Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




The moon was full. She sat by the lake night after night for the past month. It was October and the night was getting cold. The werewolf howled in the distance. He watched her. He was never close enough to be noticed but he was there. They had not spoken to each other since that Saturday afternoon. Not one word. It was unbearable, for neither of them could stop thinking about each other.

The lake shimmered as the moonlight glided across it. There was not color; everything was a different shade of grey. She always felt his presence when he followed her to the lake, not getting to close hoping not to be discovered. It had gone on long enough. She didn't want this to go on any longer. No more awkward glances. No more avoiding. She wanted to look into his eyes and know that he loved her no matter what.

He came closer then usually tonight. She wondered if her being reckless or daring. She watched a shooting star on the reflection of the lake. She closed her eyes a made a wish. When she opened her eyes, she found the courage to speak.

"It's about time." She said. He was standing eight feet behind her at least.

"What did you wish for?" he asked as he moved closer.

"A miracle." She replied.

"And when do you expect this miracle?" He asked as he sat down beside her.

"I was hoping you would know." She said as she turned to look at him.

"He doesn't know does he?" he asked her.

"Not a clue. It's hard to keep it from him." She said.

"So the rumor is true?" He asked as he looked into her eyes.

She nodded, "I think I will go crazy, if I don't get this empathic connection with him under control."

"I'm sorry." He said looking toward the lake.

"It's going to be hard," she said, "There is a lot of stuff we need to work though."

"I know." He said quietly. She moved closer to him. He looked at her.

"Do you think we could, just skip that part, and like be kissing right now?" she asked and for the first time in a month they both smiled with real happiness as they passionately kissed under the moonlight.


The next day was a Saturday. The only thing occupying the schedule was Quidditch practice. For the past month it was just the four of them; Harry, Hermione, Ron and Aeryn. Other then a certain Slytherin, Dumbledore and Lupin, they were the only one who knew of the twinship of Harry and Aeryn. Not even McGonagall knew.

Ron and Aeryn were walking in the front as Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand in the back. They walked the halls toward the Quidditch pitch. Aeryn was very happy; it showed on the outside as well as in her thoughts.

"You know you need to lower your thoughts a few decibels." Harry called towards Aeryn.

"Why Harry I didn't know you knew such muggle words." Aeryn said briefly looking back the watched where she was going. Harry rolled his eyes, Hermione laughed.

"Don't change the subject." He said. "It's very annoying when I'm thinking about Hermione, classes, Hermione, homework, Hermione, Quidditch, Hermione, then all of a sudden Malfoy pops into my brain. It's such a turn off. I have to start the whole thinking process all over again."

"Gee, I didn't know." Aeryn said with a smirk, "Try not to hurt you self." Ron burst out laughing. Soon enough all for of them were laughing.

When they got to the locker room the rest of the team was waiting. On the floor was a big box addressed to the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"What's this?" Harry asked.

"Oh I ordered new Quidditch uniforms for the team. The old ones were so tattered." Aeryn said. Harry was about to thank her but she held up her hand "I don't want you to thank me I expect you all to pay me back. This stuff doesn't come cheap you know."

Everyone agreed to pay her back as they opened the box. Inside where the crimson Gryffindor robes, each with a last name in gold lettering on the back. Harry pulled out the one that said `POTTER' it was pretty obvious that is was not going to fit, because it was a couple of sizes to small.

"Ah, Aeryn," he held up the robe, "I don't think this is going to fit."

Aeryn took the robe from Harry, "That because it's not yours." She handed him that last robe that came out of the box. It also said `POTTER'


"I thought it was about time you weren't the only `Potter' around. It is the name on my birth certificate. At least I think it is." She smiled. The other teammates were a little puzzle, with the exception of Ron.

"You sure you want the whole world to know?" He asked her. She nodded. "What about Malfoy?"

"We already discussed it. He's fine with it. He loves me for who I am, not who I'm related to."

Natalie McDonald spoke up. "Well I feel like the odd one out."

Harry realized that Natalie was the only one that didn't share her last name with anyone on the team. "Whoever's commenting this year will have a mouthful to say. He or she will have to use our first names as well. Hey Aeryn you don't think you could distract Malfoy while I find the snitch could you?"

"Harry!" Hermione punched him one in the arm.

"I was only joking." He said rubbing his arm.

"Hey guys?" Ginny said, "I don't mean to interrupt but what the hell is going on?"

"Aeryn is Harry's twin sister." Ron replied to her.

"But, how?" Ginny asked.

"Long story, we'll tell ya later, right now I want to try out my new broom." Aeryn said as she picked up the second package that was near the box. She opened it up; the broom was similar to the Nimbus 2001 series. On the handle were to letters `SB.'

"What does the `SB' stand for?" Ron asked.

"It's the new `Sonic Boom'" she said "It's the newest model. It's not even advertised yet."

"How'd you scrape the Galleons for that?" Ginny asked, "It must cost a fortune."

"Actually I had called the Quidditch shop in New York to order my broom when they said that there was a broom on hold for me already. Frank must have bought this for my birthday." She said studying the detail of the broom.

"Who's Frank?" Harry asked.

"Well I wasn't raised by baboons for 16 years. Frank is, uh, was my guardian. He was the potions master at my school. And we all know what happened to my school." She said.

I thought Dumbledore said she was given to muggles, Harry thought.

"He probably got his info wrong, I'm pretty sure Frank isn't a muggle." She said answering his thought.

"If you thought hearing each other's thoughts was bad." Hermione started "You should be on the outside, not having a clue as to what the heck was thought."

"Sorry Mione." Harry looked at his watch, "I think it's safe to said that practice has been splotched today."

"I'm sorry Harry." Aeryn apologized

"It's ok; you can make it up to me by letting my kick your butt at the DA meeting." Harry said.

"Not a chance Potter." She said with a smiled. "Draco has decided to join the club; I might let you have a go at him."