Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate


A/N: Ok people here it is: Chapter 22. Thank you for all your reviews. Some of them can be really helpful. I promise that I will try to put more Harry/Hermione. And to Silverbreeze: You can never have too much Yoda in your diet. And the `Abracadara you are a Death Eater TOAD' I couldn't stop laughing. And with the Snape thing, thank you for noticing, for I never would. It got my head thinking for future events. And Hex me now, for I don't do Quidditch!!

Quick Quiz: If you can answer these two questions, then you deserve a gold star!!

  1. In Chapter 10, can you spot the chocolaty joke?

  2. Where did I get the name `Aeryn'?*Hint* It's all about the frelling spelling!



I was the last day of term, Christmas holidays would be starting. Harry, Ron and Hermione would be spending Christmas at the Weasley's. Aeryn was invited, but she declined. After that fateful day in the beginning of November, tensions were a mile high between Gryffindor and Slytherin. That day was dubbed `The day the ferret caught the Snitch'

Gryffindor had won the game however, due to the excellent Keeping of the Weasley King and the trio chasers that were Aeryn, Ginny and Natalie. But still, Harry failed to catch the snitch. Of coarse the Slytherins didn't really care that they lost the game, they were just glad that after four years they finally caught the snitch before Harry could. And Draco defiantly would not let Harry hear the end of it; practically every conversation consisted of something to do with Harry not catching the Snitch.

But now it was the middle of December and Quidditch talk died down. People were thinking of Christmas. Hogsmade trips were for last minute shopping and the Great Hall was being decorated.

"Are you sure you don't want to come," Harry asked Aeryn for the umpteenth time, "I'm sure the Weasley's could squeeze you in some where or they wouldn't have invited you."

"I told you, I'd rather not. I've never been into Christmas." Aeryn explained yet again, "Besides Draco has had one too many Christmas's alone, and I don't want him to be alone this year." Aeryn caught the look Harry gave her when she even mentioned Malfoy, "And I wish you would just grow up. So what if he caught the snitch! You're not going to have a perfect record, no one does. I not asking for you and Draco to be best buds, just try to get along."

"You have to admit Malfoy has made an improvement," Hermione said coming down the stairs from the girl's dorm to the common room where Harry and Aeryn were talking, "He hasn't called me Mudblood in a long time. Where's Ron?"

"Where else, off snogging the Loneyfull Luna." Harry said eyeing Hermione.

"Do you want me to leave the room?" Aeryn said sarcastically.

"Actually, I came down here to steal Aeryn for a minute or so." Hermione said.

"Sure, I'm going to find Ron, drag him from whatever closet he's in." Harry said climbing out the portrait hole. Hermione made sure Harry wasn't coming back before opening her mouth.

"Ok, you are probably the only person to help me. I have absolutely no idea what to get Harry for Christmas. And it's next week. I mean, usually I would get him something like a book, or a box of chocolate frogs, but that was when we were just best friends, and now… I don't want to get him something that might spook him or…"

"Hermione calm down, you're going to hyperventilate. Just relax!" Hermione stopped and collected herself. "I can't tell you want to get him, honestly I didn't know what to get him myself till this morning."

"This morning? What did you get?" Hermione was curious.

"Well, I got an interesting package this morning from my butler, he still helping out with Wyndam manor, in his letter he said he found a huge chest, like a treasure chest, and when he opened it he found two boxes inside, one said `Aeryn' and the other said `Harry'. I've opened mine already, but I'll give Harry his for Christmas, some old trinkets from our parents."

"Harry will love that." Hermione said smiling happily for Harry; he missed his parents so much. "But that doesn't solve my problem."

"Well then you should probably ask what I got Draco." Aeryn said.

"I don't think I can think of a gift that suits Malfoy."

"Well that's because you don't know him the way I do. Believe it or not Draco had a soft side to him, don't tell him I've said this to you or he'd probably never speak to me again. Through that bratty side of him there's music. He absolutely loves music. It's been there for him when life drags him down. He loves listening to it, playing it, making it. Just look what he did at the Halloween Dance, he choose a song to express himself."

"So, what did you get him?" Hermione asked.

"When Draco was younger, his father made him play the violin. When he found out that Draco loved playing the violin he made Draco smash it. From what Draco has told me, he was pretty good at it, so I am replacing it. Just look at Harry and try to figure out what's in his heart and go from there."

~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

"Happy Christmas everyone, tuck in" It was Christmas morning at the Borrow. Everyone had woken up early, excited to get the day started. Everyone sat down and ate breakfast before opening presents. Fred and George were there, as well as Percy and Charlie; Bill had to stay in Egypt to work. Harry was glad to see Percy back with his family.

Harry had given Hermione silver charm bracelet for Christmas. It had small hearts and big hearts and tiny baby angels. Hermione loved it. Hermione had gotten Harry custom made snow globe. Inside were three very unique animals, Prongs, Padfoot and Moony, all surrounded by snow. Harry was speechless when he opened the box it was held in.

"Hermione, this is absolutely incredible." Harry was starting to get teary, but quickly stopped himself and smiled at Hermione, "You are absolutely incredible." He said giving Hermione a hug and kiss. Forgetting there were actually people in the same room, it was a little more than a little kiss. With almost everyone staring at them, they quickly stopped. "Sorry," they both said at the same time.

"Harry the last one is for you, it's the box in the corner there." Mr. Weasley pointed out. Harry got up from where he was sitting to where the wooden box was. The box was an old box, or at least made to look old, Harry wasn't sure. His name was carved on the top. Harry went to open the box, but was interrupted.

"Harry, before you open the box," Hermione said kneeling next to him, she was holding a rolled up piece of parchment, "Aeryn asked me to give this to you." She handed him the scroll. Harry took the scroll and opened it to reveal Aeryn's neat handwriting.


This box was found at Wyndam Manor. I don't know what is inside, but it is from our parents. I have one just like it. The two boxes were found inside a larger chest, that I will show you when you get back from your stay at the Weasley's. I wouldn't want to open it in front of everyone though, wait till you are by yourself, trust me.

Well Merry Christmas


"Well, Harry, you going to open the box?" Ron asked from across the room wearing his maroon colored sweater.

"Uh," Harry traced his name on the box; Hermione was looking at him, from her face, Harry knew that she knew what the box contained, "Maybe later." Harry replied. He wasn't sure if he was ready to open it, deep down he knew what was in the box as well.