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Black, White and Red by Barmy_old_Codger

Black, White and Red


Disclaimer: Any characters you recognize from the first 6 books in the Harry Potter series by J K Rowling belong to the aforementioned J K Rowling. I am simply playing with them for my amusement, and to see what kind of reaction I can get.

(15) A Good Sleep

"Let's go for a walk, there's an outdoor café that's not far from here."

They took their wands and Harry put some muggle money in his wallet. When they left Harry locked the house, Hermione took him the long way, showing him where some of the kids she knew from school lived. She couldn't really call them friends, classmates was the best she could call them. For the most part they teased her and made fun of her studious ways so she had no patience for them.

They walked, they talked, had coffee and walked some more. They decided not to have a group name as long as everybody agreed and Harry suggested seven silver rings charmed like the galleons for the DA. Hermione thought that instead of just Harry's being able to send messages, they should all be charmed the same, that way any ring can broadcast a message to all the others. They would include McGonagall in the horcrux secret and give her a ring so she would be able to call them and keep track of them. They confirmed between themselves that they were going back to school, though privately the horcruxes were their prime concern, not classes. On the way back home, Hermione led Harry to a small neighbourhood jewellery store where she found a selection of old puzzle rings that the shopkeeper said were popular in the seventy's. She picked out seven different ones and Harry paid for them. They arrived home a few minutes after Dan and Emma, having sorted out a rough schedule for Friday that with the inevitable questions and further explanations would probably get them well into the next day. If the Professor could start them on Animagus lessons they would probably be busy for the whole weekend.

Once in the house Dan and Emma separated the pair. Dan took Harry to the living room while Emma and Hermione went to the kitchen.


In the Living Room …

Dan sat across from Harry before starting to speak. "Emma told me what's been going on the last couple of nights. She explained the reasons for it and that you didn't even know Hermione had slipped into bed with you until the morning. Emma has tried her best to convince me to accept it. I want you to consider this from my point of view, a teenage boy, sleeping in the same bed with my teenage daughter. Under circumstances that I would consider normal, muggle normal, I would likely want to kill you. For now, I want to hear from you what your intentions are towards my daughter."

"Sir … Hermione and I are already magically linked to each other. It's not a spell that someone cast, it's just that we are uniquely compatible in a magical sense and we love each other deeply as well. I have no doubt we will eventually get married. If she is happy or sad … upset or excited, I can feel it in my mind. If she were to be hurt, I would know in an instant. If I were to hurt her, I would feel that hurt too. It is a double edged sword, as long as Hermione is happy, I am happy, if she is sad or upset, then I want to find out why."

"My intention, by or at the end of the school year, is to ask Hermione to marry me, do I have your blessing … Dad?"

"You … the two of you, are nothing like a normal teenagers are you?" He asked rhetorically, "I have some concerns, however, it's apparent that you two are somehow meant for each other. Yes you have my blessing, all I ask is that any babies come no less than nine months after the wedding.

Harry's concern immediately changed to elation as he thanked Dan.


Meanwhile in the kitchen …

"Mum, what's going on?"

"Your father was in a state all day … I pity his patients and what they must have had to put up with."

"Merlins Beard … what's he saying to Harry?"

"I have no idea pumpkin, can you tell what's going on in Harry's head?"

"Even this distance makes it more difficult to get into his mind. His emotions are easy to find … he's nervous … concerned … I'm starting to get his thoughts … He's concerned about me … He's thrilled … OH MY GOD!." She yelled as she ran from the kitchen startling her mother.


Back in the Living Room …

Harry was thanking Dan as Hermione ran into the room screaming and pounced on her father, hugging and kissing him several times while thanking him before climbing onto Harry's lap, kissing and hugging him too.

Emma ran in shortly after Hermione, confused as to why she was screaming, kissing an hugging Dan and Harry all of a sudden. "Hermione Jane, what's going on here?"

"That's what I'd like to know?" asked Dan.

"Harry just asked me to marry him and dad said it was okay." Screamed a crying Hermione, then with a little less enthusiasm she said, "well it was a little more complicated than that." And she kissed Harry again.

Emma responded, "I heard nothing of this in the kitchen, will someone please explain?"

"Harry told me he intended to ask our daughter to marry him at the end of the school year, then asked for my blessing. We weren't talking loud enough to be heard in the kitchen, how Hermione found out I have no idea." Responded Dan.

Emma responded, "she was trying to sense what was going on out here, trying to monitor Harry's feelings, and thoughts too I think."

Harry finally broke off the kiss so he could speak through a mop of brunette hair that was covering his face. "You've heard of mind reading?" he asked.

"Yes, they are in theatres from time to time." Said Dan.

"Well … they are probably wizards who've learned Legilimency. Legilimency is magic that allows a wizard, or witch, to see another persons' memories … to actually follow you in your memories, like a shadow." Said Harry. "Normally eye contact is required for Legilimency to work, apparently we can do it without the eye contact … at least between the two of us. "This reminds me Miss Granger," he emphasized, "I think I deserve an apology for that."

"You're right Harry … I'm sorry, I promised not to do that … I was concerned about what was going on in here … are you mad at me?"

Harry let out a sigh, before saying, "If I was mad, you would know, but you ruined the big moment … it will never come as the romantic surprise it should have been.

"I'm sorry." Hermione said again. Harry gave her a squeeze and a nuzzle, accepting her apology.

"Our ability to see into each others minds is probably connected to our ability to sense each others feelings … which is more like an awareness of how or what the other is feeling." Said Harry. We are already connected far closer than any normal marriage ceremony could hope to do.

"I thought Emma and I had a good connection," said Dan, "A good understanding of each other."

"We do dear," replied Emma, "I don't know if I could get used to the way they can share their feelings … though it would be interesting to find out.

"Two things, if I may," said Harry, "first … Hermione and I are going back to Hogwarts in the morning, most likely returning Sunday, then I have to spend Monday night at Privet Drive. Second, if it doesn't interfere with your plans, I'd like to take us out for supper. I'm sure you know someplace we could go … I'll let the three of you work it out … I'll be back shortly."

Harry went to his room to put the rings away and got some more muggle money out of the pouch Ragnok gave him, to replenish his muggle wallet.


Sometime after they returned from supper, they were all sitting in the living room and Emma asked, "Is it possible for your father and me to visit your school sometime?"

Hermione looked at Harry as he looked at her, then they heard Hedwig tapping at the window across the room from them. Harry went to let Hedwig in, leaving Hermione to field the question. She put an image of a chicken into his mind as he was opening the window, causing him to laugh and spook Hedwig, so she flew over to Hermione instead.

This gave Hermione the excuse to open the reply from McGonagall, leaving Harry to respond to her parents.

"If I remember correctly, the castle is magically protected so that you would only see a pile of rubble, mostly rock, and a 'Danger Keep Out' sign. I think also that there is another enchantment that will cause you to suddenly remember an important appointment somewhere else and thus turn away." Replied Harry. "Let me … us … talk to the Headmistress and see what can be arranged, other muggle parents have visited. I'm thinking maybe Sunday, and if we're finished early we'll have some time to spend with you before we all come back."

"That sounds wonderful." Said Dan and Emma together.

The conversation wound down from that point and everyone retired to their own rooms. Even though Harry hadn't known until the following mornings, that Hermione had been in the same bed with him two nights out of the last three, he still felt that something was wrong or missing and he had trouble falling asleep. He rolled over and that's when he could smell a faint trace of her scent in the quilt and sheets on her side … 'her side' he thought. He relaxed for a minute trying to sense Hermione's feelings and found that she too was feeling much the same. She was missing the regular thumping of his heart and the constant rise and fall of his chest, but most of all the Harry smell, his scent. He was never in her bed so there wasn't even a faint trace of him in the sheets or pillow to satisfy her cravings.

Harry could sense what she was missing and had an idea. He tried to project the idea across to her, though he only managed to send her enough of the idea to get her to meet him in the hall. Harry, dressed only in his boxers and carrying the shirt he wore all day met a puzzled Hermione in the hall. She quickly caught on and her top flew over to her hand, they exchanged garments, kissed, hugged and returned to their rooms. Each had a token of the other and the comforting scent to help them fall asleep.

In the morning Harry met Dan and Emma in the kitchen as they were about to leave. They said their 'good mornings' and Emma asked Harry, "Have a good sleep?"

"Yes," he replied, "Although it felt like something was missing at first and I couldn't figure it out for a while. When I did I was able to solve the problem and get a very good sleep."

"And my Pumpkin?" asked Dan.

"Still asleep, must be a happy dream." He said. Definitely a good dream he thought to himself as her parents left for their office.

Harry busied himself making coffee and toast. With the toast eaten and coffee in hand he went outside to watch the sunrise. Before the sun was clear of the horizon she had joined him, sitting beside him she gave him a quick kiss as she took his coffee cup. After warming the coffee she took several sips before giving it back, saying, "Good Morning."

"Good morning to you my love." He replied before inquiring, "Care to tell me what dream was making you so happy this morning?"

"How do you know I was having a dream?"

"You were too pleased to be just sleeping."

"Let's say that if you don't pry right now, it will be to your benefit later."

"I know when to shut it." He replied, "Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Where did you come up with the idea to exchange clothes?" she asked.

"I was lying there, restless, thinking there was something I was missing. I couldn't come up with any idea what was missing. I rolled over onto the pillow and quilt that you had slept on and immediately I smelled you, your scent, it was faint, but it was there … and I knew that was what I was missing."

She leaned over and hugged him. "When you came out dressed only in your boxers," she started and they both blushed, "I was really confused until I saw the shirt your hand was offering. As I was summoning my top, I was thinking I might try to swap for the boxers." She said as she put her hands over her face and turned a bright shade of red.

Harry prised her hands open and kissed her before she relaxed enough to open her eyes and look at him. He said, "Next time." They both laughed and hugged again.

During breakfast she asked him if he had read Dumbledore's letter, to which he replied, "No." She suggested he read it in case there is anything they need to know before opening the trunk.

"We should expand and open it now, in case there's anything we don't want the others to see." Suggested Harry.

"Don't you mean you should open it?" Questioned Hermione.

"I'm trying to think 'We' as in 'Us', and I don't think there will be anything I want to hide from you. You have as much idea what's in there as I do … if you'd prefer I open it alone that's fine. I'd like to have you with me."

"I'd love to be with you … I thought you might want some privacy … with pictures … and mementos of your parents."

After breakfast they went up to Harry's room, he pulled out the letter and they sat on the bed to read it.


Dear Harry

Much of your family history is unknown to you and I have allowed it to remain so. More of it will become clear as you come of age on your 17th birthday. For now you need to know that the Potter family is descended from Godric Gryffindor as was I, however your fathers side also has some Hufflepuff blood in it. Your mother, although muggle born, her family had some Ravenclaw blood in it and possibly another magical bloodline that was too weak for me to recognize. That puts in you the bloodlines of at least three of the four founders of Hogwarts. Your magical signature shows characteristics of all four founders, possibly due to the transfer of magical powers from Voldemort to you when he died trying to kill you as a baby.

As with the Chamber of Secrets there are other legendary rooms in the castle. One of those legends speaks of a Founders Room. To be able to find it, legend says you need a combination of raw magical power, the blood of all four founders and love for others. I am thinking that the room is not going to be looking for your blood so much as for the magical signature of the four founders. Legend says it contains vast magical knowledge amongst other things. Old and ancient magic I am sure, things that have long since been forgotten. I suspect Tom was trying to find this room, and, by his actions against you, it may now be accessible to you and through you to your friends. There is a book in the Headmasters Library titled 'The Legends of Hogwarts Castle' that will give you all the known information and speculation. I have added some entries of my own in it on other topics.

The key I believe is going to be 'love', Harry, something Tom Riddle could never understand. I believe that once you find someone to love, and that love is returned and openly acknowledged, you and your future mate will enjoy a bonding of mind and magic that the world has not seen in many centuries.

You have the desire and drive to succeed, you always have had that. You need only the love of someone with and for whom to succeed, and the confidence to pull it off. With love will come power, the power, with training will inspire confidence. All that coupled with a good plan will defeat Tom finally and for all time.

The trunk was your Fathers, I used it to pack up what I could after your parents death. I put in the trunk what I thought were the most important treasures and all the memories they had saved. I also stored my memories of you and your parents as well as all the memories I collected of Tom Riddle. In the trunk. The vials are, I hope, adequately labelled.

Trust your friends and keep them near, you will need them. Live your life, find true love and make new friends. If you put those things off, then Voldemort has already won.

Good luck with your task and my best wishes for the rest of your life.



Hermione didn't say anything until they had both finished reading. "Magical signatures, blood lines, secret chambers, ancient magic, a book, friends … and love." She said, "We have a lot to find and do, but most importantly … you … we, have to live our lives. In all this mess … WE … have to make time for each other … or the love is put at risk."

"I haven't felt this hopeful, this good … this optimistic that things will turn out alright since I can remember … and you're the reason … I love you."

"And I love you." She responded softly as they fell backwards and rolled towards each other into a one handed hug on Harry's bed. "Control." She whispered just before they kissed.

Harry's tongue was the first to search her lips for an opening as their free hands made space between them.

Her hand found its way from his waist, up and over his ribs, across his well muscled chest, over his collar bone and around his neck as she let his tongue part her lips and explore her mouth.

His hand made its way from her waist to her belly button, then up the middle of her chest before moving sideways to cup her right breast as her tongue found its way into his mouth. She moaned into his mouth as his thumb moved in slow circles trying to find her nipple and tease it until it hardened.

Control … control, she thought to herself … she tried to push that thought into his mind too. She knew she was going to loose it in a moment if he didn't let up and break the action.

Harry could feel her passion building and he knew his was growing too. He was able to sense the point when he thought she was going to loose her control … and he broke the kiss while moving his hand away from her breast, up and around her neck.

They lay there looking at each other until they caught their breath, their rapidly beating hearts returning to near normal.

"Love you." He croaked.

She snickered at the rasp in his voice before replying, "Love you too." In a breathless whisper.

"We should take a quick look in the trunk and then get going." Harry said.

"Mmmhhhmmmm." She droned, still savouring the moment, not yet ready to consider moving. Harry could sense that she was still near her 'high' and so he remained … motionless except for resting his forehead to hers. Once she had absorbed all the pleasure she could out of the moment, she gave him a quick kiss on his nose, giggled, slowly rolled back and sat up.

Hermione reached out and took Harry's hand. "For the longest time … I thought you weren't interested in me." She whispered, "I gave up hoping … and now I'm so happy."

"One day we need to take a look backwards and see where we went so wrong in the past. Right now I think we're running late so lets open the trunk." He said as he took the trunk out of his bag and placed it on the floor.

He backed away from the trunk to join her at the bed and she cast a 'finite' charm to restore the trunk to its previous size. They moved forward to unlatch and open the lid. The top layer contained boxes and more boxes of small crystal bottles, each with a silver thread that was the memory. There were labels on each bottle, some more detailed than others. They read a few labels: 'Harry's First Birthday', 'Harry & James Flying', 'Sirius, Remus & Harry', 'Slughorn & Riddle', 'Ogden & Morfin'. Harry made a mark on the box the last two came out of and they moved all the boxes aside. With the boxes removed it became obvious the trunk had been enlarged significantly. There was almost everything imaginable in there from paintings and wizard photographs to broadswords and armour, clothes, books and tucked in a corner were two wand boxes. Harry pulled them out, then fumbled them, almost dropping them. Hermione took the wand boxes from his shaking hands and tried to comfort him with a hug. Harry cried on her shoulder for a few minutes before raising his head. Hermione brought her hands up to position his face so she could kiss him, and with her thumbs, wiped away the remains of his tears.

She whispered, "I'll put it all away and we can leave." She knew he would need help going through all the treasures and memories that Albus packed into that trunk. She would be there to help him, she was always there for him before … and now she knew she always would be there for Harry. They belonged to each other now … and they always would.

She repacked the trunk, carefully putting the wand boxes back in their corner. With everything that came out, back in, she shrunk their bags of clothes to put in the trunk with the shrunk pensieve that was already in Harry's bag. Finally she shrunk the trunk and put it in her pocket.

Hermione pocketed both their wands, and pinned his Headboy badge on him … then summoned Fawkes. In a moment Fawkes appeared and took them to The Burrow. Ron, Luna, Ginny, Neville and Molly were sitting at the table waiting for them as they walked through the kitchen door. Fawkes flew in and perched on an empty chair beside Luna then looked her in the eyes. Luna immediately got up and Helped Hermione steer Harry to a chair and sit him down.

"What happened to him?" Asked Ron.

"I told him I was pregnant." Replied Hermione.