Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




"Anything yet it the book," Hermione asked for the umpteenth time in the last two weeks of receiving the book. Harry could tell she was getting peeved about not being able to help in this particulate situation.

"No," Harry lied each time she asked. The truth was that he and Aeryn had found want they needed to defeat Voldermort the same night they received the book. It was in the Gryffindor Room.


"To invoke our spirits is the only way we feel might defeat the descendant of Slytherin, doomed to be consumed by evil," Aeryn read in Parceltongue to Harry. "Never thought Salazar Slytherin was actually a nice guy."

"That's a journal entry?" Harry asked.

"They are all journal entries of sorts. The book was meant to be passed on generation to generation. Can see why Voldermort likes to keep this book in his possession. It has the basic instructions of how to defeat him." Aeryn started to read on, "It was prophesized by Rowena that a descendent of mine would terrorize the Wizarding world, he would be unstoppable and less human than normal. Rowena said that the only ones that could stop this person would hold our powers. Which to me, it sounds absurd because our powers are gone, forever lost in my opinion. Godric says that they would have to have our powers because it is really hard, no normal wizard can do it. I suspect he says that because he can't do it anymore. So now that we know what is to come in the future the four of us have been preparing. There is a book that we put in the library, in the very restricted section of the library that no one knows about. The password that opens the very restricted section can be found in Godric's Room. The book is called `Invoking'"

"So we need to get that book," Harry said, "and the password." He added looking around the room. "Maybe we should look for it tomorrow, with the others." He said getting up. Aeryn made a face and he saw it, "What?"

She looked at him, "Do you really think that is a good idea?"

"So far it's the only way we know of to finally rid the world of Voldemort." Harry replied.

"No, I mean involving the others. Sure we could use the help, but what if someone gets hurt, or worse killed because we involved them in our fight."

"Where is this coming from?" Harry asked a little shocked about what Aeryn just said, "Ron, Hermione, my best friends have been there with me from the start, I'm not going to shut them out now."

"No, in the end you had to face what ever it was alone. With the Sorcerers Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, the graveyard. That is of course you have been telling me a different story."

"You still can't ask me to shut them out and not tell them about this."

"But you can protect them from danger. It just sort of came to me like an epiphany. We… find out as much as possible about this invoking of the spirits…thing. And when we are ready, we just leave, find out where he is and just do it."

"Hey, calm down, you're going to make yourself crazy." Harry said taking her by the shoulders making her stop pacing around the room.

"I'm sorry; it's just that I am sick and tiered of all these Death Eater raids, people getting killed. I mean how many more people have to die before you do something about it? Are we just going to sit around and do nothing because we're in school? I just want to have a normal life. We have to stop relying on other people to protect us and protect them. Am I making any sense?"

Harry started to realize she was right. It was that stupid prophesy Trelawney made that said that it would be `kill or be killed' situation. It became all to clear on what they had to do. "The password is probably in his journal." Harry replied.


"For the restricted section, it'll probably in Godric Gryffindor's Journal. We'll also need to make one hell of a plan to pull this off. For once we are going on the offence."

~^~^~^~END OF FLASHBACK~^~^~^~^~^~^

"So I guess that book didn't help much." Hermione replied.

"Certainly got some good fact about Salazar Slytherin felt towards Godric Gryffindor." Harry said with a laugh. They were out in the Astronomy tower. Harry and Aeryn would be leaving to seek out Voldemort in two days time, on Saturday night. He was leaving without the love of his life and wasn't sure he would be coming back. They wouldn't come back unless the world was rid of Voldemort.

They were staring at the stars, it was a clear night. He tried to keep his thoughts on Hermione, but couldn't help thinking about what he was doing to protect her, all the plans he and Aeryn made. The had studied the book `Invoking' all the way through and were very confident that they could pull this off.

"You want to go to Hogsmade together this weekend?" Hermione asked.

"Can't, I already told Aeryn I would practice with her." Harry said.

"Can I watch?"

"Do you want to end up in the Hospital Wing? There are going to be a lot of exploding objects."

"Oh. Well I really should study. Exams are coming soon."

"Don't study too hard. You practically know everything."

"Not everything."

"That's why I said practically." Harry joked.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Are you sure we won't expect a certain brother of yours anytime soon?" Draco asked. They were in the Gryffindor Room or as Draco dubbed it `the G-Room.'

"He and Hermione are in the Astronomy tower gazing at the stars. And no one else can get in so just relax."

"What are you doing on Saturday?" he asked.

"I'll be trying to kill my brother with incoming exploding objects, why?"

"I just thought we could go to Hogsmade this weekend."

"Oh, maybe next time." Aeryn smiled.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Their packs were packed. A few extra clothes, some food and plenty of water.

"Are you ready for this?" Aeryn asked Harry as they checked to make sure they had everything.

"No, but we have to go anyway. I would have come sooner but I had to leave Ron and Hermione a note saying I wasn't attacked or anything and that I would be back soon."

"Yeah I know I did the same for Draco. You didn't leave them any clues to where we are going do you?"


"Good. I've got the floo powder. We should be able to get some sleep once we get to the manor."

So they left Hogwarts via floo powder and would not return until their mission is done.