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“That day as I cried, my tears were for the loss of a loved one, yes, but also for the loss of myself. It was difficult for me to remember the person I had always been before that year, the real me, the real Hermione Granger.” One-shot.
This fic takes place a few months after HBP and follows Harry on his journey in finding the horcruxes as well as discovering is true feelings
Everyone seems to have commented on HBP, except for Harry himself! Chapter One is a first person, way-over-the-top parody of parts of HBP, so expect OOC-ness, or maybe not, depending upon how strong your feelings are. Warnings are given, and should be heeded, for smut, profanity, really excessive vulgarity, always-popular gratuitous Slytherin/Draco-bashing, and other nastiness. Chapter 2 (conclusion) Much more Hermione, more humor, and a LOT of tears! ----------- ADDED BY FIC CO-ADMIN (gal-texter) in 2008: Please read this:
Very heated scene between Harry and Hermione. Rated for mild violence and intense sexual scenes. part one of two.
For tome_raider. Some things should only be put in a warm water wash and tumbled dry.
Harry finds himself reading a list of very personal thoughts written by a friend that he just knows he shouldn't have found.
Hermione Granger cannot pinpoint the exact moment that turned her sixth year completely upside down. [Chapter 2 Up!]
After Harry's fifth year, he enters a state of depression that Dumbledore is determined to remedy. After a meeting with Harry's closest friends, they determine to not leave him alone until he can leave the Dursleys. Hermione has plans of her own.
"I think they'd look adorable together. Like Rippled Forkstits and Quivell Suponats. But I suppose I could be wrong. Maybe they don’t like each other in that way. People have always called me delusional or crazy" Luna contemplates the relationship of our heros... And other random stuff...
Song fic based on the "Good Stuff" by Kenny Chesney How does Harry define the good stuff read and find out? Follows an original character as he finds out. I know the summary isn't all that great but bear with it. It is better on the inside. Please R&R!!!
Through their journey to find the Horcruxes, the trio discovers what Love truly is. Love is patient, love is kind. Love is not envious, boastful, proud or rude. Love is not selfish, is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not rejoice in wrong, but rejoices in the truth. Love always protects, always believes, always hopes, always endures. Love never fails
It was over. Harry was safe. But what was she going to do now? One-shot.
I never wondered what a miracle truly was before I wanted one from Hermione, and I never truly recognized real magic until I missed it from her eyes. One Shot
Summary: Harry encounters a magical place in his quest for the horcruxes that makes him realize something that will change his life forever…and possibly save it.
What if everything you'd ever known, everything you'd come to believe, was suddenly stood on end? How do you stand right-side-up in an upside-down world? And how do you love your family--the only family you have--family you just met--when you're too afraid of the past to embrace the future? a reality in which Harry saw his clan slaughtered at the age of five, he must live with the knowledge that his powers are what could save him or kill him. Read and Find out. HHr
One shot PWP smutlet. He isn't supposed to make her feel this way.
She flew away, right past me and out the door. She flew away, and I knew, deep in my heart, that she would never come back. I tied her wings so she couldn’t fly. I’d fed her lies, hoping she could live off my love. But I realized she never could, and I let her go. I didn’t chase her, I watch her fly away. I watched her fly right to him.
Harry shows Hermione how fun Thunderstorms can be
"On the anniversary of our wedding and his death I sit on the bench where he asked me to be his wife, and remember the great love we had." Hermione's POV. Please Review!
On their last night at Hogwarts Harry takes Hermione flying to tell her something special
The war has come, and nothing will be the same.
The trio goes Horcrux hunting, and Harry gets a lesson about what it means to stand alone.
A short, one-shot songfic. My take on the heartbreaking last moment between Harry and Hermione.
This goes on from Book 6. Harry and Hermione are holed up in Privet Drive and they tell each other everything. But when they go meet Ron and Ginny at Grimmauld Place, problems arise from that new habit.
Its 5th year, some things have changed for people such as their feelings for another but the Past now haunts the present and threatens the future. As rumors grow of You-Know-Who's return, an old enemy of the Magic world returns with challenges for Harry.
Imagine the summer that follows HBP is one that the theories from portkey have created - The trio is at the Burrow but truths are being uncovered and Hermione Granger *hasn't* been slaughtered by JKR ;)[Okay, i honestly suck at summaries! Bear with me!=p]
Harry is facing his last year in Hogwarts after the events that occured during sixth year. Can he cope with what's happened? Even after his break up with Ginny? One person will help him discover the Power he knows not. *R.I.P. Harry/Hermione..*
Much had happened since the death of Sirius. Mutants have arrisen in the world and an evil older then sin itself shows itself to Voldemort. Harry's heart is already suffering at the death of his godfather, but with his friends going out, his depression only worsens. Funny how the most hated can be the most helpful. Harry/Hermione, Ron/Luna, Ginny/Neville, James/Lily. HP/X-men crossover fic. PLease R&R!Rating may go up in later chapters. WARNING!!!: The rating has been changed due to new chapter and up coming. So please coming to review and enjoyed... UPDATED!!! Chapter 19: Wrong move...
With everyone gathered at the Burrow for the wedding of Bill and Fleur, Harry discovers something that shatters his illusions and opens his eyes for the first time to things to which he alone had been blind. A one-shot first chapter for the seventh book.
The war is over, and Harry has dissapeared without a word. Hermione and Ron, left devistated, turn to eachother for support. But there's always something there to remind Hermione of Harry...
(set 11 years after HBP) Six years after he left the magic world following his victory over Voldemort and the loss of Ron, Harry is forced to reunite with his past when he accidently stumbles upon Hermione. The years have scarred both of them, but as Hermione helps Harry come to terms with who he is, they both find that there might be more in the present than there was in the past.
My little version of a happy ending.~~~I hope I do the lyrics justice with this story. ~~~Song written by: Ewon MacColl
Harry is subconsciously falling for a certain close female friend. In the mean time, he and his friends realize that sufferable sacrifices must be made as new gains and losses come to mind. With the Maneosioan War going on, which will determine either the final domination or defeat of the Dark Lord, will the power to weaken Voldemort be found in Harry Potter himself, or will they find it in those who they least expect - each other?
After the defeat of Voldemort, Harry decides to let people know what he thinks about heros, and what he believes. H/Hr friendship mostly...One shot...I think.
Hermione finally gets the courage to tell Harry how she feels... But what will this do to their friendship? One-shot.
This is a one-shot fluff story about Harry & Hermione post-Hogwarts/Voldemort. Hermione's friendship to Harry has always been steadfast, but Harry hasn't always been as attentive and tries to repay Hermione with some special gifts.
Hermione's been putting off that Astronamy essay for much too long, but when she sees Harry by the astronamy tower...well, another night can't hurt, can it?
Hermione isn't sure how to tell Harry that she's pregnant. Fluff ensues.
In response to the challenge on Portkey and inspired by the song "My Last Breath" by Evanescence, a near death experience Puts certain things into perspective.
Welcome to the AUDW people! A terrific summer read for those looking for a good plot with lots of H/Hr fluff. Take a look, you won't be disappointed! Harry Potter is finally finishing Auror training, 3 years after Hogwarts and the Final Battle, and gets a new assignment that has him assigned (undercover) to the Royal Protection Squad. What happens when the muggle he’s assigned to protect starts to fall for Harry’s best friend? What happens when a certain blond death eater makes an appearance?
When Hermione receives an invitation to Harry's wedding, seven years after she's seen or heard from him, she decides that she has to tell him about something she's kept from everyone for seven years. But things aren't always what they seem when Dumbledore is involved.
It's been five years since the death of Albus Dumbledore. The battle between good and evil has finally ended, but is the outcome good? And who is Harry's real true love?
This has no spoilers. It's short and OOC, but not too much so till Chap 3. It is, however horribly rushed. NC-17 chapter is #3, also completed. awful smut, but hope you r/r anyway
It’s been three years since Voldemort’s defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can’t go on. And Harry, because he won’t leave her behind.
Harry and Hermione just got engaged. Lemony goodness ensues. ;)
16 July 2005, what was supposed to be a day of celebration, turns into anything but. Ron is coming on to anything that moves, Hermione's plan fails, and a certain book leaves a bad taste in Harry's mouth.
In this sequel to "Finding the Muse," Harry discovers that he still has much to learn from the muses in his life about the role of music in both love and war.
Post-HBP (contains spoilers!) Harry has one last look into the Mirror of Erised. Once again, he is not alone... (My first HP fanfic.) (Also, the rest of the ending has been posted, sorry for the mistake.)
One Shot -- When Ron asks Harry for advice and help with Hermione, Harry finds that perhaps his feelings towards his brown-eyed, bushy haired friend aren’t all that platonic after all... Re-Uploaded with changes to the ending! It's loads better now.