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Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




The Death Eaters were unconscious, tied up, and had their wands broken. Albus Dumbledore stood before a bookcase where the door had appeared. Other Professors stood by watching, not knowing what to do.

"Where do you think they went Albus?" Minerva McGonagall asked.

"To be honest, I haven't the slightest idea." Dumbledore said as he turned away from the bookcase. "Right now we have to figure out what to do with these people."

"Do we know what happened?" she asked.

"Longbottom said that the DA meeting was canceled after Aeryn freaked out." Lupin replied.

"Freaked out?" Snape said casually.

"Apparently Harry and Malfoy were having one of their usual arguments. Aeryn and Hermione were trying to break it off. Longbottom said that she got real mad, spoke like a snake, and made a couple bookcases explode." Lupin said. Just then Lupin felt dizzy and sat down.

"The Moon is rising Remus, you better go." Dumbledore said. Lupin nodded and left the room. He stopped at the door.

"I wouldn't waste my time trying to find that door. If my memory serves me correctly, only Harry and Aeryn can call the door to appear."


It felt like a port key, only ten times worse. They were sucked through the door like a hurricane. They felt like they had the wind knocked out of them. When they finally came to their senses they found themselves in a room. The walls were crimson and gold. It was a very close resemblance of the Slytherin common room.

"This almost looks like my common room." Draco noted.

"Yeah, except it's less spooky." Ron said without thinking.

"How would you know?" Draco asked. Ron looked to Harry.

"I refuse to say anything that might get us in trouble with Professor Snape." He said innocently. Draco rolled his eyes.

"I won't rat on you, if that's what you're worried about." Draco sneered. Ron told him the story of the Polyjuice potion in their second year. Harry's mind however was else where. He was looking at some books that were on selves. He picked one up. It looked like a diary of some sorts. On the cover was a drawing of a Golden Snitch. In the center were the initials "JP". He opened the book up and turned to the last entry.

Wow, it's my last night here at Hogwarts. We leave in the mourning. I am really going to miss hanging out in this room. A lot of great memories were created here. I still remember the look on Lily's face when I brought her here for the first time. I mean who wouldn't love this place. It's great that only I can get here. Moony and Padfoot have tried so many times to even locate this place. I guess I will leave this diary here. For my future generations to read what my life was like at Hogwarts. But of course they won't need this silly old book, because I will tell stories of my adventures here to my kids, and they will tell their kids and so on. It is nice to know that I come from a noble family, to have Godric Gryffindor's blood flowing though my veins.

Well this is it; I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Its way past curfew, but what are they going to do, expel me??

Good wishes for the future

James Potter

Harry sat down at a table and flipped though the diary reading an entry here or there. Aeryn noticed what Harry was doing and sat down at the table.

`What are you doing?' Aeryn thought only wanting to talk to Harry.

`I found this on the shelf' he handed her the diary. She flipped though it.

`Wow, I would never of guessed' Aeryn got up and went to the self were other book were waiting to be read. She found a really big book. It was about five inches thick. She plopped it on the table with a loud thud. Everyone looked up at Harry and Aeryn. Harry and Aeryn barley notice, they were too engaged in their telepathic conversation.

`I wonder how long it would take Hermione to read this book' Aeryn thought. Both Harry and Aeryn laughed. Everyone was still looking at the twins in silence. Harry noticed everyone was staring.

"Uh Harry," Hermione started, "I can't believe I going to say this, but now is not really a good time to be reading books. We need to find a way out of here."

"I guess it is late, we could leave this for another time." Aeryn said.

"Leave what?" Luna asked.

"Only our family history, told by those in the Godric Gryffindor blood line." Harry replied.

"Ok this is getting a little too confusing for me. Could we just leave this until tomorrow?" Ron said. "We will have the whole day to explain and figure out what the bloody hell has happened."

"Ok I guess your right." Harry said.

"Um, Harry I hate to bother you but the door we came in disappeared when we came, how are we going to get out?" Hermione asked.

"I suppose we should find Dumbledore and tell him we are ok. Harry, give me the map." Aeryn said.

"How do you know I brought it?" Harry slapped his forehead, "Right stupid question." He handed her the Marauder's map. She tapped it and studied it.

"Most of them are in McGonagall's office." She said handing Harry the map back.

"All right then." Harry closed his eyes tight and thought of where he wanted to go. The door appeared. Harry stepped forward and opened it.


"I can't stand it, Albus! They have been gone for almost an hour." McGonagall was pacing in her office.

"Calm down Minerva I'm sure they will be back soon. Are the prisoners secured Severus?" Dumbledore asked.

"Locked up tight." Snape replied.

There was a flash of light as the gold door materialized in the wall. The door swung open as Harry walked thought, followed by Hermione. Then Ron and Luna. Then Aeryn and Draco.

"At least the ride back was pleasant." Hermione noted.

"Yeah I think we had the whip lash result from the magical serge Harry and I provided." Aeryn added.

"Oh thank heaven your back!" McGonagall sighed with relief, "We were worried."

"Well everything is peachy, on the side of keen," replied Aeryn.

"Where were you?" Snape asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets, Gryffindor style." Harry replied.

"Well I'm beat," Draco finally said, "If no one needs me I'll go." He got the approving nod from Dumbledore. "I'll see you later Kit Kat." He called to Aeryn.

"Oh give me a break!" Aeryn rolled her eyes. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something, she called back to Draco "Thank you," them turned to McGonagall "Professor did you send those registration forms yet?"

"Not yet Miss Evens, why?" she asked getting some papers off her desk.

"Misinformation, my name is wrong on the form." McGonagall handed Aeryn the papers as Aeryn got out a quill and ink. She used her wand to erase the `EVANS' part of her name and replaced it with `POTTER' then she gave McGonagall the papers back. She looked at them.

"I don't understand." McGonagall looked puzzled.

"What you can't see the close family resemblance. I look exactly like my mother."