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The Final Belonging by JadeLMSkywalker

The Final Belonging


A/N: Once again thanks to all of you who have read this, and an even bigger thanks to those who have reviewed this story, it means the world. Jade.

Chapter 13

Waking the Dead


Hospital Wing


Madam Pomfrey pushes through the door of the hospital wing to hear sounds, she never aloud to happen here in her ward. She rushes towards the loud talking and is about to shout when she is stopped by the Headmaster, "let them be Poppy," he tells her as he stands back and watches the scene unfold before him.

"Let them be," Poppy returns unbelievingly, "they're going to wake the dead," she says indigenously

Dumbledore looks pointedly at the patient lying in the bed, "that is the hope Poppy, that is the hope," he says as a small smile crosses his face.

"And you find this funny," Poppy says in a growl.

"No," Dumbledore tells her, "but it seems somebody does, it seems it might just be working," he says as he points toward the bed.

Poppy turns to look at her patient and gasps in surprise to find a small smile playing on his features, "he's waking," she says in a whisper.

"Yes and no," Dumbledore says to her. "He is awake to a sense, but he isn't fully awake, he knows who is here with him but he's about to return to his slumber, but I can say it is safe to say he is out of the coma," Dumbledore says to her. "Let them be," he says looking at the arguing crowd before him.

Three Days Later

Molly is sitting next to Harry holding his hand gently in her own as she listens to the constant arguing of her children. She shakes her head wondering why Poppy hasn't put a stop to it. Molly is surprised that Poppy has let this continue for as long as she has, her kids could easily wake the dead. To Molly's surprise she finds Albus has snuck in and is sitting directly across from her. Than again she shouldn't be surprised given the noise in the room. "I am surprised Poppy hasn't said anything," she says with an embarrassed shake of her head.

"I told her not to," Dumbledore says as he glances over at the loud group.

This surprises Molly more than Poppy, "why," she asks.

"So he can hear them and know where he is," he says looking down at the motionless form.

"Trying to wake him," she says smiling for the first time since before the meeting, since before Harry was taken.

"I would do no such thing," he says with a look of mischief in his eyes which discounts anything he has said.

"Right and I, am a Muggle," Molly says but Albus is unable to comment as more pressing matters arise.

"What do you mean by that Ron," Ginny shouts out in question.

"Just as it sounds my dear sister," Ron returns the shout.

"He is just my boyfriend," she returns.

"Who happens to be in the same year as me, I hear all he says," Ron shouts back unbelievingly.

"I am my own person Ron, I am a big girl, I can do as I please," Ginny shouts louder.

"You," Ron starts but is stopped by a loud shout that makes Ginny's, Hermione's let alone Ron's look like child's play.

"What is going on here," Molly shouts out at her children.

At this Poppy comes running out of her office to check on her patient, hoping nothing has gone wrong with him. "Mum," Ron says in a quieter tone of voice, "Ginny is dating a boy who wants more than simple snogging," he tells her.

This surprises Molly, "Ginny," she says wanting both sides of the story before she starts to lecture.

"I won't do anything I don't want to," Ginny returns her mother's glare, "and I am not ready for that," she says satisfying her mother.

"Right," Ron says, "What will you do if he forces you to," Ron demands.

"Use some of the methods Harry taught me," Ginny returns.

At this Fred and George decide to enter the conversation, "methods," Fred questions interested. Hermione even leans forward in her chair to hear this.

"Yes," Ginny says as she looks at her brother's then returns her look to her mother, "I went to him earlier, him and I had a nice long talk and I asked him if he could show me a way to protect myself against unwanted advancement," Ginny says to her. "He agreed and he taught me a few ways to make my unwanted advancer to sing in alto," she says with a smirk.

"Harry taught you," Molly asks surprised.

"Yes," Ginny says with a nod of her head.

"Ron," Molly says looking at her youngest son, "leave your sister alone," she says and right then all hell breaks loss.

"How can this be," Ron shouts, "I had to be watched over by these two clowns," he says pointing to the twins. "And she gets to do whatever she wants," he says disbelievingly.

Albus shakes his head as he listens to the argument. He looks down at the form, which is forced to miss this amusing sight, to find he isn't missing it after all. A smile crosses Albus's face for the first time in nearly four weeks, "well good morning Harry, although it is more like good evening" he says to the boy who is watching the fight with amusement.

Harry slowly and painfully turns his head to look at his Headmaster and more, "sir," he says in a croak. His throat is drier than the Sahara in the summer; Albus picks up the glass of water and helps Harry to take a drink. As this goes on the two of them seem to be unable to hear the arguments. "He," Harry starts once his head was placed back on the pillow, he eyes closed against the pain. Slowly he opens his eyes again, "he wanted the Prophecy," he whispers, "he didn't get what he wanted," Harry says as he looks directly into Dumbledore's eyes so he can see the truth behind his words.

"It doesn't matter if he did," Dumbledore says honestly, "all that matter's is you're okay."

Harry shakes his head slightly, stopping as the pain courses through him, "no," he whispers as he fights against the darkness, the pain all too evident in his voice. "I realized as he was torturing me it was very important he didn't learn it, if he doesn't know it then he can't prepare for it, it gives me the upper hand," Harry gasps out. "I need all the advantages I can get when the time comes to defeat him," he continues as he looks right into the blue eyes of a man he has come to consider his grandfather. Harry slowly looks over at the people again, "what are they doing here," he asks as he turns back to Dumbledore.

"It seems your plan has failed Harry, they won't let you push them away," Dumbledore informs him.

"It's for, their own good," Harry says honestly.

"Depends on who you ask, for them it isn't, they need their friend back, they need you," Dumbledore says to him. "They were devastated when they learned you were taken," he informs him.

"What should I do," Harry asks.

"Let them be your friends and you be theirs," Dumbledore answers with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Okay," Harry whispers in answer accepting his word as truth, as gold.

"How did you get out," Albus asks knowing now his pride in this young man is more than in any other person he has ever met. This young man is forced to bare such a horrible burden and yet he does it.

"I stole one of the Death Eaters wands as they," he drifts off, "anyway I was able to get the wand and I cast the darkness spell and I got away," he pauses, "barely," he says with a small but extremely painful cough. "I found myself on a snow covered mountain surrounded by woods, I ran," he says needing to get it out. "They took my shoes, feeling I wouldn't run if I didn't have them," he says explaining the lack of shoes. "They were wrong," he says with a small hesitant smile, "I ran and ran, for what felt like forever," he confesses. "I fell down a hill, I don't know how long I was there, but when I woke up I continued on my journey until I felt as though I could change something into a Port-Key and get back here," he says explaining how he just turned up at the outskirts of the forest.

"IT'S NOT FAIR," Ron shouts out interrupting the two. His voice causes Harry to jump and close his eyes against the pain assaulting his already overloaded system.

"I am going to be very loud for a moment Harry," Albus warn.

"Okay," Harry whimpers out through the pain.

"SILENCE," Albus shouts out causing the room to become deathly silent in an instant as they hear his words, everyone turns to look at the source of the disturbance to look at him in wonder. Just than Minerva comes running into the Hospital Wing with her wand at the ready, she stops as she looks at the scene before her. She decides no one is in danger and puts her wand away.

Poppy is the first to speak, "I thought you wanted them to wake the dead," she asks looking very put out.

"They did," a gravelly painful voice says, "trust me they did," it repeats as everyone looks to the source to find two amused pain filled green eyes looking back at them.

"HARRY," everyone shouts as one as they instantly rush to him.

Harry smiles at them and looks at all the people here with him, "I didn't mean to worry you," he says to them.

"Hush," Molly says to him as she steps forward to hug him but then stops as she remembers all of his injuries.

Harry sees her holding back and smiles, "Mrs. Weasley," he says to her and she leans forward because his voice is rusty and sore sounding, "I could really use one of your hugs right about now," he tells her and she smiles as she carefully takes him in her arms and hugs him. "Thank you," he says to her trying not to let the pain enter his voice at this new onslaught.

"Thank you," Molly cries into the embrace, hearing the pain in his voice all the same. She has never had anyone ask her for a hug before and she loves he did, she is thankful he did. She has been feeling so useless and now she can at least give him something he asked for, a hug. Molly carefully lays him back down on the pillow and smiles tearfully at him.

"Now," Harry whispers, "were are they," he asks.

"Who," Minerva asks with a smile at seeing him awake.

"Hermione, Ron and Ginny," he says to the shocked group, "I can't stay up for too long and," he drifts off.

The three in question quickly make their way to his bed, he looks at the two of them, "all right," he asks them and they know his words mean more than asking how they are, he is asking if they, the three or them, are still friends. Relief floods both of them as they nod in answer. "Is everything okay between the two of you," he asks looking pointedly at Ron and Hermione.

"They broke up," Ginny says before they could, "It wasn't a pretty sight," she continues as Harry looks at her as she continues. She can't help but smile at him, he is here, and he is alive. "They aren't really talking, but they agreed to remain friends so they could still be your friends," she finishes as both people in question blush.

Harry reaches up his bandaged hand, "Ron, Hermione, we will always be friends, no matter what may come," he says reaching out to them. They both carefully take his hand, Harry looks over at Ginny, "Ginny you too, you are as much a part of this team as I am," he says causing all there to smile. Tears are rolling down Ginny's face as she places her hand on top of the three there, "I am sorry," Harry says looking at Ron and then Hermione.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Hermione cries out not caring about the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Harry smiles at her, "friends," he asks them.

"FRIENDS," everyone in the room shouts out.

"Good," Harry says, "I need some help with my homework and to catch up on Quidditch," he says looking pointed at Hermione for the first part and Ron and Ginny for the second. They laugh at his words and he just smiles at them. Harry looks at his friends again, "Ron you have something on your mind," he asks knowingly.

Ron blushes, "I was afraid you wouldn't want me as a friend anymore," he says reluctantly as the three of them gently place Harry's hand back on the bed but refuse to move their own hands.

"As far as I'm concerned Ron you aren't just my friend," Ron stiffens at these words, "noticed that JUST, in there," Harry says to him and Ron nods in agreement, "you much more than that, you are my brother," Harry says looking straight into Ron's shocked and surprised eyes. "We may have our disagreements, but you're my family and there's nothing that can change that," he says his voice cracking. "Understand me mister," Harry finishes in a stern growl, surprised to see tears in Ron's eyes.

"Understood," Ron says with a wide grin his own voice cracking.

"Good," Harry says still looking at Ron.

"Does this mean I'm your sister," Ginny asks receiving laughs from people there.

"Why of course my dear little sister," Harry says with a twinkle in his eyes, though the fever and his pain is still present there.

"What am I," Hermione asks, "Roast beef," she finishes with a smile as Harry looks into her eyes. She has always loved his expressive eyes.

"No," he says with a very small shake of his head, "you are the glue which holds us together, the most important ingredient," he says and Hermione finds herself blushing at his comments. "You are part of my family as well," he tells her honestly.

"As you are part of mine," Hermione admits with a smile, feeling special because of his words.

"Everyone here is an important part of my family equation, the solution is wrong if someone is absent," he says looking at Hermione knowing she will understand his words far better than anyone else.

"Great," Molly says in a mock shamed voice, "now I have three sets of twins," she says mock exasperated. "Fred and George," she says as they puff out their chest as they are mentioned. "Ron and Harry," she says earning a definite nod from Ron and a smile from Harry, "and Hermione and Ginny," she teases, "poor Bill, Charles and Percy, having no twin to be with them," she teases with a grin as she watches Harry try and stop a yawn.

Madam Pomfrey also noticed the attempt, "okay," she booms, "everyone out," she says sternly, "my patient needs his rest," she says leaving no room for arguments.

Harry looks over at her with an amused look, "I wondered how long it would take you, usually it would have happened much sooner," he says with amusement, "can one person stay," he asks her with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Molly can stay," Poppy relents reluctantly. There was something not only in his eyes but his voice as well. "The rest of you, out," she says pointing to the door way.

Hermione leans over Harry and places a kiss on his forehead, "see you real soon, get better quickly," she says returning his smile as she steps aside for Ron.

Ron comes up, "I am not going to kiss you, but I will agree with her words, get better soon mate," he teases and then steps aside for Ginny.

Ginny comes up as the other two stand at the end of the bed waiting for her. She too gently kisses his forehead, "it is great to have you back, get well bother," she ways with amusement in her voice. This continues as each person takes their leave, thus leaving Harry, Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Molly and Professor Dumbledore behind to talk and to get updated on his condition.

Minerva walks up to Harry and pulls something out of her cloak, "I'll give this to you now, since you obviously missed breakfast," she says placing the wand on the table by his bed.

"Thank you Professor," Harry says looking her in the eye. "I didn't want it broken," he says stopping her from talking and at the same time explaining his actions and reasons. "When I arrived at the castle the first thing they did was search me for my wand, I didn't want to lose it. I have somewhat grown attached to it, it saved my life before and I might need it again," he tells her with a wide and extremely painful yawn.

Minerva can't help but smile at him; he has in one minute alleviated all her doubts and her worries that she had placed him in further danger just by taking the wand from him. She is surprised with the forethought he put into his decision. "Thanks," she whispers out.

Molly sits down in the chair she had vacated a few moments ago. "Harry," Dumbledore says getting his attention. "You need to rest now, I will be by later for a complete story," he says looking him in the eyes knowingly, telling Harry he wants the whole story.

"Yes sir," Harry nods his head once.

Right then Poppy shows up with some type of potion, "Drink this, it will help with the fever and some of the pain," she says handing it to him.

"Thank you," Harry tells her and then drinks the potion. Almost instantly he felt himself slipping away into the darkness. He could feel his body, it felt as though he is lying on a bed of clouds and his body has become one with them. A peace so settling overcame his senses taking him away to dreamland.

Molly smiles at the sleeping figure then looks up at Poppy, "how will he be," she asks.

"In all honesty I didn't expect him to survive," she tells the shocked group. "His injuries were very severe; I don't know how he has survived three weeks with internal bleeding. But I can tell you he received most of his injuries on the first two or three days of his disappearance," she informs them. "If he had taken one hour longer, he wouldn't have been alive to do it," she says with a shake of her head. "He is a very lucky man," she says taking the vial and going back to her office.

"Yes he is," Minerva agrees, "and yet he isn't," she says with a shake of her head.