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The Four of Hearts by Harrys Mistress

The Four of Hearts

Harrys Mistress

Okay, here's more of "Hearts" Wahoo! And I'm telling you right now guys, I'm building up the anticipation, but ya got to be patient. I didn't want them to jump each other as soon as they got there…I like to take things slow. So trust me and sit back and enjoy;)

Chapter 17

Twenty minutes later, Harry walked out to the pool and stood there taking it all in. He could see the ocean in the distance and a boardwalk that led from the pool to the beach, as people walked along side it. Around the pool were tables and chairs, along with cushioned lounge chairs that held long tanned bodies glistening in the sun. The pool itself was pretty big and it was in the shape of a "U", with a bridge that arched over the blue sparkling water. Waterfalls falling over jagged rock into the pool were placed at the both ends of the pool and over to his right he looked up to see a huge rock formation, with a built in waterslide that was practically hidden in the rock. He wouldn't have known a waterslide existed if he didn't hear the shrieks and screams of the occupants riding down before they hit the water with a splash.

He grinned as he finally made his way through the poolside, scooping out for Hermione. He maneuvered around chairs and dodging people who walked in his way, trying hard not to cause much attention. He finally found her and he stopped dead in his tracks. She was stretched out in a lounge chair, looking fabulous in her skimpy little bikini and the satisfied look on her face told him, that she knew it, too.

He made his way over and looked down at her, not knowing if she had her eyes closed due to the fact she wore sunglasses. He looked to see that her stuff was on an empty lounge next to hers and was surprised she actually understood him with his mouthful when he asked her to save him a seat. He dropped his own stuff by his chair and shimmied up to her until he was straddling her, placing one foot on either side before leaning down and placing his hands on the arms of the chair. She for sure didn't have her eyes opened because he bent his head down until his face was inches from hers and she didn't move.

He grinned and stood there until she finally flinched suddenly and tore off her glasses. "Harry, you scared me to death!"

He smiled. "Sorry, couldn't resist. Thanks for saving me a seat."

She sniffed as she lifted her chin. "I only did it because an annoying prat was trying to weasel his way next to me, so I told him it was taken."

"Uh huh," he said studying her. "And who was this guy?"

"Not important enough to mention," she said stiffly. "How was your breakfast?"

"Exceptional. Pity you lost your appetite." His grin widened when she scowled at him. "Come now, you can't be too furious with me."

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"Because, you and I both know that deep down you can't resist my charm." He then gave her a wink and kissed the tip of her nose. "You know you love me."

She didn't say anything at first but finally answered, "Yes. Yes, I do. Unfortunately." She cocked her head to the side. "You're blocking my sun."

"My apologies." He pushed himself off and then went over to his lounge chair next to Hermione. "I don't have a…" He blinked when a towel magically appeared on his chair. "Towel," he finished in amazement.

"Yes, nice isn't it?" Hermione said with a grin. "It knows what you want. I was just thinking that I was thirsty and a glass of ice water appeared on the table there."

Harry looked at the small circular table positioned between their chairs and saw a huge glass of water that was almost half empty. "Huh…you know I could go for a Daiquiri…a strawberry daiquiri." By the time he finished saying it the drink appeared right before him and he picked it up. "Now that's service."

Hermione watched him take out the strawberry in his drink. "How can you drink so early?"

"It's my vacation." He held out the berry until it was dangling in front of her lips. "Time to indulge, remember?"

She glanced up at him slyly and gave him a small smile before she finally opened her mouth and accepted the berry. He placed it in her mouth and she took a small juicy bite. "Mmm," she moaned as she chewed the berry in her mouth. "I see what you mean."

Desire hit him like a gut in the fist so hard that he had to sit down. "Ah…looks like you got one now, too," he said when he saw another drink appear.

"Wonderful," she giggled as she picked up the drink. She slipped her shades back on and used this for her advantage to watch Harry undress, while she sipped on her drink. She bit the straw hard when he tore off his white shirt, revealing that wonderful defined chest. Quidditch did that body good, she thought as she now watched him stretch out on his lounge chair. God, why did he have to be so sexy? What was it about him that always made her insides stir? It was ridiculous and she had to get it out of her mind. Or maybe, out of her system?

She stole another glance at Harry and pondered at the idea of having one crazy night with him and she felt her heart start to race. Could she do it? Could she actually go through with it? Hah…no, probably not. She wouldn't have the nerve and besides, what made her think that he actually would want to be with her that way. He only saw her as her friend, why would he think any differently now. She sighed as she looked away. No. It was foolish to even think of having sex with him. Absolutely nuts.

Harry sighed as he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. This was the life. The sun shining down on him, warming his tired body, his best friend sitting only inches away from him. It couldn't get any better than this. He listened to the sounds of kid's laughs and splashes from the pool, he could hear distant cries of seagulls circling above them in the sky. For the first time in a long time, he felt relaxed. He actually felt like he was on vacation.

He peeped his eyes open every once in awhile and couldn't help but notice a little girl that lingered close to their chairs. He saw her earlier once and he could tell she was trying to be subtle, but he knew the girl recognized her. She couldn't be any older than seven and she had on a cute hot pink swimsuit on with matching flip-flops and her brown hair was in pig-tails. He lifted his head and grinned directly at her, trying not to laugh when she blushed. "Hey there," he finally said.

Hermione groaned inwardly thinking that Harry was charming a young lady, but when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see a cute little girl standing in front of his chair. "Hi," the girl finally said shyly.

"Whatcha doin?" he asked cocking his head.

"Are you Harry Potter?" she asked with wide interesting eyes.

"I don't know," he grinned. "Do I look like Harry Potter?"

She giggled. "Yeah. You look like him a lot. I told my Daddy that I saw you, but he didn't believe it, but I knew it had to be you. So are you?"

"As a matter of fact I am," he said and smiled wider when she giggled in excitement. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Lily," she said almost shyly.

Harry's heart stopped and swallowed the lump in his throat. "I think…that's a beautiful name."

Her eyes widened. "You do?"

His eyes softened. "I sure do."

Hermione stayed silent but she couldn't help but be touched with how he handled her. He was so incredibly sweet. "Can I have a picture taken with you?" Hermione heard the little girl said and looked over to see her holding up a small camera.

"Lily," Harry stated as he sat up in his chair. "I would be honored." He then looked at Hermione. "Would you mind?"

"Certainly," she said brightly as she sat up and smiled at the girl. "I'd be happy, too, Lily."

She walked over and handed Hermione her camera then giggled in delight when Harry lifted her up on his lap. Hermione melted when he saw Harry wrap his arms around her and playfully propped his chin on top of crown of her head. "Say cheese, Lily," Harry said as he tickled her tiny ribs.

She shrieked out the most adorable laugh. "Cheese!" she yelled and grinned for the camera.

Hermione took the shot and smiled. "Perfect," she said as she handed the camera back to her. "Definitely a keeper."

She smiled. "Thanks." She then looked between Harry and Hermione than said whispered to Harry, "Is she your, girlfriend?"

Hermione's eyes widened and Harry just chuckled. "Girlfriend? Why, do you think we'd make a cute couple?"

She giggled as she nodded. "Uh huh," she said and then leaned closer to Harry. "She's very pretty."

Hermione was flabbergasted at what was going on and she watched in amazement as Harry whispered back, "I know. Very pretty."

She giggled one last time. "I gotta go back to my parents. Thanks, Harry."

"Anytime cutie," he said adoringly as he nuzzled her hair playfully. "Don't be a stranger, feel free to say hi to me, anytime."

She nodded in agreement and Harry watched her she skipped off towards her parents. "Cute girl," he said looking over at Hermione and was shocked to see tears glistening in her eyes. "Hermione?"

"Huh?" she said as she looked back at Harry. "Oh, I'm sorry." She laughed as she wiped away a tear from her cheek. "I'm being silly."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She sighed as she shook her head, giving him a small smile. "You were just…so sweet with her and I guess…well, seeing a man interact with a child has always been one of my weaknesses."

"I love kids." He stared towards the direction she had run off to. "Her name was Lily."

Her eyes softened. "Oh Harry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."

He shook his head. "No, there's no reason to be sorry for someone that sweet and innocent. I only met her for a second, but I'm praying that I have five kids just like her."

God, he was a beautiful man. Inside and out. "You will, Harry. And you'll be a wonderful, Dad."

He shared a look with her. "You think?"

"I know," she said firmly with a smile.

He grinned and then looked back out by the pool. He finally shook off his feeling and stood up adruptley. "Let's go."

"Go? Go where?" she asked even though she was already taking his hand and standing up from her chair.

"To the slide."

"Slide?" she asked with wide eyes. "Oh…I don't know, Harry."

"Don't argue. We're going even if I have to drag you up there myself."

She still wasn't convinced. "But I don't…."

"Fine, I'll carry you."

"No, no!" she laughed when he started to pick her up. "I'll, go, I'll go."

"Good," he grinned and laced his fingers with hers. "Let's go."