Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate


Ok this Chapter is for all you Sirius Black fans who so badly don't want to see him dead or stay dead!!

Other fics have their comments to their reviewers so I will to!! But only to the Signed comments. There are two many Anonymous', it would get confusing!!

Auscricketjunkie: You better not steal Draco, he's all mine!!

KypDurron: Love your name, do you live up to the character? They are all in the 6th year.

IssaBissa: Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

Harry85: Well we all know how Draco's father feels about Draco already. And if I didn't say so before, Draco's mother kinda went crazy after Lucius went to jail. The other Slytherins are already alienated themselves from Draco because he is dating a Gryffindor and won't join the Dark Lord.

gerdieSI: Your welcome for the great story, I can't believe it will be a whole year this August since I started writing it.



`Ok, this place is creepy,' Aeryn thought. The room where they were all gathered was a dark reddish color. The only light in the room came from the candles that lined the walls. Including Harry and Aeryn, there were a total of twenty people in the room. Some were sitting on a big black couch, while other's preferred to stand looking at various objects as if admiring them. The door they entered made a click noise telling everyone that they were locked in.

"No turning back now," someone, a shady looking woman sitting on the couch, muttered. In fact almost everyone in the room had a shady look to them, half being female.

`I can't believe these people are actually here, ready to serve Voldemort willingly,' Harry thought.

`Don't look into it too much,' Aeryn told him, somehow she always happened to be the voice of reason.

A door, opposite the door they all entered, opened and in came Wormtail. Aeryn could feel Harry's immediate hatred.

`Relax' Aeryn tried to tell him.

`How can I?'

`Think about our goal, we can't show hatred or tense up when we see someone we don't like'

"All females follow me," Wormtail squeaked. All of the women got up and followed him. Aeryn looked at Harry giving him a look of reassurance that she could take care of herself, and followed too. All the guys were left alone. Harry didn't like the feel of this; he didn't like the idea of being separated, even though they could still communicate telepathically. He sat there in silence waiting for something to happen.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"You will be welcome to join the Dark Lord after you pass a simple test. All of you will be required to interrogate then kill a certain prisoner of ours." Wormtail told the women as they walked down a hallway.

"What are we suppose to be interrogating the prisoner about?" A British sounding woman with spiked green hair asked nervously.

"Any information about The Order of the Phoenix, where the headquarters are, who some prime members are, you know the usual."

"Then we kill him?"

"Yes, kill him."

Wormtail led them into a room that had no windows, no furniture and no other doors. Aeryn notices a muggle video camera attached to the ceiling in one of the corners. Against the back wall was a scruffy looking man huddled on the floor. The door behind them closed with a slam and clicked shut, one girl went back and tried the door, in was locked.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Pathetic females! Bloody muggle devices!" Lucius Malfoy swore as he watched the very same room Aeryn was in from a T.V. screen.

"How long do you think they'll last?" Another man, Terry, asked. He was the club owner.

"Not long, no pathetic female has yet to survive. With the exception of my sister-in-law women should stay out of the ranks of the Dark Lord." Malfoy replied.

"What about the men?" Terry asked pointing to another T.V. screen. Malfoy studied each person carefully.

"Only those three," He pointed at three people on the screen, "Kill the rest. I don't need anyone blabbing off as to what we are doing here. Have them ready by the end of next week."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"You three," Terry went to the room Harry was in, "Follow me." Harry got up and followed him. Two others, who were young like Harry and a bit muscular, went as well. They went through the door. "My name is Terry. I give you my congratulations. You have a good chance to serve the Master, you passed the first test."

"What about the others?" One of the men behind Harry asked. Suddenly screams of terror were heard coming from the room they exited.

"What others?"

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Aeryn didn't know what to think of the poorly dressed man. He had dark long hair and a scruffy beard. He had a gleam of anger in his eyes as he stared at each and every one of them. For a moment Aeryn thought he looked a little familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"So, Blondie decided to send in another batch." He said with a growl.

"Blondie?" Aeryn asked still staying out of the view of the muggle camera.

"You didn't see Malfoy?" The man stood up, and as he did, eight wands were pointed at him, "Oh, like I could actually do anything," he said stretching his arms out to his sides, "I am unarmed."

"We want to know everything you know about The Order of the Phoenix," said a black woman taking leadership of this interrogation.

"Well I wouldn't know anything about that; you see I've been stuck here in captivity for almost a year now. Why don't you just let me go, I'll find out everything you want to know and then I'll come back and tell you," He said sarcastically.

"How about we do it this way," the black woman said as she waved her wand, "Crucio!" The man knelt in pain, gritting his teeth. "You will tell us now!" Aeryn saw the man was fighting through the pain, as if he almost thrived on it. To everyone's surprise the man lunged out attacking the black woman knocking her down and her wand stumbled out of her hand. The man quickly grabbed it and used every blocking and killing spell he could muster. The only other person not fighting was the green hair woman. The expression on her face was as if she had seen a ghost. Aeryn took the opportunity of not being watcher by anyone and blew up the muggle camera to pieces, severing the connection to the people watching. Soon enough, three people were left standing, the man, the green haired woman and Aeryn. Aeryn studied the man's face, trying to remember where she had seen it before. Then it hit her, his face was seen plastered all over the wizarding world three years before. She remembered it from a picture in the photo album Harry gave her, which she copied. Here stood Sirius Black. Aeryn felt relief for Harry. She knew that everyone though Sirius was dead, it hit Harry really hard. But he had been alive all this time.

"Tonks?" Sirius was looking at the green haired woman.

"How'd you know it was me? I thought I had done a pretty good disguise." Her hair turned a bright shade of purple and some of her facial features changed. Aeryn remembered Harry, Ron, and Hermione talk about Nymphadora Tonks, the clumsy Auror that could change her appearance at will. "I just can't believe you are alive. We all thought you were dead."

"I did too for a while. But apparently the veil was some sort of trick of Voldemort's. It was more like a Portkey." Then they looked to Aeryn, finally realizing she was still in the room. "Well, well, what do we have here? How did you manage to avoid any wayward spell, when you wand is still tucked in you pocket? How old are you anyway, fourteen, fifteen? What reasons could you possibly have to serve Voldemort?" Sirius asked her.

"First of all," Aeryn said with a cool voice, "I will be seventeen in July. Second of all, I'm not here to serve Voldemort. I'm here to find out where he is so we can kill him."

"We?" Tonks asked.

"Oh boy," Aeryn sighed, "If I knew how much time I had before someone comes in here to check to see if we're all dead yet, I would tell you."

"You've got twenty minutes or so. That camera usually gets hit when Malfoy send anyone in here to kill me, mostly women. No one comes in for a half hour at least." Sirius replied. "So what's your story?"

Aeryn sighed again, "Last October, there was a major article in the Daily Prophet about Harry Potter,"

Tonks knew about it, "Did you know Harry had a twin?" Tonks asked Sirius. Sirius had a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes," he clearly said. Aeryn was shocked by his answer, Dumbledore said he didn't, "But what does that have to do with anything, she's dead; died in a raid about 16 years ago."

"Wow," Aeryn said and couldn't help but be a little funny about the situation, "I look pretty good for being dead."

Sirius gave Aeryn an angry glare, "What are you playing at, you can't be her. I told you she's dead"

"I agree with Sirius, about the `you can't be her' part not the `she's dead' part. Last time I check all Potters were safely tucked away at Hogwarts." Tonks said.

"Ok, what do I have to do or say that would get you to believe me," Aeryn said thinking of ways to prove who she was. "Harry and I left Saturday night, very late Saturday night."

"If Harry is here, then where is he?" Sirius asked her. Aeryn closed her eyes.

"He's talking with someone named Terry. Terry is asking him a whole bunch of questions to see if he will make a loyal Death Eater. Harry says not to bother him, he needs to concentrate."

Tonks was finally convinced it was Aeryn, she knew from Dumbledore about the twins' power.

"And why the bloody hell, are you here!" Tonks scolded her, "You and Harry should be at Hogwarts worrying about homework and exams. Leave this to the professionals."

"And what, watch more people get killed. Harry is the only one that can defeat Voldemort. Didn't Dumbledore tell anyone what that prophesy you people were guarding all last year said? Merlin, what is wrong with you people, always wanting to protect us. We are powerful enough to protect ourselves. And before I give you my one solid proof of evidence that I am in fact Aeryn Potter," Aeryn said to Sirius, "How did you know about me, Dumbledore said no one did."

"That's what Dumbledore thinks. Just because Remus didn't know doesn't mean the rest of the Marauders didn't. It was me and Wormtail that brought Harry's sister to that muggle family in New York."

"Bloody Wormtail," Aeryn swore, "That's how Voldemort knew who I was. I've been under his thumb the whole time." Aeryn took off her locket and tossed it to Sirius, "Need any more proof?"