Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Final Belonging by JadeLMSkywalker

The Final Belonging


A/N: Thanks to all of you who have reviewed. I have found them to be encouraging.

Chapter 35

Relocations to Be Made

The Burrow

The Current Day

"Oh, Harry there is nothing to be sorry for, it is us who should be sorry," Albus repeats quietly as he realizes Harry knew this was going to happen. He may not have known if he was to survive or not, but he knew those whom he loves will believe he is gone.

"So that's where Dobby went," Severus says after a moment. "I was wondering where he'd gone to," he says with a nod. "I should've known Harry would take him in," he finishes and shakes his head slightly.

"Yes, Harry hired Dobby right after Fudge came in and terminated his employment with the school," Minerva answers Severus's question.

"Why did he do that," Hermione asks furious with the Minister.

"Because that is what House Elves are for," Severus answers easily.

"So Harry hired him," Ron asks.

"Yep, with a pay increase," Dumbledore answers both Ron's question and the question he knows Hermione was about to ask.

"How did he talk Dobby into taking it," Hermione asks curious as ever, as a smile crosses her face at Harry's doings.

"Easy," Minerva says, "he said that since Dobby was to take care of more than just one place he needed to be paid for his work in each of his places, but his room was to be at the Ranch," she continues to answer.

"He offered Dobby and Winky to work at all of his houses," Dumbledore agrees with Minerva's words. "He even told them if they run out of work at these places they can and are more then welcome to help at Hogwarts, the only restriction he had was that the houses never look like Sirius's had back before Harry's fifth year," he informs them.

"Are you saying that while I was there, someone was cleaning up and I never seen them," David asks in wonder.

"It is the mark of the House Elf, it is their pride, they are not to be seen by guests or in, some cases even their masters. They are to do their work in secret," Severus says in answer. "That is what it's like normally, with Harry, he respects them and they worship him," he says with a shake of his head. "For Harry they are his friends, even family," he adds on thinking about the last revelation told to them.

"So he has these people working for him, yet it is a friendship based relationship rather than work based," Alexandra asks.

"You know once you receive Harry's trust, he trusts you to the ends of the earth until you give him reason not to," Ron says in response. "Harry trusts Dobby, he trusts him with his life, but more importantly he trusts him with ours," he says knowing it is truth. "though he doesn't really trust Dobby to save his life," he whispers with a small smile, "a certain Quidditch match comes to mind, let alone a car ride right into a Whomping Willow," he chuckles as he shakes his head at the memories.

"Ah," David says, "I think I remember him saying something about that," he smiles.

"Right," Ron agrees easily, "so after Dobby was freed, Harry knew he could fully trust Dobby and he does," he answers completely.

"So that night when he told you he had faith in you, and that Dobby had something," Alexandra says wondering if anyone remembered that part of what was told to them.

Ron looks over at Dumbledore, "I had forgotten about that," he admits with a blush.

"He knew you would," Dumbledore informs him.

"He knows us too well," Ginny agrees with a small smile.

"So he left us a letter," Molly asks hopefully.

"Yes he did," Dumbledore agrees.

"Well what does it say," Ron asks eagerly.

"I don't have it here," Dumbledore says as he reaches into his pocket and withdrawals a string like object.

"What do you mean you don't have it here, if you don't have it here how are we supposed to know what he wrote us," Ron asks stunned by the fact Dumbledore forgot the letter.

"Honestly Ron," Hermione says trying unsuccessfully not to roll her eyes.

"What," he demands ignoring his wife's snort next to him.

"We're going to it, if you would ever listen to anything then you would know we are to be told what the letter says in the library first floor," she lectures while shaking her head.

"Right," he says as he blushes a bright red.

"How are we all going to get there," Alexandra asks curious.

"Portkey," Dumbledore answers easily. "He had this ready and waiting, Dobby delivered it to me just last week," he says in answer to their questioning looks. "So if everyone will grab part of this string I will activate it and we will be off," he tells them standing up and holding out the said string.

Everyone stands up and takes a hold of the string, Alexandra and David do so not understanding what is going to happen, not believing this simple piece of string will move them anywhere however they withhold their thoughts and follow what the rest are doing. Once everyone has some part of the string, Dumbledore looks over at Hermione, "Ms. Granger would you do the honors of activating the Portkey," he asks.

She looks at him, "what is the phrase," she asks honored by his question.

"What was it that Harry always wanted," he asks.

Hermione opens her mouth to ask another question, before she can say anything the answer pops into her head and her mouth snaps shut in shock. It's so simple, so simple she never thought about it. With a smile she nods her head. "To belong," she says softly and everyone feels a tug behind their naval as the room quickly disappears and they are surrounded by darkness. Suddenly they are in a bright place, a room they instantly know. A room with chairs and shelves full of books and yet empty. Everyone looks around in shock as they take in the beauty of the room, "where are we," she asks in awe as she feels something calling for her, beckoning her to come to it, to grab a book and stay awhile.

"Welcome to Potter Ranch," David answers with a wide smile, a feeling of being home floods his heart. He has dearly missed this place.

"This is Potter Ranch," Bill says in a whispered awe.

"Holy sh," Ron starts.

"Ron," Hermione cuts him off with an icy tone of voice and throwing a glare at Ron, causing Lavender to laugh at the exchange.

"What," Ron has the nerve to ask in return, not only the nerve, but the audacity to act innocent as well.

"How many times are we going to do this," Hermione asks as she tries to stare him down.

Ron shifts uneasily under her stare, "do what," he asks knowing full well what.

"Boys," Hermione huffs as she finally smiles.

Everyone smiles at the interaction between the two friends, but is instantly startled as the doors to the library and an odd looking creature steps into the room looking very nervous. Hermione looks at the creature, "Hello Winky," she says softly in greeting.

"Hello Mistress Hermione," Winky answers as she bows at Hermione. "Winky has a message for Mr. Dumbledore," she says.

"Yes Winky," Dumbledore asks curious as always to know just what Harry has done now.

"Dobby is unable to be here at the moment, he had some things to take care of, but he will be back as soon as possible. Winky is to take care of Harry's Family until he returns," She answers.

"Okay, thank you Winky," Dumbledore responds with a curious gleam in his eyes.

"Would the Family of Harry want Winky to get them anything," Winky asks hopefully.

Hermione looks around at everyone and then back at Winky, "how about some of Harry's special Hot Chocolate, that would be great," she finally asks and everyone else nods eagerly in agreement of her request.

Winky smiles happily, "Winky will be back in a moment with your requests," she says and then turns around and walks out of the library closing the door behind her.

David walks over to the chair calling for him and he realizes it is his normal chair, "while we wait for our drinks let's have a seat," he says as he sits down in the chair, welcoming its comfort into his soul. Everyone moves to the seat they seem drawn to, the seat that seems to be calling for them and only them. Between each seat is a table, it seems as though Harry knew they would want drinks and prepared for this. As everyone sits down they realize there is a pattern, a specific pattern to how people are sitting. Hermione is sitting between her mother and Professor Dumbledore. Her mother is sitting next to her daughter and her husband who is by Arthur and Molly. It seems to go ages on down from there, with those that are married sitting next to their spouse. Neville is at the end of the Weasley family who is sitting next to Ginny and Professor Severus Snape. Severus is sitting beside Minerva then Remus who is beside Albus. A full circle, no one alone, yet not overly crowded, perfectly spaced, "all we need now is a table," David says softly and Albus smiles at his words knowing what he is thinking, the Knights of the Round Table.

"It is fitting," Dumbledore agrees with David's observation.

Charles looks around and he can't help but smile at the sheer beauty of the room they are sitting in, "David," he says looking over at him, "your words didn't do this place justice," he observes truthfully.

"There are no words to describe this place," David agrees easily.

Hermione looks around and tears start to form in her eyes again as she takes in the beauty of the room, of the obvious care and love put into it. She gasps as she feels the chair, room, or is it, the house she feels reaching into her soul to welcome her home. A feeling she has been missing since that fateful day over a year ago. A feeling she thought lost to her forever. Only one thing could now complete her, Harry. She blinks her eyes trying to force herself not to cry anymore, Harry wouldn't want her to cry.

Ron looks down at the chair he is sitting in as his brow furrows in question and then he looks over at the closest book case containing books, an odd feeling coming over him as he looks at them. As his thought penetrates his mind his eyes widen comically, "holy Merlin," he whispers in awed shock and to be truthful for him, a little bit of horror.

"What is it dear," Molly asks concerned.

Ron looks up at his mother, "Harry's turning me into Hermione," he groans with distaste and amusement at his own words. "For the first time in my life I just want to grab a book, sit down and read it," he explains. He sees a wide smile cross Hermione's face and he tries unsuccessfully to glare at her.

Alexandra looks at her daughter, "is this how you normally feel, is this how you feel all the time about reading," she asks as understanding fills her and she smiles at the sensation going through her, the feeling of needing to read to feel complete. The need to learn, to see a different world through the eyes of the author, the need to pick up a book, any book, to read it from cover to cover non stop.

Hermione looks away from Ron to look at her mother in surprise at her question, "yes it is," she pauses for a moment, "I think," she admits finally. "Because my chair has increased my own desire to read a book as well so I can only guess it is," she answers hoping her mother can understand what she is trying to say, what she means.

David chuckles at this, "I told you," he says to both his wife and daughter, "only I normally go up there," he says as he points upwards.

As he points up everyone else looks up as well, an audible collective gasp can be heard, "whoa," Ginny gasps out, "this place could hold twenty Hogwarts libraries per floor," she observes aloud.

"The books on this level," Dumbledore says pointing to the only book case containing books on the first floor. "Are text books from all seven years of Hogwarts, all subjects, divination, Arithmancy," he explains. "His Auror training and Hermione's Healer's training," he tells them.

"Up there," David continues, "he has stories both Magical and Muggle on the East wall, that is where I always go to," he says.

"The South wall is protected against invaders," Dumbledore continues, "There he has placed all of his Dark Arts and Dark Potions Books, plus his research and reports," he tells them. "The West wall contains Muggle studies, advanced Runes and his other added and advanced subjects, I even read one from there on Wandless dueling," he tells them.

"What's on the North wall then," Severus asks interested with the selection he has heard.

"Harry calls them his Light Books," David says with a shrug.

"Charms, ways of helping people, Advanced Potions, Advanced Healing, divination, astronomy, magical creatures, and other such subjects," Dumbledore picks up were David left off. "He also has part of it sealed off except to a very few people where he places his journals, writings, and stories he has written," he says to them with a gentle smile.

Just then the doors open once again and Winky walks in with a tray floating in behind her. "Here are the drinks you requested, Mistress Hermione," Winky says as she hands out the drinks to everyone. "Master Harry taught Winky and Dobby how to make it the way he preferred, I have made it that way, is that alright with you," she asks hoping she hasn't made a mistake and her master will be angry with her.

"That's perfect Winky," Hermione says with a smile. "I wanted it that way," she assures the little House Elf. "Where did Dobby go anyway," she asks as her curiosity gets the best of her.

"Master Harry left directions for Dobby to follow and Dobby was just notified by Mr. Hagrid, before your arrival, his assistance is needed," Winky says frustrated at not really knowing. "Dobby never told Winky what Master Harry instructed him for," she says looking regretfully down at her feet at her inability to answer Master's Girl's question.

"Hagrid," Dumbledore asks curious as well.

"Yes, Mr. Hagrid Fired nearly two hours ago asking Dobby to come to London, said it was very important and very hush, hush," Winky answers.

"It's okay Winky," Hermione says seeing the look on the Little Elf's face.

"Mistress is as forgiving as Master," Winky says with awe.

"Winky," Dumbledore asks softly, "did you hear what Hagrid said," he asks hopefully.

"No, Mr. Dumbledore sir, Winky was cleaning when Dobby came to explain his absence and as he asked me to inform you of his absence," she answers.

"Thank you Winky," Dumbledore says sincerely.

Winky bows again and quickly departs, closing the doors behind her once again. Remus watches as she goes, questions flying uncontrolled through his mind. "Why isn't Hagrid here," he finally asks turning around to look at the others.

Minerva smiles softly, "Hagrid says he needs more proof, he doesn't believe," she pauses. "He said something about a feeling he got from Harry a couple of days before the battle, he wasn't about to do this until he knew for sure one way or another," she explains.

Albus smiles, "what do you say we listen to one more story before we get to Harry's letter," he asks the group at large.

Everyone seems to think about this for a moment, and then one by one they nod their heads in agreement. "I am kind of scared by what he has to say," Molly whispers everyone's personal fears.

"Understandable," Albus agrees, "Understandable," he whispers softly for he too is nervous about it.