Unofficial Portkey Archive

Black, White and Red by Barmy_old_Codger

Black, White and Red


Disclaimer & Author's Notes

Disclaimer: Any characters you recognize from the first 6 books in the Harry Potter series by J K Rowling belong to the aforementioned J K Rowling. I am simply playing with them for my amusement, and to see what kind of reaction I can get.

A/N - Thanks to all who reviewed, I appreciate your comments, check your reviews for my replies and have a Happy New Year.

A/N #2 - Question: is this story bogging down in too much detail? too much conversation? Here we are at chapter 4 and still it is DAY 1 and it will be until the end of chapter 5. The next 9 or 10 days will average about 2½ chapters each if they follow the current plan.

(4) Privet Drive

"The Aurors that are guarding King's Cross would probably overreact if we just apparated in there, so I'm sending Fawkes ahead with a note to Kingsley or Tonks to let them know we will be arriving shortly. Fawkes will return when Kingsley or Tonks indicates to him that it's safe."

"Professor," said Harry. "I've never been to Hermione's home and she's never been to Privet Drive. Apparition can only take us to somewhere we've been or seen before. How can I go directly to Hermione's home?"

"Fawkes can take you just about anywhere. Simply picture Hermione in your mind and Fawkes will take you to wherever she is. If there are Muggles present, such as Hermione's parents, and Fawkes doesn't know them, you may end up in an empty room, or outdoors until Fawkes has met the Muggles. Fawkes is smart enough not to apparate in front of Muggles unless he knows they are safe."

With a small red flash Fawkes appeared and flew to McGonagall's shoulder. "Alright, if you've got everything, each take a hand and we'll go."

Another larger flash of red and the three apparated to King's Cross Station, Platform 9¾. They appeared right between Kingsley and Tonks who were standing about five meters apart on the far side of the platform.

"Good timing, I can see the train coming," said Tonks.

"Welcome," said Kingsley.

Harry and Hermione put their school trunks down on the ground in front of them and looked over to Professor McGonagall. She pointed her wand at each in turn and chanted 'Finite Incantatum'. The trunks reverted to their normal size, but kept their expanded inside size. She then put a charm on the trunks to make them lighter and thus easier to move.

"Thank you Professor!" said Harry and Hermione together as they grabbed their trunks and headed into the madhouse of parents and students. They both began looking for Ron. It wasn't hard to spot Ron's red head as it was bobbing along above the sea of people - had he actually grown that much this year? They made their way in his direction.

They finally caught up with Ron as he was helping Luna with her trunk. Neville and Ginny were a little way behind them. Ron said, "There you are! I didn't know if we would meet here or not. I'm glad we did. Luna wants us," and he looked back towards Ginny and Neville momentarily, "to get together soon. What do you think?"

"You mean with Ginny and Neville too?" Harry said.

"Yes, the six of us that went to the Department of Mysteries," said Luna. "I was thinking of tea one afternoon. Do you have any fixed plans that might keep you away?"

"We've got a few things to do, but we're still flexible as to when we do them," Hermione replied. "What is this all about Luna?"

"Oh good, how about this Wednesday?" said Luna, "At my house, for tea. I have some ideas I'd like us to think about. Maybe we can all work together."

"Wednesday's good for me," said Harry and turned to Hermione, "Hermione?"

"Yes, that's fine for me," replied Hermione.

"Good, then it's all set," said Luna, and she drifted off in the direction of the station.

"I wonder what's that all about," said Hermione. "Ron, Harry and I need to talk to you soon. Can we meet you tomorrow afternoon?"

"Tomorrow is fine. Will we meet at the Burrow?"

"That will be good," said Hermione.

"How is Harry going to get there?" asked Ron.

"You'll see," said Harry, winking. "Let's go find your parents Hermione."

Neville, Ginny, Molly and Arthur had all arrived during the discussion. Harry and Hermione greeted them and begged off to find the Grangers and Dursleys. They made their way to the barrier and crossed over to the Muggle part of King's Cross Station. The Grangers were in plain view, about a dozen meters in front of them.

"Mum, Dad" she squealed as she ran towards them with her trunk, nearly knocking over a couple of Muggles in her dash.

She was greeted with "Honey" and "Pumpkin" as she reached her parents and found herself in a group hug followed by kisses.

Harry was hanging back to give them a chance to greet her. "Harry, get over here," she called at him as he now closed the gap.

"Mum, Dad, this is Harry," she said, and then giggled as she wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Granger."

"I'm Emma and this is Dan," said Mrs. Granger. "I think we ran into each other before … a few years ago … it's good to see you Harry. I hope this is the same Harry you've been telling us about - for the last six years."

"I remember," said Dan, "It was in that bank, Gringotts, I think it's called. Arthur Weasley dragged me off to that pub and asked me all sorts of strange questions."

"That sounds like Mr. Weasley alright; he's fascinated with anything normal from toasters to airplanes." said Harry.

Hermione smiled and said, "That was the summer before 2nd year, I had forgotten that we'd all ended up in Gringotts at the same time."

Harry blushed a little as he put an arm around Hermione's shoulders.

Hermione gave him a questioning look then said to Emma, "Mum, I promised Professor McGonagall that we would keep Harry company this summer and not leave him alone in that house with his Aunt and Uncle."

"And Dudley!" interjected Harry.

Hermione grinned, "He should be alone there for only a minimal amount of time and away from it as much as possible. Can Harry stay with us tonight? In the guest room, of course…"

Dan wasn't saying much, but he started looking a little nervous at this point. Emma said "Certainly dear, but we will need to have a little discussion about the ground rules. Are you coming with us now Harry?"

"No, I'll drop off my stuff at my Aunt and Uncle's, then pop over after supper with a few things for overnight, if that's alright. I should go find them. They must be here somewhere."

Just then Harry heard, "Hey, you, boy! We haven't got all day to waste here, come on, get a move on."

"And that would be them," Harry quipped. "I'll send Fawkes over first. When you send him back with a reply, I'll flash in beside you. I'd better go. Uncle Vernon looks like he's ready to explode. Later," he whispered as he gave Hermione a quick squeeze. "Thank you," he said to the Grangers, and walked towards the Dursleys carrying his trunk and Hedwig's cage. The trunk from Albus and the pensieve were still shrunk and in his pocket. Hermione blushed a few more shades of red.

Harry couldn't have been happier than he'd been the last few hours and he prayed the Dursleys weren't going to ruin that.

Dan took Hermione's trunk, wondering why it was so light, but not complaining. Hermione had Crookshanks in his cage and her Mum by her side while they walked out of the station and back to the car.

Harry greeted the Dursleys, who replied with nothing more than "Get a move on." As they headed out to Uncle Vernon's new company car, Harry noticed that his Uncle kept glancing at the way Harry was carrying his belongings so effortlessly. He could hardly wait to demonstrate this ability to Dudley. He would definitely have to remove the spell, wandless of course, before anyone else tried to move the trunk though.

Emma normally sat in the front seat with Dan, but since seeing her daughter with Harry, curiosity had gotten the better of her. When they got to the car, Dan put the trunk in the boot, then climbed into the driver's seat only to find Crookshank's cage beside him and the two women in the back seat talking in hushed voices. He knew Emma was interrogating their daughter to get all the glorious details about Harry, and he knew he'd find out soon enough. He couldn't recall Hermione really having a boyfriend before. She had gone to a Yule Ball a few years ago with a Bulgarian named Victor that she was impressed with at the time, but hasn't mentioned since. Then she spent several months apparently going out with Ron Weasley, a long time friend, but that seemed to be more heartbreak than happiness at the time, according to her weekly letters. Harry, on the other hand, almost always seemed to be favoured in her letters and their discussions about school when she came home. He decided he'd have to have a talk with Harry and get to know him.


They were on their way to number 4 Privet Drive. Harry thought it best to wait until they arrived before telling them he was going to be gone for the night. He didn't want Vernon to get upset while he was driving. As they were pulling into the driveway, Uncle Vernon said, "We're going out to eat and then to a show. We won't be back until late. There are some sandwiches in the refrigerator and water in the tap. Don't use the telly or touch the stereo," said Uncle Vernon.

"Don't touch any of my stuff either," said Dudley, as he stuck his head into the car window.

"Lock me in my room and you won't see me until tomorrow sometime" said Harry. This was easier than I thought. I was expecting a big fight about staying out all night. Oh joy, oh bliss.


"You never said anything about a boyfriend in your last letter. When did this happen?" asked Emma.

"First of all, I never said he was my boyfriend." Hermione replied

"Technicalities … this is big news, and I need all the juicy details. I have to be sure this is the right guy for you, don't I?"

"He's not even thinking about me as a 'date' let alone a 'girlfriend', and it's not overly juicy, but you asked for it … A large red and gold Phoenix named Fawkes gave Harry an image in his mind that included, amongst other things, the two of us standing side by side. We were in the Headmistress's office at the time, discussing what Harry had been doing with Professor Dumbledore, before he was killed and some related topics. Fawkes appeared, flew to his perch and looked Harry in the eyes. Harry made a comment something like 'Oh No!' and she asked Harry what happened. He told us that Fawkes had put an image in his mind and she asked him to describe the image to her. With the help of a book she interpreted the image. When she got to the part about the two of us standing side by side, she said it indicated that we were to be great friends. We would be with each other throughout life possibly working together."

"You told us about prophecies before. Is this one of those?"

"I'm not sure … usually a prophecy comes from a Seer, but a prophecy is not all that absolute anyway according to Dumbledore", said Hermione. "Anyway, when we were alone I tried to open up the topic and get us talking about our feelings. He stopped the discussion at that point and we tried to sort out the next few days.

"Ohhh …" Emma sighed disappointedly, "That's too bad, I know you like him a lot."

"Now for a problem you didn't expect. I did ask that Harry spend the night here tonight, but there is more to it than just tonight. Harry has to spend a certain amount of time at the Dursleys to maintain the protection spell that Dumbledore cast sixteen years ago. Dumbledore left a request in his final letter that Harry is not to be left alone this summer. I am expecting to spend a majority of the summer with him, which will mean he will need to stay here, and I will have to stay at the Dursleys house and at the Burrow. I am sure that the Dursleys will be home, so it really won't be much different than Harry coming here and there's always someone at The Burrow. We also have some studying and other research projects to keep us busy."

"I am surprised both of you aren't yelling and screaming at me by now. I'm just realizing how insane this must be sounding to you."

"Insane … no not really … lets see … one boy two years ago asks you to a Christmas dance and another boy a year ago, who you were mostly fighting with, and now Harry … and you practically want to set up housekeeping with him already. That sounds perfectly normal to me dear."

"Mum! It's not like that, he doesn't think of me as more than a friend. You know and I know I've loved him for years. Most of my letters home have been about him, he's just … never responded back to me as anything but a friend."

"I saw a gleam in his eyes when he was looking at you and the way he gave you a squeeze before he left. Just a friend … a couple of days, maybe a week without your school environment and other friends … we'll see, just friends. Keep in mind that your dad and I still think of you as our little girl, and I know he would like to keep that image going for a while longer."

"Little girl, huh? I bought a new dress in Edinburgh this afternoon that might ruin the little girl image. When I showed it to Harry, his imitation of a Black Moor goldfish was priceless."

"You must show me as soon as you get unpacked," Emma said as they arrived home. "All this went on today. A funeral, trip to Edinburgh, and the train ride to King's Cross doesn't sound like it could fit in one day."

"We weren't on the train, and a little bit of magic can accomplish amazing things. You do realize that I can now use magic any time I want."

Dan got the trunk out of the car as the women walked into the house chatting. Hermione let Crookshanks out of his carrier. Then the two women made their way into the kitchen and sat at a corner of the table talking quietly. Dan came in a few seconds later and sat across from Hermione. Emma was at the end. "Your trunk was very light. Did you leave half of your stuff behind at school?" asked Dan.

"No … Oh, Professor McGonagall expanded our trunks when we arrived at King's Cross, then made them lighter so they would be easier to move. I'll take it upstairs later. I was mentioning to Mum that I can now do magic out of school because I'm seventeen."

"Your Mother and I haven't seen you do any magic before, so we have no idea what's possible. Is a glass of water too difficult?"

"That's too easy Daddy, I hardly have to think." Hermione took three toothpicks out of the shot glass in the center of the table and spread them out in front of her. She pulled her wand out of her sleeve and with silent incantations, transfigured them into three crystal water goblets. Using a silent 'Aguamenti' charm, she filled each goblet with water, then levitated one over to her mother and another over to her father.

Hermione put her wand away and picked up her goblet, then took a sip. She watched both her parents look at the goblets. "Its just water, like you asked for," she said, then took another sip and put her goblet down.


They all went into the house. Harry took his things and Hedwig upstairs, delighting in the perplexed look Dudley had on his face when he carried the entire load using one hand on the bottom of the trunk. He then let Hedwig out before Uncle Vernon got a chance to lock the window. He told Hedwig to meet him at Hermione's house later. She gave him a light peck on his hand and flew off. Harry went down to the kitchen where Aunt Petunia was taking a leftover sandwich out of the refrigerator for Harry. He got himself a large glass of water and the sandwich and went upstairs without saying a word.

After Harry entered his room, he thought he'd have some fun with Uncle Vernon. He first tried locking one of the door locks using wandless magic and pointing his finger at the lock. On the third attempt he heard a satisfying click. He now had a better idea how much focus and concentration he needed and proceeded to lock all of the locks.

He lay down on the bed, not really watching the ceiling, but more daydreaming and going over the impossible events of this day. McGonagall's office … Dumbledore's letter … the letter I still have in my pocket, later for that … Hermione … the new dress … my god … she's gorgeous in that dress … not that she looks bad any other time, but those school robes, even jeans and a t-shirt, just don't fill out like that dress. I can still remember vividly when I first saw her coming down the grand staircase to the Yule Ball in fourth year, wow. I couldn't really generate any interest in Parvati after that. I was just so mad at myself for not asking Hermione first. I'm sure it would have all turned out very differently. Nothing had changed between her and me. I'm just a big chicken, I guess. Excuses of not wanting to ruin one friendship or another aside, I'm a big chicken, I should've said something.

Get your mind off her. You've got other things to think about right now. When we were relaxing in the common room today, I found that smell again. I thought I'd smelled it before at The Burrow, but I never did smell it on Ginny. That flowery aroma I smell in Hermione's hair is exactly the same smell I detected in the cauldron of Amortentia in Slughorn's Potions class that first lesson. How dense can I be?

Snap out of it. You've got stuff to do before going over to Hermione's.

Vernon's knock on the door finally brought him back to reality. "You, in there, boy! How come this door's locked! Do you have a key? Open this door now!"

Harry concentrated very hard, pointed his finger at each lock until he heard a click, then at the knob and with a screech sound the door slowly swung open with a little squeak from the hinges.

Vernon saw Harry lying on the bed with his finger pointed lazily towards the door and a smile on his face. "You know you're not allowed to do magic in this house and if you do, you'll get kicked out of that freak house they call a school. If you try any more magic around here, I'll lock you in that cupboard again, I swear I will!" Vernon said, his face as red as Petunia's lipstick.

"Uncle, I'm going out in an hour or two. I'll be gone until late tomorrow sometime, but I will return. I will lock this room solidly before I leave. I recommend you don't attempt to get in here." Harry said softly, "As for the freak house kicking me out, it's doubtful that the school will open next year, so that's not an issue I'm concerned about." Harry hoped to unnerve Uncle Vernon enough to get a little respect. Harry wiggled his finger, concentrating very hard on getting the door to close smoothly, and with a click of the latch, it shut. He used another spell to seal the door so no Muggle could open it.

Uncle Vernon tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Vernon, still a little flustered, went downstairs and yelled "Come on, were leaving now!"

That little session took a lot of concentration and willpower. Harry's forehead was damp with perspiration. This wandless magic was getting a little easier, but it took quite a bit of effort. It would have been easier to get up and close the door, though that wouldn't have had the required effect on Uncle Vernon. Harry ate his meagre sandwich and had some water before unpacking his trunk.

Harry needed to make a list of things to do. Talk to Ron, talk to Ginny, go to Gringotts, get some money, Bill and Fleur's wedding, apparition testing - talk to Mr. Weasley, my birthday, Godric's Hollow, returning to school, Luna's tea party, Hermione… Hermione … snap out of it, better start getting unpacked and get ready to go.

To be able to call this home, he thought, most of my things need to be here. He took the new clothes out and put the boxes on the bed, then unpacked all the other clothes into his closet and dresser. Then he found his school bag and transferred the contents into the now empty trunk. He could use it to carry a change of clothes and stuff over to Hermione's. The trunk he got from Dumbledore and the pensieve were still tiny and sitting in his pocket. He pulled them out and put them on the bedside table with his wand. By the time he'd done all that, he still hadn't seen an owl from the Ministry, so he figured that Professor McGonagall must have been right, they couldn't trace wandless magic. Bag packed, fresh clothes laid out, time for a shower. He unsealed the door, opened it and crossed the hall to the bathroom and made himself presentable. Harry enjoyed the shower until the water started to cool, then he got out and dried himself.

Harry walked back to his room and closed the door. He got dressed in his new jeans and a shirt that had the same colours as Gryffindor house, which had startled him when he spotted it hanging on the rack in the store. He put his toothbrush, comb and toiletries in the bag, as well as the tiny trunk and the pensieve. Then he put his wand in the bag, must not endanger those buttocks. He grinned and wrote a quick note to Hermione.



I am ready to leave here any time. Introduce Fawkes to your parents so there won't be any unexpected surprises when I come over. I don't really want to make the grand entrance from a broom cupboard or bathroom; it lacks dignity. When you send Fawkes back, I'll come right over and try to end up standing beside you. Hedwig is on her way over. I sent her as soon as I got here. Please leave a window open, or listen for her.



Harry called Fawkes in his mind and moments later the big bird appeared in a flash of red. He landed on Harry's desk. Harry held up the folded note to Fawkes and said, "Please take this to Hermione" while inserting an image of Hermione in his mind. Fawkes took the note and, after launching himself off the desk, vanished in a red flash.

The Grangers were in the middle of pizza in the kitchen when Fawkes flashed into the living room and perched on the back of the sofa. He sent an image of himself on the sofa to Hermione.

"Oh my," said Hermione, "I wasn't expecting that."

"What's the matter dear?" said Emma.

"I think Fawkes is here with a message from Harry. I'll just check in the other room, be right back." She walked into the living room and over to Fawkes to take the note. Halfway through reading the note, she started to laugh, then motioned for Fawkes to perch on her shoulder and walked back into the kitchen. Blushing slightly she said, "I am supposed to introduce Fawkes to you."

After introducing her mother, Fawkes flew over and perched on Emma's shoulder, who was obviously still trying to work out whether this was actually a Phoenix. Then Hermione introduced her father and the bird flew over to his shoulder. Hermione handed the note to her Mum, who also chuckled before passing it to Dan. "I don't think we're quite ready for Harry yet," Hermione said to Fawkes. Dan looked at his daughter in disbelief, thinking that the bird couldn't possibly understand her.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" she asked Fawkes. Fawkes sent her an image of a small waterfall. "That might be a bit much, how about this," and she pulled out her wand and conjured a perch like the one Dumbledore had in his office, though not in gold, with a water dish on one side and a food dish on the other. Then using a silent 'Aguamenti' charm she filled the water dish saying, "Let me know what you want to eat." Fawkes flew over and landed, then took a drink of the water.

"Let's finish eating then I want to see your new dress before Harry shows up."

"My little pumpkin has a new dress?" questioned Dan. "What's the occasion and do I get to see it? It's not often enough I get to see you in a dress, either of you, for that matter."

"It needs to be shortened a bit, so could you pin it up for me Mum? Dad, I'll come down when we've got it pinned. I'll meet you in my room, Mum." Hermione walked out of the kitchen and over to her trunk. She picked up the trunk and as Emma came out of the kitchen, Hermione did a pirouette and with a pop, disappeared. Emma let out a scream that brought Dan to her side in a moment. All he could see was Emma pointing to the bottom of the stairs where he had left the trunk.