Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




Oddly enough, the lawyer's office, it actually looked like a muggle lawyer's office. They were in a waiting room, with antique furniture and wall to wall bookshelves. Magazines were sprawled across coffee tables. There was a window in the wall so you could talk to the secretary, and to the left of the window was a rather large mahogany door, with no handle. Aeryn and Malfoy had entered that door nearly an hour ago. Harry paced around the room. He was bored, yet worried. He wondered how much longer in would be. Hermione had found a book to read, although she wasn't really reading it. She was more concerned with Harry. Ron and Ginny were playing a game of chess, much to Ron's complaint in was a muggle set, and had to move the pieces by hand. Lupin however was not there at all. He trusted the group to behave while he had some errands to run. Finally Hermione had enough of Harry's pacing and slammed her book shut.

"Harry, could you stop pacing for five seconds and tell us what bugging you?"

"Something's not right," he said glancing at the door, "Usually I can get some kind of read of her, an emotion of some sort. But now I am totally cut off."

"I'm sure she's fine. It's just a lawyer. Beside she's got Malfoy with her." She added with a slight eye roll with the mention of Malfoy.

"Remind me why we even trust him?" Ron asked looking up from the chess board. "Just because he punched his Death Eater of a Dad in the face, doesn't make me see him in a whole new light if you ask me."

"I don't trust him yet either, but Aeryn does." He caught Hermione smiling at him, "What?"

"You turned into quite the big brother over a short period of time, it's amazing." Harry smiled at that too.

But then Ron added, "That is if you are the older one, you could be the little brother."

The conversation was interrupted when the door beside the secretary window burst into splinters and Aeryn came sailing through the air landing on the bookshelf hitting her head in the process. She muttered a `bloody hell' as she stumbled to her feet. There was a tall man standing in the broken doorway. He had sandy brown hair, with dark brown eyes. He looked as if he hadn't had any sleep in days. He had his wand out pointing at Aeryn not giving anyone else a chance to pull out their wands. He was the lawyer, Aidan Bray.

"The Dark Lord sends his greetings if I ever saw you, though I must say I wasn't expecting you to show up so soon, with a Malfoy no less." Then he finally realized there were other people in the room. He eyed Harry as if he didn't recognize him, but when the famous scar was seen, "Ah Mister Potter, almost didn't recognize you."

Harry looked over at Aeryn to make sure she was ok, which she was with the occasional scratch on her arms and face from flying pieces of wood.

Harry, he heard in his head. Harry was still looking at Aeryn, she was looking at him. Don't stand there like a dork, we need to do something.

Like what? I can't exactly get to my wand at the moment, Harry replied back to her.

Ok what happened three weeks ago when we were attacked by ten Death Eaters? Aeryn asked in her usual sarcastic tone, were not at all curious about the wandless magic thing.

No, I ignored it like nothing happened. Where is Malfoy?

He knocked out cold, now if you'll excuse me I have to concentrate, I thought you could help but I was wrong.

"Hey are we going to stand around all day staring at each other, or can I gloat now?" Bray said breaking the silence.

Distract him! Harry heard, "I don't know about you but it was certainly my plan, you know just standing around staring at each other." Harry said as Aeryn closed her eyes. She let her new found magic flow through her. Over the past three week while she had withdrawn from everyone, she had been trying out new things. She hadn't told anyone, not even Draco. She opened her eyes and they were black. Aidan Bray saw her eyes and was stunned.

"What the hell?" He felt his wand quiver in his tight grip. Finally he had to let go as the wand floated in mid air turning to point directly at his face.