Unofficial Portkey Archive

Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch

Twist of Fate




The summer went by rather quickly for Harry; he got his O.W.L. results and scraped just enough of them to get into all the classes he needed to take to be an Auror. He had spent the month of August at the Burrow. It was better there them at Sirius's house. He didn't need the constant reminder that Sirius was dead. Harry had sort of a project to keep him busy, to think of a new Quidditch program to train five new rookies for the upcoming Quidditch season now that he was captain. Seeing that as of right now there were only two spots on the team that were occupied the Keeper and the Seeker. Ron and Hermione helped too though Hermione obviously wanted to read a book instead.

"It's amazing that most of the team were in the same year" Hermione stated. "I don't think I noticed that before."

"Well that's a first." Ron piped in.

"Oh shut up Ron." Hermione said, "I don't everything you know."

"Do you think I should owl Oliver Wood for his advise on how to do this? I have no idea how to identify a good beater of chaser if one danced around in front of me." Harry said.

"Why don't you guys worry about that when the time comes? Its summer holidays, you should relax." Hermione suggested.

"And what do you suggest we do??" Ron asked.

"Read a book!!" this time it was Harry who spoke up.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Hermione said with a smile. However Hermione's smile faded when Harry added.

"You got any good Quidditch books?"


It was now September 1st and everyone was on the Hogwarts Express.

"This year is going to be very quiet with Fred and George gone." Ron said.

"Yeah and thing keep going downhill from there." Harry said as Draco Malfoy entered the compartment.

"I would turn around and walk away if I were you Malfoy." Harry said as he turned to look out the window. Harry really didn't want to fight with anyone at the moment and Malfoy would be sorry if he had to.

Malfoy was about to say something, like maybe lousy remark Harry couldn't tell, but then he started to shut the door.

"See you later then Potter." Malfoy said with no trace of anger in his voice. Harry looked at Malfoy as he went out of sight. Everyone in the compartment looked puzzled.

"What was that all about?" Hermione said quietly.

"Darn," Ron said, "And I wanted to practice a new hex Bill taught me."

Time rolled on as the train headed for its destination. Day became night as Hogsmade station came into view. As the trio was exiting the train Harry had a strange feeling that someone was watching him. Harry looked around then shrugged off the idea, his mind was just playing trick he told himself. Harry was still looking around, as they walked toward the carriages, trying to find someone who probably wasn't there.


Harry looked at his friends who were waiting for him to get in the carriage.

"Sorry" Harry mumbled as he climbed inside. Harry forced himself to smile to assure Ron and Hermione that was nothing was wrong.

"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing" Harry replied.

"Don't tell us `nothing.'" Ron said, "Blimey, you don't just walk right past Hagrid as if you didn't see him. I mean he's kinda hard to miss."

"I don't know" Harry said as he looked out the window, "I just had this strange feeling that someone was watching us."

"It's probably nothing Harry just you imagination." Hermione said trying to think positively.

"Maybe." Harry mumbled.

Students were pouring into the Great Hall. The enchanted sky above them filled with floating candles and blazing stars forming familiar constellations. Everyone was seated at their proper house tables for nearly ten minutes before Professor McGonagall lead a group of small, scared looking first years. McGonagall placed the three legged stool in front of the head table where the teachers sat and place the ragged old hat onto of it. The hat moved and the rip near the brim of the hat spoke:

"Once again I welcome you,

To this magnificent hall,

Where I am quite sure,

Most of you will have a ball.

Another year I sit before you,

To sing my little song,

I will reach into your thought,

And tell you where you belong,

Shall I place you in Ravenclaw?

Are you smart and full of wit?

Or shall I place you Slytherin,

Where the Gryffindor's will think you snobby gits.

Speaking of Gryffindor,

Are you loyal and brave?

Or shall you go in Hufflepuff,

Where your common room looks like a cave.

I must say I had a lot of fun,

Thinking up this rhyme,

I only hope you will unit,

Given a little time."

Applause broke out among three of the house tables. The Slytherins obviously didn't like being called `snobby gits'. The names of the first year were called out and everyone was sorted. Harry observed all the new Slytherins. He noticed that Malfoy was not there, nor was he anywhere in the great hall. Harry ate slowly; he wasn't that hungry even though he had hardly eaten anything all day. For some reason he a has a sneaky suspicion that something was going to happen, and with Malfoy not present at the feast, it made Harry feel even more uneasy.

Harry was drinking some pumpkin juice when he felt a sharp pain in his arm. It was like a bludger had struck there and his are had broken. Harry moved his arm to make sure it wasn't. It moved just fine, but the pain lingered. Harry excused himself from the table and walked slowly out the great hall. As soon as he was out of sight from the entrance of the great hall Harry broke into a slight jog down a number a corridors as if something was drawing him to a certain place. As he approached the moving staircases he saw two people. One was lying on the floor as if she fell down the stairs, and the second was trying to calm her down, Malfoy was trying to calm her down. As Harry got closer he saw that the girl had a broken arm. She looked terrible, she had on a white tank top and some jean shorts, both were ripped. She had many cut and bruises on arms, legs and face and she looked like she had been traveling for days. Harry thought her face looked familiar. It was too familiar; it was the face that haunted him in his two week coma. She was the girl who was in his vision; she was the one who was tortured.

Malfoy turned and faced Harry then snapped at him, "Don't just stand there Potter, go get Madame Pomfey!"