Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate


Kw702955: I am so glad you love my story, I have often doubted my writing skills. It makes my feel good when other people enjoy my stories.

KypDurron: Who is your other favorite female character?

the real HOPE: Somehow I had to make Lucius a woman hater. We will see him in the sequel and in the forth story, sadly *cough* yeah right *cough* we will not see him in the third story.

Harry85: I could say the same about Jedi Mages.

Anonymous 112272: Don't worry, I won't take until August. I so badly want to start up the sequel.

IssaBissa: Thank you!

Anonymous 112309: Yes I am stopping in the middle of the conversation. So Deal!



"Alright Fred, you've proved yourself worthy," Terry said referring Harry to the alias he gave him, "Here is a list of thing for you to do, you have until next Friday." Harry looked at the list; it was more of a shopping list. "Now go home and make sure you return when you are supposed to." Terry led Harry through the club which was in full force with partygoers. Harry nodded, "And if you can make sure you learn how to apperate."

Harry was left alone in the dark alley. He looked at the list again and shook his head, counting the many times he could of gotten killed tonight, and walked back to Wyndam Manor leaving Aeryn a telepathic note of where he was heading. This whole thing is just crazy, he thought to himself. He missed Hermione a lot, and couldn't wait for this nightmare to be over.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"What's wrong with this door? Alohomora. Hey Malfoy this door won't open!"

Aeryn was holding the door closed using telekinesis. "Does anyone of you know how to make a Portkey since this place has an anti-apperating spell on it?" Aeryn asked Sirius and Tonks quietly.

"I can," Tonks said, "I was thinking of making one anyway since you can't apperate yet." Tonks went over to where broken pieces of camera were and picked up the biggest piece she could find, "Portus."

"I'm not coming with you." Aeryn simply replied.

"The blood hell you are," Sirius said to her in a yelling whisper, "There is no way I am going to leave you here."

"Well then you won't get a choice. Harry and I have a job to do, now be a good dog and go home. I don't want to force you. How much time before the Portkey leaves?" Aeryn asked Tonks.

"About ten seconds."

"You know you're just as stubborn as your mother." Sirius said to Aeryn.

"Good to know. Just wait until you find out who I am dating. Make sure you tell Dumbledore we are safe and not to worry when you do remember." Aeryn said.

"When we do remember?" Both Sirius and Tonks were holding on to the Portkey. Aeryn waved her hand.

"Oblivirate," Tonks and Sirius disappeared. She wasn't going to have the both of them blab off as to where she and Harry were. Then Aeryn muttered a spell with her wand to get rid of the bodies that were still of the floor, then transformed into her Animagus form, letting the door fly open as Terry and Malfoy stumbled into the room, Aeryn slipped by.

"Bloody hell, he's escaped." Malfoy said outraged.

"How did that happen? He doesn't even know how to make a Portkey." Terry asked.

"I don't know. What am I going to tell the master, Black wasn't to be killed or allowed to escape." Malfoy said as they started to walk out of the room, in their path was a solid white cat with slightly longer red hair on the top of her head. She then transformed.

"If you didn't want him dead, then you shouldn't of left instructions to kill him." Aeryn said looking at the ground in a slight bow.

"You killed him?" Malfoy asked her.

"He isn't here is he," Aeryn replied.

"I don't like your cheek." Malfoy sneered. "What did you find out from him?"

"Nothing much. He has been held captive for almost a year, or so he says. I rather doubt any information has any usefulness from him" Aeryn still avoided eye contact with the elder Malfoy, he seemed to be ok with that, she was inferior to him.

"Very well, Terry she's all your. Do the same thing as the others." And with that Malfoy left. Aeryn let out a sigh of relief that he didn't recognize her, or she would surly be dead.

"All right," Terry said, "let's start off with you name."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"So you made it in?" Harry said as Aeryn walked down the stone steps of the potions chamber.

"Barely," Aeryn said plopping into a chair, taking off her boots, she didn't look at him. But it didn't stop Harry from knowing something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh… nothing" It was 3am in the morning and Aeryn just wanted to sleep. She muttered the spell to get the potion going again.

"Come on, I've known you long enough to know something is bothering you." Harry said.

"I just saw someone and I don't know if I want to tell you who it was," Aeryn didn't if Harry would just go home just to see Sirius again.

"Why wouldn't you want to tell me, who was it?" Aeryn felt she couldn't keep it from him.

"You might want to sit down for this," Aeryn said while se got up to check on the potion, "You have to promise not to do anything rash and try to stay calm."

"Rash? Like what?"

"Like grabbing the first handful of floo powder you find and going to Hogwarts."

"Who is it?" Harry said sternly standing up looking at Aeryn straight in the eyes.

Aeryn looked to the floor, "Sirius."

"I am being serious. Who was it?" Aeryn almost laughed.

"No Harry, I saw Sirius, as in Sirius Black, as in the godfather you thought was dead." Harry sat down again, but missed the chair landing on his butt with a thud.

"Are…are you sure?" Harry asked looking at her. "I mean one hundred percent sure it was him."

"I had a nice conversation with him that makes me want to see Wormtail dead as much as you do. Both he and Tonks Portkeyed out of here and are safe." Aeryn said.


"She was undercover, you remember the green haired lady." Aeryn said, "Are you ok?"

"I don't know if I want to go back home or just hurry up with this `mission'" Harry said getting up from the floor, sitting in his chair once again.

"I'd stick with the mission, we will defeat Voldemort. I know we will. And when we get this done we will have all the time in the world to live our lives." Harry nodded in agreement; he got up and started looking for something. "What are you looking for?"

"Parchment, quill."

"Whoa, you are not writing a letter." Aeryn said rushing to stop him.

"And why not?"

"Because Sirius and Tonks don't exactly remember anything that has happened today." Aeryn said biting her bottom lip.

"You cast a memory spell on them; do you know how dangerous that is?"

"Not if you know how to do them properly, I learned how to do memory spells last year, along with coping spells and Patronus Charms. It was my big three, my `if I could learn any three spells' within reason of course." Aeryn said adding a few lizards' eyes to the potion. "I didn't want them to go to Dumbledore with our location, so they don't exactly remember ever seeing us. It'll wear off. You should go get some sleep; we have a lot of things to do until next Friday."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Ok, I really want to get the action started in the next chapter so I will just summarize a couple of things.

Over the next week or so Harry and Aeryn have to get certain things from the lists they were given, which most are illegal. They also find their three crystals that they need for the spell with the candles. They need six crystals of each.

The first crystal in the Danburite Crystal, which is suppose to block and transform negative energy into positive energy. And increases connections to angels and guides.

The second crystal in the Candle Quartz Crystal, which allows us to look within and discover our true nature, our true path and true spirit.

And the last crystal is the Zincite crystal. It assists in removing energetic pollutions by pulling together the negative energy and transforming them.

Let's just say Voldemort can't do anything to stop what coming to him.

The candles are white, but when lit they are supposed to swirl with black and white while the flame is black.

Feel free to e-mail me with a question if you have any at