Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




"It really is amazing that we all managed to get into potions this year." Ron said as they walked down to the dungeon. Professor Snape wasn't there yet, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione found empty seats at the back. Malfoy was closer to the front and was sitting right next to Aeryn. Harry could hear them chatter away, Crabbe and Goyle were a couple is rows back.

Hermione could tell that Harry was irritated. "Why dose it bug you so much to see the two of them get along? I mean it not like you own her or anything."

"Let's just get ready for class." Harry said changing the subject, Hermione was about to say something when Professor Snape walked in. When he was at the front of the class he paused and looked at Malfoy and Aeryn. Clearly everyone noted the very rare event of a Slytherin and Gryffindor to sit willingly together.

"Miss Evans, welcome to my potions class, may I ask wear your cauldron is." Snape asked. Harry rolled his eyes; here we go again, Harry thought, the Gryffindor bashing begins.

"Since I only came into this wonderful world of the conscious yesterday afternoon and ordered all my school supplies last night, I don't believe my things have arrived yet." Aeryn said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Ah I see, well I am going to have to ask you to leave, you may return when you are able to participate in my class." Snape said. Aeryn stood up and started to exit.

"Sir, if I may, Aeryn can use my extra cauldron I brought to class. I have plenty of extra ingredients." Malfoy piped in.

Aeryn looked at Snape waiting for an answer. Snape looked at Malfoy.

"Very well, Miss Evans sit down before you waste anymore time." Snape said waving his wand over the black board and the daily lesson appeared on it.

Harry was surprised that Snape didn't even take points away for Aeryn's cheekiness.


The weekend finally came and it was time for Quidditch tryouts. Ron and Harry stood in front of the rather large group of eager possible chasers and beaters. Amongst them was Aeryn, and to top it all off, Draco was not far, he was sitting in the bleachers.

"Aeryn what's he doing here?" Harry asked her quietly.

"He came to watch me, root for me, and show his support." She replied.

"Are you mad? He is on the Slytherin team!! Plus he's a Malfoy!" He told her.

"And what is that suppose to mean Potter?" she put her hands on her hips.

"It means that he doesn't know you are a Potter. The second he finds out, he's going to drop you like a fly, and not look back." Aeryn's face turned white like she was going to be sick. "You alright?" he asked.

"I need a broom." She said sternly at him.


"For the tryouts! I don't have one yet."

"You can use my Firebolt, I'm not riding today" he handed it to her.

Harry walked over to where Ron was giving out orders. People tried out in small groups. Aeryn was in the last one. Ron noticed she had Harry's Firebolt.

"You must really like her if you're willing to let her ride that." Ron commented.

Harry looked at Ron, "It's not like that; I tell you about it later, just go guard the goalposts." Harry said as he watched Aeryn race up into the sky. She was fast on that broom with the Quaffle in her hands. Every time she went to score, she did. Harry knew that she was destined to be on the team.

As Aeryn landed Harry started to walk over to her to tell her that she made the team when Malfoy got their first. They started to walk off, the only thing Harry hear from their conversation was Aeryn.

"We need to talk." She told him, and walked away. Harry followed.

So not to be seen Harry walked far enough behind Aeryn and Malfoy, but could not hear them talking. Harry wished he had some extendable ears, the Weasley twins had created. He then thought of Hermione for some reason. He thought of what she would say if she knew what he was doing, spying on Aeryn. But Hermione doesn't know the whole story; she didn't know that Aeryn was his sister. Ron had thought that Harry fancied Aeryn. Harry knew that he'd have to tell his friends the truth, soon.

Harry train of thought was broken when Aeryn quickly walked away from Malfoy; it looked like she was crying. Harry was about to about to walk up to Malfoy and give him a knock on the nose when he noticed that Aeryn was walked in the direction of the place he was hiding. Harry cursed himself for not having his invisibility cloak. He had to face the music, fess up to spying on her. Aeryn turned the corner and stopped dead in her track as she saw Harry. Harry noticed her eyes were red, and her checks wet. Harry also saw Malfoy leaving the other way towards the Slytherin common room. Harry looked back at Aeryn.

"Were you spying on my?" she asked him. Harry just looked at her not knowing what to say. "You know just because we share DNA doesn't mean you are automatically my `brother' with all the brotherly rights that go with it." Harry tried to say something but she cut him off. "I don't want to hear it Potter! You best stay out of my way," she warned, "you don't want to your life to be hexed up." She gave Harry an angry glare as she walked past him. Harry's feet were planted to the ground he stood on.

Time passed.

To Harry it seemed like forever as he was in a train of thought of what just happened. In reality he stood there for about ten minutes before Harry could hear the footfalls of another person coming behind him.


Harry turned around and saw Ron walking toward him. Ron caught the look on Harry's face.

"What's wrong, mate?" he asked. Harry turned and looked at the spot where Aeryn and Malfoy were arguing.

"Nothing," Harry muttered.

"Don't tell me `nothing'. I just passed Aeryn going into the common room, and from the direction she was walking from it was here. And I see you are here, which means you have something to do with her crying." Ron said.

"Look, I just warned her about Malfoy. I told her that the second he finds out she's my…" Harry paused leaving Ron to come up with quick conclusions.

"What?" Ron asked.

"I know I should have told you before, but Aeryn and I decided to get use to the facts before we told anyone." Harry started to explain. They both started walking back towards the common room.

"What are you two dating or something?" Ron asked. Harry gave Ron a weird look.

"No! Ron, she's my sister. Haven't you noticed she looked exactly like my mum? Anyway, I told her that Malfoy would probably…"

"Drop her like a fly?"

"My words exactly." Harry replied.

"No that you mention it; I thought she'd look familiar. Except of coarse her eyes their like your dad's" Ron stated.

"Well now that she hates my gut and wants to hex me let's get some sleep, I've got a mountain of homework and have to decide who made the Quidditch team," Harry replied. Ron and Harry finally reached the common room entrance.

"Allohamora," Ron said to the portrait of the fat lady. The portrait swung open and they stepped inside only to see Hermione waiting for them, she was standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips glaring at Harry. Other then Hermione, everyone else went to bed.

"I understand why you didn't tell me Harry James Potter, but you didn't have to pull a stunt like that!!" she said sternly.

"How do you know?" was all Harry could say.

"She came into the common room all blotched up, she thought she was alone so she didn't hold back with anything back. I believe her exact word were `I'd damn that Potter if I wasn't related to him.' Upon hearing that I lent her my ears and she told me everything!" She explained.

Harry couldn't say anything. He sat down in his favorite chair. Hermione continued.

"She wanted me to let you know that she still would have been mad at you if you hadn't been spying on her."

"Spying, now you didn't mention that part!" Ron said. Hermione gave Ron a look that told him to shut up.

"She said it was because you were her brother that Malfoy `gave her a face of total disgust.' She was mad at you for that. I still don't know what she sees in him. He's not as cute as y…" Hermione shut herself up as she realized what she was about to say. It didn't go unnoticed as Ron stood up.

"I, uh, I'm going now, uh `night!" Ron climbed the steps quickly and was out of sight.

"I see what your doing Mione. Now that you know that she is only my sister, you are not jealous anymore!" Harry said as he smiled, laid back and put his hand behind his head.

"Um, I think I should go to bed too, I'll uh see you tomorrow." She quickly go up trying to hide her blush. She started to climb the stairs.

"Don't worry Mione; Malfoy's not as cute as you are either!" Harry called out. Hermione stopped and turned around.

"That was hardly a complement! You really need to learn how to talk to girls." She was out of sight.

Harry got up and headed to towards his dorm room contemplating the idiotic word he had spoken to her.