Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate


Welcome to the second last chapter, Enjoy!

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Sirius had been desperately trying to get out of his bounds for the past twenty minutes, but to no success. All the while silently blaming himself for coming in the first place and getting caught. Their timing was very bad, they had come a day to early and was outnumbered 5 to 1. And here they were, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Mundungus, and some others from the Order caught in a web spun by one of Voldemort's spider demons. He heard a noise, someone was coming Sirius couldn't see who. The figure slowed down as he was passing by. He must have seen Aeryn on the floor. He came rushing towards Aeryn. Sirius has to strain his eyesight to see who it was.

Harry was trying not to look panicked. It had been at least twenty minutes since he felt that Aeryn was panicked herself. He had tried contacting her by she was not answering. Then he saw her on the floor face down as he was walking. He had only one set of crystals with him, but that was for the middle. From what she could see Aeryn had a nasty gash at the back of her head. Harry muttered the spell to wake her from her unconsciousness. She sat up with a start, before almost laying down again from dizziness.

`Are you alright?'

"Ah, don't do that, it hurts too much to think," Aeryn whispered.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he started to heal her wound.

"My cover's blown."

"What? How?" Harry was surprised.

"Ask your Godfather." Aeryn nodded towards Sirius. "He's supposed to be dead by my hand." Harry stood up and walked over to Sirius' cocoon.

"You don't know how happy I am that you are alive, but you have impeccable timing." Harry started pulling away the spider web.

"Harry, I'll finish that, you need to put the last set of crystals in place." Sirius' whole face was now uncovered.

"It was my cousin Bellatrix, but she doesn't know who you are." He told them. Aeryn was giving Harry one set of crystals she had with her, the other set was to be set up here.

"Don't light the candle until you get as close to that throne thing as possible."

Harry took her by the shoulders and looked her strait in the eyes, "Aeryn, I know. We've been over this thousands of times."

"Yeah and if you haven't figured out it out by now, I try to be a perfectionist. Why do you think Hermione and I get along so well? Now go!"

Harry looked at Sirius then to the rest of the captives. "I'll see you all when this nightmare of a life is over." Then he left. Aeryn continued to free Sirius. When Sirius was free he started working on the others. Aeryn, however, started setting up her crystals.

"So what's with the crystals?" Sirius asked.

"You'll see." Aeryn said with a smirk.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

When Harry returned to the lava pit room later on with his `group' the place was packed. The other five were looking around, so Harry thought it was safe enough to do the same. There were all sorts of creatures, thought most looked human. Vampires and many different looking demons. The group stood single file in front of the throne with Harry at the back. Standing at the sides of the throne stood some rather familiar people. Lestrange, McNair, and Wormtail. Harry's scar had been prickling all afternoon, but now he was starting to feel pain. Harry fought it. He was lucky that the last set of crystals he had with him didn't have to be place on the floor in any certain pattern, they just had to be on him. He had the candle up his sleeve.

Voldemort then entered the room and Harry's scar exploded with pain. Harry could also feel Aeryn taking some of the pain for him so he wouldn't blow his cover as well. Voldemort's followers then knelt and bowed in submission.

"Tonight my followers, we bring into our circle of power six new members. After performing an assigned task they are no welcome to receive the Dark Mark." Voldemort preached to the crowd, "Soon we will have enough power to crush the fool Dumbledore and be rid of that pesky Harry Potter." Voldemort's voice quieted as spoke to the six before him, "Now my new servants once you receive the Dark Mark you will under my control, you will give your will to me. You will then get your wand back."

The first one to go up was the guy who had his run in with Aeryn earlier. "Do you swear to serve me with all of you mind, body and soul?" Voldemort asked him.

"I do, Master." Voldemort took the guys left forearm and muttered a curse. The guy screamed in agony as the Dark Mark was branded into his skin. Harry cringed at the noise. One by one the other four had stepped up and was given the Dark Mark then getting their wand in return, now it was Harry's turn. Harry walked up to Voldemort got as close to the throne as he could, keeping his eyes to the ground.

`This is it!' he thought to Aeryn.

`You can do it!'

"Do you swear to serve me with all of you mind, body and soul?" Voldemort asked Harry. Harry slowly slid the candle from his sleeve.

"Never," he whispered.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

He lifted his eyes to look at Voldemort square in the eyes. "I said never!" This time yelling it. He whipped out the candle and held it before him. "Inflammatio!" The candle lit before him.

"A candle? You say `never' and light a candle." Voldemort scoffed unaware that five other candles lit at the same time. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out the Quartz Candle Crystal and held it in front of the flame. The crystal then floated in the air on it's own as Harry dropped his hand away. The other two crystals burst out of his pocket and with the third crystal started rotating around Harry. Voldemort knew what was going on and who was standing before him. "You think you can pull this off, you don't have power for it. It will only lead to your self destruction." Voldemort started laughing.

"Master wh-what should we do?" Wormtail stuttered.

"We do nothing, he will destroy himself."

The crystals were now spinning faster and faster. Harry's eyes turned black.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Just like with Harry, Aeryn's crystals were spinning around her. She held on to her candle tightly, it was already swirling with white and black itself. Her eyes were black as well. The crystals were spinning so fast that it looked like a ring of light. The Order members were staring at her in awe.

"Stay behind me!" Aeryn said to the others over the whirling sound of the crystals. Then light burst from the crystals surrounding Aeryn and the area in the ring from floor to ceiling. From where Sirius was he could see the same light coming from the middle of the main room. The light had blown away all the coloring from Aeryn's hair and now was her natural dark red.

"She looks so much like her mother," Sirius commented.

"I know," Remus said.

Aeryn then yelled out with pain as four beams of light coming from somewhere else in the cave, impaled her at the center of her chest. She dropped the candle, but it remained floating in front of her. Both Sirius and Remus held their urge to help her somehow but they knew they couldn't.

Then there was an explosion of light as Aeryn's body fell to the ground leaving what looked like her spirit form. The crystals and candle exploded into oblivion as well and the light disappeared, except for the light where they know Harry was. Spirit Aeryn then started to walk, ah, float to where Harry was. The Order members followed. When they reached the edge the group noted that there were other spirits floating towards Harry who was still engulfed in light. They could see Voldemort and practically every wizard below trying to stop Harry, but the light seemed to protect him.

The other four spirits were the founding four, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff. As they passed creatures and Wizards alike on their way to the center, the evil beings fell to the ground.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Kill him!" Voldemort roared, "How can you be this powerful, you are a mere boy not even of age."

"I am one of the heirs of Godric Gryffindor, when you tried to kill me when you killed my parents you unknowingly gave my some of your powers." Harry said. His hair had turned to normal as well, and his scar perfectly visible.

"I have a vision that one day when one heir received some of the powers of another heir that they would awaken the lost powers of the Founding Four," Rowena explained.

"Now that that has happened, my heirs now have the power to destroy you." Godric said.

"What about you?" Voldemort turned to Salazar, "I am your heir."

"You think this is what I envisioned for my `noble work.' I was young and stupid back then. I've had over a thousand years to think my actions over and I admit I was wrong. What you are doing surpassed that, you seek conquest and revenge." Salazar said in disgust.

"We do not seek revenge," Aeryn started.

"We seek justice," Harry finished.

The five spirits then joined with Harry in his ring of light, which intensified. Harry redirected the light with his hands, the beam hitting Voldemort. Voldemort was knocked back in his throne screaming in agony. The goodness of the light entered Voldemort's body, surging through him like a poison. The room was filled with an unnatural silence as the light blinded everyone, and as the light faded away all that was to been seen was Harry collapsed to his knees and the spirit Aeryn floating beside him. Everything else that was evil was gone, no trace was left that they had been there. Voldemort was no more.

Harry quickly recovered and got to his feet, turning to face spirit Aeryn.

"It's over." Harry said, "It's finally over."

Aeryn's spirit became flesh once again, her body disappearing from above, but she collapsed to the ground herself. Harry reached for her to help her up, but Aeryn waved him off.

"I'll be ok," she said catching her breath, "Go see Sirius; I know you've been dying to give him a hug hello." Harry looked up to where Sirius and the others were standing, they were cheering with happiness. Harry ran to see his godfather.

Aeryn's body hurt all over, Harry was lucky to have his healing ability because he would probably be going through what she was now. She felt like her body had been ripped into two then sewn back together. Hell that was basically what happened. It was the ultimate out of body experience anyone could have. The dark load had been lifted off her shoulders as well as Harry's. They were now free to live there life without the worry of Voldemort. Voldemort doesn't exist anymore. Aeryn climbed to her feet and was hit with dizziness. At first she thought it was normal, but her muscles started to tense up as well. There was an awful buzz inside her head; it was like the same thing she went through when a boggart or giant was near. She couldn't concentrate. She heard footsteps behind her. Before she could turn she was grabbed from behind, an arm around her neck.

"Well, it seems I've missed the party." Aeryn was petrified inside she could not move a muscle. "No matter I'll have my fun anyway." She saw a gleam of silver as a dagger flashed before her, she saw on the blade a type of seal, Oh God, Lucius Malfoy! The Malfoy seal was proudly shown, "This is for clouding my son's judgment, and for destroying my Master as well. Just so you know, all this," he whispered to her showing her the room with his dagger "was for nothing. Nothing a little time won't change; you see I'm off to the Tempus Temple. I'm going to change everything. It's a good thing my Master sent me off to see the Giants, or I wouldn't have this jar of fresh Giant's blood. I see it has the desired effect on you." Lucius moved his dagger fast and let her go. She felt no pain but felt the blood flowing down her shirt. She collapsed one final time, she couldn't move or call for help, she couldn't even saw goodbye. A single tear ran down her face as the light from her eyes disappeared.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

"Sirius!" Harry was still running as he came towards the group.

"That was brilliant Harry, how the hell so you pull that off!" Sirius said as he captured his godson in a tight bear hug.

"Just a bit of magic." Harry claimed.

"Just a bit? He had no chance!"

"I just can't believe you are alive." Harry said.

"Believe me neither could I when we saw him." Remus noted, "Thought he was a ghost. We were bloody fools to think he'd done something clumsy enough to get himself killed."

"You lucky no one got killed tonight, well except for all those who are evil. Why did you come here anyway?" Harry asked.

"I was getting batty just waiting around; we found out where this place was and thought you would be here already. But we can too early. But I'll tell you Dumbledore will have our heads." Sirius said.


"We really aren't supposed to be here. Gave us strict orders not to do anything rash." Remus said.

"Well he will probably do a lot worse to me and Aeryn. Strictly speaking we weren't supposed to be here either." They laughed at that.

"Where is Aeryn any way?" Remus asked.

"She should be here soon," Harry replied as he walked to the edge of the balcony, "That spell took a lot out of her…" his mind drifted to the body lying on the floor. Harry's heart seemed to stop as he bolted away from the others in a panic. The others were slightly confused until they saw what Harry had seen. Sirius and Remus ran after Harry.

The ground started to shake a little as Harry reached the bottom of the stairs, he didn't miss a step, he just kept running.

She was lying on her back, with blood pooled around her head and her eyes were still open. There was a dagger stuck in the ground on one side of her and a jar with a red substance on the other. Harry ran to Aeryn's side. Harry saw the deep slash to her throat. He started to heal her.

"Why isn't it working?" Harry muttered to himself, no matter how much energy he put into it the wound would not heal. Harry could feel himself starting to cry, "Come one Aeryn, you can't leave me! Why didn't you call for help, why didn't I know you were in trouble?" Harry was starting to yell at her. "I've only just found you, a year isn't enough!" Remus and Sirius came up beside Harry. Remus picked up the jar and opened it.

"Giant's blood." He said. Sirius looked at him. "Aeryn has- had magical phobia." He didn't need to say anymore Sirius knew what that was. Sirius knelt down beside Harry and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Harry, she's gone." At that the ground started to shake again.

"No she's not I have the ability to heal, she's going to be fine." Harry tried to tell Sirius and himself.

"Harry, look at me," Harry did, "She's gone, you can't help her." The ground shook harder.

"Wotcher, this place is going to blow!" Tonks called from above, "The lava's rising."

"Harry, we need to get out of here." Sirius said to him.

"I can't leave her."

"Harry, you are going to have to. All that magic has done something, we are going to be dead too if we don't get out of here. We have to go back to Hogwarts; you have to tell Hermione and Ron that you are ok. Harry we need to go now."

Lava flowed out of its pit blocking the exit. Harry saw his wand beside the throne and quickly grabbed it. But it was too late; there was nothing they could do. There was no way out. There was a flash of a bright white light as the cave underneath Sherwood Forest was destroyed. Though most of them were badly hurt the magical being that came with the white light saved them from death.

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Well only one more chapter to go, don't flame me there WILL be a sequel. So what do you think? Thank you for all of my reviews, I really appreciate them. The good and even the bad. The next chapter will be called `Because it is'