Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




Harry sat there in his chair ready for anything that might be thrown his way. He looked at Aeryn and she looked at him for a brief moment then looked at Dumbledore.

"Remember Harry, when I told you about the prophesy, that was told to me by Professor Trelawney?" Harry nodded. "Well when I told your mother and father about it, they developed a plan. They were going to do everything possible to protect you. But they had one small problem, your mother had, twins." Harry sat up straighter in his chair; he couldn't believe the word he was hearing.

"Sorry?" Harry managed to squeak. Aeryn had a look of confusion on her face as well.

"Miss Evans here is your sister." Dumbledore replied. Harry wasn't angry, he didn't lose his temper. All he could do was sit there in disbelief.

"But if I'm his sister," Aeryn spoke up, "why has it taken so long. Why hasn't any one told us about this?" Harry was surprised; it was Aeryn that was losing her temper. It hit Harry, when he had that vision of Aeryn being tortured she looked familiar, she looked like his mother, but her eyes were more like their father's. "After sixteen years why is it that I have had to live elsewhere, away from my true family?"

"Miss Evans, please calm yourself. I will answer all you questions to the best of my ability. You see nobody knew that your mother had twins. Not even myself until after they died. You see when you both were born; your parents decided that it was best if they put you, Miss Evans, in the care of very trusting muggles in the United States so that they could pull all their concentration on protecting Harry, the boy mentioned in the prophesy. When they died they left me a letter, but the letter didn't tell me where to find you Aeryn. I have been searching for the past 16 years and have failed to you. And before you ask Harry because I know this will be your next question, neither Sirius or Remus knew. I was the only one who knew. It is fate that has brought you two together. Maybe the two of you together can stop Voldermort."

"But how did Voldermort know?" Aeryn asked.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Voldermort said something to Aeryn, and I am afraid that though I may have many talents, to this day I can not understand the language of the snakes." Dumbledore said.

"I didn't know I spoke a different language!" Aeryn said, "If you just asked I probably would have said it properly."

The three of them sat in silence for a moment.

"Well what did he say?" Harry asked.

Aeryn uttered an amount of hissing as Harry listened. Then more silence. Harry was staring out of window. Then he whispered the translated words.

"Twin of a Potter, should die with her brother."


Harry and Aeryn made the decision to keep the fact that they were brother and sister a secret. Harry even agreed not to tell Ron and Hermione until the time was right. Aeryn had been released from the hospital wing the next morning, she showed up in the Great Hall dressed in her new Hogwarts uniform on, but unlike all the rest of the girls, she was wearing black dress pants instead of the traditional skirt.

Harry watched her walk in, he was about to wave her over to the table when Malfoy walked up to her. Harry couldn't tell what their conversation was about but Aeryn pointed over to the Gryffindor table, Malfoy nodded and Aeryn walked over to the table and sat down beside the open seat beside Harry.

"Hi." She said to Harry. Harry saw the looks on Ron and Hermione's faces.

"Forgive me, Aeryn these are my best friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, guys this is Aeryn Evans." Harry said.

"Nice to meet you." Hermione said.

"Yes," Ron added, "Welcome to Hogwarts, and Gryffindor."

"Food looks great, I'm starved." Aeryn said as she dug into as much food she could lay her eyes upon.

"So what happened to you..." Ron blurted out. Hermione kicked Ron under the table, "I mean I totally understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"No it ok really, I explained it all to Dumbledore, I'm sure I could do it again." Aeryn paused and then began. "Well my school was having a little summer get together. The Minister of Magic was thereā€¦"

"What was Fudge doing in States?" Ron asked.

"Different countries have Ministers. Anyway, rumor was that Voldermort wanted to take him out, you know take over less important places of power, so Mr. Duff was at our school for protection. Only the top students were there, including myself. Well to make a long story short, we lead Voldermort into a trap inside the school and I accidentally blew it up. But Voldermort only crated an illusion of himself inside the school and I killed everyone who really was inside. I was really lucky to stay outside. But Voldermort captured me and tortured me and fortunately let my live. I also suffered a very big blackout. I was out for about two weeks." Aeryn sighed.

"How did you accidentally blow up the school?" Harry asked.

"That my friend is still a mystery." Aeryn said as she stood up. She put her hand on Harry's shoulder then quickly retracted as she was shocked by a spark. "Uh, I'll see you in potions." She was looking at her hand then at Harry, and then walked away. Harry immediately noticed Malfoy get up from the Slytherin table and followed Aeryn.

"What does he think his doing?" Harry asked himself loud enough for Ron and Hermione to hear.

"Don't worry mate, Aeryn seems to have the brains, she'll see right though that Malfoy." Ron said.