Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




The box was empty. Everything that was inside was now on the floor of Ron's bedroom. Harry could hear the cheery chatter emitting from the living room downstairs. He picked up one of the letters he found inside and read it once more.

My Dearest Harry,

No one regrets more then I do, if you are reading this letter. I know it means that you have survived, and I have not. But also that you have found your sister, for that is where this letter resides. No matter, I am happy that you are alive, that is all I could ask for.

In this box are some things that your father and I wanted to preserve for you. Do with them what you want, but we hope you cherish them forever.

I don't know what else to say. What does one say in a letter like this? I watch you every night as you sleep in your crib right beside your twin, wondering why any one would want to harm you. I hope you have a great life, where people love you always. You are going to be a great and powerful Wizard.

I will always be with you no matter what

Love you always


There we other letters like this, both from his mother and father. The ones from his mother were often splotchy meaning that she had cried while writing these painful letters. His father's letters were filled with thing he wished he could do with Harry. Harry can't help it, he cries too.

There was a knock at the door, Harry quickly dried his tears. He was relived to find Hermione standing on the other side of the door.

"I just came to check on you," Hermione said, "see if you were ok."

Harry smiled at her concern. Harry took her hand and led her inside the room, he wanted to share with her the things his parents left behind for him.

On the floor lay various objects. One was a light blue baby blanket. It was said in a letter, that it was Harry's very first baby blanket. In it were embroidered snitches and lions.

There was a large photo album. Inside, pictures were over flowing the pages. Photos were of both Lily and James, from their child hood, to when they attended Hogwarts and the years after that. Some were muggle photographs and some were magical, all of them with notes describing the picture beside them.

Hermione questioned a small black square box that also was on the floor, but Harry quickly picked it up and put it in his trunk and said it was nothing.

He shared the letters with Hermione. Harry was glad to be sharing this with someone.

They could smell the aroma of Christmas dinner being cooked down in the kitchen and decided to go downstairs. They packed the things back inside the box and went downstairs. It was probably the best Christmas Harry ever had.

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A/N: I know this chapter is short but it needed to be posted, just the way it is. More to come. Soon will be a face off with Moldiemort Mwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!