Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate





He didn't know what to do, he couldn't have. Death Eaters were sometimes stupid when they had no control.

"You can't do this, you need me." He said in a panicked voice. "I will give you back what's yours. We can forget this whole thing ever happened."

Aeryn didn't say anything she just concentrated on levitating the wand. In the meantime, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione pulled out their wands. Then Bray's wand snapped in half and immediately fell to the floor and Aeryn collapsed into a nearby chair, clearly drained.

"You know very well that we cannot forget this whole thing," Aeryn finally spoke up, "but you are right about one thing, you will give back what's mine. I want all Wyndam accounts reopened, and everything back to normal. And if anything was to ever happen to me or I am unable to do my duties, everything will be transferred to Draco Malfoy." Aeryn stood up, after recovering her strength and walked over to the lawyer with her arms crossed, "And if you don't do as I say, I'll be back, and you won't be so lucky," she said with coldness in her voice that sent chills down Harry's spine. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Bray whimpered.

"Well you better get a move on, I going to Gringotts right after this. And if they deny me access to my vault, I will be making a bee-line straight here!" Bray quickly apperated to do his business.

"Bloody Hell!" Draco came through the door, wand ready, "Where'd the sodding bastard go!"

Aeryn was starting to move to walk towards Malfoy when Harry grabbed her arm. She slightly winced from the cuts on her arm, but he still held on, "What were you thinking, letting him just leave. He's a Death Eater for Merlin's sake."

"For once I actually agree with Potter, how could you just let him leave?" Draco said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I was going on a guess that the only reason he serves the Dark Lord is because of fear. I just gave him something to fear more then Voldermort, Me." She jerked her arm away from Harry's grasp, "Now if you two are done ganging up on me, thinking that I don't know what I'm doing, I would very much like to find a bathroom and clean myself up before Professor Lupin comes back."

"Aeryn, your cuts were healing" Hermione said in shock. Aeryn looked at her arms, and then felt her face. All the cuts and scraps she had gotten from flying through that door were halfway gone. Aeryn was even shocked herself. Harry got a hold of her arm again to examine her cuts, she was about to pull away again, when the cut started healing again.

"Hmmm, I wonder how that happened." Harry said, he obviously didn't realize that he was the one healing her.

"Harry for one of the smartest people at school, you can be really thick sometimes." Ron said with one of his silly grins on his face.


"You are the one that healed me," Aeryn said as Harry turned to face her, "by grabbing my arm. Thanks."

"Uh guys," Ginny said standing at the window, "Professor Lupin is coming back."

"Let's get out of here." Malfoy said. "I don't know about you, but I don't want to explain this, especially since we don't have the Death Eater to back up our story."

Everyone grabbed all their belongings and headed out the door before Lupin could reach the door.

"Everything situated?" Lupin asked doing a 180 to follow behind them.

"Uh huh" Aeryn said quickly.

"Can we get something to eat, I'm starved." Ron said.


After a delicious late breakfast to Ron delight at IHOP, the girl and guys went their separate ways. As much as Lupin tried to argue the fact that they should stick together, Hermione said that the girls needed to shop for their dresses for the Halloween dance and they weren't about to do that with the guys hanging around. Aeryn added that she knew her way around the city blindfolded.

The girls went to a muggle dress shop Aeryn knew about and bought their dresses. And after having to drag Hermione out of a book shop, and still having a couple hours left before they had to meet up with the rest of their party, they went to a place called `The Smoothie Shack' (which was really a muggle shop owned by wizards) Hermione and Ginny found a table and Aeryn went to go order their strawberry smoothies, she could get a discount because of who she was. As they were sitting enjoying their smoothies they couldn't help but over hear the conversation from the table behind them. It was a married couple, the man was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, while the woman was tall and thin, very much the opposite. They were talking about things like drills, someone named Dudley and complaints about poor service as their blueberry scones were taking forever. It was the fact that they had British accents that caught the girls' attention.

"Here are your blueberry scones Mr. Dursley. They are on the house." The waiter, if you want to call him that, said. Hermione, Ginny and Aeryn nearly choked.

"Dursley? As in…" Aeryn whispered. Hermione nodded. Aeryn's look of surprise turned into a smirk.

"Whatever it is that you are thinking of doing, don't" Hermione said.

"Don't worry Mione, they are family after all. I'm just going to talk business." Hermione gave her a look, "He works for Grunngins right? Wyndam Inc. has dabbled into muggle affaires and has done business with the American branch of Grunngins here in New York. We buy drills from them, don't ask me why." With that she walked over to the table where the Dursley's sat and put on her `I come from a rich family and you are beneath me' face.

"Mr. Dursley it is so good to finally meet you. I have heard a lot about you. I've heard you are one of the top sellers at the Grunngins in Surrey. Aeryn Wyndam" She introduced herself, holding out her hand. From the look on Vernon Dursley's face, the name `Wyndam' was highly respected, from people like Dursley anyway.

Vernon shook her hand and gestured for her to sit at their table. He had a huge grin on his face like he won the lottery. Petunia Dursley on the other hand was white-faced and tight-lipped in utter shock. "Hope you've only heard good things about me." He said.

Aeryn matched his grin, "You wish!" Vernon's grin fell. Aeryn turned to Petunia, "What's the matter, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Whatever you may have heard, I'm sure it's not true." Vernon said.

"Not true? Is it not true that you have kept your nephew in a closet under your stairs for ten years!!?"

Vernon Dursley looked baffled. "How could you possibly know that?"

Hermione and Ginny decided to join in.

"Is it not true that all my boyfriend had for clothes were hand me downs from your son, who by the way is the size of a baby whale."

"Is it not true that you hated my brother's best friend?"

"Is it not true that you think my brother, and the rest of us for that matter, are `freaks'?"

"I don't know who you are but you better leave us alone." Vernon said.

"She looks just like her it's scary." Petunia finally spoke up.

"I've been told that." Aeryn said looking over at Petunia, "But I do have my father's eyes." She looked back at Vernon, "This summer when my brother, Harry, comes to stay in the hell you call a home, I'd better not hear that you have been mistreating him in anyway."

"He can't use that bloody piece of wood he does freakish things with over the summer and I bet neither can you. So I bet you can't do anything, when I make his life a living hell." He said standing up. Aeryn stood up also and was slightly higher then him with her boots on.

"No we can't use magic over the summer that is until July 31st, our birthday. But I wasn't planning to threaten you with magic." She moved closer to him looking down at him speaking in a cold, low tone, "When Grunngins asks me why Wyndam Inc. decided to stop buying drills, I'll tell them, that's right I will tell them, that I met an employee, and I didn't like him very much, and I don't think my company should buy anything from a place that hires people like you. What do you think they would rather do?"