Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate





The summer was unusually hot as the dark haired boy sat under a tree in the backyard of his Uncle and Aunts house. Harry was trying to empty all the thoughts from his brain. After what happened only weeks before when his Godfather fell behind the veil and died, he wasn't about to get anyone else hurt with his visions. Harry had no homework thus far; he had yet to receive his O.W.L results. Hermione, one of Harry's best friends, had a suspicion that their summer homework would be included with their O.W.L results. Harry stopped and notices he was thinking again. He had been improving in Occlumency. Harry figured it was because he wanted it to happen now, unlike before when he wanted so bad to get past that door in the corridor in the Department of Mysteries.

Harry opened his eyes and saw his baby whale sized cousin looking at him.

"What do you want?" Harry asked Dudley.

"Mum says it's dinner, and if you don't mind me asking, not that I cared or anything, but what the blazes are you doing out here day after day?" Dudley looked puzzled.

Not wanting to fetch and tall tale out of his tired mind Harry told him the truth.

"I am empting all thoughts and emotions from my mind to prevent my nightmares." Harry explained.

"Does it work? Not that I care of course." Dudley asked.

"Why, Big D? Are you still having nightmares about those Dementors from last summer or about sweets and food you are not supposed to have?" Harry started to laugh and went into the house.

As Harry entered the kitchen he felt a sharp pain inside like half of him was being torn apart. He started to black out and the shouts of his Aunt and uncle were drowned out by laughing. Harry saw what appeared to be a girl that looked a lot like his mother. She looked about Harry's age, and she was being tortured. Harry felt her pain. She was surrounded by Death Eaters and Dementors. And Lord Voldermort himself was inflicting the pain. Harry was looking in a huge mirror and he was viewing the torture of the girl though her eyes.


When Harry woke up he was not in his Aunt and Uncle's house but at St. Mungo's. He sat up and looked around, and noticed he was in a privet room. He found his glasses on the side table and put them on. No sooner that he did that the door opened and in came the nurse.

"Glad to see you have finally woken up from your fitful sleep Mr. Potter. You had everyone worried. I'm sure they will be more then happy to visit today." The nurse said.

"Why am I here?" Harry asked, and then he remembered his vision of that girl. "How long was I out?"

"You've been out for nearly two weeks! And you are here because no one could wake you up." She replied. Just then Hermione walked though the door.

"Harry your awake! I'm so glad, how do you feel?" Hermione said all at once.

"Relax child the boy just woke up." The nurse said.

"Oh sorry," Hermione said, "oh and Happy Birthday Harry, so much for sweet 16 huh?" Hermione glanced over to the opposite side of the room. There were lots of sweets and flowers. Harry noticed some new sweets and assumed the Fred and George must have created them. He picked one up.

"Yeah," Hermione said, "I'd stay away from those. I think you have had enough sleep." The name of the candy was Sand Man Winks. Harry laughed. "Well here comes everyone else!" Hermione sighed as if the idea of other people in the room were a bad thing. Harry just looked at Hermione with one eyebrow up then shook it off.

In the door came Ron, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Lupin, Tonks, Moody, and even Percy.

"Wotcher Harry, good to see ya!" Tonks said.

After everyone had their chance at Harry things started to settle down. Lupin and Moody had so things to do for the Order, Tonks Percy and Mr. Weasley said they had to get back to the Ministry leaving Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and Mrs. Weasley with Harry.

Everyone asked what had happened to Harry but Harry just shook his head and said he didn't know which was only partially true, he only saw the girl being tortured and nothing else. He had no idea why he was in that coma for two whole weeks. Harry didn't even tell them about the vision.