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The Final Belonging by JadeLMSkywalker

The Final Belonging


Chapter 19

The Two Joker's

Potter Ranch

The Past

Dumbledore slides the key into the lock and turns it smoothly. Stepping into the lovely house, Dumbledore can't help but feeling instantly welcomed and loved. He knows Harry doesn't call this a home, he also knows Harry has succeeded in doing just that. Looking around the entrance for any signs of life he decides to check the library as this is usually where Harry hides out.

Making his way to the top floor of the library he looks at the grandeur of the room and the sparse furniture. Instantly he knows something is different, there is a new chair and for some reason it seems to be calling to him. So doing the noble thing Dumbledore gives in to the urge and sits in the soft welcoming chair. He instantly realizes this chair was made for him and only him, which is why it calls out to him. He feels calm and relaxed, as though there isn't a single problem that can't be solved if patience is practiced. Looking down at the arms of the chair he recognizes three symbols, symbols he has come to know to mean him. What they truly mean he hasn't been able to find, but everything meant for him has them on it. Just as everything meant for Hagrid has three of his own, three common on all of Hagrid's things. A smile crosses his face and the twinkle grows brighter with the knowledge this young man possesses, yet hides, and yet shows to the world freely.

Deciding he should find this young man to discuss what he came here for in the first place, he reluctantly gets up from the chair only to fight the urge to get a book to read to return to the comforting chair. "Interesting Harry, most interesting," Dumbledore says with a smile as he forces himself to leave the chair behind. "I wonder if I can talk you into making some new chairs for the library, maybe we could actually get students to study," he muses aloud as he makes his way back to the work shop.

As he nears the shop he pauses in the hallway wondering just what it is he is making today. Almost instantly laughter reaches his ears, such a laughter he hasn't heard for many a year. A smile graces his own face once again as he continues on his journey. He reaches the doorway knowing not to pass through it until Harry lowers the enchantment collection. The sight before him rises an even rarer chuckle from the old man which soon passed being a chuckle to a full blown snort to a laugh.

Before his wizened eyes is a young man dancing around laughing merrily as though there isn't a care in the world. The young wizard grabs some tools from a shelf and returns to his work bench and starts talking aloud to him-self, or more correctly to the enchantment. If this had been the first time Dumbledore had seen this he might have been worried for this young man's sanity. Since however it isn't, he isn't worried in the least and in fact loves it. He had come from a most depressing day only to have his spirit and soul lifted into the clouds above.

"Ask us no questions, we'll tell you no lies," he says aloud and laughs as he remembers the time. "Man oh man you two, I was almost fit to burst when you told Hermione that. I almost regretted giving you that money. Oh but that swamp," his voice drifts off into laughter. "Those fireworks and Umbridge," he laughs harder at this. "Oops sorry Hermione we were looking for Harry," he snorts out as his hands continue working as though the rest of him is in perfect concentration rather than joking about and laughing. "The clowns at work," he says with a snort, "alto enchantment arête," he calls out still laughing.

Dumbledore knows he has just closed the enchantment spell and still smiling he steps into the room. "I gather you are working on something for the Weasley twins," he asks knowingly.

"Yeah," Harry says unperturbed looking over his shoulder to his former Professor.

Dumbledore realizes Harry knew he was there and he smiles wider knowing Harry is much more powerful than anyone knows. "What is it you are making for them this time," he asks. "I know they love the chairs," he informs Harry.

Harry moves to the side, "it's just a plaque nothing big or," he shrugs, "important," he finishes. "I couldn't think of anything else to make for their shop," Harry says looking back down at what he has just been making. "It's an old saying I heard once and I thought it fit those two so well," Harry says as Dumbledore reads it allow.

"Lord grant me the serenity,

To accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the Wisdom to Hide the Bodies

Of Those People I Had to Kill

Because They Pissed Me Off.


This is surrounded by two forms that suspiciously look like the twins who have their hands out scissor like to encompass the words. The forms and the saying are surrounded in a boarder made up of runes, minus the bottom which has the store name, Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes. Dumbledore chuckles at the truth of the words on the plague. "It is most fitting for them," Dumbledore tells Harry honestly.

Harry smiles his thanks, "it's not done yet, have to apply the stain," he informs Dumbledore as he puts away his tools.

"And the laughing," Dumbledore questions as he watches Harry put things in their rightful place.

"Well," Harry says blushing slightly. "What good is going to a joke shop if you can't enjoy being there," he says.

"A good way of increasing sales," Dumbledore says knowingly.

Harry looks over at Dumbledore for a moment, "oh," he breathes out. "Didn't think about that," he says in a disappointed tone. "Guess I'll just finish it and put it away then," he says looking over at the plague.

"It is a good idea," Dumbledore rushes to tell him. "I know of at least three other joke shops that are using illegal charms on their grounds to boost their sales. This isn't illegal and isn't intended to boost sales but to boost spirits," he tells Harry. "I know for a fact it works Harry, I also know there is nothing in that enchantment dishonest, if people don't want to buy something they will not be influenced by this. I believe people will visit just to have hope, placed back into their souls and I can't think of a better place to go," Dumbledore finishes. Harry smiles his thanks and releases a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He didn't want to cause people to do things they didn't want to.

"Thank you sir," Harry says stepping beside Dumbledore. "Would you like some tea and cookies before we discuss the meeting," Harry asks.

"Cookies," Dumbledore asks in child like delight.

"I baked them this morning," Harry confirms with his own knowing smile. "I had a feeling this meeting wasn't a good one so," he shrugs. "Besides I know how much you love candy and the likes, I mean I keep a special bowl of the stuff in not only in your room but in the hallways," Harry says with a shake of his head as the two of them head to the kitchen.

"I love the chair in the library," Dumbledore says to the young man walking beside him.

Harry can't help but chuckle at this, "which one," he questions.

"I know the ones on the first floor are for Hermione," Albus says and Harry nods in agreement. "Their beautiful by the way," he informs him. Harry blushes at the comment but remains silent. "I found one in particular that seems to be calling to me," he says after a moment.

"Ah, you found 'your' chair," Harry says with a knowing nod.

"Yes I sure did and I can tell you I didn't want to leave it," Dumbledore laughs out. "However did you do that," he asks.

"I know you sir and well I sort of over did it and," he shrugs, "I thought it would be fun and I tell you it was," he laughs out.

"Thank you," Dumbledore says honestly and emotionally.

A/N: Well I just wanted to take this moment in time to thank you who have reviewed this story. I still thank those who have read it, but I felt this was needed to be said. Thanks again, Jade.