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Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




It had been two days since they left, Tuesday. They were hidden in a chamber underground beneath Wyndam Manor. To get into the chamber you had to twist one of the spindles on the rail at the grand staircase. Part of the stairs would then lower itself to a point where you could walk down them and into the stone chamber. The walls were lined with shelves that were filled with thing you'd only see in Professor Snape's office and then some. It was Frank Wyndam's Potions lab. Why were they there? Because it was the only place Aeryn knew they could get most of their supplies for a very complex potion they needed in order to defeat the Dark Lord. The potion they had o make would be used to make six candles. Using the candles and some crystals it would create an energy field powerful enough to call upon the spirits of the Founding Four. These first few days were spent starting the potion. But now they realized that they still had to find out were Voldemort is.

"I've never even heard of these crystals before. I don't know where to start looking for them." Harry said as he read the instructions for the spell for what seemed the thousandth time. Aeryn had just come down the stairs. She had been out to get a few supplies. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with her hair up in a pony-tail with a Yankee's cap over top of that and sunglasses.

"So what kind of supplies did you get?" Harry asked. She was holding a plastic bag.

"They kind we need to make sure no one, wizard or muggle, will ever recognize us." She replied.

"Nothing permanent, I hope."

"Nothing a spell can't fix."

"Then why don't we use magic to disguise ourselves?" Harry asked.

"Do you know any glamour spells?" Aeryn asked sarcastically. Harry shook his head, "Besides glamour spells are a lot harder to cast them restoration spells. Anyway, what color do you want your hair to be?" Harry glared at her, "What? Would you rather have no hair at all?"

"It's not that, it's just that my hair has a mind of its own. One time Aunt Petunia cut my hair and the next day it grew back."

"How bad was the haircut?"

"Bad enough. I was afraid of what people would think at school, the Muggle School, that is. It was before I found out I was a wizard."

"Well there you go. It was you fear and magic. You have nothing to worry about; I'm not going to make it look bad. And not to mention you have better control over your magic"

But the end of the day Harry had spiked red hair. His scar was hidden beneath foundation. Harry did nothing but complain. Aeryn told him to stop being a wuss; it wasn't like anyone was going to find out that the Great Harry Potter was wearing make-up to hide his scar. He had muggle eye contacts that made his eyes look brown. Aeryn's long dark red hair was now streaked with bleach blonde and black highlights. She was going for a Goth look. She kept her blue eyes, but they outline with black eyeliner and wore a dark lipstick. They both dressed in black, Harry in a black t-shirt and black jeans, Aeryn in a long black skirt and a black top with extra long sleeves. Harry cast a time freezing spell over the potion so that nothing would happen to it while they were gone. They set out for the bad part New York, right after sunset.

New York was the second best place in the world to recruit followers for the Dark Lord, the first being London.

"So what's the plan again?" Aeryn asked as they walked down a dark street.

"You're asking me? It's your plan!" Harry told her.

"I know I'm just nervous. I never did well with the being bad and all. I guess I just need to hear it from someone else."

"Ok, we find where some Death Eater recruiters are and we make some new friends; do anything possible to make believe that we want to be Death Eaters, so that they will eventually tell where Voldemort's lair is so that instead of going there to get branded with the Death Mark, we set up our little incantation with the candles and the crystal, which I still haven't a clue where to find, and rid the world of the evil that is You-Know-Who, then we go home and possibly get detention for the rest of our life."

"God you make it sound so simple, I really doubt that we'll get detention, maybe one but we will be doing the world a favor with this." Aeryn was watching her surroundings. In the Dark alleyways there would be groups of homeless people crowding around a barrel of flame. "I think we should revert to thinking instead of talking, we might be overheard." Aeryn suggested. Harry agreed. They kept walking down the street. In one alley way they past then noticed a line of people. Most of them were dressed in black. They were about to shrug it off as yet another night club when Aeryn recognized someone.

`He's a Death Eater.' She thought


`The guy at the front of the line talking with the bouncer, I've seen him talking with my father, I mean Frank, at the Manor last summer. This must be a recruiting place.'

`Well let's get in line then'

They were in line for about a half hour before reaching the front. They used the time to watch what was happening and to form a plan. The guy Aeryn recognized was talking to each and every person in the line at they went into the club. Every once and while he would let someone go past the door farther into the alley where there was another door.

"You here to party?" the guy asked.

"Not really." Harry answered. The guy perked up at this.

"Who do you serve?" he said quietly so no one would hear.

"Currently no one, but we are here to change that." Aeryn replied.

"Who do you serve?" he guy asked again. Harry and Aeryn glanced at each other.

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named." Harry said. The guy smiled and let them go past him rather then in the club, and they headed towards the door.

`Well let the fun begin' Harry thought.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: Ok, can you tell that I'm winging it? I know what's going to happen in the end, but until then I have no clue. Next chapter is set in Hogwarts so you have to wait even longer to find out what happens to Harry and Aeryn.

Well that's all I have to say for now, please review!! I love reviews!! I thrive off of them!!

Chapter 28 *SPOILER*

"Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, the Headmaster would like to see you in his office after dinner." McGonagall told them as she past the Gryffindor table.