Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




The next day was Sunday. Harry woke up as the sunlight came though the window. Ron was sleeping still and Harry threw a pillow at him. Ron turned over but did not wake up. Harry walked up to Ron's bed. Ron started to snore again.

"Ron," he whispered. Ron did nothing, "Ron there's a spider on you pillow." Ron's eyes shoot open and jumped out of bed.

"Where's it at?" Ron shouted looking around for any signs of a spider.

"No where, we have to get the Quidditch list up before anyone wakes up. I know I am the captain and all but I would really like your input in this." Harry knew that Ron would take great pride in doing something like this. "I really think we should share the position of captaincy."

"You really mean that." Ron whispered as to not wake up their other roommates. They walked down into the empty common room and sat down at a table. Harry pulled out a piece of parchment.

"Who do we want for Chasers?" Harry asked Ron. Ron looked at Harry.

"Isn't it obvious? Ginny and Aeryn, of course," He said.

"I didn't even realize Ginny tried out." Harry said as he wrote their names down. "Honestly, no wonder you need me. What were you doing while we were having tryouts?" Ron didn't expect an answer. "What about that Natalie McDonald in the third year for the last spot. She was really fast, even on that cleansweep she was riding."

"What about Beaters, she we go with those twins in the forth year, the, uh, Eddings twins?" Harry asked as he wrote the last Chaser name down. Ron nodded.

"Just when I thought we had gotten ridden of twins on the Quidditch. At least there're girls."

"You forgot about me." Harry said, "Aeryn and I are twins too you know." Ron rolled his eyes. Harry finished the list, assigned a practice date, and posted it onto the common room notice board.

"Yeah except she hates you at the moment doesn't she. Plus no one but a few people knows about it." Ron stated.

"Yeah, and Malfoy. Let's how long it takes before he makes fun of her for being a `Potter'" Harry said.

"He's not going to." A new voice entered the room. Aeryn walked down the stairs of the girl's dormitory followed by Hermione.

"Morning," Ron and Harry both said at the same time as they moved away from the notice board.

Aeryn walked up to the notice board. She looked at the list of who made the Quidditch team and then shook her head "Typical." She said.

"What now!" Harry exclaimed.

"Did you pick the team hoping we would win a game with good looks?" She said, "Honestly, where you watching people try out or off in space. The Eddings twins sucked. I could name half a dozen people who were better."

Harry looked at Aeryn, her face was so serious. Harry could not think what to say, and then he caught Hermione smiling and looked back at Aeryn who was smiling too. They both started to laugh as Ron and Harry stood there very confused.

"I was joking." Aeryn said as she stopped laughing, "I didn't even watch the tryouts, my mind was wandering too. Anyway I'm decided that it's no use crying over spilt milk and that you were only doing what you thought was best for me. If Draco is a stuck up pure blood snob, then he is a stuck up pure blood snob. Well I'm starved let go get dressed before we go to the Hall." Harry could see that she was still upset, maybe not at him but at Malfoy. If fact he could feel it.

Ron and Harry join Aeryn and Hermione in the common room and Harry gave Aeryn a book.

"What's this?" she asked opening it.

"I thought you might want to look at some of these pictures. I know some of them are pictures taken of Ron Hermione and me but…" She flipped to the first page and saw the photo of their parents holding baby Harry. She smiled at Harry.

"Thank you." She set the book down on a tables and pulled out here wand, whispered a spell as the book duplicated itself. She handed Harry the original. "That way I can look at it when ever I want to."

The four entered the Great Hall and it was buzzing with chatter. Harry saw Aeryn hesitate as she and Malfoy caught eyes. They both looked away. They sat down and began to eat. Aeryn started a conversation.

"You know Harry you should really consider getting a new broom, I mean, I don't if you noticed but your Firebolt is not going as fast as it should." Aeryn saw the looks on all of their faces. "What?"

"My Firebolt was a gift from Sirius." He looked at his eggs as he played with them.

"I'm not saying you get rid of it…what, Sirius as in Sirius Black?" All three of them nodded. "Why would that murder give you a broom?"

"Marauder!" someone said from behind them, "He may have been a Marauder, but never a murderer."

"Professor Lupin!"