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The Final Belonging by JadeLMSkywalker

The Final Belonging


A/N: The results for my questionnaire are five for me writing another story. Thanks to all of you who have read this story and have stuck with it so far, thanks again and don't forget to R/R. Thanks Jade.

Chapter 32

Tag You Are It


Phoenix's Order

The Past

Ron looks around the room knowing this night might be the last time he sees some of these people. He knows it is unrealistic to believe they will all survive this. Harry steps up beside Ron and says, "don't worry so much."

"Of all the people to say that, how can you say that Harry," Ron asks surprised.

"What good will worrying accomplish," Harry asks in return.

Ron is unable to stop himself from snorting at this comment, "Only you could get away with saying such a thing as that," Ron finally says with a smile and a slight shake of his head.

"So if I were to say that the sun will always come out tomorrow, I could get away with it," Harry asks innocently.

Ron tries unsuccessfully not to burst out laughing at Harry, "no," he snorts out between his laughter.

"Hmmm," Harry hums in concentration, "so what would you do if I," he asks, then giving Ron a smirk Harry softly sings, "The Sun will come out tomorrow, so you better hang on till tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar the sun will come out tomorrow, there's always tomorrow mmmm, ….." his taunting is cut off with a muffled finish due to the fact Ron has put his hand over Harry's mouth.

"Harry," Ron almost shouts not realizing everyone in the room is watching their exchange trying not to laugh but have given up long ago on trying not, to smile. "Now I am going to be singing that all bloody day," he says in horrified voice.

Harry quickly steps away from Ron, "It's a small world after all," he begins again.

This time Ron does shout, "HARRY JAMES POTTER," as he starts to chase said person around the room, oblivious to the laughter in the room. "I am so going to get you for that," he shouts out as he chases Harry, yet seems unable to catch him. He isn't mad, in fact quiet the opposite, he, himself is having great difficulty not laughing at and with his brother. However, he wants to be the one to win this round. This has been going on for many a year now, everyone always asks them when they'll ever decide to grow up. To which Harry always replies in a whinny kind of voice, "Ah, you mean we have to," to which the person who has asked the question always have to control their laughter and their smile.

"Really," Harry calls out as he again dashes out of reach. "Then I guess you won't mind, we are Siamese if you please, we are Siamese if you don't please," Harry sings out.

"Ugh," Ron grunts as he tries to catch up with his tall, skinny, yet strong friend. Then next thing Ron realizes, as he crashes into Harry, Harry has suddenly stopped. The both of them tumble ungracefully onto the floor. "What did you do that for," Ron growls at the figure with dark almost black hair.

Harry completely ignores him, "sorry Professor McGonagall," he says and with his words Ron instantly pales.

"Oh no, not more detentions," Ron cries out unthinkingly. Harry hears this and bursts into laughter at hearing his words. "Shut up Harry," Ron cries out reminding even himself of their first flying lesson at Hogwarts, which causes Harry to laugh even harder.

Minerva watches them as though they were not even human, but everyone who knows her, which Harry does, knows she is trying very hard not to smile at the sight. To Harry this is a huge victory and his mission is complete. "We're not in school Ron," Harry finally manages.

Ron looks at the back of Harry's head as he realizes what he had said, "Oh, right," he grunts out embarrassed.

Harry stands up and reaches a hand down to Ron, who quickly grabs it, "don't worry mate," Harry smirks at Ron as he stands up. "You won this round," Harry informs him.

Ron stares at Harry for a moment as he tries to figure out what he is talking about. As realization hits he smiles widely, "I did, didn't I," he says triumphantly, then he himself starts to laugh.

Minerva watches the two of them knowing they are more like brothers than officers in the Military, but she also knows this is the best company the Ministry has ever seen. She tries to hide her amusement at their tactics, knowing Harry has already caught it. "Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter would you two kindly tell me when you two are ever going to grow up," she asks her customary question, expecting Harry's customary response.

Harry looks at her for a moment, "Hopefully never Professor," he finally whispers in response, "hopefully never," he repeats softly and Minerva is stunned by his words and his honesty. It is at that moment she realizes exactly what he is doing. He is trying to give people a reason to continue living, to let them know it is okay to have fun even when death surrounds you. She nods her head in understanding and admiration of her one time student, who seems to now be her teacher.

"With Commanding Officers like the two of you," a voice behind Minerva growls, "it's a surprise this Company has lasted this long," the voice drawls.

Harry smirks slightly before re-masking his emotions, "I do believe I will take that as a complement Professor Snape," he says in an even voice.

Surprising not only Ron, but also Minerva, Professor Severus 'can't be nice' Snape actually snorts at this. Ron's jaw drops nearly to the floor in shock, "you would Potter, you would," he says and then walks past the three of them.

As soon as Severus was passed Ron turns to Harry, "did Snape just joke with you," he gasps in surprise.

Harry looks at Minerva to see she too is surprised by what has occurred, he then turns to his shell shocked friend, "relax Ron, it's not the end of the world," he says with a shake of his head.

"Damn close," Ron mutters under his breath. Harry hears this anyway and smiles at him and his shock only to smile wider at the agreeing nod from Minerva.

Finally the person he has been waiting for walks in the door to stop behind the two mystified people. He remains quiet as he observes them. Harry watches him with concealed amusement. Finally the person raises an eyebrow in question, "Professor Snape and possible sense of humor sir," Harry answers his unasked question causing the two with him to look at him oddly.

"I see," Albus Dumbledore says as he nods his head in understanding, thus causing both Ron and Minerva to jump in surprise.

"Albus," Minerva says in a squeak as she puts her hand over her heart as if to hold it in, to keep it from jumping out of her chest.

The reaction of Ron however wasn't so calm, "AAAAHHHHHH," he shouts out as he turns around, his wand at the ready. Before he can fire any curses Harry has already reacted by pushing Ron's wand and hand down and away.

"Relax Ron," Harry whispers to his startled friend.

Ron blushes brighter than his hair, "sorry Professor," he says instantly ashamed, as he quickly puts his wand away.

Dumbledore looks at Ron his eyes twinkling brightly and with an amused voice replies, "quiet alright Mr. Weasley, quiet alright."

"Sir," Harry says knowing Ron is too embarrassed to move and needs the attention taken off of him. "Ron and I were trying to figure which song would stick in a person's head throughout the day," Harry says calmly as though joking with the Headmaster is normal. Few people however, know it is.

Albus Dumbledore smiles widely at Harry, the twinkle in his eyes on overload, "which songs did you come up with," he asks shocking Ron even more, for even he doesn't know about the times Harry spends with the Headmaster.

"The song from Annie, the sun will come out tomorrow, we are Siamese from the Lady and The Tramp and it's a small world," Harry informs him.

Dumbledore nods as he thinks about it, "for me it is a toss up between twinkle, twinkle, little star and it's a small world," he finally answers after a moment.

Harry nods this time, "I forgot about twinkle, twinkle little star, in honest truth it never entered my mind," he admits in a voice he uses when discussing plans of attack or defense.

"Albus," Minerva says, "don't influence them anymore," she almost begs but he and Harry can tell she too has decided to join the fun.

"Don't want to lose House Points," Harry asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I believe I would be the one to remove points," Severus says, "two hundred points from Gryffindor, for each of you," he says with a question in his tone.

Harry smiles "must be a good day," he answers, "normally it would remove everything," he tells everyone.

Ron stands there mouth hanging open, eyes wide. Slowly he blinks unbelievingly and actually jumps when he re-opens his eyes, "it is the end of the world," he whispers in awed shock.

Harry grins at this comment as does Minerva, Albus however only increases the twinkle in his eyes, whereas Severus tries to glare but it comes across as a smirk. "As much as I want to stand here in front of oblivious Gryffindor students, I believe we should continue with the meeting we have all come fore," Severus growls.

Harry smiles at the growl, knowing he is teasing yet being truthful, "yes Professor," he says with a small nod in agreement.