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Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




January passed on into February, no sooner did that happen March rolled in, and in no time at all April was here bringing in the rain, washing away the snow. Aeryn had been sporting around a heart shaped locket around her neck since Harry and the others had returned from Christmas holidays. At first Harry had thought it was a gift from the bouncing ferret himself, but upon closer examination Harry saw what appeared to be a sideways eight shape. When he asked about it, Aeryn showed him the other side to reveal `LE+JP=.' She explained to Harry that the sideways eight meant infinity.

Aeryn wore her locket with pride, inside were pictures of her real mum and dad, each changing every few seconds in a cycle of sorts. She felt one step closer to actually feeling like she was a Potter and not just the long lost sister of Harry Potter and not just heir to the Wyndam fortune. She was Aeryn Potter, who cared what anyone else thought.

Harry certainly managed to keep himself busy. With Quidditch practice and DA Meetings, came also piles of homework the teachers were graciously assigning. It was all they could do considering what was happening outside of the Hogwarts safe haven. Since the beginning of March there had been three Death Eater attacks on towns across Great Britain. A total of twenty people dead, many others injured, not to mention the muggles that were on the list of casualties. The Daily Prophet had reported that the Aurors were doing everything possible to locate the Death Eater and stop them. They had only managed to identify the leader of the raiding Death Eater as the one and only Lucius Malfoy, escaped convict yet again. The good news about that was that some of the Death Eaters had been killed as well.

Then there had been the issue of the Harry and Aeryn's growing, and awesome powers. Ever since they were encouraged by Dumbledore to improve on what ever powers they had, they had been doing just that. Aeryn's telekinetic power had grown so much in the past few months. They had been using the `Gryffindor' room for practicing so that no one would see what they were able to do. It wasn't very odd anymore where unanimous objects were flying through the room if Aeryn was there. Sometimes she would just sit in the middle of the room and float books and candles, practicing aim as well as multi tasking. Being able to make objects explode was her other talent, she had been practicing on her own with that power, not wanting to blow up anyone by mistake. She now had her powers under control.

Harry had found the opposite power. It happened in potions when he messed up his highly sensitive immobilizing potion. The blue liquid started to bubble over, spitting in every direction. It was about to explode right into Harry's face but when he went to cover his face with his arm he heard other people gasp in surprise. When Harry looked to see what happed there was the potion mid-explosion frozen in time. He, like Aeryn had continued to practice his power.

Of course, the entire school was suspicious, it was only natural. When asked about the potions incident, Harry merely suggested that Snape cast an immobilizing spell. But it could not be ignored when Harry and Aeryn started practicing their talents with wandless magic. They found it a usual habit of the late, to leave their wand in their trunks so that they were forced use wandless magic.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"This better be good, I have things to do!"

"My lord, our `informant' at Hogwarts had reported that the Potters are now doing wandless magic." Lucius Malfoy stood before his master in the privet chamber behind the huge cavern and lava pit. Voldermort was sitting at a stone desk of sorts, working on his Plan. Maps of Hogwarts and the surrounding grounds were scattered about. He peered up at Malfoy with his red snake like eyes. He looked angry.

"How accurate is this information?" Voldemort said as calmly as possible considering his blood was about to boil.

"It was confirmed by Goyle's son."

This latest drawback was the final straw. For months he had been working on a plan to get that Potter boy out of Hogwarts. In fact it was set to be done in three weeks time. The key for his plan to work was the fact that Potter's wand didn't work against his own. But now that Potter didn't need his wand, all the months of planning went down the drain. Voldemort shoved everything off his desk with frustration.

"Well now we are back to square one. And some of my loyal servants killed for no reason now from those pointless raids." Lucius stood there quietly, doing nothing to receive the wrath of his Master. Voldemort got up and went to retrieve a letter from inside a musty trunk, a bit calmer then he was. "You are my most loyal servant Lucius, not matter what that bumbling idiot Wormtail thinks. Keep this letter with you at all times. Do not open it unless…" he broke off, with this new information, thoughts of the possibility that he could be defeated by that Potter now entered his mind. "unless I am gone from this world." He quickly said as if it could never happen, "not that it will, this is just a precaution. My last instructions, so that I may still rule this world." (A/N: Remember this!) "Any word on my missing book, it is of great value to me."

"No my lord, as of late it is still missing." Malfoy replied.

"Make sure you find it!"

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

They were in the Gryffindor room yet again. Harry and Aeryn sat across from each other cross legged on the floor. Between them was a lit tall white candle floating in mid-air. Hermione and Malfoy were observing from the side lines. Really they were reading but both of them kept glancing up at the practicing twins. Aeryn was the one floating the candle in front of them and while doing that she kept on levitating books and throwing them at Harry. After the 5th book hitting him and a couple snickers from both Malfoy and Hermione, Harry managed to freeze the books before reaching them.

"You both are getting really good at this," Hermione commented.

"Just wait until we start…" Aeryn never got to finish. Both she and Harry got blasted backwards, knocking against the walls. Aeryn was covering her ears while Harry was clutching his scar. Both the observers raced over to their significant other. "Bloody Hell" Aeryn cursed, since being around Brits, she had a knack for swearing like them, "I though the stupid snake head was only able to talk to you." She called out to Harry.

"He is," Harry said, the pain gone. "We're connected remember?"

"What did he say love?" Hermione asked Harry caressing his forehead as his bleeding scar healed.

"He's certainly pissed off." Aeryn said recovering with only a slight headache.

"You think?" Harry replied sarcastically, "He's found out we can do wandless magic, from his informant at Hogwarts. He said his plans went down the drain."

"Well the suspects on whoever the `informant' is, has just been narrowed down to the whole school." Draco said with a smirk.

"Not funny." Aeryn said playfully punching him in the arm.

"Well I've narrowed it down farther then that. It is most likely someone in Slytherin." Hermione said going back to the table were her books were, and started to pack up.

"Just remember to keep an open mind." Aeryn said as Draco helped her to her feet, "Not all Slytherins are evil."

"Too true," Draco added.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Gryffindor had just won against Ravenclaw in Quidditch, and a lot of the 6th years were outside enjoying the spring weather, having picnics and hanging out. Dean Thomas was trying to teach a few people who would listen, how to play football, or as Aeryn argued, Soccer. In the end a small group of people were just kicking Dean's soccer ball aimlessly to each other. Any 5th or 7th year dared not show them selves not studying in their free time, with the O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s coming soon.

A huge black owl landed beside where Harry and Aeryn were playing Exploding Snap. Hermione was reading a book, as usual and did not notice the owl. Draco was snoozing. The owl was carrying a thin square package with a piece of parchment attached. Both Aeryn and Harry eyed the package; the parchment was addressed to `Potter.' Harry took the parchment.

This book has great value to the Dark Lord, hopefully you will be able to read it. Use it well

Someone who want to help.

Harry handed the parchment to Aeryn and she read it. Harry went for the package. Aeryn nudged Hermione who finally looked up from reading and was handed the parchment. Before Harry's hands touched the package, he felt something was wrong, he heard whispering. It went away when he backed away from it. Aeryn noticed Harry's hesitance.

"What?" she asked as she herself went for the package. Then she heard the whispering too and backed away.

"Well go one open it." Hermione urged, the twins wouldn't budge, so Hermione reached for the package herself, apparently not hearing or sensing anything and ripped the brown paper off. Hermione examined the black hard cover. It had inscriptions across the center as a normal book would, but Hermione couldn't make two heads out of a tail from it. She opened it to reveal the same kind of inscriptions through out the book as well as some pictures. "Why would someone send you a book that you can't even read?"

"Let me see." Aeryn said, since Hermione was touching the book without problems it seemed to be safe. Hermione handed it over, "Catchy title." She said.

"You can read it?" Hermione exclaimed in surprise.

"Well if you can't, it's probably Parceltongue. `Everything you need to know about the Power of Slytherin, how to gain it and how to defeat it." She read. She began flipping through the book. She stopped at a page then handed the open book to Harry. "Isn't this what happed in that graveyard two years ago?" Harry looked at it and was surprised that it was indeed the potion and ceremony he witnessed of Voldermort's Resurrection. He nodded confirming it. "If this book has this in it, it's bond to have info on how to destroy him."

Finally, it was as if a grey cloud was lifted from their sprits. They saw hope for the future. Aeryn quickly woke up Draco to tell him about the book.

Meanwhile, the sender of the package watched from the castle.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Well finally, I have updated YAY!! Hope you like this chapter. Can't say how many more chapter I have left to finish the story, but I am wrapping it up nicely in a nice bow of Death, ready for the sequel "Change in Time"

For some reason my fics in this series have the same ring to it, `Twist of Fate',(no need to tell you want that story is about)

`Change in Time,' (a bit of time travel over the summer following the 6th year)

`Shades of Grey' (7th year starts of normal, but them no one is able to leave and someone is on killing spree)

There will be a forth fic but I haven't decided what to call it yet, it takes place 11 years after the Year 7. I can't get into details without revealing vital information.

So please review, whether it's good, bad or other wise. I love reviews and I thank you sooooooooo much for reading my fic. Hopefully, if I have time I will update this fic and maybe `Slayer' (my HP/BTVS crossover fic) very soon.

