Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




Harry turned and ran back toward the Great Hall. His mind was racing, the girl in his vision was real, what happened to her was real. Harry stopped to look where he was and realized he had taken a wrong turn. He quickly backtracked and walked into the Great Hall. He made his way to the head table and got Madame Pomfrey's attention who was sitting beside McGonagall.

"Madame Pomfrey, someone's been hurt!" Harry quickly told her. Pomfrey stood up.

"Who??" she asked. Harry led Madame Pomfrey out of the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall came too. Harry passed Hermione and Ron, both looking confused. They were about to get up too when McGonagall told them to stay. As soon as the exited the great hall Harry answered the question.

"I don't really know who she is; she's not a student here. Malfoy found her; I think she fell down the stairs." Harry hesitated to tell more. They finally arrived where Malfoy and the girl were. Madame Pomfrey knelt beside the unconscious girl.

"More has happened then a bad fall." Madame Pomfrey contemplated looking at Malfoy for an answer.

"She was unconscious when I found her." Malfoy said. "I have no idea what happened to her."

McGonagall conjured up a stretcher and Malfoy and Harry put the girl on it. Harry couldn't hold back now he had to tell them what happened to her.

"She was tortured." He piped up. Everyone looked at Harry.

"What Potter?" McGonagall asked.

"She was tortured by Voldermort. There were Death Eaters there too." Harry said.

"And how do you know that Potter!" Malfoy snapped.

"I guess the same way I knew Mr. Weasley was attacked last year; I saw it all in a vision over the summer. That's probably why I had that two week coma." Harry replied quietly.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" McGonagall asked.

Harry looked straight into Professor McGonagall's eyes "Look what happened last time I had a `vision,' I don't know what is real or not!" and with that Harry turned and walked away.


Harry entered the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning. He had managed to go to bed the previous night without anyone bothering him.

"Harry!" Hermione called to him. Harry walked over. "What happened last night?"

Harry was about to answer when the attentions were called to the head table. Professor McGonagall was tapping her water goblet with her fork.

Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat, "It appears that we will have a new 6th year attending our school this year. An unfortunate event happened over the summer that left your new classmate without a school and a home. I'm sure that you will make her feel welcome. She will be attending her first classed tomorrow. In a privet session in the Hospital Wing your new classmate has been placed in Gryffindor. Now please enjoy your meal."

Harry explained everything he knew to Hermione and Ron in the few minutes they had before their first Transfiguration lesson of the year.

They entered to classroom where Professor McGonagall was waiting for them. McGonagall motioned for everyone to find there seats. The class was smaller then usual, for not every 6th was taking N.E.W.T. level Transfigurations lessons.

"Welcome to your first N.E.W.T. lesson in my class. Since most of you have less classes then usual, this class will be extra long and I expect you all to work extra hard."

The class was certainly long but everyone had managed to get through it. Harry, Hermione and Ron were about to leave when McGonagall call Harry.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you Potter; he is in the Hospital Wing."

Harry nodded and told Ron and Hermione to go lunch without him. Hermione hesitated.

"You sure you don't want us to come with you Harry?" she asked.

"No it's Ok Hermione, maybe I will find out who that girl is, it's almost as if I have met her before, I mean before that vision." Harry replied.

Harry found Dumbledore in the Hospital wing. The girl was sitting up in bed talking with none other than Draco Malfoy himself.

"Draco, I must ask that you leave. You can come back to visit Miss Evans later after classes." Malfoy got up from his chair and did as he was told without any questions.

"See you later Draco" the girl called after him. Harry noticed she had an American accent. Malfoy just waved as he turned the corner.

"Harry, this is Aeryn Evans. Aeryn, this is Harry Potter." Dumbledore motioned for Harry to sit down. Harry nodded at the Aeryn as he sat down.

"I just wanted to thank you Harry." Aeryn said.

"For what?" Harry asked.

"For what happened over the summer, when I was attacked by," she cleared her throat then looked at Dumbledore "Voldermort. I knew you were there sharing my pain, I felt your presence. I think if you weren't there, I would have died."

"Now Harry you must listen to what I have to say. You are not going to like it. Both of you are in for a real shock." Dumbledore said as he looked at both Harry and Aeryn. "This happens to be more information that has been kept from you. I don't doubt you will be angry for being kept in the dark, but both of you must listen first, to everything I have to say."