Unofficial Portkey Archive

Tag: Harry & Hermione

Showing page 57 of 101.

  1. Stay by happy_daze

    On their search for the Horcruxes, it seems that Hermione suffers from nightmares just as bad as Harry's...

  2. A Beautiful Disaster by babyhalo19

    Hermione is at a changing point in her life. A point where she can either be selfish and happy, or do what is right and risk loosing the love of her life. On this fateful day, new feelings arise and hearts will be torn. It's such a beautiful disaster. EDIT: THERE WILL BE A SECOND PART TO THIS STORY IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE. THIS SECOND PART WILL WRAP UP THIS STORY AND CHANGE HERMIONE'S PATH. (aka, follow portkey's rules)

  3. Better Left Unsaid by DiezeL

    Harry shares a private moment with Hermione on Holloween Night. Some words are exchanged and some are better left unsaid. One shot only.

  4. Burning Bright by Garet Jax

    You’ve read the prophecy, you know what it means. Or do you? Are you sure? Are you willing to bet your life that it was only referring to Harry and Voldemort? Reviews give me warm fuzzies!

  5. He understood by Shinteo

    Another take on the Wedding. Nothing to do with my previous fic. Hermione's thoughts during Harry's wedding to another person...

  6. Walking Away by Sundari Harmony

    What would you do when your best friend was walking away? A 3 part fluffy song fic.

  7. Only One by harryherm84

    Harry didn't have it in him anymore, he couldn't push her away; he wouldn't push her away. A song-fic from Yellowcard's "Only One"

  8. What I'd Do For You by Bingblot

    "You have no idea just how much I would do for you." "Yes, I do, because I'd do just as much for you..." H/Hr one-shot. Written before HBP.

  9. Getting it Right by FieryStar90

    Hermione's reaction to the sixth book and the mugglenet interview... and what does Harry have to say about any of this? [OneShot]

  10. Rain by Magical Poof

    Rain: 1. water falling in drops condensed from vapor in the atmosphere 2. water washing away any masks or covers, showing the true feeling without words, and revealing what is not shown

  11. King of the Universe by hippie

    So far, it's short; a simple lovey/kissy scene. may add to it upon request or start something new. please review so I'll know. The spoiler is minor; comes from midway into H-BP. rating may change

  12. My Last Long Spirit by envy86

    War has started, lives are at lost, and Harry has had enough!

  13. Dumbledore's Man by babyhalo19

    At Dumbledore's funeral, Harry finds himself giving a speech. A speech about life, love, mistakes, and overcoming the impossible. It's then he realizes how much Dumbledore meant to him, and how hard it can be to let go.

  14. With Malice Aforethought by SPSmith

    In the five years of his life amongst wizards, Harry had seen malice first hand. The desire to cause another harm, without excuse or justification. Voldemort exemplified malice, his followers practiced it religiously. Now in his sixteenth year, Harry Potter finds himself laying his own plans against Voldemort. Now he must balance the fight of his life against simply living it, and weight his actions against giving in to malice. Fortunately, Harry has friends...

  15. Letters She Never Sent by Anne U

    Starting during the summer after OotP, Hermione writes a series of heartfelt letters to Harry, revealing more and more of what's in her heart. But will Harry ever actually read them? No, at least not in the beginning... My attempt to sort through Hermione's OOC behaviour in HBP. Rating might increase to PG-13 later.

  16. All Our Firsts by NatiFcs28

    Hermione’s writing a letter to someone, explaining her relationship with Harry, recounting a few memories. Harry/Hermione, Ron/Luna (not featured very much in the story), fluffy, smut. Rated NC-17, one shot—very long one shot. Somewhat of a plot, nothing major.

  17. True Perfection by babyhalo19

    One late night Harry is left to ponder his feelings and thoughts. What he finds is not what he expected. When problems arise Harry learns that true perfection is not a mold you shape yourself into, but in the eye of the beholder.

  18. Believe in the Delusional by harryherm84

    Being delusional isn't all that bad...

  19. My Way by romulus lupin

    In the last seconds of his life, Dumbledore looks back, and focuses on the things he regrets. Implied Hr/H

  20. H/Hr Fics: A Parody by Jack Ryan

    NEW CHAPTER UP! Some HBP riffs included in this new one...Just a very humorous parody of H/Hr fics; inspired by Oy! Angie's Snogwarts: A Parody.

  21. If You Believe by DiezeL

    Hermione has asked Harry to grant her a very "special" favor. Apparently, Harry's the only one who can do it for her. No one else will do. Rating may go up later. The real Chapter 7 added!

  22. Someone's Watching Over Me by a muggle named Caity

    "And Hermione … I wan-want you to know th-that I‘ll always be watching over you and that I-I … love you …” As the last word left his mouth, his last breath followed and Hermione knew that he had just died. This is a one-shot on how Hermione comes to terms with Harry’s death. Written for a challenge.

  23. Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! by Cherry

    What if Harry had said something during the burial? *One shot*

  24. Friends are Friends, Lovers are Lovers by ephemere

    Hermione left the wizarding world to run away from the horrors of falling in love with your best friend. Do memories stay memories? Or can they be real?

  25. Passage by Musca

    "Nothing happened the way we thought it would, but some things stayed the same."

  26. Music of the Heart by chrisfaithalin

    A five part songfic where Harry and Hermione sing songs at the local karaoke bar and through heartache and breakups everything leads them to being together. Plot is hard to explain, look inisde for a better summery and more info about the story.

  27. Delusional by TheGreatFox2000

    One night at Grimmauld Place, neither Harry or Hermione can sleep. Talks over hot cocoa ensue. IT'S GOT ROMANCE! IT'S GOT TEH ANGST! And best of all, it's got a little bit of SMUT! For all the shippers out there who were crushed by HBP, this one's for you.

  28. What I Love About Sunday by Gaya Hriive

    Why Harry loves Sundays.

  29. The Return by sticknsnitches

    The Trio returns from their battle with Voldemort.

  30. A Day In the Life by Gaya Hriive

    This is just an experiment at this point. Plot- After a gruesome attack on Hermione, Harry must accept the shock of his life and try to bring the man responsible for her attack, to justice. Please R&R...i need to know whether or not to continue!

  31. How Could I Ask For More by Penelope

    Post-War. Hermione and Harry are trying to find their way back to a normal life after the destruction of the War. Harry finally understands just how much he needs his best friend. Told in Harry's POV. One-shot.

  32. The Brothers of War by elfandtroll

    As 6th year dawns, Harry finds his life is more intertwined with those around him than he knew and that friendship and bravery are indeed what bring together the Brothers of War.

  33. The Cowboy Way by Anime Redneck

    (HP/Darkwatch) The outlook of the wizarding war seems it's darkest. But a final gift from Dumbledore may give Harry what he needs to win. However, every weapon has it's flaw.

  34. Hermione’s Discovery/Ginny’s Truth by H_HrFan

    Hermione confronts Ginny about her discovery of the truth and, when left alone, Ginny reflects on what exactly she did to get Harry to fall for her.

  35. Passionate Interlude by gypsybaby21

    (No PLOT what-so-ever) Harry and Hermione find themselves in a very ‘intense’ situation after their usual night of sitting by the fire and reading. Passion and sex ensue.

  36. What. An. Idiot. by Renaiya880727

    RESUBMITTED WITH MINOR CHANGES FOR COMPETITION!!! Written to answer the question I'm sure we all have: "What happened to Hermione in book six?" Better than it sounds, please R&R!

  37. It's Always Been There by Croyez

    Hermione realizes who she's loved all along. One-Shot

  38. Waiting For Us by Bingblot

    Harry and Hermione find what they've been waiting for all along... One-shot SWS.

  39. The Married Life by chrisfaithalin

    After not seeing each other for many years Hermione auror comes to Harry dada teacher in need of help. She needs Harry to marry her and Harry agrees. Can their fake romance become real?

  40. Our One Hope is This... by kronos2785

    Hermione is arriving on Azkaban Isle to meet Harry after five years. Why was Harry put in prison. Why is Hermione meeting him if he's a criminal?

  41. Burning Souls by Shentaro

    seventh year fic, AU.This is a response to a challenge found on portkey. Not much of a summary, but please see details inside. The story has no HBP spoilers. The rating will be changed to NC17 later on. For lack of inspiration I marked the genre of the story as Drama.

  42. She's The One - Part 1 by radcliffeluvslave

    She has, and always will be, The One.

  43. What Was Always There by PhoenixFirebolt

    Then they looked at each other in silence and neither had to say a word. They both understood now. Everything they had been through for the past six years, every moment of their friendship, had brought them to this point. - After the events of 6th year, Harry and Hermione have a discussion at the Burrow, and come to some realizations along the way.

  44. The Love of A Princess by Purpledirt

    His wife died 2 years ago, something that still haunts him. Prince Harry must marry again, and left it in the hands of his parents to find him a new wife. When your heart aches for another, how do you learn to love someone, especially someone you don't know.

  45. Let The Rain Fall by radcliffeluvslave

    The rain can make you remember those days you wish you could forget.

  46. Loved Beyond Measure by shaz124

    [One Shot] Hermione receives a letter from Harry a month after he disappears to fulfill his destiny. In it, Harry comes clean with everything he has been holding close since second year.

  47. Choosing by Mr.Intel

    Hermione's mother is trying to set her up with a boyfriend and she's having none of it. But in the process, Hermione comes to realise that one of the two boys she's closest to could be more, if only he had the proper motivation.

  48. Things Could Get Better by H_HrFan

    Harry and Hermione discover a hidden truth two weeks after Ron moves out of the flat the trio share...on the first night they actually get to spend together.

  49. Harry Potter and the Maw by Woodrow M

    Harry Potter's full sixth year. After the confrontation in the Department of Mysteries and Sirius's death, Harry's world has been warped around. Nobody has been unaffected by these events; and the resultant fallout is as thick as it is deadly. Includes a sadistic Hit Wizard, repeated attempts on his life, an incompetent DADA professor, and Harry's almost alien-like new feelings for his best friend. Emphasis on originality. Plenty of twists and action. Rated 'R' for some very mild language and violence. Nothing graphic, though.

  50. Blood Moon by Mudbloodcaz

    Hermione is attack by a werewolf and becomes one herself. She and Harry must keep this dark serect from the rest of the school and find out who attacked her. Harry/Hermione, Please Read and Review