Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




"I have never treated someone with Magical Phobia before." Madame Pomfrey was pacing, trying to think of what to do. "I have no idea where to start." Aeryn was sitting up in one of the beds in the Hospital Wing, still catatonic. She didn't even blink.

"What about a Mandrake Potion?" Hermione suggested, she shrugged "It almost looks like she's petrified."

"She's not petrified." Draco inquired.

"Why are still here anyway?" Harry asked "It's not like you are really needed here." Harry was trying everything possible to keep that Malfoy away from his sister. Draco got up and smirked.

"Fine by me, I think that she'd want me to take notes for her in Potions this afternoon. You know how she is, almost as good of a bookworm as Granger is. Almost." With that he walked out passing Dumbledore as he walked in "Call me when you want her catatonic free!" Malfoy's footsteps where heard only a few seconds before they disappeared.

"Albus thank Merlin you're here, did you find any books?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

"I have found no books containing any information on Magical Phobia; I dare say that if we had any Miss Granger would have found it already. However I have a few ideas of my own that might interest you three." He looked at Harry, Hermione and Ron. "We might need some clues as to what Miss Potter is thinking about, maybe there is a theme to her thoughts that might tell us what the key is to unlocking her brain, to let her out of her mind. I know of a spell, it requires 3 people and a spell caster."

They found an empty classroom and cleared the furniture. Only a chair remained in the middle of the room. They sat Aeryn on the chair; they placed five white, lit candles in a circle around her. Harry sat cross-legged on the floor within the circle. Hermione sat on Aeryn's right, Ron her left. Dumbledore stood behind Aeryn outside the circle. Dumbledore was muttering the spell under his breath waving his wand in the correct positions. Inside the circle wind swirled about as a bright light blinded them. They felt a little dizzy. Then with a flash the light and wind was gone. The candles went out and Harry, Hermione and Ron lay on the floor as if in a deep sleep. A beam of light emitted from Aeryn's forehead, separated into three beams, one going into each of the sleeping student's forehead.

They were in some kind of woods. The trees were tall. Harry, Hermione and Ron looked around confused.

"Where are we?" Ron asked.

"I think we're…we're inside Aeryn's mind." Hermione said.

Suddenly they hear a big explosion. The trio ran in the direction of the explosion. They found themselves on top of a cliff. There looking over the cliff was Aeryn.

"Aeryn?" Harry called. No response.

"Harry I don't think she can hear you. We are in a memory." Hermione said she pointed to the dirt road about twenty meters to there left were a sign stood. It said `WELCOME TO HOLIC ACADEMY BRIDGE OUT OF ORDER' "This was her old school." They peered over the cliff. There in a canyon was a castle, a little smaller then Hogwarts, in ruins as if it just exploded.

"Hence the explosion." Ron said "Bloody hell, she really did a number on the school."

They heard someone laugh as the black-eyed Aeryn turned to face the group of people that arrived behind her. She gasped and stumbled backwards. She slipped a started to go over the edge, but the laughing man magiced her to safety.

"You did well, Frank was right; you will be a most powerful servant." Voldermort laughed again. The Death Eaters stood behind their Master. Harry, Ron and Hermione could do noting but watch.


They were outside a mansion. It was night.

"Ok what was that all about?" Ron asked. "And where are we now?"

Then they saw two hooded figures walk towards the entrance of the mansion. The trio followed. One of the men was shorter then the other and the tall on had a walking stick.

The tall one knocked on the door with his walking stick. As the trio got closer to the hooded men the door swung open.

"Ah, Master Malfoy, welcome once again to Wyndam Manor. Master Wyndam is in the lounge. May I take you cloaks?" The Butler welcomed.

"Malfoy." Harry whispered under his breath.

"I've read about Windom Family. They are the American version of the Malfoys. Probably Death Eaters." Hermione said as they went inside the mansion.

"Ok but what are we doing here? Aren't we supposed to be inside Aeryn's mind?" Ron asked.

The question was answered as Draco Malfoy handed the Butler his cloak. Aeryn came running down the Grand staircase.

"Are they here?" She saw Draco and grinned from ear to ear. "I wasn't sure if you were coming."

Draco was walking up the stairs to meet her half way. "What, and miss your Birthday? I think not. I would rather face a dragon then not come at least once every summer." They reached the top of the stairs. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed. Aeryn peered over the ledge and called at the butler.

"Altair, a Boggart just moved into my dressing room, can you be a dear and take care of it for me?" then she and Draco walked into a huge room, it wasn't a bedroom, yet a lot of what looked like Aeryn's belongings were there. There was a desk with a computer on top of it. Five brooms were mounted on the wall, and a TV was on, tuned to the MTV channel. "So how is everyone's favorite boy wizard?"

"Alive and well." He answered.

"And how is my favorite boy wizard?" she asked him as she sat down on the couch.

"Quidditch deprived." He answered.

"Flirt much?" Hermione said.

Draco was about to say something when Aeryn motioned for him to be quiet. She stood up and walked over to a bookshelf. She pulled out what appeared to be a shoebox, from the top shelf. The box had tons of doodles all over it. She opened it and pulled out a rugged crystal, the size of a baseball and placed it at the base of one of the walls in the room. She pulled out more crystals and placed them around the room. She then closed the door and places the tenth crystal at the base of the door. As soon as she placed the crystal light came out from it and created a type of force field around the room. "There," she said, "All listening charms are off line."