel of a brother and that Irish git's," he hissed.

"Draco, we don't know that it was Seamus."

"Ginny, Cam has said a number of times the man talked funny and Tipsy called him the Irishman."

"Okay, it was Seamus. But don't you go doing anything stupid. Retaliation is only going to make things worst."

"I should cut the prat's hands off," Draco whispered mostly to himself.

"Draco Malfoy, you will do no such thing. Warn Seamus off if you like, but that's it. The last thing I need right now is you in Azkaban."

"Alright then. When we return to England, I will warn off both Seamus and your brother."

"Let's go back to the cottage, Draco." Thuban and Cam exhaled in disappointment. "We'll come back tomorrow, dears. When Serpens is feeling better," Ginny added as they started to leave.


Ron stated the password and the gargoyle came to life and stepped aside. Ron rode the staircase up to the Headmistress' door. He could hear Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall talking before he knocked. "Come on. Come on. Mr. Weasley. We have been waiting for you," Professor McGonagall's voice creaked.

Ron walked inside the room. Dumbledore smiled down at him from his portrait and McGonagall smiled at him from behind her desk. She motioned for him to sit and he did. Ron looked at the portrait of Phineas Nigellus.

"Is it safe to talk here? I need to discuss Hermione."

The portraits of the old headmasters and mistresses objected to Ron's insinuation.

"Mr. Weasley, all portraits are bond to the privacy rules of this office. It is quite safe to discuss any topic in here." Dumbledore's portrait explained.

"It's about Hermione and the children," Ron started.

"Sirius and Harriet haven't been injured?" McGonagall asked with great concern.

"No, they're fine. But Hermione's behavior is…." Ron paused. "Well, she's mental! She's not thinking straight. She believes by breaking up Draco and Ginny, she'll be making the wizarding world safer for her and Harry's children."

"When in fact her action may be doing the opposite. Thuban is a very powerful little wizard who wishes nothing more than to keep his family together. If Mrs. Potter were to succeed and Thuban to find out, he would not hesitate in retaliating against her children once at Hogwarts," Dumbledore's portrait declared.

Phineas Nigellus added, "Thuban should not worry her. With the Malfoys trying to grow their businesses in France, Thuban will surely be attending Beauxbatons. It is Draco and Lucius she needs to worry about. Many meddling wizards have found themselves at the end of a Malfoy hit wizard's wand."

"Mothers do have a tendency to become irrational when they believe they're defending their young. I will visit her very soon, Mr. Weasley. Thank you for bringing this to my attention," McGonagall replied.


Draco walked into the dark and musty old building. He placed a number of galleons on the clerk's desks. "Mihailov's room," he growled and the clerk pointed. Dust rose from the floor with every one of Draco's steps, and the sound echoed down the hallway as he strode with great propose. The door at the end opened before he reached it. A tall thin black-haired wizard showed Draco inside. The wizard's skin was winkled and appeared to be falling off his bones. His breathing was labored as if he was unable to get enough oxygen out of the stale air.

"I have been vondering vhen you vould come, Mr. Malfoy. A man like yourself is not vone to sit by vhile others steal vhat is his," Mihailov whispered. "Tortured then killed? Just tortured? Just killed? Vhat vill you have us do to the ones vho took your family?"

"Only the three young men will be harmed," Draco placed an old Hogwarts' photo album on the table and pointed out Ron, Seamus, and Jimmy Peakes. "I want them beaten. Make it look like a pub brawl. Take special care of this one," Draco pointed to Seamus. "Do not kill any of them. Death would be too easy. I plan on making their lives a living hell." Draco placed a bag of galleons on the table. He hurried out of the building and Disapparated.

He Apparated at the front doorstep of the cottage. He started to open the door but thought better. He had taken great care in making sure everyone was asleep before he left. He couldn't make the mistake now of coming into the cottage dirt ridden and musty smelling. He walked around the side of the cottage kicking up sand and shaking the dirt from his cloak. The need for a walk would be a good cover story if Ginny had happened to awaken while he was gone. She would leave him if she ever found out where he had been or what he had done. But each one of Serpens' tears that day had landed on Draco's chest and sent piercing pains though his heart. He vowed to do whatever it took to ensure none of his children ever again endured the anguish that Serpens had that day.

His wedding ring twitched as it was charmed to do anytime Leo stirred. He hurried to the cottage, placing a changing charm on himself. He entered the master suite wearing his pajamas. When Draco closed the door, Ginny was still sleeping with Serpens curled up against her back. Leo let out his first cry while Draco was crossing the room. "Let's get you a fresh nappy, then I'll have Mummy feed you." Draco went about changing the baby, but Leo wasn't very cooperative. Ginny's mood had been very solemn at Leo's eight o'clock feeding, and he hadn't nursed well. The infant was extremely hungry and didn't care about the wetness of his nappy.

"Draco, just bring him here before he wakes the entire house."

"He won't let me put a nappy on, Gin."

"Just bring him and the nappy here."

Draco carried his naked son to Ginny with a fresh nappy in his hand. He placed Leo on her breast and she took the nappy from Draco's hand. With ease she placed the nappy on the baby using only one hand. Draco stared at her with amazement. "How did you do that?"

"I'm a mother of four, dear. I can read a story, heal a wound and fix a beloved toy, all while changing a dirty nappy. That was nothing."


The sun rose as Molly Weasley and Minerva McGonagall walked down the Muggle street.

"Maybe, I should have told you sooner, Molly. I believe the stress of keeping them in hiding and raising them alone has finely gotten to her," McGonagall stated softly.

"Hermione married Harry and they have two children. I can't believe she hid them from me for more than seven years," Molly said through her tears. "My Harry had children."

"Yes, Molly. We believed it was safer to keep the children out of the wizarding world until they attended Hogwarts. Hermione had her mother's help until she passed this winter. I should have contacted you then."

Molly patted McGonagall's hand. "I know now and I'm here to help. That's all that matters."

The two witches walked up to a two-story home and knocked on the door.

Author's notes: Thanks again to my wonderful beta reader. She was a great help on this chapter.

New pictures can be found at my website. . See pictures of Greg and Lavender sons, Crabbe and Padma's children, and Hermione and Harry's twins.

A special thank you to everyone who reads and reviews. You make writing this story easy.