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First off, there's a really long as heck author's note. Please read it. Let me know what you think. I apoligize in advance if I insult someone. But it needs to be said. The song is "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts. The spoiler warning is there for the author's note, not the fic. You can skip the note if you haven't read book 6 (and saved yourself the time. It sucked.)
If heartaches and tears and shadows of doubt Are part of the deal, you can count me out But if you're talking about a game I can win You can count me in A tale of love, a tale of hope, of trust, and of dispair. This is the tale of Harry and Hermione.
AU# Summary: The act of Wizarding paparazzi including the wits of Rita Skeeter test the patience of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. Are they a victim of another clichéd scandal?Some ref to book 6. Nothing major.
Just a funny little one shot. PWP. Harry and Hermione have fun playing 'Twister.'
One-shot, pure smut, based on the love scenes in The Notebook. Please read and review.
One night. One summer. That’s all it took for Harry to realize something after all these years of friendship. (contains HBP Spoilers – one-shot fic only) REPOST! - Changed any grammatical errors and spelling that was in it. Heehee. :)
At a Weasley wedding, Harry tries to decide between what is right and what is easy.
After Ron's death, Harry promised Hermione that he would always be there for her. He might have to break that promise as he battles a deadly disease within himself. Songfic, based off the song 'When I'm Gone' by Three Doors Down
The meaning of love is taught to a little girl as she repeats a question to her mother. A story through the eyes of Hermione looking at her daughter as she writes the love of her life. Years later Hermione's daughter reads the letter. Bittersweet. Slightly fluffy. Not like my other stories. R/R!
One fine night at a London pub, a few friends from Hogwarts get together. The girls go off on how handsome Harry’s become, and question Hermione on why she hasn’t taken advantage of this situation. She shrugs it off, but goes home to do something completely different. Fluffy, smutty, NC-17 (cursing and smut), plan on one-shot, might add another chapter at the end. Small plot.
Forever changed by the final confrontation with Voldemort, Hermione finds a way to move on in the one man she'd thought left forever...Harry.
"When I sit and look out of my window and think about all that my life has become, it makes me sick. To be so incredibly intelligent, I have been morosely naïve in the ways of love and how they affect me. I was in love-am still in love."
This is a story from Hermione's perspective, as she remembers back over her life. It's pretty much pure fluff, no angst! This is my first ever fic and will probably run to about 5 chapters - please review!
Harry thinks about the Hermione he knows-- and the Hermione JKR portrayed in HBP, and realizes, after all, the truth is what matters... Sort-of parody. One-shot.
JKR realizes what was wrong in HBP- and tries to correct her mistake for Book 7. Sort-of a parody. One-shot.
One-shot: In their sixth year, Harry and Hermione have both come to terms with doing whatever it takes to win the war. But one night, Harry finds her reflecting on how the war is causing her to sacrifice the things she holds most dear.Written the day before the release of The Book That Must Not Be Named...
Inspired by the song "Viva Forever" - go listen to it...right now. You should all read this...the fics only like what - 350 words? Please R/R.
Harry and Hermione find a mini-solace. A bit of smut, post HBP.
In seventh year, Hermione and Ron are fighting worse than ever, and Harry's called upon to fix things.
I can never think of a good title, but anyway, this is a short one-shot that takes place at the end of the final war. It's from Hermione's point of view. I hope you like it.
The only thing Hermione Granger wanted was love. Of course, she had many other complaints...a lousy job, a pathetic boyfriend, just to name a few. Well, after she blurts out all of her secrets to an anonymous man on an airplane during turbulence, she doesn't think life can get any worse. However, when that man happens to be her company's founder and her new boss, Mr. Harry Potter, she may find that life doesn't necessarily get worse and that maybe, she can find love in unexpected places. AU. H/Hr, D/G
WARNING: CONTAINS RAPE. Despite the events following the Triwizard Tournament, everyone sees Hogwarts as a safe haven and ignores ensuing Dark magic. But when someone he cares deeply for is harmed, Harry can no longer ignore the truth. H/Hr, R/OFC. Started before OotP release.
This is the re-written version of Harry Potter and the Founders.
Everyone remembers where they were the day Minister Arthur Weasley was killed.
“Harry Bloody Potter, Mr. I always have to be the one to save everyone and take all the credit,” Ron spat. The look on Harry’s face could kill. Before Ron knew what was happening, Harry wound back and punched him hard on the eye. Harry narrowed his eyes and abruptly turned and stormed off.
***********PLEASE AUTHOR'S NOTE (a.k.a. Chapter 6) THIS STORY IS NOT FINISHED!!!! Set directly after OotP. Not much PG-13 stuff yet, but more is on the way. My first fic, so please R&R and be nice to me :) Please review, as it really provides me motivation for me to write more. SORRY FOR THE EXTREME DELAY IN UPLOADING! Please see my author's note for more info.
"Some things," he said, holding her eyes for all the while, "should never be forgotten."
How can the light that burned so brightly suddenly burn so pale? A sad Hermione, together with Harry, promises herself one thing...
In a morbid mood. Wrote to get it out of my chest.
She placed her hand on the cold glass, as though she could actually touch him. That she could really make everything okay, or possibly even lift the weight of the world off his weakened shoulders. She wished that, just for a time, she had the power to make his life easy.
Hermione just wants to know the reasons why. She may not get the answers she wants, but in the end, it doesn't matter because she has what she needs.
A little talk between Harry and Hermione...
Could be, can be companion to Extraordinary. The war is over and Harry begins his new ordinary life with Ginny, and Hermione does the same with Ron.... Until one day, someone decides that they would rather have extraordinary over ordinary (not who you may think). Part Five up: Hermione is found and... we hear from someone unexpected (wink).
Set right after the sixth year. How will the wizarding world cope with a loved one's death? What will happen at the wedding? What will Bill's best present ever be? SPOILERS TO BOOK 6!!! I entered QOH into the Felix Felices contest, so vote for me!!!!
An attempt at a humorous look of some of the issues many seem to have with HBP. If that doesn't win you over, try this - Harry's a pirate. With a cape.
(Harry Potter/Green Lantern crossover) Before Harry's sixth year he learns more of his mother's history and takes her most treasured gift and responsibility as his own. But will this new power be enough to bring Voldemort and his Deatheaters to Justice? (H/Hr R/L N/G)
Inspired by the poem by John Keats, Hermione prepares for the eve of Saint Agnes and performs the rituals accustomed to it. Warning the fluff in this story is as fluffy as cotton candy.
[Written Pre-HBP, Post-Hogwarts] Three days. That’s how long he had before the final battle. He should feel nervous, but he didn’t. Hermione had a way of making him feel tranquil. In fact, it felt like the calm before the storm. (Harry loves Hermione! Take *that* JKR! :-p )
Harry and Hermione have a heart to heart before embarking on their quest.
My truth of why Harry fell so abruptly for Ginny in HBP...and the way it SHOULD be in the next.
Follow Harry and company on their quest for the Holy Snitch. Follow them on their adventure, and stand in awe of Harry's whooshing cape. Note: Parody of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Sometimes, it requires a step back in order to move forward. Harry thinks about his life the past year and Hermione joins him as they try to rebuild their friendship and get back to normality.
Sequel of Harry Potter and the Death Arch. you may want to read it first you read this one.
Just a collection of mini-ficlets that I've thrown together... Hope you enjoy them! :)
A dark fic full of death and angst. Just kidding! Harry's been spending alot of time with Luna lately, while Ron and Hermione have been reacting a bit oddly to this development.
(One-Shot) What could have happened after the attack of the flock of birds, at the end of chapter fourteen, if Harry had decided to go check on Hermione? Confessions would come out, and unspoken whispers would be the melody of a friendship that would forever exist. Harry/Hermione (it's more about their friendship, a sequel may be writen)
Now, we all know that HBP sucked. I think that we should start referring to it as simply a very long fanfiction instead of the inspiration for all of this fanfiction. Like, you know, there’s this good fanfiction…It’s called Harry Potter…there are seven different stories…just search J.K. Rowling… Basically, book six never happened…and this is its replacement. Flames are expected
Hermione looks back and talks about the various changes in her life and how she came to the point where she is now. HBP Spoilers! HHr, mentions, RH and HG
What does Harry do now, after the events of book 6? My attempt on making H/Hr still happen after the less than favorable conditions we were left with in HBP
Comedic tales about the new Harry Potter characters we have encountered since the sixth book... Suave!Harry!, Super!Ginny!, CrazyJealous!Hermione!, and LadiesMan!Ron! This is meant to cheer everyone up since the newest book arrived, and to poke fun at everything in a parody type way, not meant to bash my beloved characters. Please check it out! Chapter 2: Congratulations: You're in Lust is up!!!