Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate





All cell doors were unlocked and open. The place was empty. No Dementors in sight. Deserted.

Hogwarts- DA meeting

People were starting to arrive for the first official DA meeting.

"So what dose the `DA' stand for anyway Potter?" Draco Malfoy asked while looking some books on the bookshelf in the Room of Requirements.

"I don't Draco, why don't you ask Harry." Draco gave her a look, "Sorry I couldn't resist."

"Well you could either call it the Defense Association, or Dumbledore's Army, take your pick Malfoy." Harry glared at Malfoy. Draco crossed his arms in a defense position.

Aeryn got between the two of them. "Hey, whoa, the tension in here is getting so thick I think I'm going to need a steak knife." With that both Harry and Draco started to laugh. It was short lived. They started to stare at each other again.

"Yes I think that this mortal enemy thing has gone on too long." Hermione added. Others looked on at the hopeful duel between Harry and Draco.

"You're only saying that cause you snogging the guy, Miss Mud-"

"Draco!" Aeryn warned.

"Sorry, old habits die hard." Draco apologized.

"Are you sure that's what they are, old. For all we know you could..." Harry started.

"Harry, that's enough." Aeryn said rubbing her temples.

"No!" Harry started again, "I don't know what you see in him, he's nothing more then a pureblood sno…"

"Enough!!" Aeryn said in a more stern voice.

"No!" Harry said again, "For once you are going to listen to me; you need to know what kind of person he is! You haven't known him that long!"

"ENOUGH!!" This time everyone flinched, for Aeryn spoke in Parceltongue. Harry looked into her eyes, they were solid black, and he could not read her thoughts. Several bookshelves exploded and people ran for cover. Aeryn then fell backwards dizzy. Draco caught her and caught her eyes slowly returning to normal.

"Aeryn are you ok?" Draco asked with concern. Aeryn sat down in a chair that materialized as she required it.

"I'm fine. You two need to learn to work together. Draco is not the `Pureblood snob' you think him to be trust me. In fact I have known him a lot longer then you have!" Aeryn looked down at the floor.

"What do you mean…" Harry started to ask.

"Not now Harry, please. I'm more concerned on what the hell just happened." Aeryn glanced at the other people and the ones that just walked in the door. "Gee, not really a good day for organized activities today huh?"

Harry looked at all the members in the DA "I'm sorry, but tonight's meeting is canceled."

There were a few moans of disappointment. Only Luna Lovegood stayed. She sat down beside Ron who was sitting in the cushion patch.

"So what did happen?" Ron asked. Aeryn looked sick. She was trembling.

"It was power," Aeryn said quietly, "A power beyond anyone's understanding. Maybe we should see Dumbledore about this."

"Has this happened before?" Draco asked, who sat on the arm of the chair Aeryn was sitting in.

"Well, what has recently been blown to bits? I felt this happen over the summer, you know with my school." She closed her eyes.

Hermione was repairing the broken bookshelves. A few good books were destroyed beyond repair. They were about to call it a night when the door burst though. In came ten Death Eaters, all dressed in black and wore masks. Harry, Ron and Draco took defensive positions around the girls, wands out. The head Death Eater stepped forward from the others, and took off his mask. There was the escaped prisoner Lucius Malfoy stood before the six students.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Lucius Malfoy observed the students. His eyes stopped and he was looking at Draco, "You'd better leave Draco, go back to you common room and I'll pretend I didn't see you here."

Draco didn't move, he stood there with his wand pointed straight at his Father.

"Draco, I said go!!" he pointed at the door. Draco moved closer to his Father.

"Father," Draco said, "Get bent!" and punched his father in the face.

Nine other Death Eaters stood in silence waiting for their leader to tell them what to do. Malfoy staggered back and revealed a bloody broken nose. He was stunned that his son, his own flesh and blood, had turned against him. Malfoy looked deep into his son's eyes and without thought and forgotten wand, he back fisted Draco across the face sending him flying across the room.

"DRACO!!" Aeryn cried out as he landed on a pile of pillows, and staggered up and rejoined the others, blood coming from his mouth. He gave Aeryn a look of reassurance that he was OK.

The Death Eater, now remembering that they had wands, raised them to start their curse. Ten bolts of green lightning hurled at the six students. For a split second they thought as one, their eyes tuned black as they watched the lightning come toward them as if in slow motion, they raised their right hand.

"Protégé!" they both yelled at the same time. It was pure instinct. A magical shield formed around Harry, Aeryn and their friends, and absorbed the killing curses. Still speaking as one they said to their friends "Get to the door!"

"But the door is still blocked." Ron noted.

"Try the back door." They said. They both turned to look behind them. A door materialized in the blink of an eye. The door looked magnificent. It appeared to be made of solid gold, with rubies outlining it. They doorknob itself was made of rubies. In the center of the door was an etching of a beautiful Lion. Luna got to the door first, she tried to open it but the knob sent a small shock into her hand.

"It won't let me open it." She said shaking her hand from the shock. The magical shield was starting to crumble as Harry and Aeryn appeared to be getting weak from this magic. The Death Eaters were still trying to break though with various curses, which was breaking the shield as well. Next Draco tried the door and received the same treatment as Luna. Ron tried, he did not, however, receive a shock, yet the door would not budge.

"Hurry!" Harry said as his connection with Aeryn was starting to break.

"It won't open!" Ron shouted.

"Move over!" Hermione said as she pointed her wand at the door knob "Allohamora!"

Instead of the door opening the knob disappeared. "Great!" Draco muttered as he kicked the door, he winced in pain as it was solid gold. Finally Harry broke the connection and went for the door. The door opened to his presence and sucked all six of them though.

Dumbledore came in just in time to see six of his students vanish though the door. They door closed behind them and disappeared itself.