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Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




It was nearing the end of Tuesday. Ron and Hermione were doing the only thing possible to keep their minds off Harry, homework. Though it wasn't much, it was the only thing they could do to stop themselves from the urge to find him and Aeryn. They had already lost points in potions that day, for being distracted. Ron and Hermione were amazed that the Professors hadn't approached any of them about the sudden disappearance of the twins.

Malfoy was avoiding everyone like a plague, and when Hermione tried talking to him he was back to his usual self, called her mudblood and everything. Clearly, Aeryn brought the best out of him.

They were not alone in the common room when McGonagall came through the portrait hole. Others were talking and playing games, as well as studying.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, follow me please." Hermione and Ron gave each other a knowing glance, both thinking the same thing, `Here we go.' They followed their Professor down the halls of Hogwarts to where the entrance of the Headmaster's office was. When they entered Dumbledore's office, two people were already there, Malfoy and Snape. McGonagall told them to sit down in the two empty chairs whereas Malfoy occupied the third. Snape and McGonagall stood behind them as Dumbledore came down the stairs from his privet chamber.

"I cannot express the seriousness of your actions." Dumbledore started off, "The Order has been working day and night, trying to find ways to destroy him, all to protect both Harry and Aeryn. Now that they have left to do the very same thing we have already done, they could get them selves killed as well as any Order members that are now trying to find them. Why did you let them go?"

The three of them sat in silence before Hermione spoke up, "I don't think `let' is the appropriate word sir. They didn't include us in their plans."

"If they did, don't you think we would have gone with them?" Ron added. Malfoy remained silent.

"When did you know they were gone? Why didn't you tell anyone?" McGonagall asked.

"We found out Sunday afternoon, we suspect they left either that morning or the night before. We didn't tell anyone because they asked us not to." Hermione stated.

"They left us letters."

"Headmaster, why would they leave if they had no idea of going about defeating the Dark Lord?" Snape let the question linger in the room, "If they go up against the Dark Lord, I seriously doubt they will be back."

"They found a way." Hermione said quietly. The adults looked at her. "When we had that picnic after the Quidditch match, someone sent them a book. It was written in Parseltongue, Salazar's Diary or something. I might have asked about a thousand times if they found anything in that book related to defeating Voldemort. Every time Harry said they hadn't. I think they have a pretty good idea on how to get the job done."

"Why not tell us, they cannot possibly do it all by themselves. They could have stayed here and let the Order take care of everything." McGonagall said trying to figure things out.

"You couldn't have. The whole prophesy thing," Ron reminded her, "Only Harry can do it."

Malfoy finally spoke up as he looked at Dumbledore, "Do you know where the Dark Lord is hiding?" He asked looking at him square in the eyes.

"We know the general location, but we can't get into his lair." Dumbledore know he couldn't lie. Malfoy nodded as if he was agreeing with some conversation going on in his head and got up from his chair and started to head to the door.

"If anything happens to her," he said calmly, "It's on your hands," he looked at Dumbledore again with angry written on his face, "You and your bloody Order, you left them in the dark. You know Potter was the only one who could do it and you left them in the dark. If anything happens…I'll blame you!" and with that he walked out the door. Those words stung Dumbledore, another foolish mistake he thought to himself.

"Are we done here?" Hermione asked, "Because I think someone should go see if he's alright." Dumbledore nodded and Hermione exited the office. Ron remained.

"Hermione had mentioned that it might be a good idea that if anyone asks about Harry or Aeryn that you tell them they have been moved to a secret location for protection or something. Make Voldemort think that they have gone into hiding rather then warn him that they are coming." Ron said, feeling a bit awkward being the only `kid' in the room.

"An excellent idea Mr. Weasley. You'll have to thank Miss Granger for me. It seems that she is in total agreement with Mr. Malfoy." Ron got up and went for the door.

"As am I," Ron said before closing the door behind him

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Go away Mudblood!" Malfoy sneered as he stormed down the hallway.

"I wish you'd stop calling me that! Clearly it doesn't have the same effect on me anymore." Hermione snapped at him as she caught up with him.

"Well then, what's it going to take to get you to leave me alone?"

"Maybe when you get you high-almighty stuck up nose out of your butt! You're not the only one going through this. And believe it or not, I am in total agreement with what you said back there. They shouldn't have kept any of us in the dark; we are not bratty eleven year olds anymore." Hermione said. Malfoy slowed his pace.

"Why are you even trying to talk to me? I've done nothing but made your life hell whenever I could since first year." He asked.

"Have you ever heard the term `Don't judge a book by its cover'? Since our first year we've seen nothing but your cover. I thought you were this spoiled brat from a rich family who would only become exactly like your father." Malfoy was about to interrupt her but she stopped him, "Now I see the real you. Not even Harry is ready to admit that you are more than just your cover. Aeryn has told me what a wonderful person you can be." They had stopped walking by then and were just standing in the halls. "You had to show just your cover to survive. I don't think you would be here if you did not make your father believe you were just like him."

"I would have been just like my father if it hadn't been for her. I've know her for as long as I can remember. I'd live with my family and learn the way they live their life. And when we would go visit the Wyndam's or they would visit us, I'd see her spirit, her pure goodness, even though she was basically in the same situation I was in."

"I don't think Aeryn would be like she is if it wasn't for you either." Hermione said as Ron came down the hall they were standing in.

"You don't have to be alone in this mate," Ron added to their conversation, "Look I know that the Malfoys and the Weasleys have hated each other for what, centuries? Don't you think someone changed that?" Malfoy looked at him as if he wasn't serious. "I'm not joking, let's just put all the bad things behind us, start over." Ron held out his hand, he offered friendship. Draco hesitated and thought this over in his head, but then shook Ron's hand in return. As soon as there hands touched there was a slight breeze as the green from Draco's uniform washed away turning into a reddish color. The Slytherin patch turned into a Gryffindor one. Draco was shocked at he pulled away from Ron to inspect his uniform.

"What the bloody hell?" he swore. Down the hall Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape were casually following the Sorting Hat, which was on a stool that was some how walking by itself.

"Language Mr. Malfoy." Snape reminded him.

"Sorry," Draco muttered, "Ok why did that happed?"

"Do you remember what I told you when you were sorted Mr. Malfoy?" The Sorting Hat spoke up.

"Not really, bits and pieces, something about doing something no one in Hogwarts history has ever done." Draco replied still shocked at his uniform.

"Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. On the day you were sorted, you were destined for Gryffindor. But as I looked inside your head I saw your dilemma. You needed to be in Slytherin and as I remember you begged to be put in Slytherin. I may not have been on your head for long, but I saw a lot."

"I still don't get what this means."

"It means that in the first time in Hogwarts history a student has changed houses," The Sorting Hat continued, "You are now a Gryffindor."

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: Sorry it took me a whole week to update. My computer was in a funk, something about a corrupted DLL file. I had my whole system reformatted. I really tuned off my computer last Thursday but it wasn't worked on till Monday, so I have been trying to reorganize my computer. Well I'm sure you don't want to hear about that.

So what do you think about Draco and the whole changing houses thing. I know I like it, I wrote it didn't I. Ok now I'm just getting stupid with this Author's Note. I guess I'm just tiered. Anyway I've got a bowling tournament this weekend, so I'll try to write more on the road trip.

Please Review
