Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




"What are you doing here?" the trio managed to say at the same time. The three of them looked at each other then laughed.

"Well it's nice to see you too; it's only been like a month since I saw you last." Lupin said sarcastically. "And it's good to see you too Miss Evans though it has been longer then a month since I last saw you."

"You know her?" Ron asked.

"He taught DADA at my school in my 1st and 2nd year. I always wondered what happened to you, Defense against the Dark Arts was never the same when you left" Aeryn said.

"Well I was asked to teach at another school, this school in fact. After all these years I am surprised I remember you. I guess it was because you reminded me of someone I once knew." Lupin replied.

"Let me take a wild guess," Harry started, "she reminds you of one of your best friend's, wife, and one that I happen to be related to?"

"It's a long story," Aeryn said, "Do you have time, or should I give you the short version and let you fill in the blanks?"

"Actually, Dumbledore asked me here for some reason, I should go see him. I just thought I'd drop by to say hello." Lupin started to walk away, "I'll see you later when you can tell me the whole story, oh and Harry, please correct Aeryn about the misinformation about Sirius."

The day was spent outdoors sharing stories with one another. Most of the talking was done by Ron, Harry, or Hermione. Aeryn seemed to be avoiding the subject of her childhood, but loved to talk about what she did in school.

Later in the evening Lupin joined the group. Fortunately Dumbledore had told Lupin all about Aeryn being Harry's twin sister and the story did not have to be re-told. Before long Lupin had to say good-bye, but told them that they would see him sooner then they think. Ron said he was hungry and headed up to the castle. Hermione said she was going for a walk leaving Harry and Aeryn alone. Harry was looking at Hermione as she was walking away.

"You like her don't you?" Aeryn asked.

"Yeah," Harry said, "I think I do." He was still watching Hermione.

"Then what the hell are you still doing here!" Harry gave her a look, "It pretty obvious that you like her and she likes you. Why don't you walk with her, it's what she wants you to do."

"How do you know?" Harry asked.

"Last time I checked I was a girl myself. Trust me having sister will pay off." Hermione was no out of sight. "Look, sometimes girl do thing like this, call it a test, to see if you really like her. Just go catch up with her ask her if it's ok that you tag along." Harry got up and started to jog in the direction Hermione was walking, "And don't say anything stupid, she told me what you said to her last night."

Harry was gone leaving Aeryn alone under a tree. She got out a Quidditch magazine and started to flip though it looking at the brooms. After a while the sun was setting and Aeryn started to pack up. She caught a glance of Malfoy and his goons Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy saw her and quickened his pace and was out of sight.

The Great Hall was buzzing the next day. Ron and Aeryn were already eating breakfast when Harry and Hermione came into the Great Hall together. They sat down and avoided eye contact with anyone.

"And where have you two been this fine morning?" Aeryn asked already knowing the answer, "it's nearly bell time."

"We just wanted to get some fresh air before started the day. We saw the sun rise." Hermione said. "It was so beautiful."

That wasn't the only thing that was beautiful, Harry thought.

"What was that Harry?" Aeryn asked.

"What was what?" Harry said.

"Didn't you just say something?" she asked.

"No." he replied.

Oh boy, Aeryn thought, now I going crazy.

"No your not." Harry said.

"Not what?" Aeryn asked.

"Going crazy." He replied.

"But I didn't say that I was, I…"

"Thought it?" Harry finished for her.

"Yeah. Ok this is kinda getting freaky."

Everyone sat in silence as the minutes ticked away. Harry was wondering how he could hear her thoughts, and if it was a good thing or a bad thing. His thought wondered to Hermione and how she smiled when they sat on that cliff that looked over the lake, watching the sun rise. Then thought wandered to Malfoy?? Harry looked at Aeryn as she was trying not to look in Malfoy's direction as he entered the Great Hall talking with Pansy. Harry felt jealousy being emitted from her. It was enough to give him a headache.

"Aeryn!" Harry managed to get her attention.

"What?" she said.

"I'm getting a headache." He rubbed his temples.

"Sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking."

"Actually you thinking too much." He said.

"Sorry," she said again, "You know this is all too weird. I feel like my life is turned upside down chewed up a bit and now I have new pieces to this puzzle that I have yet to figure out. I mean everything was fine. I went to a good school; I had friends, played Quidditch. And now I have the same things except I have a brother who can read my mind vise versa of coarse. It's a whole new world to me and… Ok now you are the one thinking too much. What is with the Potter-Malfoy feud?"

Harry looked at Aeryn but the bell rang "Let's talk about it later, let's go see Hagrid and see what new beasts we'll be taking care of this year."

Aeryn shook her head. "I'm not taking Care for Magical Creatures. I already passed my N.E.W.T.'s for that. I am taking something else. I'll see you at lunch." She ran off.

That afternoon was the Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. It was still a mystery on who was going to teach this year and everyone was equally surprised to see Professor Lupin in the classroom. Everyone sat down as the class began.

"Due to recent events, most of you parents wanted someone who could actually teach this subject to you. So Professor Dumbledore asked me to teach you again. Even though the reason why I left in the first place is still an issue, trust me when I say that all precautions are being made so that no one ever gets hurt.

"Now I understand that last year you DADA teacher was not practical and some of you took matters in you own hands." He looked at Harry, "And I encourage you to continue with the DA as an official school club where anyone can join."