Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Four of Hearts by Harrys Mistress

The Four of Hearts

Harrys Mistress

Hey guys, Harrys Mistress here. I just wanted to fill you guys in on what's going on. My laptop is totally crashing all the time. It's really annoying me, so that's why I haven't been on in awhile. I'm at my parents house at the moment on her computer, that's why I'm able to write to you finally. I'm working on getting a new computer soon, I just got my tax return and I'm planning on using most of it for a new computer. Once I get that set up I'll be back in business! So it looks like I'll be out of commission for awhile. I might try and write more on my old laptop if it decides to cooperate with me. SO we'll see. I hope all you guys are doing well, I miss you tons! I've been super busy and I have a busy month coming up. See you guys soon I hope!


Harrys Mistress