Unofficial Portkey Archive

Tag: Harry & Hermione

Showing page 62 of 101.

  1. Harry Potter and the Girl Who Lived by seleene_paris

    : Two people bound by blood find each other after sixteen years. In order to be a family once again, they must accomplish the impossible: defeat the Dark Lord at his own game. I began typing this before book 5 came out. It’s supposed to occur in Harry's 7th year. Consider it an AU. (AU stands for Alternate Universe if you do not have a clue.)

  2. A Restructured Life by JayR

    One Shot-After tragedy devastates Harry Potter's well-planned future, Hermione is there to pick up the pieces.

  3. Economy of Words by SheWhoHathAPen

    My H/Hr drabble-esque pieces.

  4. Bring the Rain by jardyn39

    Harry receives a belated invitation to join the Grangers for the Easter holidays. Looking forward to helping out with their redecorating, he soon finds himself implicated in a bank robbery. Arthur and Kingsley will help as soon as they extricate themselves from a certain cupboard, and even Dumbledore may struggle not to laugh at Harry’s first and memorable attempt at Apparating. Regrettably, though, Harry may just have come to the attention of his Eminence. Inevitably, Harry finds himself trying to break into the very bank he was falsely suspected of robbing.

  5. Writing To Reach You by weird4hanson

    "Safe in Harbor/Above It All" Futurefic. This is the story of Emerson Potter, twenty-one year old daughter of Harry and Hermione. It explores two years in her life as she falls in love with the last person she expected to, while pursuing the dream of her life. The whole gang is back: Ben, Budget and Vina, (plus Harry and Hermione, of course) but the focus is on Emerson. Come read along!

  6. Butterfly Kisses by sarahmay

    A one-shot songfic in honor of father's everywhere! Happy Father's Day!

  7. Like a Bad Teen Movie by Cassie Valentine

    No real spoilers. "Looking back on things, she supposed one could say it was all like one of those bad teen movies. It had all started out innocently enough. Ron was getting married and she had needed a date. Well, hadn't needed a date, but she didn't particularly want to go stag and have to depend on Harry or the other Weasley boys or any of the boys for Hogwarts for dance partners."

  8. Lucky You by Bowles

    It takes the death of a loved one, a secret party, and a long talk with his best friend for Harry to realize how lucky he is, but in the end, he finds that all he needs is someone to lean on every now and then.

  9. Ever the Seeker by lockedinaroom

    One-shot. A game of keep-away gets a little out of “hand”...

  10. Old Man Potter by H_HrFan

    The boys froze where they stood. Three sets of eyes staring wide and unblinkingly at old man Potter. Roger took a deep, shaky breath, and with a determined look, he stepped forward, closing the distance between them. “Hi, Mr. Potter,” he said, his voice shaking with uncontrollable fear. “We were uh…” he turned to look at the other two boys who had not made a move to follow him, he jerked his head in their direction and stammered on breathlessly, “we were wondering, um, how true the uh, the rumors were.”

  11. Zombie by Facade

    He can't seem to stop watching her break down. Voyeur! Ron

  12. September by Green_Eye_Sparkle16

    No plot whatsoever. Just FLUFF! Reviews are appreciated!

  13. My Immortal by HarrynHermione4eva

    Harry is dead. Hermione is having thoughts of joining him, when she reminisces their last years together. Her thoughts are cut short when their child cries for her mother's attention, and Hermione knows Harry is still with her.

  14. Eternity and a Day by carondelet

    [completed; non-canonical] We can hear its footsteps. Hear it creeping; hear the fall, the echo of it coming up the backstairs. Hear the groan as it draws closer still.

  15. Your Faith In Me by Siriusly_Snuffles

    Hermione Granger has long graduated from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry and has spent the years since trying to avoid something-or someone. When she comes back to London for a wedding, life throws someone at her that she doesn't expect.

  16. The Conclusion by danfan4ever

    A cute lil one shot set after the final battle while Hermione is waiting for Harry to wake up. A cute little fluff story I wrote a long time ago! Please review!

  17. A Little Brave by Tarie

    Near the end of his seventh year at Hogwarts, Harry left the wizarding world without a trace. Years later, he and Hermione are unexpectedly reunited... will they be able to rekindle what they once had?

  18. A Turn of Events by Hedwig76

    During their seventh year, Harry finds himself a new girlfriend causing a range of feelings in Hermione. Ron is caught in the middle. In order to maintain his sanity, he's forced to take matters into his own hands.

  19. Just Breathe by Phoenix_eyes15

    It's 5 months after the defeat of Lord Voldemort, and an unexpected enemy rises out of the ashes and is bent on revenge. Lives are ruined, and Harry's world is suddenly turned upside down. (H-Hr) (Warning: Some adult themes and language)

  20. Head Over Feet by MmeFleiss

    Hermione’s monotonous after work routine is shaken by a wandering hand with wicked intentions.

  21. The Rescue by Tarie

    Harry decides to 'rescue' Hermione from the library.

  22. The Wishing Jar by carondelet

    [completed; character death] You know that you are moving further away. The more you force yourself to remember, the more you make yourself regret, you know that your actions are making your true self move further and further away into yesterday.

  23. A Beautiful Morning by Vickles

    Hermione wakes up one unsuspecting morning to find an unexpected surprise. Romance/Fluff, and a general feel-good ficlet. Enjoy!

  24. We Can All Play by H_HrFan

    Harry has a big 'stick' he wants to show Hermione. Ron arrives unexpectedly, Hermione gets annoyed, and Harry gives them both a surprise! Innuendo abounds.

  25. A Vexation of Spirit by carondelet

    [completed] She wondered why it wasn’t raining. With the moon cast in a bloody pallor by her sins, the sky should be crying as well.

  26. Proof of Concept by carondelet

    [completed] Somehow, someway, we are all together. I never put it into so many words, but it’s this moment...this is the moment that I live for.

  27. Fancies, Friendship and Feelings by Bingblot

    It was now or never... Ron finally gets up the courage to ask Hermione on a date. My take on R/Hr and H/G-- and why they're just not meant to be. Finished- with why H/Hr is right.

  28. Forever by sarahmay

    Then she sat down and began to write a letter to the man a few rooms from her…the hardest letter she would ever write…

  29. Horse-Hair Lights by magpie_igraine

    This is my response fic to Amblica's "Long Shot" challenge. Hermione gets lost, Harry gets upset. Simple. Sweet. Enjoy!

  30. Tell You Something by Ellie_Parker

    Harry talks to Hermione after a week of silence at Grimmauld Place. One-shot.

  31. Strangers in the Night by Nox

    PWP. Post-Hogwarts by a year or two. Harry, the perpetually-on-the-road Quidditch star, returns to the London flat shared with his best friends for a much-needed post-season break. An evening encounter brings unexpected, if heady, results.

  32. Making Her Love Me by hphg_fan

    This in response to the challenge Making a Bet. It's the sixth year, and Harry has to seduce Hermione. Ron has to seduce Luna. During the holidays, Dean bets Ron he can't seduce Luna Lovegood. While Ron bets Harry can't seduce Hermione. Harry is very competetive and drunk so he accepts. Better then it sounds I hope. Read and Review! Update: I am going on hiatus after my father had a series of heart attacks. I will update when I find out on the fate o my father. Your support is appreciated.

  33. The Flame Still Burns by Beatrix85

    It’s strange how you can come to despise one single name. I didn’t think it could happen to me, but it did.

  34. You Need to Know by spikesbitch

    Sometimes even the smartest people need others to tell them that they are blind. **COMPLETE**

  35. From the Diary of Ginny Weasley by magpie_igraine

    This is a fluffiful, super short, one-shot with some light language issues and a little implied smut. My tribute to the movie Bridget Jones's Diary (the first one, not the sequel). D/G mentioned.

  36. It Falls Back On Me by kaoticcutie

    Something horrible happens to Hermione and she closes up and becomes a recluse. Can Harry open her back up again? Bad summary but I swear the story will be better!!!

  37. Fortuitous Ruminations by Ecthelion

    A Sixth Year Story Through and Through.

  38. Something She'd Never Said Before by Caina

    She'd given him his first hug, his first kiss, and now she's the first to tell him...I love you, Harry.

  39. Snips and Snazzles by magpie_igraine

    Just what every girl needs, hair-care tips from Tonks. Fluffy-fluffy response to Cherry's 'haircut' challenge. One-shot.

  40. Nagging by Moonstruck

    Sometimes we don't see the good in the bad things until they are taken aways from us. We resent the thing we hate, but miss it when it is gone. Harry Potter finds how true this is.

  41. Just Another Ordinary Day by AquamarineCrystal

    Harry and Ron get a little surprise at the Ministry one day on what they thought would just be another ordinary day. Second and final part uploaded!

  42. Awful by Goldy

    "For a moment, you think she’s joking. When she doesn’t laugh or smile you begin to suspect that Ron has been right all along—she’s completely mental." A new take on how Hermione might react to the prophecy.

  43. Most Valuable Asset by GracieInGreek

    "Please. Ron, I need you to hear me...I know I--neither of us have any right to ask anything of you now. But--but--," she faltered for a moment, and he could hear her swallow. "But...because you love me, I need you to just hear me. To look at me." 'You always hurt the ones you love' never rang so true.

  44. Imagine by sarahmay

    It's too short to have a summary...just something that will take about a minute of your time - literally! Please R/R!

  45. Thoughts Before You by theweirdgirl

    This has a few lyrics from Amber Pacific. It's not a song-fic. Very short. Two chapters. First H/Hr fic. Please criticize.

  46. Make Like Strangers - Directions by Make Like Strangers

    On their way to a party, Harry and Hermione get lost. But will Harry admit it?

  47. Always There by Hedwig76

    Seven Years after the trio left Hogwarts, Hermione thinks she's finally found love, but soon realizes things are not always as they seem. Harry comes to her rescue and in the process discovers that his feelings for his long-time best friend are deeper than he thought. Will Harry be able to set her free from that wrong love? Will she respond to Harry's feelings?

  48. Tête-à-tête by seleene_paris

    During the summer before their sixth year, Hermione visits Harry while he’s still at the Dursleys’ home. They end up having a private conversation about the prophecy, death, life, and love.

  49. The Act by bewitched_writer

    Harry and Hermione go to desperate measures when their love lives go awry.

  50. The Lost Wizard by wetback

    The Great Hall was crowded for the end of year feast. The cheering was broken by a scream as a hooded figure drifted behind her as she stood in shock to see the end of a sword extruding from her chest.